My first journey to Hyperspace!! Options
#1 Posted : 4/1/2014 2:07:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 55
Joined: 14-Jan-2014
Last visit: 02-Jan-2016
Greetz irie People,

Some of you might know that I have been actively perusing the spirit molecule here locally in SA but it is not an easy task. The resources, knowledge and test is far and wide apart, some people know about it but won’t share for some reason.
The search started to get more and more difficult the closer I got to spice, Until early last week a friend advised me about a person who not only has the knowledge by can also share the technique and beginner mistakes, So I contacted them and set up a meeting.

I am not going to go onto the details of the meet and greet. On Sunday I ended up making various extracts and examples but the top of the day was Changa made by no one other than myself and a few friends.

I do have to add this… THE SPICE WILL FIND YOU! I have been searching for it and received a lot of signs that eventually led me to this. But the most important fact that I learned is that spice will become available to you when IT IS GOOD AND READY. So if you are on the journey nearing your wits end… Don’t give up, you will be there before you can expect it.

Now onto my journey… I cannot remember a lot of details as this was incredibly overwhelming for me and I was kind of shocked at what just happened. One thing I can say is that nothing I could ever read or think of could ever prepare me for what came next.
Started preparing by stating the intention and clearing the space of any unwanted thoughts (a very short meditation to collect the thoughts). This was the moment of truth. On the 1st try I took 3 hits with a glass pipe, Not big but not small either. I held it in for a few seconds and exhaled. I started feeling the onset in my body, like a heat and pleasantness from within. I closed my eyes and started seeing very feint moving patterns like a optical illusion but with lines an shapes that I have never seen before. A few minutes passed and the feeling dissipated. My guides asked how it was and I explained that not much happened.
It was time for round two and instead of 3 smaller hits I took one HUUUUGE hit and kept it in for about 13 – 15 seconds. On the exhalation I immediately knew what’s happening. It started in my body and quickly moved all over, my face felt warm and I could feel the real effects take its route. More vivid lines and patterns emerged while I had closed eyes.

The feeling increased and I was overwhelmed with moving patterns and lines of a Aztek or Maori nature. From those visuals a Bright yellow, orange and red optical illusion started growing. It kept on growing and growing and soon became the only thing I could see, It was like looking into patterns of Infinity.

I started hearing weird sounds and the voices of the people with me changed to a buzzing or whining sound so I said: “Please shhhhh”. I suddenly heard the voice of an elderly black male greeting in his native tongue, That put me into a feared state as I knew there was no elderly black man with us. It persisted for a moment and then I suddenly KNEW that this entity was not here to harm me.

I was fearful or overwhelmed because at the same time It felt like I was sitting around a fire with native shaman from all over the world, I could also hear very weird collection of sounds, I know now that it was some kind of entity but at that moment is sounded like a collection of clicking sounds coupled with small indescribable sounds. I started trying to get out of this place but just breathing very deep and focusing on getting back to my present state and time, I was ‘pulled back’ a few times almost as if the other side (hyperspace) did not want to let me go, this scared me a little.

I managed to get my eyes open but I could still not recognize the things around me as everything was covered in this weird texture I looked up at the sky and I could only see what I describe as ancient invisible (to the sober eye) grids,lines and patterns that surround the earth. I continued to close my eyes and force to open them, It took a while to collect myself and I immediately started trying to make sense of how long I was away.

I stared getting back to normal and had open eye visuals for a while, I was really really overwhelmed by what just happened and just tried to make sense of this all.

I could not make sense of it at that time, but immediately thought I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN. As the night progressed and I was getting ready for bed I had this feeling that this was an enlightened experience, I was kind of happy and felt clean inside.
The days following (Monday and today) I find myself thinking about hyperspace a lot and that I need to get back there. There is more that they want to show me. And this is good.

I am now ready for my next journey and know that this was an incredible experience which left me feeling incredibly blessed and thankful for what I experienced.

Thank you to everyone who helped me along my journey and got me to this point, you know who you are…
Big grin Big grin Big grin
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#2 Posted : 4/2/2014 3:24:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 55
Joined: 14-Jan-2014
Last visit: 02-Jan-2016
Very happy Very happy
“We need to interact with like-minded people throughout the world to establish the new intellectual order which will be the salvation of mankind.”
– Terence McKenna
#3 Posted : 4/2/2014 5:00:25 PM


Senior Member

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Hey there!

Great report!

The spice sometimese does find you. It found me in a most unusual place 7 years ago. I still can't believe the circumstances looking back.

Keep journeying, writing, questioning, you are on the right track!

#4 Posted : 4/2/2014 5:39:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 28-Jun-2012
Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
Thanks for sharing.
"Never going to do it again" is a popular one Pleased
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