I wake up everyday feeling the same. I feel an energy within me, burning and singing to me. It feels as though my soul has grown to large for my body, or maybe I've become aware that I had one to begin with. I know I cant be the only person experiencing thins awesome and beautiful feeling. I witnessed within in my own mind the inter-connectivity that is our reality and cosmos. I feel like everyday more and more minds are becoming aware to the fact that all life shares something. Something deep within in us all, its bright and primal. A link to a realm of energy and vibration.
Hopefully one day I wake up with a feeling resonating along the frequency of creation. a collective consciousness quietly contemplating the beauty of an endless spiral of self similarities and human emotion. Vibration from the begging extended all the way to the end. The soul unleashed, unshackled from a world of Gold and Iron. A conscious free from the narrow mindedness of greed and the illusion of time. Time and observation are the glues that solidify our material world. With out this, the physical plane dissolves and you see in a new light.
This light is unimaginable, consisting of all possible positions, and outcomes. every were you've been and every where you'll go. its simply juxtaposed across existence in one scene. This is the universe of light and energy that exist beside our universe of materials. Unfortunately though consciousness and observation can only happen in a finite space. so our conscious presence collapses a wave function of a quantum level, thus creating a finite space for itself(a conscious) to exist in. this segregation of Light and Material is the reason from human thought, and the reason we see the world in such a static manner.
In this separate universe, this is where our conscious is located. Its my belief that the collective consciousness of our living energy is aware that its shackled up and locked away. Meanwhile most of humanity and life is blind to this in a sense. We were born into the world. forced to survive or die. This brings me to the creation of Ego. Once consciousness collapse a wave function it represent its self in a physical body (life). Ego is a part of the material world rooted deep in the brain of life. it attaches value to your physical body, and a will to keep living and moving forward with time.
I would Like to believe now is the time to find our soul. life has survived for far to long. Life as a hole can transcend all this hate and death. I mean if its true energy can never been destroyed, intrinsically that means we can never truly die. Just change states of consciousness. Ego is weakness and judgment is poison for the soul. This the source of all oppression. if one part of the soul is not free, Then we are all rotting in that dark cell we call isolation.
I know all of this sounds crazy, but I remember just years ago. I was alone and isolated from the idea of being one with life. Not having trillions of brothers and sisters in life across the universe. It was lonely and truly dark. For I blamed no one but humanity and its blindness. It made sense for along time. As it turn out though there is not isolation just the illusion of it.
I saw my soul one night. A life form that was me but totally separate and so far from my physical body. Even with that distance I could here it singing with love and warmth. Showing brightly with colors impossible in a static universe. My mind rose up like a beacon and I suddenly saw past the illusion were are born into, and forced to believe or die. I learned a deep love and respect for this energy within me. Once I learned this about my self I saw this same energy fractal-ling out across all life. Not only did I learn self love, I learned to love all life like I love myself
In finding my soul. I found that realm of beautiful light. A power, that life as a whole is part of it. I see it in myself. the fore I see myself in the eyes and hearts of all life. how could I not help but crumble into nothing and just love.
I want to spread this message of love, I want to protest the old ways, I want to see the corporate world burn before me. If Life rose up as one entity and broke apart into a wave of pure potentials, I am sure we could surpass the oppression and enter and age of transcended intelligence, uninhibited love, and a universe were our intentions shape reality. This is only the begging, but I guess im just talking to myself, right?