Cannabis Threads Index Options
#1 Posted : 3/19/2014 5:52:18 AM


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In light of the recent discussion on a cannabis sub-forum, I've decided to go ahead and create a thread indexing the cannabis topics on the forum.

Should we not get a cannabis sub-forum this thread can serve as an index of cannabis related topics spread throughout the forum, should we get a cannabis sub-forum this can serve as a nice organized list of threads to move into it.

See the cannabis forum discussion here.

best coffeeshop for hash in amsterdam?

Cannabis & DMT:
DMT Hash Oil
DMT hash
Rough Idea for DMT/Hash Oil Tek
Experiment: DMT infused Hash Oil. Success.
DMT infused hash
Changa Blend with hash oil?

Easy food safe hash oil!
Naptha hash
Comparison of hash making techniques
Quick Wash ISO Hash
Hash Oil in E-cig

Reading: Walter Benjamin on hashish (and mescaline)
A Life in hashistan((Afghanistan)

Colloidal Silver and Hash
IPA hash oil?
hash oil rick simpson style, how to purge remaining solvent residue
hash from d-limonene?
cleaning hash from ecalyptys oil?

These are the relevant threads that showed up in a forum search for the word "hash" in the title. This will be an ongoing project, any assistance indexing cannabis related threads will be highly appreciated.

Count: 21 Threads
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/19/2014 5:59:43 AM


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These are the threads that show up in a search for "bho"

BHO ..... BHOOMG!!

BHO help please (butane honey oil)
Questions regarding BHO

clean your bho!

Count: 4 Threads
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#3 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:05:36 AM


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These are the threads that show up in a search for "hemp".

Just abit of homegrown hemp

Cannabis infused Hemp seed oil

Bill to Legalize Hemp in Kentucky Approved By State Committee
Cannabis and Hemp Legalization in CA

Count: 5 Threads
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#4 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:14:42 AM


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Just a few randoms. Search for "ganja" "reefer" and "marihuana"

Cannabis and DMT:
Ganja And DMT: Do They Mix?

Why do I fear on Marihuana?
VINTAGE Truth/musicCab Calloway - Reefer Man High Quality

Count: 3 Threads
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
Cosmic Spore
#5 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:27:21 AM

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some results from searching for Vaporizors and e-cigs:

Gentleman's Vapes hash oil atomizer / ecig administration
VapeXhale Cloud Vaporiser experience
Volcano vaporizer (classic / digital, vapor dome?)
Confessions of a Vaporizer Enthusiast

count: at least 4

search for Marijuana:
Bizzare Reaction To Marijuana: Is This Normal
Marijuana: the killer drug
Marijuana subforum?
Should we have a Cannabis subforum? (Generic, Cultivation, Preparations, Exp. reports)
Turn in your guns for free Marijuana!
Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana
Uruguay House Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill
Uruguay government announces plan to sell marijuana
Herbal alternatives to marijuana? Esp. for lucid dreaming?
police to use "nasal ranger" to track marijuana smoke
Portland, Maine and 3 cities in Michigan Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Marijuana Addiction Advice?
Marijuana Firecracker Recipes
Synthetic Marijuana, Demons, Pre-DMT
Marijuana Legalization: 11 States On the Cusp Of Going Green
New strain of marijuana - not sativa nor indica
Former Microsoft manager proposes national marijuana brand, robust pot trade with Mexico
Marijuana Production and Distribution - Washington - First Draft
Medical Marijuana Capsules Made Easy!
Some marijuana and Salvia questions
I went 7 days without marijuana
Marijuana and the brain
Symptoms I experience after vaporizing Marijuana
New Medical Marijuana Regulations in Canada - Government is taking public comment until 2013-02-28
Marijuana potentiation idea
habitual marijuana use and dmt/the pineal gland
Again 0.o Meditation, marijuana.
8 States May Legalize Marijuana This Year – Did Yours Make the List?
Sexing Marijuana plants.
Marijuana legalization on the ballot this year!
My most visual trip ever... From Marijuana!!!
How to become a medicinal marijuana farmer
While Obama's Thugs Raid Marijuana School, People Die
Impartial Marijuana Infomation
President Obama’s YouTube Forum deems marijuana legalization questions “inappropriate”
Marijuana Gene Sequence
Marijuana makes traffic safer
Teen dies of gunshot wound to head after smoking marijuana laced with hallucinogens
Books on DMT and marijuana
Mixing DMT and Marijuana
marijuana death experience
Marijuana poised to become legal in Canada
Anyone else no longer able to smoke marijuana?
Marijuana makes your brain bigger!
$15 million in marijuana seized 5 miles from my house
My mind on marijuana
The Future of Psychedelic and Medical Marijuana Research
2010 Global Marijuana March
Global Marijuana March 2010
extreme sensitivity to marijuana
UK Drug Advisor Fired After Marijuana Comments
A good read on the use of marijuana
Penn Says: Legalize Marijuana
Dmt my teacher. Marijuana my helper.
NORML Breaking News: Marijuana Legalization Bills Introduced In Massachusetts!
avoiding marijuana before DMT - how long?

Count: 57 Threads
#6 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:44:54 AM

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming

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#7 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:56:45 AM


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Search for "weed".

maoi with weed or salvia?
calming an overexcited nervous system from weed?
Do different methods of smoking weed actually provide different highs?
Weed for dmt after quitting *EDIT* Fell back in love with DMT
Odd tricks when smoking weed?
Is weed trippy for anyone?
Do you like psychedelics but not weed?
HPPD or something when I smoke Weed
Atypical damage from weed, thoughts?
Weed for socialising
Weed infused with harmala
Do you guys think it's positive, negative or neutral to smoke weed everyday?
ABV weed extraction?
why should weed be illegal ?
The weed! Ingestion?
How long after an Ayahuasca ceremony can you smoke weed?

weed smoking etiquette
getting tired of weed...
Weed's legalization would cause shifts in powers of industries
Quitting Weed
Federal Weed Legalization

Experience Reports:
An experience through weed?
Visuals, clarity from weed-changa
mostly weed with a little salvia..!WOW!

Grafting weed?
Growing some weed outside, too late in the season?

Cannabis and DMT:
question re: infusing dmt in weed and smoking same
opinions on Weed + Spice
dmt enhanced weed?
Smoking weed before spice, bad idea or irrelevant?
DMT and weed for a bad time
Why wouldn't you want to smoke weed with or without dmt?
mix weed and spice together?

Weed + video games delays alzheimers
The weed is too strong, maaan!

Lung cancer and weed smoking

How to take the smell out of weed before smoking it?

Count: 37 Threads
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#8 Posted : 3/19/2014 2:10:31 PM


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#9 Posted : 3/19/2014 2:29:03 PM


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#10 Posted : 3/19/2014 2:58:21 PM


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Cosmic Spore
#11 Posted : 3/19/2014 6:24:43 PM

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Search for Cannabis:

Poll Question : Should we have a Cannabis subforum? (Generic, Cultivation, Preparations etc
Indexing Cannabis Threads
Cannabinoid & Cannabis Studies, Documentaries & the like
Death by... um... cannabis?
adverse side effects of using cannabis during pregnancy
Cannabis Legalization: Like Dominos
A controlled family study of cannabis users with and without psychosis
Kratom, Cannabis Brownie Recipe
Cannabis and Hemp Legalization in CA
Cannabis in Colorado
Eating cured cannabis buds for CBDs?
Cannabis-Related Working Memory Deficits and Associated Subcortical Morphological Differences in Hea
US Justice Department won't oppose state laws for cannabis regulation
DMT+Cannabis as Enhanced Leaf?
Uruguay cannabis legalization can change war on drugs in Latin America
Very First Human Trials Using Cannabis To Treat Brain Cancer
Carl Sagan on Cannabis
Cannabis and Aya/Pharmahuasca?
Cannabis 'abuse' and 'recovery'?
[ICEERS] Health and Quality of Life in Cannabis Medicinal Users
Safety of Juicing Cannabis
Question for researchers about Cannabis extracts
Need advice on nutrients for Cannabis plants.
The Different Constituents Of Cannabis; Their Properties & Boiling Points For Vapourization
anyone need cannabis growing help?
Is Cannabis An Entheogen?
Gorgeous Vintage Advertisements for Heroin, Cannabis and Cocaine
Cannabis Documentary show
Cannabis and drug tests
Naphtha cannabis extraction
cannabis grow autoflower
Time dialation - slowed perception of time - pre breakthrou on Cannabis?
Great article on cannabis....High on Health: CBD in the Food Supply
Cannabis after DMT
Maryland senate votes to decriminalize small amounts of cannabis.
Bill to legalize cannabis introduced in Maryland. Six more US states considering legislation.
Non Psychoactive Cannabis
Giving up the Green Bitch: Reflections on Cannabis, Ayahuasca and the mystery of plant teachers
Dietary Cannabis is why I'm here
Quick and Effective oral Cannabis prep
Petition: Re-legalise & regulate Cannabis for personal, medical & industry use in Aus
The Importance of Drinking Rather Than Smoking Cannabis
Visual Hallucinations from Cannabis
DMT invading Cannabispace
ABV (already been vape'd) cannabis extraction techniques
Cannabis promotes certain cancer growths?
Making Vegan Cannabis Butter for baking with...
We have legal cannabis in the USA!!!
Driving under the influence of cannabis - Split off from We have legal cannabis thread
Protesting for full cannabis legalization.
What to do with old cannabis stems?
Poll Question : When do you think Cannabis will be freely, 100% legal in your country?
Juicing Raw Cannabis
Lack of Cannabidiol in hydro grown Cannabis?
DMT infused Cannabis
Tattoo artist used DMT/cannabis to feed his imagination
Cannabis Cup Raided
VG and Cannabis: will the taste remain?
Bad news for medical cannabis patients...
Five high-end articles about cannabis
cannabis and autism
Bill to legalize cannabis sales in liquor stores in Washington - Please Call!
420: Cannabis Changa [Magnetic Sun]
traditional cannabis/iboga combo?
Liquid Cannabis
BBC news website: "Cannabis use 'raises psychosis risk' - study"
Cannabis pipes/vaporizators recommendations
Cannabis cross tolerance with tryptamines..
Cannabis diaries
cannabis and aya?
Christmas Combo - Champagne, Clonazepam, Cannabis & Changa (Dont Mix!)
Cured: A Cannabis Story ( Video)
Scientists Find Cannabis Compound (CBD) Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers
Is it possible to defat cannabis before an extraction?
Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers
Cannabis and psychosis
SHE with Cannabis theme, August 18th.
Cannabis infused Hemp seed oil
Using raw cannabis
nasal cannabis?
growing cannabis outdoors
1200mg dosage of Hybrid Medical Cannabis. "Edible brownie"
a better cannabis extraction
Does your Cannabis use, eventuate with diminishing returns?
Ramblings on Cannabis Tincture
limonene cannabis extraction
Is it just me, or one can have really intense trips on cannabis?
5-htp + Cannabis
coordination unaffected by cannabis/shrooms?
Question about cannabis substitutes
parting ways with the spirit of cannabis
Cannabidiol (CBD) Rich Cannabis strains
caapi&cannabis...extremely powerfull.
high cbd strains of cannabis with dmt
Researchers study neuroprotective properties in cannabis
Cannabis parties
Oral cannabis night in the DMT-Nexus chat!
Rue seeds 'n caapi vine bark combined with DMT 'n cannabis
Poll Question : In what category of drugs does cannabis fall?
Cannabis Can Be Psychedelic? Old Dog Learns a New Trick
Prop 19, Legal Cannabis?
Favorite Herb for Changa/Tryptamine Blends (besides cannabis/tobacco)
Cannabis Snuff
Schwarzenegger decriminalizes cannabis below one ounce
Cannabis changa
Cannabis in combination (Whiskey)
The Value of Cannabis
Cannabis - A New View
first time smoking cannabis after spice
the weeklong drag of cannabis
Syrian rue extract + DMT + Cannabis Joint
cannabis changa?
Cannabis Alchemy
My deamon, cannabis
Simple Edible Cannabis
California assembly votes to legalise cannabis
cannabis and harmala's?
Cannabis infused with harmalas new idea
Christmas Surprise! (Trip Report: Cannabis, pFPP, and MDMA)
Absurdist Experiment: Cannabis, Vitamins, Melatonin, Calea Z, and MDMA
Cannabis - Reducing Usage.
THC, Efficiency, and Health. (formerly the Cannabis edibles thread)
USA Legalization of Cannabis Petition
Isomerizing Cannabis Extract
mescaline, cannabis and EXTREME time distorions..
Cannabis Joints with DMT
cannabis just doesn't work the way it used to anymore..
Stramonium and cannbis or inoxia and cannabis?
Passionflower tincture + Potent Cannabis
Native American Church Sues DEA over Sacramental Use of Cannabis
Cannabis sativa
Pedicularis and Cannabis?
cannabis sea of green help
what is the deal with cannabis flavanoids?
Cannabis Extraction - Aquireing THC from Plant material.
Salvaging the remainder of Thc from blasted cannabis
Kid Cannabis movie
traditional cannabis/iboga combo?
[Cannabis] The Real Reason Pot Is Still Illegal
What's your cannabis habit like?
Cannabis suspect with cancer diagnosis says jail time would be death sentence
Sublingual cannabis administration
Low level cannabis use linked to major structural brain changes
Could we be cannabis' butterflys/bees?
Meditating on weed Experiment for Dmt Experience.
[Cannabis] New York Times editorial board "Repeal Prohibition Again"
traditional cannabis/iboga combo?
Cannabis preventing Aya
Grafting Humulus Lupulus to Cannabis
Alpha-GPC and Cannabis potentiation

Count: approximately 154 threads
Cosmic Spore
#12 Posted : 4/12/2014 12:25:38 PM

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#13 Posted : 10/3/2014 11:25:11 AM


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Cannabis does not cure cancer
Internet Security: PsilocybeChild's Internet Security Walk-Through(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)
Search the Nexus with (anonymous Google search) by adding "" (w/o the ") to your search.
#14 Posted : 10/3/2014 4:21:48 PM

omnia sunt communia!

Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)

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Moved and stickied Thumbs up
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Cosmic Spore
#15 Posted : 10/4/2014 12:02:48 AM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
Moved and stickied Thumbs up
Thanks Smile

I can imagine it will require some time to organize all of these into Generic, Cultivation, Preparation, & Experience Reports; wish I could be of more help, but happy to see the new subforum come to fruition.
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