Why you should NOT take DMT Options
#241 Posted : 1/28/2014 7:05:57 PM

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If you haven't been searching for it, then I don't think your'e ready. And if you do not know what I mean by "it" then you are not ready.

This molecule is something of a miracle to mankind. Travelers all over the globe have been searching for a way to get that plane of existence. DMT takes you there, that place we knew existed but couldn't get there.

Iv'e seen this molecule been taken lightly and looked at as some type of joke by some. One person put it "Whats the big deal, you put it in a pipe and smoke and see things", If thats the approach or idea you have towords this molecule, stay away from it. You will miss the point.

The expierence can be mind bending for some, those who will fight it their minds have been locked up so attached to things like facebook and twitter and such, where others will embrace it because its the place they have been longing for.

All I can say is approach with caution if you think its just the hip thing to do. And embrace it if you are a life long traveler and enjoy the realm that you have been searching for.


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#242 Posted : 2/12/2014 11:19:45 PM

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I agree, this is life has consumed my mind.i cannot go day without being lost in experience.what does this mean? what did I see? is this real? and on and on....I cannot have normal life now.i am lost in cautious,very magical, powerful.
#243 Posted : 2/13/2014 6:41:02 AM

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Thank you all who have contributed to this thread. I made it about halfway through reading it before having a mild panic attack and wondering if I'd ever take the plunge again.

I was obsessing over the spice, but couldn't build up the courage to jump back in for weeks. Kept coming to the Nexus to find the answer to my doubts and fear, but ended up making it worse by reading others trouble.

This was necessary.

The time was spent integrating as much as possible from prior experiences. Very slowly, more kept coming back, memories I had almost given up on retrieving.

I finally built up the courage to try again tonight, putting this thread out of my mind (the title is so strong!) and reminding myself what I came here to do. It was well worth the wait, and I had my smoothest, most appreciable experience yet.

If it doesn't feel right, it isn't!!! When that happy butterfly feeling hit my stomach, I knew it was time to channel it into courage. Be prepared, be safe, follow your gut.

There is a lot of wisdom in this thread, eternal gratitude everyone.
#244 Posted : 2/16/2014 7:51:49 AM
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When people ask me if they should try it, I respond with an emphatic NO and a hesitant yes. Potent mind-altering substances have a habit of being highly unpredictable and if a person is not psychologically and physically prepared, the experience can be terrifying and the only thing worse than being terrified is being unable to escape the source of your terror.

DMT is not fun, it is not a kick or a buzz - it is an adventure into unexplored territory and should be treated with the same respect.

Reaching out to embrace the random
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come
#245 Posted : 3/6/2014 1:23:10 PM
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Just some thoughts after reading most of this thread..I don't feel like spending this lovely afternoon in front of my monitor, so I'll just drop a few lines while it's fresh.

Whatever you may say, there is a lot of elitism in this thread... Sad
Maybe some people will come out of their trip completely changed, wasted, traumatized, whatever you call it...
Who are you to say that it was not meant to be? meant to happen anyway? That it's not for the better?
What if NOT going through more DMT sessions is the real issue/causes the real damage?
What if this damage is better than the innocent/naive/frustrated/repressed life before the trip?
What if it's not DMT that is responsible for that damage, but the lack of something else? Some would say a shaman, some would say MAOI, some would say set and setting...
What are the standards to decide if a trip is good or bad? Bad feelings may bring positive outcomes, and vice-versa.
What if the people "damaged" by the experience are collateral damage required for the vast majority to evolve/advance? I'm the kind of guy who would pour a bottle of liquid LSD in a water tower...(I've never been able of finding the supplies though Twisted Evil )

I don't want to sound aggressive or anything like that, these are the questions that come to my mind when I read things like...what Hyperspace Fool wrote, for instance. Maybe I'm saying stupid things, I haven't given much thinking to all of that.

Some of you guys sure seem to know a lot, in contrast with what OP said about DMT only bringing more questions.
I, for one, know nothing. Cogito ergo sum... and that's about it.

#246 Posted : 3/6/2014 2:12:47 PM

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lutinmalin wrote:
I'm the kind of guy who would pour a bottle of liquid LSD in a water tower...(I've never been able of finding the supplies though


Oh god give me strength! Not another misguided, evangelical fundamentalist. I"ll hedge my bets with the elitists Wink .
#247 Posted : 3/6/2014 2:39:38 PM

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lutinmalin wrote:
Just some thoughts after reading most of this thread..I don't feel like spending this lovely afternoon in front of my monitor, so I'll just drop a few lines while it's fresh.

Whatever you may say, there is a lot of elitism in this thread... Sad
Maybe some people will come out of their trip completely changed, wasted, traumatized, whatever you call it...
Who are you to say that it was not meant to be? meant to happen anyway? That it's not for the better?
What if NOT going through more DMT sessions is the real issue/causes the real damage?
What if this damage is better than the innocent/naive/frustrated/repressed life before the trip?
What if it's not DMT that is responsible for that damage, but the lack of something else? Some would say a shaman, some would say MAOI, some would say set and setting...
What are the standards to decide if a trip is good or bad? Bad feelings may bring positive outcomes, and vice-versa.
What if the people "damaged" by the experience are collateral damage required for the vast majority to evolve/advance? I'm the kind of guy who would pour a bottle of liquid LSD in a water tower...(I've never been able of finding the supplies though Twisted Evil )

I don't want to sound aggressive or anything like that, these are the questions that come to my mind when I read things like...what Hyperspace Fool wrote, for instance. Maybe I'm saying stupid things, I haven't given much thinking to all of that.

Some of you guys sure seem to know a lot, in contrast with what OP said about DMT only bringing more questions.
I, for one, know nothing. Cogito ergo sum... and that's about it.



I agree that we cannot know in advance if a trip will have negative effects on someone, but we can also not know that it will have positive effects. I think it is foolish and arrogant to believe that DMT or psychedelics in general are a sure-bet for evolution or positive development.

Regardless of elitism or what has been said in this thread about how "dmt is not meant for everyone", those that consider taking it should be well informed about both risks and potential benefits in order to make an informed choice.

I doubt very much that dosing hundreds of unaware people with LSD or any other psychoactive would have any positive long-lasting effect on anyone. I would go as far as to suggest that one of the main reasons we have positive effects from psychoactives is that we are in a sense ready for them and consciously taking them in this manner. And even then we don't always have enlightening journeys. Psychedelics are not necessary for human evolution, IMO, they are simply one more path, one more tool to help us see. But unfortunately it seems to be a process that cannot be forced in this way.

Either way, most people here feel very strongly about the idea of dosing people without consent and feel it is highly irresponsible. While I understand you said that more or less as a joke, I would like to point out that we do not condone this kind of thing. Taking psychedelics should always be a choice, and the more aware you are of what you are doing, the better.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#248 Posted : 3/6/2014 5:09:30 PM

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lutinmalin wrote:
I'm the kind of guy who would pour a bottle of liquid LSD in a water tower...(I've never been able of finding the supplies though Twisted Evil )

And with that, you have earned yourself a nice vacation from The Nexus. Enjoy! Thumbs up

Final words from lutinmalin:
lutinmalin wrote:
Obviously, that water tower thing was sort of a joke, for the simple reason that I wouldn't want to expose kids (even though I watched a fun documentary yesterday about kids stoned on medical MJ!). These sort of events happened in the past (I'm thinking about the Pont-Saint-Esprit case), and it didn't take a nice turn of events, but the people were not aware of ingesting it, so they either lost contact with reality (and flew off a window) or thought they were losing their sanity (and rushed to the nearest asylum). In this sense, I agree that one must probably be aware of ingesting a psychedelic in order to enjoy it / gain from it.
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In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#249 Posted : 3/6/2014 6:33:32 PM

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When trying DMT, or any pyschedelic or entheogen, it is important to remember that, for most, ignorance is bliss and upon loss of ignorance one may lose a bit of bliss as well.

On the other hand lose enough ignorance and you may find things more beautiful than you ever thought possible before.
I died a mineral, and became a plant. I died a plant and rose an animal. I died an animal and I became human. Then why fear disappearance through death? Next time I shall die, Bring forth wings and feathers like angels; After that, soaring higher than angels-- What you cannot imagine, I shall be that.

Any speakings written are the purely fictional ramblings of an illiterate grande taco, and are false in the face of truth when judged by the all-father. They are in no way real.
#250 Posted : 3/7/2014 9:09:55 AM
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I cannot think of a reason not to take DMT, its so versatile and with so many layers.

Not taking DMT its like having a jungle next to your house which you decide never to explore.

The only reason I can think of is not having the proper gear, like a mg scale or a machine / pipe Big grin

#251 Posted : 3/7/2014 10:29:36 AM

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sjaman wrote:
Not taking DMT its like having a jungle next to your house which you decide never to explore.

some people who explore the jungle get eaten and never come back.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#252 Posted : 3/12/2014 9:38:00 PM

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This has been a great thread for an inexperienced pup like me to read through. antrocles' post really struck a chord with me, especially this part:

antrocles wrote:
Are you in a place where you can COMPLETELY let go? do you meditate? have you made peace with your life? have you let go of ANY and ALL expectations? are you as empty as you are able to be? let go of everything...then let go of letting go.

For some reason I felt quite tearful while reading it, probably because I realised how far away I am from reaching that level of mental and spiritual peace. Plus you articulated the change in your perception of reality really well, it was as if I caught the tiniest glimpse - no, not even a glimpse, a mere whisper - of what awaits you in hyperspace and how it changes you as a person. I hate to get all mushy and romantic but it really was insightful and inspiring to read.
#253 Posted : 3/12/2014 10:05:39 PM

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mfmeitbual wrote:

DMT is not fun, it is not a kick or a buzz

Why do so many people parrot this belief? DMT is LOADS of fun!! It is a kick, and the buzz is fantastic. I laugh the hardest during a revelatory night of the molecule; how can this not be fun? People take themselves too seriously.

That said, it's certainly not something to be cavalier about, it's nothing to take lightly. But to say, unequivocally, that DMT is not fun, that's just being disingenuous.
Fear, belief, love phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. We cross and recross our old paths like figure skaters; our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
---David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
#254 Posted : 3/13/2014 9:23:34 AM

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I realize that this member has already been banned temporarily for his post, but I feel like sharing my two cents.

lutinmalin wrote:
Whatever you may say, there is a lot of elitism in this thread... Sad
Maybe some people will come out of their trip completely changed, wasted, traumatized, whatever you call it...
Who are you to say that it was not meant to be? meant to happen anyway? That it's not for the better?
What if NOT going through more DMT sessions is the real issue/causes the real damage?
What if this damage is better than the innocent/naive/frustrated/repressed life before the trip?
What if it's not DMT that is responsible for that damage, but the lack of something else? Some would say a shaman, some would say MAOI, some would say set and setting...
What are the standards to decide if a trip is good or bad? Bad feelings may bring positive outcomes, and vice-versa.
What if the people "damaged" by the experience are collateral damage required for the vast majority to evolve/advance? I'm the kind of guy who would pour a bottle of liquid LSD in a water tower...(I've never been able of finding the supplies though Twisted Evil )

Regardless of whether it was "meant to be" (if you believe in such things), I don't want any part in causing another person harm, trauma, terror, or any of the other potential dangers that are associated with psychedelic use. Putting myself at risk is one thing, as that is my right as a human, but I will not willingly do so to another person.

DMT is not going to save the world. Neither is any other psychedelic. This has been attempted on a large-ish scale in the past, and it did not end well. Just because my situation may be conducive to gaining certain things from the psychedelic experience does not mean that everyone's is, and I am not in a position to accurately make that distinction.

Call it elitism, call it morality, call it whatever you so choose; but I will not be indiscriminately sharing one of the most powerful psychedelics known to man with everyone I encounter.

And really? Collateral damage?? These are human lives we are talking about here.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#255 Posted : 3/13/2014 9:26:07 AM

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112233 wrote:
mfmeitbual wrote:

DMT is not fun, it is not a kick or a buzz

Why do so many people parrot this belief? DMT is LOADS of fun!! It is a kick, and the buzz is fantastic. I laugh the hardest during a revelatory night of the molecule; how can this not be fun? People take themselves too seriously.

That said, it's certainly not something to be cavalier about, it's nothing to take lightly. But to say, unequivocally, that DMT is not fun, that's just being disingenuous.

DMT can be loads of fun. It can also be an eternity of inescapable anguish, pure unprecedented terror, compacted down into 5-10 "real time" minutes.

The second half of your post hit the nail right on the head. Mindfulness, respect, and caution seem to be the key to having mostly positive, enjoyable, and possibly beneficial experiences.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#256 Posted : 3/13/2014 2:50:44 PM

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Entheogenerator wrote:
112233 wrote:

DMT can be loads of fun. It can also be an eternity of inescapable anguish, pure unprecedented terror, compacted down into 5-10 "real time" minutes.

The second half of your post hit the nail right on the head. Mindfulness, respect, and caution seem to be the key to having mostly positive, enjoyable, and possibly beneficial experiences.

You see, the same thing can be said about so many things: Sex, for example, can be loads of fun . . . but it can also give you a disease that kills you. Mindfulness in ALL things is advisable: Don't have sex with that hooker with bleeding sores all over her vagina; Don't smoke DMT in a meth house with a bunch of junkies, or in the mall bathroom, etc.

I like what Joe Rogan says about psychedelics: The ONLY people who should try such things as mushrooms and DMT are those that ACTIVELY SEEK IT OUT, those who feel drawn to altered states.
Fear, belief, love phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. We cross and recross our old paths like figure skaters; our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
---David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
#257 Posted : 3/13/2014 5:39:59 PM

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To derail a bit - the whole dispute about psychedelics being recreational or not is a very interesting thing. I think a lot of people are afraid to admit to having fun with these substances out of some kind of puritan belief that fun is wicked. But I would think that for our mental and physical health having fun is actually beneficial. Laughing can help heal but isn't it also a preventive measure from becoming depressed and bitter or bored with life? Why should having fun be a bad thing? As long as we do it with respect and awareness...

Trying to take psychedelics or dmt always for a purpose, with a goal, with some kind of specific benefit in mind is like a reflection of our profit driven society - every single thing is done only to gain. Usually money. But DMT or psychedelics are not the currency for a psychedelic vending machine, where when you throw in a dose you get a coca cola of insight out. Nor do I feel can insights be sought after like a material resource can. We are working in the realm of the non-material - be it psychological or spiritual (or whatever), the laws and relationships of the material world do not translate fully to this realm. To me, it's all about learning to enjoy life to the maximum, with all its ups and downs, to become enthusiastic in every moment - having fun with psychedelics can certainly help with this, simply by helping me to relax and thus enjoy.

But of course, I cannot take a psychedelic with the intention of "having fun in order to progress my level of enthusiasm". It cannot be forced or directed like this. I just have to enjoy as it comes. I have fun. I let myself have a good time once in a while... It's serious business and should not be taken without proper knowledge, but perhaps once in a while it could/should be taken "lightly" (not foolishly!). Because all this weight will just keep us down...
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens.
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#258 Posted : 3/13/2014 7:49:25 PM

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112233 wrote:
Entheogenerator wrote:
112233 wrote:

DMT can be loads of fun. It can also be an eternity of inescapable anguish, pure unprecedented terror, compacted down into 5-10 "real time" minutes.

The second half of your post hit the nail right on the head. Mindfulness, respect, and caution seem to be the key to having mostly positive, enjoyable, and possibly beneficial experiences.

You see, the same thing can be said about so many things: Sex, for example, can be loads of fun . . . but it can also give you a disease that kills you. Mindfulness in ALL things is advisable: Don't have sex with that hooker with bleeding sores all over her vagina; Don't smoke DMT in a meth house with a bunch of junkies, or in the mall bathroom, etc.

I like what Joe Rogan says about psychedelics: The ONLY people who should try such things as mushrooms and DMT are those that ACTIVELY SEEK IT OUT, those who feel drawn to altered states.

I agree completely.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#259 Posted : 3/13/2014 7:52:31 PM
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Why you should not smoke dmt: are you ready for the doors of the spirit world to be flung wide?

As for myself, before my first breakthroughs all this talk of the "spirit-world" was casually dismissed as not real.

indydude19 wrote:
When trying DMT, or any pyschedelic or entheogen, it is important to remember that, for most, ignorance is bliss and upon loss of ignorance one may lose a bit of bliss as well.

On the other hand lose enough ignorance and you may find things more beautiful than you ever thought possible before.

I speculate this may be the reason many new dmt experimentalists have good or positive trips.

Also the reason many have had horrifying and obscene experiences in hyperspace.

You are knowingly opening up the confines of your mind to the whims of whatever spirit being finds you of interest at the time (hopefully one of benevolence who sees your desire for truth and growth and also sees the lenghths you will go to catch a glimpse of what else may be existing co-laterally with you.)

But just as the positive ones may aid a seeker, so may a malevolent being wish to consume one.
As humans -children of the universe- we have a fundamental connection to the central light, the most high. When we deny this or belittle the supremity of this, we open ourselves up to entanglement with darkness. (Not the pop-existential darkness, but the parasitic, haunting, stalking, soul-eating darkness--as some of these dark beings are strewn with lights.) And there seems to be a hierarchical structure to the rank of these beings. Some are lesser minions (the tricksters and imps) some are greater (khali, beelzebub, etc.)

It is also my belief that the tricksters are also distractors, "entertainers" even. (Jokers and clowns anybody?) And while they may put on a brilliant show, ultimately do not have your best interest at heart. And possibly, as has been mentioned before, may be acting as a type of anesthetizing agent while some darker force is in operation.

This may be the source of strong pre-flight anxiety. The "subconscious" acknowledgement that things are not half as they seems and that if you continue the present course of action (and smoke the dmt) that you will be submersed in this reality unabated. And unless consciously wary of this, unprotected.

Which brings me to the point that is most important.

If you decide dmt is for you, then
take necessary steps and protective measures before entering hyperspace. Research various shamanistic techniques--burn well-chosen incense, clean, meditate, acknowledge your need for aid and an ally in this spirit world and request one humbly from the most high--this is your right as a human being from time immemorable.

Still so, my personal advice is to not go into hyperspace with inner turmoil or self confliction. Work on your spiritual condition. Or you could open yourself up to inhabitation by things you do not want inside of you, at all, whether you are nihilist atheist or animist.

If you are ingesting dmt, it's time to set down the reason-conquers-all mindset, and rather approach these places with fear and trembling, awe and respect.

Personally I would rather be audience to an angelic host singing praises of joy than a spectator to the machinations of an ocean of "elves."

Call out for aid in your time of need, in or out of hyperspace. You will be heard. Smile
#260 Posted : 3/14/2014 2:37:01 AM

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Sometimes one is not aware that DMT is not for them until they have experienced it. There have been more than a few times I have questioned whether that was me or not. I have toyed with the idea of hanging up the phone. A part of me won't let go. Only time will tell and I think DMT is def something that should be contemplated about for some time for some people rather than just jumping in the fire.

It will burn some people, heck it burns most. Whether or not you can rise from the ashes unscathed depends on too many things we do not yet understand.
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