Unusual body transformation Options
#101 Posted : 2/6/2014 11:24:55 PM

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^ my feet were flat when this started; as of now, all 3 arches have been activated to various degrees, and are starting to take the load off the ankles and knees. By the time this ends, the arches in the feet should be tall and strong.

As for the therapy: did you somehow found a doctor to assist you with the use of psychedelics? I've read they exist, but wouldn't know where to look for one.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#102 Posted : 2/7/2014 1:17:06 AM
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Okay, I hope the same will happen here. I do have pain my shinbone if I walk fast, and they're making me tired I think. They are just not made for walking

No I found a guide on the net, written by some underground therapists. The site is down now, unfortunately. Not enough used it I guess. There were some practitioners over in the US, with experience. But I'm from Europe. I would have liked to go over and just have had 2 sessions though. I read that it would be very unwise (mildly put) to do it on ones own. But I was kinda desperate. A sitter would be enough though, it was made so that people could heal each other. The psychedelics heal spontaneously if one go inwards. Into the body

LSD works different though, so that got a bit scary (just a fair warning if someone would experiment with this)
#103 Posted : 2/7/2014 9:39:33 AM

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^ can you post the guide here?
#104 Posted : 2/7/2014 6:29:13 PM
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No sorry, site is gone . I tried contacting the site admin, but there was no reply. Idk if mail and site was connected, cuz the admin must have it i reckon. I should have saved it.

I can write the basics in another thread if you want, also theory behind.
#105 Posted : 2/8/2014 7:07:58 AM

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For what that's worth, today I managed to bring my heart rate to zero for a couple of seconds, then it went to 2, 4, 6, 9, no reading, 60 something. It was measured on a hand-held heart monitor, so I don't know how accurate the readings are; however, when I first got the device, I played with it quite a bit, and this never happened.

@Mitchi: post the method if you have time and you think it's a valuable tool )
Hiyo Quicksilver
#106 Posted : 2/20/2014 6:20:03 AM

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I thought I'd mention, for what it's worth, that I've found rifle marksmanship to be an excellent tool for both focusing the mind and body in a holistic fashion, and working through peculiar problems in the body. Shooting a rifle is a unique and complex activity that has a fantastic way of highlighting weak or tense points in the body, as well as providing a center point to orient the body around... A good rifle with a properly used sling really is an extension of the body that the shooter must feel and breathe through, not just a tool to point and shoot.

Plus, I personally find that a moderate recoil does wonders for my right shoulder and hip, which are the two most injured and painful parts of my body. It's a bit counter-intuitive, but I've come to realize that the light beating and the muscle control needed to manage the recoil encourage the tissue to relax and strengthen over time.
I mostly use a long-bore 7.62mm bolt action with a steel butt plate, so the recoil is moderate and I've got no padding to speak of. Still, it's not too much abuse. I'd stay away from magnum loads, though... as the distinct kick of a magnum rifle is punishment for anyone. And ammo is pricey.
Hiyo Quicksilver
#107 Posted : 2/22/2014 2:52:46 AM

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Hoooly cow... This is a trip!

The old patterns are breaking free at a breakneck pace, and everything is changing so fast that it's a wonder I know up from down any more. There's barely any of the former distinction between mind and body, and senses are reorganizing and refocusing all the time. It's as if I've stepped into another world entirely, though it's just a different way of looking at this one. It really won't be long now, at this rate... but I know that there's just another set of hurdles beyond this.

That... And I made a solid deal on the other side that once my spine is straightened and I'm free of this awful, draining pain in my chest, I'll pick up the pipe again and take the next step in the journey that got me to this point. And it'll be a doozy this time.
#108 Posted : 2/22/2014 5:57:04 AM

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To allow the process to unfold smoothly, I suggest you give body/head shaving a try. Hair removal is among the top 3 tools in my box (probably #1 for releasing tension), and I've amassed quite a varied repertoire.

You do that, and I'll try walking around with a rifle, like the Weather Man Thumbs up
Hiyo Quicksilver
#109 Posted : 2/22/2014 11:41:21 PM

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I ain't shaving above the neck, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt so far as the rest goes... I was planning on trimming down my freakish upper arm hair this evening anyway.

But sure to check your local laws on carrying firearms before you go lugging one around! Razz Besides, you'll only need to carry it the distance you parked from the range.

...And wasn't that a bow?
#110 Posted : 3/1/2014 9:23:24 PM

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So it seems to me that there really is only one way to release tension/ relax, and that's breathing out (includes talking, humming, whistling, spitting and blowing up birthday balloons). Everything else is just shifting tension around, regardless of whether we're talking about mental or body tension, and whether the shifting is done on purpose or it just happens as we interact with the environment.

This may be obvious to many, but it took me until today to get it, so I figured I'd share.
#111 Posted : 3/1/2014 10:07:15 PM
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Samurai swords are pretty cool. I sometimes do fighting with plastic swords, it is pretty fun. Nothing like the real deal though. Those fights are just for show. Real fights require utmost concentration and basically don't last very long as far as i have heared.

About u guys' issues.. To be honest, I trust that Jin really knew what he was talking about.

I have my own guesses as well. Try smoking DMT in a dark room with a mirror. Or dimly lit. I saw my own Aura. Just after a 5 minute trip in which my subconscious mind decided to torture me mentally. Then i asked what is going on and i traveled through my body and saw desperate souls..

Apparently my subconscious is not always very happy with me. I used to feel a great pressure in my chest. With proper breathing exercise i have now released this tension dramatically.

About those desperate souls.. I hummed in an " Overtone " .. Those octave things that some guy was talking about in this thread comes to mind.. What happens is that an electric kind of energy travels from the back of my spine to my top of my skull and locks into place in my forehead (this is possibly a blockade). And these "dying souls" transform into beautiful diamond-like things. My nervous tension is lessened at that point and feel great really. Like i said, energy might be blocked into my forehead. I did not see a full transformation. And nervous tension increased after this experience.

On the other hand, i have been doing exercise. Basically i have been trying to improve my immune system dramatically. Taking colder showers, going into colder environments. This is very hard on ur breathing system. When the body is cold, the best thing you can do is watch ur breathing. This is a great exercise to release tension. And now... the tension in my chest has almost disappeared. All this makes me conclude that DMT can act as a possible catalysis or short-cut for releasing tension in less than 15 minutes. But it is definitely not a requirement. And as you can see in my example. Other kind of blockades play a role.. Caapi has been helpful in releasing tension in my forehead. Caapi+mushrooms. Proper exercise and breathing exercise is my recommendation. Aerob fitness, cold showers, AND NO TOUCHING THE BODY.

To be honest, i've been having fear trips when i start touching my body that i am slowly mutilating my body.. (Guided by subconscious anger). Just be careful with that and work on those energy systems. Keep working with sound and breathing. I sing while riding my bike in hopes to improve my immune system and blood circulation. Nothing more to add from me, sry about this messy post. I'm all over the place, but yea.. good luck bros. Work on picking up that pipe of urs Pleased Trust the molecule! Trust it for 100%.
#112 Posted : 3/2/2014 4:55:21 AM

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^ I'm not sure what the story about samurai swords has to do with the matter at hand.. As for the tortured souls that turned into diamonds, if that's your experience, then do share; however, it's not something I can relate to.

This thread is not really about giving or receiving advice, but more about discussing personal experiences. However, since you seem to believe that not touching the body is so important, can I ask how you go about doing that? Because, short of floating in a bubble, something is always in contact with your body, and the body reacts to that.

As I mentioned before, this has nothing to do with DMT: it's been years since I touched the stuff, and have no desire to use any at the moment. However, I will admit that it did take me places that I have only recently found without any help from drugs.

Something I'm starting to find useful is the chakra system. It's just more convenient and elegant to talk about specific chakras instead of trying to describe a place that's somewhere in between the genitals and the top of the head. I can also identify with some of the symptoms associated with chakra blockages (my main issue is with the solar plexus). However, the common theory, where you start with the chakra at the bottom and then they progressively turn on like Christmas lights as you move up the spine does not match my experience. What I feel is the tension moving through all of them again and again and again, freeing them a little bit at a time; also, it doesn't jump from chakra to chakra, but passes through all the points in between.
#113 Posted : 3/2/2014 10:45:25 AM
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Samurai swords is akin to carrying a rifle IMO. It is an extension of the body, and trains the focus of the mind. I thought, if guns aren't ur thing then samurai swords is another option. I thought if it's not relevant atleast it makes for some light conversation.

I said something bout souls because it felt like I was traveling through my body on a quantum level and these souls represent something like a cancer growth. Or the stages of my cells just before my immune system decided apoptis. I do not think it is intimately related to you. I think there's a difference, but it is close. The main point I was making that unhealthy habits results in an angry unconscious entity who seeks out to destroy you. Perhaps it is scare-mongering but i kept getting urges to mutilate my body.

That's about the personal experience i can relate to. I think there's a language barrier somewhere because i just can't understand what you guys are talking about. But a vortex forming in the stomach, and disaligning emotional centers is not something that is very ordinary. So for that reason i relate it to the entity that rests inside my skull and produces vortex-pattern hallucinations. I take DMT to contact it. And DMT+Sound produced by the throat apparently moves energy across the spine. I'm not familiair with the chakra system persay but I have repeatedly hallucinated the entire chakra system on my body with DMT.

That's why i bring it up. The chakra system is still somewhat of a mystery to me so i can't say more about that. What i mean with not touching the body is simply not moving muscles around with ur hands. I echo Jin in that regard. I thought about what he said and what we talked about in private and it matched my experience.

Again, the solar plexus is considered the center of the soul. In my experience, working to eradicate fears out of my life has been helpful in releasing tension in this area. The solar plexus stands for "Will-power". And what is more detrimental to ones will-power than fear?

Tango, I really don't mean to be rude. But i am just boldly stating what is on my mind. I understand how it might seem rude, or stupid. But those are not my intentions. If what i say fits you will carry it around with you. If it doesn't fit it wil not sits.. in the mind.

One more thing... A question really. I wonder if you can relate. Sometimes when i "Crack" joints. And you hear a cracking sound wherever it is produced.. (apparently has to do with Co2) . I can see a diagram of the insides of my body. I wonder if you can relate to that in regard to the cracking sound.
#114 Posted : 3/2/2014 7:31:19 PM

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Language only works when there's a shared experience. Also, while I try to use simple language to describe what's going on, it seems to me that you're coming from the opposite direction, where language is the starting point. What does traveling through the body on a quantum level mean?

As for touching, mothers touch their babies, lovers touch each other, friends touch each other, and I touch myself. A lot. It was touch that initiated the process of bringing this body back to life. Many of the alternative healing techniques are also based on touch. Besides, there's something distinct about using your own hands, some sort of internal circuitry gets activated when you do it.

It's not just the hands either, I also used my eyes extensively in the beginning, but didn't realize I was doing it until much later. Try moving your facial muscles while watching yourself in the mirror; then do the same, but this time watch yourself on the computer/phone screen, using the camera. Notice the difference? While I sometimes get fed up with all this and push matters more than I should hoping for the best and ignoring the danger, never once have I felt any desire to mutilate my body.

Every once in a while I google some of the stuff I notice happening, and so far the closest match seems to be Kryia yoga. Some guy posted a rather detailed account of his own experiences, and I was like wow -this is it. However, with the myriad of yoga classes available around here, I only found one place that offered Kryia, and they never replied to my email (apart from an automated message saying they'll reply shortly).
#115 Posted : 3/2/2014 8:22:46 PM
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A camera does not cover the entire spectrum of information that light reflects in a mirror. So yea. I can see that there's a difference. I will try it.

I have an injury in my hip. I try not to touch it. I have felt my hands go into the direction but honestly i am paranoid that i will make the problem worse because i do not know what i am doing. To be completely honest with you. I am afraid of ending up making permanent changes i can not reverse. Yes, I am slightly paranoid. Your calmth is reassuring but I am paranoid that it is a misguided sense of calmth. Nevermind it though.

In my theory there is loads of things you can do. You can take a black crystal and electromagnetic energy should leave the body and be absorbed in the crystal. Likewise, electrons transfer through body parts when touched.

How do you use the eyes to make a difference? Is it not Focus that is at play here? Ofcourse the eyes help. You talked about emotional feelings. Check this out .

Here's an exercise to feel this energy.
I thought of someone i love while lying in my bed relaxed and felt the warmth across my upper body. Then i was able to guide this warmth with pure focus and heated my entire body. Try it. If you haven't already, it feels really nice.

Hopefully you can do more with this warmth. Perhaps directing it to the solar plexus. It is known as healing power in ancient chinese medicine (again, afiak). The fire is a healing power. It is actually a biological phenomenon. And like High pressure winds move to low pressure winds. Likewise, Heat has a tendency to move to colder parts in the body. What is interesting is that we can guide this warmth using the mind. The brain.. There are people who can magnetize parts of their body and it has been proven that there is a mechanism in the brain which allows them to attract metal objects using their hands.

I have to go now though, I hope you find my posts helpful or informing. Atleast it is quite interesting, right? Laughing
#116 Posted : 3/3/2014 5:11:50 PM

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Infectedstyle wrote:
A camera does not cover the entire spectrum of information that light reflects in a mirror. So yea. I can see that there's a difference. I will try it.

No, that's not the difference. What you're doing here reminds me of myself in a salsa class, trying to be all analytical about the moves, and break them down, and understand them. The instructor eventually came to me and said 'if you keep doing that, you might learn the steps, but you'll never get good at salsa dancing'.

There may be a million differences between a mirror and a computer screen/camera setup, but the one that's relevant to me and that you might have just naturally noticed by just trying it is that on the screen you can look at your eyes without looking yourself in the eye. Also, when you use a mirror, the eyes are fixed and the face&body move around them; by separating the part that's receiving the info (camera) from the part that's displaying it (screen), you can move your eyes and keep the face still, or you can move both, experiment etc. It gives a very different perspective, and also more freedom -sort of like, after working for years on a laptop, one day you discover that you can detach the keyboard and walk around with it while typing.
#117 Posted : 3/3/2014 5:41:56 PM
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Hehe, you catched me. I am extremely analytical. They say that has to do with Autism. Thanks for being honest with me and bringing it up. Pleased I still haven't tried it even though i have the means. Detach the keybord? Is that something i need to find out in practice, i don't understand. But yes.. Man.. It will be good for my charisma to work on facial expressions, i keep getting comments about my weird facial expressions. >_< I'm keeping it in mind. Ill report back anything interesting,.

By the by, I tried MdMa and it was very helpful in releasing Tension. I suppose Mescaline will do a better job at it. I released so much tension that i cried.. seriously. Phenethylamines do something (serotonin) very special to the body. My friend was so jealous, He has back pains. He almost stole my stash!

Specifically MDMA. 'Have to be careful with the environment and the downer side if you do decide to use it. But that's my experience. I uhh.. Cried when it ran out but to be honest, it was a very good kind of crying and i feel absolutely freed.
#118 Posted : 3/3/2014 6:03:01 PM

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^drugs, again Confused
#119 Posted : 3/3/2014 7:16:56 PM
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Okay, well.. Give me some time and i'll send you the natural pathways. But yea, drugs are bad mmkay. (specially MDMA this one has tricky edges)

Edit: You stil haven't answered my question about Cracking joints. Sometimes when my mind is clear of thoughts i see a distant image of something happening in the back of my skull when i crack my joints. Especially shoulders and spine. It reminded me of your explanation of a "Sort of- Hallucination".

I checked the mechanism for this and it turns out Co2 gets stuck somewhere and is responsible for making the "Popping sound"

Now to bring you something you might be able to use. Doing Qi gong and making natural movements on MDMA was helful for me in pushing tense areas back into position without actualy making popping sounds, they more or less float away if i manage my movement very carefully and don't make excessive moves. Perhaps you can do this sober, i think it is possible but it requires practice, for sure. Not everyone has the patience to get this straight.

Oh, and the fact that Co2 is at play here, hints towards breathing being very important for this mechanism. I theorize that a certain energy flow has to be present across the spine to really get this going. I'm not sure though,
#120 Posted : 3/4/2014 5:09:48 AM

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You make it seem like you agree with me when you say drugs are bad; however, I never said any such thing. What I did emphasize throughout this thread is that my experiences described here have nothing to do with drugs.

I didn't answer your question about joint cracking because I'm no fan of such rough manipulations, so it's not something I do. I would most certainly not let anyone crack my spine.

As for your theories about CO2, serotonin etc, I think you're wasting your time.
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