Well, it's still a long way from being practical as a power source. It's been a long battle to get to this point, and there's a lot more to develop. It won't be a viable economic option until it's cost per unit of energy is comparable to the current market. Eventually, nearly every new technology becomes cheaper and more available as time goes on. Look at what you can get in a cell phone these days. The computing power is staggering compared to your average PC/desktop 10 years ago, and for such a low price! So, when the electricity from fusion is cheap enough it will take hold, and should become cheaper as time goes on.
Current electricity price has gone up because the cost of energy in general has gone up due to the increased demand on the finite oil supply/output capabilities. If a new source of power was available, which is completely sustainable, cheap, and safe, you will see some wonderful and wild things. I'm talkin an end of world hunger and poverty, new age of humanity type stuff.
Be an adult only when necessary.