I would just like to thank the people who contributed all the information to this topic and others like it.
The PDF is excellent.. really useful to see reports and whatnot..
I have a basic solution I've pulled 3 times now.. the 3rd is drying, much more DMT than I thought there would be. I always evaporate, and my crystals on the plate always look like white, with some areas yellower than others.. This time, I have taken the most yellow looking spots, scraped them out first, and dissolved them in naptha for the next extract.
I happened to pick up Xylene when getting supplies before my first extraction a few weeks ago now.. I didn't know what it'd be good for, other than knowing it was mentioned in at least a few different extraction teks for various things.. I felt like "well it can't hurt to have around".. so now I have a basic solution I've pulled a good amount of DMT out of so far.. when the washes don't yield much anymore, I plan on a xylene pull to see if this jungle spice is yielded as people say.. I have no reason to think it wouldn't for me.
Something I'll mention: years ago, like 3 or so, I tried DMT extracting the first time.. I didn't have any breakthroughs and my end product was inferior to the stuff I've been yielding in the near-present attempts.. About a year ago I still had a bit of mimosa left from those tries and no ambition to get all the chemicals and supplies I'd need.. I decided to try something no one ever mentioned trying before, that I had seen anyway.. I wanted to see if a very-simple Iso extract of mimosa would be smokeable.
The resulting product evaporated from the Iso extraction was crystalline, much to my surprise.. it was very much a crystalline waxy red substance.. I'm sure it had much more tannins and whatnot, if not ALL of them, but it had a definite effect.. I felt satisfied with it for what it was and I figured if I got the ambition I could further extract it and it likely had the DMT in it..
When smoking the red waxy stuff it seemed to have a definite tryptamine effect, but I'd not recommend it to anyone to waste mimosa on.. Just thought it'd be interesting to say.. Isopropyl alcohol I expected to give me some shitty tar.. instead, the stuff when dry was quite crystalline and waxy is a good description..
I'd like to propose, if no one has so far, that possibly the main difference between DMT and Jungle spice is this: Expectations.. Maybe the first people who thought it was something different were just getting effects based on their suspicion that it would be DMT or DMT-but-different.. That expectation told to the rest of the world could have yielded a lot of other people's results.. I don't mean to discount anyone's experiences, I'm just being devil's advocate here.. I always like to point out to people how powerful the subconscious truly is.. if you went into a DMT experience thinking "Ok this DMT has a red coloration.. people say it's not only stronger, but it is weirder or dark.. I better be ready" they get more anxious.. stress from that, hell, who knows, the stress from that combined with stress from smoking DMT could change the trip enough.. or maybe like in strassman's book, he theorizes enough stress could possibly override the pineal defenses and release endogenous DMT.. maybe the body is like "Oh shit, DMT is in me, it's time to go with the flow, the body needs DMT!"
Who knows.. Just realize when reading this, I don't personally firmly believe any stance on this red spice.. I want to know exactly what it is as well, and I again state I'm not discounting anyone's experience..
Here's a thought though.. You know how the commercials and whatnot.. the marketing for aspirin say it can help a heart attack if you take it? Well I read in some book, I think The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, that the effect is true.. in the United States.. Apparently, the same doesn't hold true for the rest of the world.. They way it's marketed seems to give us the actual effect.. Just food for thought.. If this is somehow untrue, note that I read it in a book and I sourced it best as I could.. if anyone knows actual studies showing the information he states as fact, lemme know
Intent..expectations..hopes..fears.. all these things have massive contributions to how we experience our own subjective realities.. Keep it in mind.
Here's to hoping if it IS another alkaloid, that it gets identified. Thanks again for all the info to the community and the person/people who compiled it all.
This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.
Oh, and if you found yourself wondering what my avatar says, it's "Very Gradual CHANGE We Can Believe in".. I love that.