Arrested for importing Mimosa Hostilis Options
#121 Posted : 7/23/2012 7:08:00 PM

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smokerx wrote:
Soon we wont be allowed to grow our own fruit and veg. and I am not joking.

Do you have evidence to support this exorbitant claim?
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#122 Posted : 7/23/2012 7:33:43 PM

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actually its already happening due to Monsanto. Many farmers have been sued because they were using patented seeds
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#123 Posted : 7/23/2012 7:47:57 PM

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anrchy wrote:
actually its already happening due to Monsanto. Many farmers have been sued because they were using patented seeds

If I use patented software without proper rights then the software company has a right to sue me. The solution: open-source. Same goes for GMOs. The solution: use non-GMO seeds. How do you extend this argument to anyone being denied the right to grow their own fruits and veggies?

In relation to the topic, its important we understand the full picture before coming to hasty conclusions.
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#124 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:00:27 PM

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The issue here is that when a number of GM crops patented by Monsanto are planted or transported in close proximity to land where farmers have not purchased/planted GM crops, seeds from GM crops find their way onto this land. Monsanto has a special division of people who (apparently trespass?) test farmers' crops to check for patent infringement.

Granted, if you are not producing goods through/for industrial agriculture or you are growing heirloom seeds, it's not an issue for you. However, if you make your living selling rapeseed for canola oil...if your crop should get overrun by GM stock, you can't really do anything except get your pants sued off by Monsanto. A number of independent farmers have actually lost their shirts off of their backs as a result of Monsanto's litigation strategies, but again, their heirloom tomatoes were not the issue.
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#125 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:04:39 PM

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The farmers that got sued never USED monsanto seeds. The monsanto seeds take over and dont reseed the next year. They cant just simply use their own seeds when there farms are being infested.

The Farmers were trying to use their own seeds but truthfully it isnt that its against the law to use your own seeds, so actually you are right and my post is about a different situation altogether.
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#126 Posted : 12/14/2012 3:32:21 AM
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I just wanted to let you guys know that I had a similar case to On_Bail's not long after (and hadn't come across this trend till after or wouldn't have attempted it). I won't give much detail but the original plea bargain was for a felony charge and a good chunk of probation. Be careful with mimosa they're watching it much closer these days.
#127 Posted : 12/14/2012 3:38:20 AM

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TempUser wrote:
I won't give much detail but the original plea bargain was for a felony charge and a good chunk of probation.

Can you provide any other details on the charge? Was it for simple possession, buying from a domestic online shop or international import?
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#128 Posted : 12/15/2012 7:54:26 AM

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#129 Posted : 1/25/2014 8:36:19 AM

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Well, Here is the conclusion...

"A Blenheim man is one of the first people in New Zealand to be convicted of importing the class A hallucinogenic drug DMT.

Hamish Alexander Donaldson, 23, a labourer of Witherlea, appeared before Judge Peter Butler in the Blenheim District Court yesterday to be sentenced.

He admitted importing 18 kilograms of the drug dimethyltryphamine (DMT) in 2011.

Donaldson was arrested in April that year after Customs officers at Auckland Airport international mail centre intercepted a package from Mexico containing 18 bags of Mimosa hostilis root bark, each weighing about a kilogram.

The bark contained 0.57 per cent of DMT.

Defence lawyer Rob Harrison said Donaldson had believed it was legal to import the root bark as the plant was not on the Customs list of prohibited materials. He had paid $750, including shipping costs and planned on selling it legally as a natural plant through a website.

Crown prosecutor Jackson Webber said it had to be remembered that Donaldson knew the substance contained DMT, a class A drug.

Judge Butler declined an application for discharge without conviction. Donaldson was convicted and sentenced to seven months' home detention."

(Source) :
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#130 Posted : 1/25/2014 5:56:31 PM

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Shane237 wrote:
The bark contained 0.57 per cent of DMT.

whoever tested the alkaloid % of the bark must have sucked at extracting Laughing
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#131 Posted : 1/26/2014 2:10:17 AM

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Guess he didn't take our advice or it was too late to take our advice. Regardless, that's sad. 18kg would last you way longer than a lifetime... Maybe not at .57%...
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#132 Posted : 1/26/2014 2:44:35 AM

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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
Shane237 wrote:
The bark contained 0.57 per cent of DMT.

whoever tested the alkaloid % of the bark must have sucked at extracting Laughing

You should send the courts an email regarding the best extraction methods so they can give a proper amount.
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#133 Posted : 6/27/2019 3:12:28 PM
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Ok guys sorry for bumping this but just read this whole thread (WHAT A MESS!) and clearly the original poster made MANY mistakes that I am sure some of us have learned these lessons (including me I have 23 arrest on my record but NOTHING in the past 10 years holy crap did I smarten up!) ok so anyway guys ok seriously first mistake lets be serious if he had that much well lets put it this way I don't think he was planning on consuming it himself or no I don't think I KNOW that is just way outa line! but if that's what your into #1 DONT HAVE A BULK PACKAGE COME TO YOUR HOUSE IN YOUR NAME! come on be smart split it up spread it around if they find one no big its not much and you don't loose everything. even tho that mistake was made he stillc could have recovered it much much better first the way I see it you have 2 options either SHUT UP and don't say shit I mean don't tell them nothing but your know why soldjiers are told to only give their name and rank if they are captured SAME HERE!! YOU are a psychedelic soldier! your second option is to play completely stupid (now if you have a record like me this usually isn't a option so I shut up) another mistake mentioning "it is not for human comsumtion" that imply's that you know it obviously contains something "bad"....anther mistake he said he had done extractions in the PAST...past present don't matter yeh they cant charge you with that past crime but it shows that you know this plant contains dmt! DUMBASS! I mean really WTF is wrong with his brain!!!! I am not going to go on and on but this guy made sooooooooooo many mistakes honestly it doesn't surprise me at all that he got arrested! I just hope he learned to shut his mouth...and yeh I am in the US not NZ but still this advice reigns true everywhere....well maybe not in a 3rd worl country where they tourture you for steeling a potato Big grin hopefully the people that dont already know this take something away from this case it is a perfect example of HOW TO SCREW UP YOUR OWN CASE

1 more note YES goverments laws on these drugs and plants (that people have been using for thousands of years) SUCK! it aint heroin but they dont know that "they" dont do it so HOW would they know....look its just the way it is goverments ban and make illegal ANYTHING that threatens "THIER stable world" there is nothing we can do about that but wait a 100 years and hope people change thier minds but it is what it is so IF you are doing something "illegal" or even a grey area cover your ass! or as the trailer park boys would say "get yourself some jail cover!"

again sorry for bumping a old thread just sooo many mistakes i would suspect this was the OP first time getting arrested (at least for something big) and got scared DONT let your fears controll what you do!
#134 Posted : 4/24/2022 7:48:45 AM

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#135 Posted : 4/24/2022 3:18:32 PM

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Well CL, except for the whole DON'T POST S**T LIKE THAT HERE thing, he's not technically wrong.... Very happy
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#136 Posted : 4/30/2022 1:23:13 AM

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Wolfnippletip wrote:
Well CL, except for the whole DON'T POST S**T LIKE THAT HERE thing, he's not technically wrong.... Very happy

Hmph, this just leaves me wondering what CL posted before it got spiritied away again...

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#137 Posted : 4/30/2022 7:45:33 PM

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christian wrote:
tele wrote:
I wonder what's the problem with the australians and the kiwi's. They seem to be afraid of the plants. Just read about some legal issues they are making up there. Crazy people...

--Yup, they want to keep their people "living in the bubble of their brainwashed activities they call life", they don't want people to awake and realise that 75% of what they do is meaningless, wrong, and not for their own good and spiritual development. They like their "slaves". And they prefer them blind. They're a lot easier to control when it's like that! Mad

Well said Christian!
I completely agree with this statement as to why these laws have been put in place, it all comes down to controlling the masses!
#138 Posted : 4/30/2022 8:02:37 PM

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PsychedelicReality wrote:
christian wrote:
tele wrote:
I wonder what's the problem with the australians and the kiwi's. They seem to be afraid of the plants. Just read about some legal issues they are making up there. Crazy people...

--Yup, they want to keep their people "living in the bubble of their brainwashed activities they call life", they don't want people to awake and realise that 75% of what they do is meaningless, wrong, and not for their own good and spiritual development. They like their "slaves". And they prefer them blind. They're a lot easier to control when it's like that! Mad

Well said Christian!
I completely agree with this statement as to why these laws have been put in place, it all comes down to controlling the masses!

While I don't disagree that motivations like this exist behind the scenes, I think we should also keep in mind the nature of safety that some of these "rules" accompany... let's look at the effects of fentanyl for example...

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