Finding your sweet spot Options
#1 Posted : 1/23/2014 3:07:00 PM

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All of my experiences with changa so far have been with unmeasured dosages - just puff until gone. (Seems to be the consensus method in threads here) This method has served me well, however produces an unpredictable variety of experiences from the mundane (for DMT that is) to uncomfortably extreme, even with hit counting I have been very surprised at the spectrum of intensities.

A close friend that I usually blast off with recently had a traumatizing experience that he was unprepared for, and scared him off for a while. (Nothing wrong with that, but I do enjoy tripping with him)

This has led me to consider a more systematic and pragmatic approach to dosing, and I was curious if people here have done something similar. One of the drawbacks to changa (for me so far) is the inability to evenly saturate the plant material with alkaloids. A 40mg pinch of leaf may not be the same concentration even within the same batch.

All that said, my intention is this and feedback greatly welcome.

1) Aim for single inhalation and clearing of the entire dose. When I have done multiple hits, it appears the last hit is more saturated than the previous

2) Begin intentionally low, work up in small increments and log my experiences with each dose

3) Considering that leftover MAO inhibition may persist from previous launches, space each dose out to separate days. Thinking that 4 40mg doses would be of different intensities if done in succession.

I know there have been multiple threads on this topic, but I haven't seen one relating to systematic approaches to finding a sweet spot. It takes willed courage for me to blast off, and I think the anxiety would be less if I went into each experience with less room for undershooting or overshooting.

Appreciate any of your thoughts on this, Thanks.
β€œWhat goes on inside is just too fast and huge and all interconnected for words to do more than barely sketch the outlines of at most one tiny little part of it at any given instant.” - David Foster Wallace

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#2 Posted : 1/23/2014 3:42:50 PM

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One method that really works is to keep the changa leaf blend completely separate from the spice. I've rocked this tek for a long time. It gives more control over spice amount.
You run your changa blend minus dmt first until you start feeling it then you slowly add the spice . That way you have more control over things and can literally dial it in.
Seems so obvious to me. Always keep a whole selection of different changa blends on hand.
If your looking for a little more control over dosage this is the ticket.
Believe me this really works.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#3 Posted : 1/23/2014 4:08:26 PM

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Was the leaf material powdered ? If it was coarsely shredded, it would definitely absorb dmt less evenly, but if its more finely broken down should be better, also if you mix it up a bit as it is finishing drying.

I think it`s possible some MAOI accumulates if you`re smoking changa in a continuous session specially if its 10x or concentrated harmala extracts, so dosing could vary further.

Personally I preffer taking caapi/harmalas (or mushrooms) orally and vap DMT on top, instead of changa, but others do love it, so you`ll have to find what works for you better.
#4 Posted : 1/24/2014 1:35:43 AM

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endlessness wrote:

Personally I preffer taking caapi/harmalas (or mushrooms) orally and vap DMT on top, instead of changa, but others do love it, so you`ll have to find what works for you better.

This sounds worth exploring. I assume that with oral caapi, the MAOI dietary precautions are more relevant. I will need some practice vamping freebase again, but this does sound promising.

The only thing that gives me caution with this method is that as far as I understand, the amount of alkaloids present in a vine brewed tea vary dramatically as well. Perhaps extracted caapi alkaloids taken orally for consistency of measure combined with measured dosages of freebase would be the most exacting method of dosage administration.

So much to explore, its exciting.

Thanks for your replies. In the meantime, I have a batch of 10x caapi changa that just finished curing, and I will begin with that, but the oral or vapid harmalas + vapid freebase definitely sounds worth exploring
β€œWhat goes on inside is just too fast and huge and all interconnected for words to do more than barely sketch the outlines of at most one tiny little part of it at any given instant.” - David Foster Wallace
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