Shadow People? Options
#61 Posted : 1/3/2014 11:57:33 PM
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I met the 'Shadow People' for the first time last night!

Let me preface by saying I've studied DMT/entheogens for about half my life now before ever actually taking the plunge a month back. I've had some nice colorful and slightly unpleasant/'soul on trial' experiences, but this one last night was all new. I've of course heard of the Machine Elves and stuff like that, but never delved too deep into this Nexus here enough to have heard of this phenomonon, but nontheless I felt as if I knew what was going on, like I was a visitor and perhaps even more vivid than most of us that go wherever that is. They were all stopping to check me out (I'm not egotistical, I have a rather low self confidence and self deprecating).

I inhabited the living spaces of the Shadow Folks for quite awhile. There were hallways and atriums. Some were curious in me and some hurried about their own business. They were mostly just interested and seemed grateful I wasn't just flipping out and was trying to grok them...

It was incredibly benevolent. I can see how people who didn't actually take DMT (say some unexplained spontaneous pineal release) would find this frightening. I feel like I see how people have near death experiences or feel abducted by something alien. I just had the advantage of 'knowing' (or so I think) what was happening to me.

Anyway... they're just Shadow People, man. They're not hasslin' you, just let 'em do their thing!


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#62 Posted : 1/4/2014 3:16:18 AM

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Ahh, the "shadow people".

Was on a strong dose of mushrooms when I first encountered them, while walking off my campsite to take a tinkle. Took a look a my surroundings and their they were....everywhere. Literally hundreds of them were around me. Peeking behind trees/bushes. Sitting on rocks. Whispering to each-other.

I'm not quite sure if they were watching me, or if they were already there to begin with. The feeling was kind of creepy. Kind of like when you notice someone is watching you. Benevolent though.

That was the first and only time I've ever seen them. Maybe we'll meet again...
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#63 Posted : 1/8/2014 1:02:10 AM

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I was just reading about all the folklore out there on the internet on these shadow guys. most if it seems dark and scary stuff. Really have to wonder what they are about. Some people even suggest that they secretly rule this world by controlling weak minds of people in powerfull positions. Intriguing, very.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
#64 Posted : 1/8/2014 3:12:26 AM

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During one my first dmt experiences I smoked in my room with two close friends. I took one decent sized hit, held it in for a bit and blew it out. I had some chill melodic dubstep playing in the background and what appeared to be a dark silhouette materialized out of my tv. It quickly shifted out of the tv onto the ground & danced very fast & intensely to the music I was playing for about a couple seconds. To me it appeared feminine in a way. I'm not sure if I actually perceived the next part or if it just felt that way but in my memory it swiftly flew through the air & layed down next to me for the whole trip. The experience felt very calm and laid back, I didn't break through but it was a very interesting experience to say the least.
#65 Posted : 11/7/2022 4:03:45 PM
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Hey everyone. I've been using DMT for a few months now. First real experience of the shadow people came a while back. During a somewhat mild dose I was on board a space ship or shuttle that was attempting to re-enter a planet. There was four crew sat down and buckled in. They didn't appear human though. It was like they were NPC in a horror video game - No emotions or even movement apart from the rattling that was caused by the actual vessel.

I was stood just behind them and could see a smallish window with a bright yellowish/orange glare shining through. Then a silhouette appeared in front of me. It had the form of a male to at least its knees and then below was just like mist. I asked it where they were taking me to which it replied - "We are protecting you"

More recently (today actually) I had another encounter. This time a shadow was leading me on a tour of my own mind. It actually took me into a small room with a seat to which I took to mean the driving seat of my own consciousness. I did get to sit down despite the external forces around me wanting to drag me off on the rest of the trip. I then was able to steer myself out of the darkness of the depths of my own headspace. It was like flying in the clouds into the sunset. I did have some weird looking mermaids floating alongside me which was a bit weird but they did seem to want to keep me from leaving. Ugh, I don't know what to make of that bit.

Anyway, that's my first input. Hope it helps in some way.
#66 Posted : 1/26/2023 12:57:15 AM

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Reading through this thread I wonder if my experience had anything to do with these shadow people. What I experienced was definitely beings from another dimension.

I have astral traveled a lot but only twice have I had a frightening experience. I was asleep and my baby daughter was asleep too, across the hallway in her bedroom. For some reason I sort of woke up but I wasn’t really awake, in that lucid state, out of my body but sitting up in bed. I immediately sensed the presence of 2 black blobs about the size of a very large dog but roundish. I felt their energy as they crawled along the hallway outside my bedroom. They certainly weren’t human just black blobs of some kind.

I could feel them searching, sniffing for energy, their food was life-force, preferably human.

I was curious, I had never sensed these blobs before and yet here they were right outside my bedroom. The door was closed and I instinctively knew that this wouldn't stop them. At that moment I realised these blobs of blackness were after me! Suddenly, my navel chakra went ‘crunch’, and I disappeared.

I have no idea where I went but some minutes later I came back to consciousness and once again I was sitting out of my body in the bed again. The black blobs immediately sensed that I was back in my body and lunged for me. They came straight through the wall. I freaked out and my navel chakra went ‘crunch’ again and I disappeared once more.

Minutes or hours later, I have no idea which, I came back to my body. Again I was sitting up above my sleeping self. I scanned the hallway, my daughter's bedroom, the other bedrooms... I sent my senses around the house and yard, I sensed nothing unusual. The blobs of black energy had gone. They had given up and left for someone easier, in search of someone else's life force.

Now before I finish this I will tell you what I discovered. Some month or so after this experience I was out of body one night tending to a drug addict who had blacked out in our local shopping centre. I got there before the ambulance but at the same time as those darn life-sucking black blobs. They stood away from him, and me, about two meters away. They seemed to be patiently waiting. I now had more energy than they did and they no longer bothered me. Funnily I had no fear, it just didn't occur to me to be afraid of them. I felt a kind of respect from the black blobs too, strange.

I instinctively touched this young person's third eye and pushed energy into it. At that moment I disappeared and went back to my body asleep in bed. I only hope that what I did was enough to save this guy from losing some of his life force. Sadly, I don't believe that I saved him from his fate of drug addiction.

What are these black blobs? I really don't know except that they feed off people's energy. They don't kill people or even harm them. I suspect that they live on a dimension that has no other energy supply. I was just a tasty morsel that they would have feasted on if they had caught me, but even then I doubt I would have noticed the loss of energy. I probably would have woken next morning just like I normally would. My understanding is that tthey aren’t interested in killing people but just have a need for a little of their life force.
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
#67 Posted : 2/20/2023 1:52:54 AM

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LizKing wrote:
What are these black blobs? I really don't know except that they feed off people's energy. They don't kill people or even harm them. I suspect that they live on a dimension that has no other energy supply. I was just a tasty morsel that they would have feasted on if they had caught me, but even then I doubt I would have noticed the loss of energy. I probably would have woken next morning just like I normally would. My understanding is that tthey aren’t interested in killing people but just have a need for a little of their life force.

It's hard to know right? Sometimes things we experience feel so far removed from who we are, what we are, that they cannot be anything but 'Other' to us. Who knows what energies we have that other entities out there might need to thrive? For some reason thinking of this reminds me of the episode 'The 456' in the Torchwood series, where the aliens kidnap human children and essentially use them as a 'drug high'. It's a really upsetting episode and it's difficult to conceive what exactly the children secrete in order to make these aliens 'feel good' as one of them says, but clearly, in they do, hence the invasion and their ongoing addiction.

There are all manner of frequencies, layers, dimensions, patterns and energies we have yet to and may never understand or discover. Lifeforms and spirits we have no conception of. And the very question of whether or not these black blobs are definitely other and not something of you, of your deepest depths, dimensions within you, cannot be ascertained either. What if it's you after your own life force? Or another? What if it's a deep ancestral trauma? What if it is absolutely as you say beings from another dimension?

Questions beget questions so often. The only answer I can suggest is to trust your instinct, and work to shield yourself from such things. With things like this, unless proven otherwise, trust your focalisation on the matter; it's all you have here.
'an overwhelming profusion of Passion flowers' - a friend observing his garden in late-Autumn
#68 Posted : 3/4/2023 4:20:50 AM

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StagLady77 wrote:
LizKing wrote:
What are these black blobs? I really don't know except that they feed off people's energy. They don't kill people or even harm them. I suspect that they live on a dimension that has no other energy supply. I was just a tasty morsel that they would have feasted on if they had caught me, but even then I doubt I would have noticed the loss of energy. I probably would have woken next morning just like I normally would. My understanding is that tthey aren’t interested in killing people but just have a need for a little of their life force.

It's hard to know right? Sometimes things we experience feel so far removed from who we are, what we are, that they cannot be anything but 'Other' to us. Who knows what energies we have that other entities out there might need to thrive? For some reason thinking of this reminds me of the episode 'The 456' in the Torchwood series, where the aliens kidnap human children and essentially use them as a 'drug high'. It's a really upsetting episode and it's difficult to conceive what exactly the children secrete in order to make these aliens 'feel good' as one of them says, but clearly, in they do, hence the invasion and their ongoing addiction.

There are all manner of frequencies, layers, dimensions, patterns and energies we have yet to and may never understand or discover. Lifeforms and spirits we have no conception of. And the very question of whether or not these black blobs are definitely other and not something of you, of your deepest depths, dimensions within you, cannot be ascertained either. What if it's you after your own life force? Or another? What if it's a deep ancestral trauma? What if it is absolutely as you say beings from another dimension?

Questions beget questions so often. The only answer I can suggest is to trust your instinct, and work to shield yourself from such things. With things like this, unless proven otherwise, trust your focalisation on the matter; it's all you have here.

Yep, I had no idea that there were so many layers of consciousness before I did shrooms. I'm still a real noob at this and have just started getting into Harmala. So far I've found that they are much more gentle than shrooms. I agree with you, Staglady, there is so much to learn.
Lizard King - astrology, tarot, taoist alchemy, and all things esoteric.

“I am the Lizard King / Retire now to your tents and to your dreams,
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth, / I want to be ready.”
Jim Morrison - The Doors
#69 Posted : 3/17/2023 3:43:40 AM

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Growing up I experienced these. I was almost always sober when I encountered them and they were always in the corner of my vision trying to scurry off as if to move from one shadow area to another within the home. They were never rude or disrespectful. Sometimes it felt like I was peering into something more. We also had a communal entity. By that I mean several neighbors and my home had all seen a young girl maybe 6 years old in a white cotton dress. She was often seen playing in children's rooms and would occasionally be noticed by a faint and seemingly very distant giggle. It took me about a year to speak up but an adult had corroborated the sightings and then other neighbors chimed in shortly after. Really makes me wonder what's after all this you know. I think about her from time to time and hope she's at peace. As for the shadow spirits I got nothing.. maybe people stuck in "limbo" afraid of the light? But yes I've seen them and no I've never seen them while on stimulants. Usually sightings for me are accompanied by an intense urge to follow and investigate but I never seemed to actually catch them. It was like as soon as they knew I saw them in the corner of my field of view they would just disappear into the next shadow not to be seen again for who knows how long.

"Get the message, hang up the phone" ~ some old hippie probably
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