DMT, Dream Recall, and Other Uses Options
#1 Posted : 4/25/2009 7:08:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'm sure this topic has been gone over time and time again. My aim is different than others'... I think lol.

After many experiences with flashbacks (best word but, not really the best description) SWIM was interested even more in how DMT tied into life.. His most logical area of interest seemed to be dreams.

He's time upon time had flashbacks to dreams while influenced by DMT by the way..

Today though, he spent a good few hours taking hit after hit (15-30mg) pondering this subject..

Most of his tokes were flukes... Nice but, not covering the subject at hand.

One though... interesting to say the least..

I'm sure many of you have experienced the infinite levels DMT can unfold into..
Well, in one of the many dimensions that seemed to unfold from his head, there were trails so to say..
The were like tails coming out of his mind (which was floating above his body if you care.)
He sent his mind down each trail... At the end was a past dream..
It was odd as he could see multiple dreams at once if he wished.
He noticed that each dream he was being shown each had a "strange vibe" when he originally had them.
These were dreams spanning from a few years to only a couple nights ago.

SWIM is convinced that either DMT is strongly tied to our dreams OR that DMT has an incredible ability to bring
things out of the sub-concious mind that were once long lost.. No matter what, SWIM has gone from once THINKING DMT is something to be respected to KNOWING. He's amazed by it's abilities..

Who else has dabbled in this area? Upon hearing SWIMS experience, I'm interested in also hearing yours.

This brings me to also wonder, what other true uses have you guys found other than sitting there in awe?
Like, uses with true benefit

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.

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#2 Posted : 4/26/2009 1:18:57 PM

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I use it some times when I want to draw, and can't think of anything to draw. I take a medium dose (15-30 mgs) and just stare at the blank page until I see something that I want to draw. It has made some very interesting drawings.
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#3 Posted : 4/26/2009 4:35:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I envy you Razz... If only I had artistic ability lol.. I can hardly draw a straight line.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#4 Posted : 4/28/2009 9:53:23 AM

The Root

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swim wishes he could smoke toke after toke of spice - no matter how little swim tokes the experience is always intense and meaningful after something pathethic like 15mg (partial breakthru for swim - swims sensitivity to spice is madness) swim is set for like 2weeks to a month Smile
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

Freddy Bacon Jr.
#5 Posted : 4/30/2009 10:43:35 AM

ButterScotch Bob

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Whats your perspective on not only past but seeing future with dmt??? or maybe even asking these entities excuse my typing were was i? entities how we can come to the other dimention for good? i dunno i feel like im babbleing cause im high on fungus and the key board is doing some funky ass shit!!!! please pm me on this or comment back and thanks in advanced for you thoughts =]
"See You Down At Arizona Bay"

Hi my real name is not Freddy. Freddy is a made up character of mine that likes to talk about the subjects on this site. So in most of my posts I will use the word I but its really Freddy my made up character. I do not endorse condone or engage in illegal activities. Talking about the things we talk about is fun.
#6 Posted : 4/30/2009 9:32:19 PM

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tropane wrote:
.. No matter what, SWIM has gone from once THINKING DMT is something to be respected to KNOWING. He's amazed by it's abilities..

Oh yeh, the spice beat the shit out of my friend a few days ago for not having enough respect. He was kicked in the ass hard reminded what a bad trip it could have turned out to be should he have had to deal with the consequences of someone finding him in his altered state and let him know to never use it again unless in a totally safe and discreet setting.
My friend will do as told from this point forward.

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#7 Posted : 4/30/2009 9:36:40 PM

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Phlux- wrote:
swim wishes he could smoke toke after toke of spice - no matter how little swim tokes the experience is always intense and meaningful after something pathethic like 15mg (partial breakthru for swim - swims sensitivity to spice is madness) swim is set for like 2weeks to a month Smile

Swim thinks he is also VERY sensitive to spice. He used not a huge amount the other day and was so far gone he was wondering what it was that put him into that state, he couldn't even recall, and had open eyed visual patterns to an insanely intense level even after coming down some.

Swim has a few times lit the pipe that he reserves soley for spice, and gone very far away on just the residue left on the ashes in the pipe. Such sensitivity is a nice gift I think!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#8 Posted : 5/1/2009 6:21:34 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM doesn't know if what he tells can be taken seriously at any level but he'll tell it anyway. He stumbled upon this thread with words 'Dream Recall' in it and wanted to share his experience.

A few days ago he had his first DMT experiences. After these few days he had a dream. It was very special, not like any other dreams he had in his life before. He doesn't know if there is any connection of DMT and his dream. Nevertheless, he finds his situation interesting.

SWIM already knows about possibility of inducing OBEs and Astral travels during night sleep. At some point he has been trying to induce them himself without significant success.

Now about the actual dream. SWIM found himself floating somewhere in his room during his normal night sleep. It was very unusual, so SWIM became aware of this 'dream' instantly. He remembered about the possibility of OBE and thought this may be his chance to experience it. He tried navigating around the room and then he wanted to get outside. He has heard that the best method of escaping outside is through the roof. He thought of flying upwards and he started flying through the roof. It was a strange feeling and he could sense (which is quite unusual for him during dreams) his body becoming in contact with the roof.

Then something happened. When he got outside he decided to go see the sky, the stars so he headed upwards again. But then even stranger thing happened to SWIM. Instead of going to the sky, he felt travelling at hyperspeed and arrived to some kind of black void. He saw only a large square shaped surface with smaller squares within it and some kind of different symbols in every square in front of him. After being shown the whole table of these symbols, he saw one of symbols being zoomed in front of him. Then he was shown some image(s) which he doesn't remember very well.

After this 'experience' he had very similar feeling of 'being here before' like he had after coming from his DMT trip. He tried to remember when he could have seen this before and couldn't remember anything. It seemed that this feeling was without any reason.

This is something that SWIM has never experienced before and it coincided with taking DMT a few days before. Maybe it's not connected at all but who knows.

After this experience he also had another (more usual) dream which he can now (still) recall with astonishing accuracy and detail. Again something he can't usually do with any other dreams.
#9 Posted : 5/2/2009 4:52:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM use to try OOBE with no success.
A few times though, he did hit a point where it felt like he had warm energy buzzing up
and down his body. He also felt like he was floating..

The next time(s) he felt this feeling was on DMT.

He's fairly certain there's some sort of connection.
He just not sure what yet.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
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