Lespedeza bicolor seeds Options
#1 Posted : 12/25/2013 6:34:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Besides Fructus Evodiae (Wu Zhu Yu) 5:1, I think Lespedeza seeds are the second most overlooked commercially abundant 5meo/NN source available. There have been a few threads about the whole plant here and elsewhere, including one that mentioned a 30 gram dried fall foliage successful bioassay as an ayahuasca light source. Some Simple Tryptamines covers this plant in great detail, I will try not to quote it extensively although it is free to preview at Accurate Information Media with a suggested $5 or $10 donation for the tremendous amount of work put into it. The relevant information regarding seed components is here:

Lespedeza bicolor (under 5-MeO)
Our assays did not detect any alkaloids in any parts
during the first year. (1994) We did detect 5-MeODMT
in both seeds and mixed seeds and pods. (May 1995) tlc by
J. Appleseed. See comments under DMT as we may have mistaken
the two as tlc used Ehrlichs.
Our reports of the occurrence of 5-MeO-DMT in the
genus Mimosaare the only reports of this alkaloid
in this genus that we can locate

Lespedeza bicolor (under DMT)
Lespedeza bicolor“Bush clover”
Positive tlc assays in seeds, seed pods, stem-bark and roots.
co-tlc by Appleseed. Seeds/seed-pods showed same alkaloids as stem-bark but
darker and with 3-7 additional bands. (Seeds & pods harvested summer 1994)
August stem-bark showed light band

Now it is worthwhile to note that this plant contains an undetermined amount of bufotenin and 1-methyl-DMT, which are both unpleasant. Regarding this, I found an old post by 69ron on seperating bufotenin from DMT that was incorporated into the Nexus wiki: Separating 5-HO-DMT (bufotenin) from DMT, where the first method with DCM would leave both the 5meo/NN intact, and the second one with acetone would only seperate the NN individually from the bufo/MeO precipitates.

What is important to note about Lespedeza seeds is that they are sold as wildlife forage to ranchers, rangers, and forestry industry types in huge quantity for very cheap. The average price in the 5 or so vendors I found was Moderator Edit: Information removed. The above listed references show that the seeds produced darker bands than other parts of the plant.

This reference shows more detail concerning the seeds:

* Lespedeza bicolor var. japonica [DMT,5MD,l,rb]

IF at least 1% concentration of bufo/dmt can be found in the seeds, than at Moderator Edit: Information removed. What the percentage is of each is entirely unknown, but the seeds seem by far the most interesting and commercially available form of this plant, and until phalaris techniques and strains are nailed down more securely, if AC gets the attention MHRB did and gets targetted its the only other source of DMT already in industrial production for mass consumption. Bundleflower is not cultivated en masse, Delosperma's can only bought in quantity if you are a nursery owner and need alot of work still. Unless Acacia Suma, Arabica, Leucophloea, Concinna, Catechu, Decurrens, or Seyal are found to contain spice (the only commercial acacias I've come across) then this plant will require that we get to know it better.

BTW: It also grows wild and is naturalized in Georgia, Tennesee, Kentucky, Indiana and Virginia. This plant is invasive and spreads like wildfire and can get 10 ft tall, so there is a great quantity of it out there.

Also I'm still a new member and would appreciate being able to respond to PM's, so if this is a quality vs. quantity post in your eyes plz throw me a vote.

Mod wrote:
Clarification: It is okay to talk about pricing on seeds for planting purposes but not as source material.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 12/25/2013 4:28:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Please edit your post and remove all pricing. It is against the rules.
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#3 Posted : 12/26/2013 9:13:45 AM

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Pharmacognosis wrote: is worthwhile to note that this plant contains an undetermined amount of bufotenin and 1-methyl-DMT, which are both unpleasant.

I believe you meant to say 1-methoxy-DMT, ie. lespedamine. As far as I know, no one has verified it as being 'unplesant'.
Theres an interesting little nugget of info on lespedamine hidden in an old german paper. It seems the scientists just put lespedamine in water under a nitrogen cloak and boiled it and formaldehyde distilled off as the lespedamine converted itself into DMT.
It wasnt clear if the lespedamine was freebase or salt form, if it worked as a salt just brewing the plant may convert the lespedamine to DMT.
I expect it would work without the nitrogen.
#4 Posted : 12/30/2013 4:00:56 AM

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I believe you meant to say 1-methoxy-DMT, ie. lespedamine. As far as I know, no one has verified it as being 'unplesant'.

I found it mentioned as bothersome on the shaman-australis forum in this post:

Aquaintances here in Japan who attempted to see if synergy with meclobemide would occur proved unsuccessful with 30-50 grams per person, of this particular rootbark that was powdered and then steeped in sub-boiling water for 30 minutes. Instead of any notable dmt activity, only the sedative effects of the lespedemine (sp?) were strongly apparent. There was little difference between ingesting 30-50 grams of tea with or without a MAOI. The predominate effect of lespedemine is fairly boring not euphoric and sedative, it induces drowsiness. The drowsiness lasted much too long, well through the next day, even after a fitful sleep after the first day. The sedation even seemed to be slightly noticeable on the third day. I can not see any reason to do any more research with this plant unless you are looking for a sedative.

The seed analysis reference above only lists bufotenin and N,N in the seeds so it may just be in the roots and bark. That conversion technique you found seems very interesting if the seeds do contain it.
#5 Posted : 12/30/2013 4:43:34 AM

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Yeah, I forgot about that report.
That doesnt address lespedamine, though. It addresses the whole plant infusion.
The sedative effect (if replicable) could just have easily been caused by a non-alkaloidal constituent that would be removed in any usual A/B extraction. That MAOI didnt effect the strength of the sedative action, itself, makes blaming it on tryptamines a bit suspect.
If it is some oddball terpenoid or such causing prolonged sedation I hope its eventually characterized. That'd be cool.
#6 Posted : 11/13/2014 5:48:52 PM

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Pharmacognosis wrote:
Besides Fructus Evodiae (Wu Zhu Yu) 5:1, I think Lespedeza seeds are
What is important to note about Lespedeza seeds is that they are sold as wildlife forage to ranchers, rangers, and forestry industry types in huge quantity for very cheap. The average price in the 5 or so vendors I found was Moderator Edit: Information removed. The above listed references show that the seeds produced darker bands than other parts of the plant.

Thing because I'm growing L. Bicolor is that is relatively easy to grow plant and can survive cold climate up to 5 hardiness zone. And contains more DMT that desmanthus.
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