Evil Jester Options
#1 Posted : 4/29/2009 6:12:21 PM

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SWIM's been smoking about 20-30mg on average lately..
Nothing too crazy but, still giving plenty to appreciate.

Last night he loaded up about 50mg and was able to take it all down in 2 massive rips.

So, he sat there and closed his eyes like he normally does, with the lights out.
As his perception shifted to outside of his body and the DMT world surrounded him,
he was feeling VERY pleasent. Body orgasm describes it best.

He was brought to thie endless room that reminded him of a school lunch room..
There were 0 to infinite beings in this room depending on the second.

RrrRRRrrrRRRrRRRR is the sound...

Anyway, SWIM's mindset was 100% good and, he was feeling 100% good but,
this "being" which looked alot like a jester started running at SWIM.
This being, while running with an evil look, held his hand out towards SWIM.

His hand contained .. something .. evil in a bottle so to say.
He remembers another being pulling back the jester, trying to stop him
from being an ass.
Another came up to SWIM and and told him not to worry.

The bottle type thing which was still floating in front of SWIMs face started opening
like a fractal. It was filled with so many negative images and feelings it was horrible.

If SWIM focused INTENSLY he could get these images to start to go back towards this
bottle type deal and reveal his previous surroundings.

Luckily, this jester type fellow with his evil bottle had shown up relatively late
in SWIM's experience.. Before SWIM could remove the negative images or be overrun by them
the trip was over.

SWIM has never met any beings of energy that have made him feel like they meant harm until last night.
This one however..

SWIM is going back tonight.. He's just concerned now .

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/29/2009 6:26:10 PM

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SWIM once met a false Jesus, but this was from Psilocybe azurescens, not DMT. The false Jesus was an evil being pretending to be Jesus and was trapping innocent souls. He had thousands of suffering souls he had trapped over the years. He tried to fool SWIM into giving his heart and soul to him, but SWIM could hear all the suffering souls trap inside him. It was really creepy. He looked like Jesus, even had the nail holes in his hands, but he was definitely not Jesus. SWIM saw him for who he really was, and wasn’t at all frightened of him and told him to get fucking lost, that SWIM is no fool. The false Jesus tried to convince SWIM he was Jesus and held his hand out to SWIM. SWIM immediately alerted GOD and this evil false Jesus ran like fucking hell.

This was probably the worst vision SWIM ever had.

On DMT, SWIM has had mostly positive experiences, usually with too much “mind fuck” being the only negative.

If you are an atheist, alerting God when there’s an evil spirit present is probably not going to work for you, but you could instead call on some other sort of being.

SWIM is not convinced these are real spirits, but sometimes thinks they might be, but even still, even alerting an imaginary God has great impact on the experience. You need an imaginary “spirit guide”, a character who has extremely strong powers within the imaginary realm. A God spirit is the best, especially if you believe the God character to be the creator of all things, because then that “spirit guide” can get you out of any tight situation. It’s a good trick.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#3 Posted : 4/29/2009 6:51:22 PM

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I don't think this Jester was evil. I think he was trying to do you some good.

You apparently have a bunch of negativity you keep bottled up inside. The bottle represents that in visual form. The Jester is trying to open you up to that negativity. I believe you need to confront that negative energy you keep bottled up inside. That's the only way to properly deal with it. Once you're able to view that negativity without an emotional response to it, but with instead an intellectual response to it, you'll be much better off. I believe the Jester was trying to free you of it and you reacted in a way that was not appropriate. Don't fear your own negativity. Examine it for what it is, be glad its part of your past, learn from it, and move on. Don't fear it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#4 Posted : 4/30/2009 2:56:42 AM

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69ron wrote:
I don't think this Jester was evil. I think he was trying to do you some good.

You apparently have a bunch of negativity you keep bottled up inside. The bottle represents that in visual form. The Jester is trying to open you up to that negativity. I believe you need to confront that negative energy you keep bottled up inside. That's the only way to properly deal with it. Once you're able to view that negativity without an emotional response to it, but with instead an intellectual response to it, you'll be much better off. I believe the Jester was trying to free you of it and you reacted in a way that was not appropriate. Don't fear your own negativity. Examine it for what it is, be glad its part of your past, learn from it, and move on. Don't fear it.

That has me thinking.
Well, both of your responses.

There was an entity in one of SWIM's old visits that he thinks resembled "Kali" or "durga" nearly 100%.
What's weird about that is he never knew of either before that visit ...
Maybe he'll keep her in mind next time.

As to what I've quoted above well.
Like I said, that has me thinking.

The question that raises is, if this jester type fellow was trying to help, why were the other
beings trying to hold him back and control him? Maybe they thought SWIM wasn't ready for what he was showing..
Then again, maybe they thought he was trying to do SWIM harm.

I do remember SWIM saying also that while these beings were holding back this jester and SWIM
was trying to control and dissolve the negativity, another being came up to my buddy and comforted him,
told him "it'll be alright."

BUT lol, on another note.......
My buddy has been working very hard to remove issues and negativity from his life and
lately his visits to DMT land have been more and more pleasant..

I guess he'll have to return and face whatever this jester is if he comes back and
try to pinpoint exactly what's going on.

This whole negativity/DMT thing is beautiful when you think about it.
It's cascading for SWIM..
Removing negativity for DMT land and in return bettering his life.

No matter what the truth is about DMT and DMT land,
I think it is a wonderful item for strengthening the mind.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#5 Posted : 4/30/2009 3:13:13 AM

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What I love about that trip report is the idea of a bottle containing a bunch of negativity. It's totally symbolic of keeping your bad feelings all "bottled up" inside. What is more appropriate than a bottle? That is just so cool.

I think the beings trying to keep the Jester away were not helping you at all. They represent the fear that keeps those things bottled up deep inside you. I believe you should always do your best to get rid of fear characters. They are of no help. They will prevent you from getting to higher ground because they are afraid of change. They want everything to stay as is. They seek comfort, not enlightenment.

If you believe in God, ask God to enter your vision and ask God to show you who the Jester is. If the Jester runs when God approaches the vision, he's definitely an evil character and you're probably better off NOT accepting anything he offers you.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#6 Posted : 4/30/2009 3:19:13 AM

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Even though this sounds so simple, it's really alot to comprehend lol.
Just imagine a non dmt user viewing these posts.

I guess some negativity SWIM thinks he gets rid of, is really just pushed aside for the DMT trips.
Come to think about it, he seems to let a decent bit (but not all) return in his daily life.

I suppose he'll give it some deep, true thought

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#7 Posted : 4/30/2009 3:23:15 AM

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I'm gonna add something here.. I'm not sure how to take it.

My buddy tells me that he's had alot of flashbacks...
Not really visual though.. It's hard to explain.
More like an extreme spiritual feeling and earning to be where
he thought past DMT trips could have taken him and he'd forgotten...
...Maybe more like "flash forwards."

This intense, not so pleasant but, not so bad experience with the jester left him
feeling extreme deja-vu (his flashbacks.)

He felt as he said it while tripping "this is WHERE I've been searching for all along."

Now, the mystery type feeling that come with his mostly psychological type flashbacks is gone...

I just find this weird.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#8 Posted : 4/30/2009 9:17:52 PM

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Very interesting ideas presented here. Swim will incorporate these ideas into his reality.
Also, try blowing evil spirits away if they come close to you. And burn some sage during blast off, that will definately help.
I can create anything with my mind. Including fiction, which this is.
#9 Posted : 4/30/2009 10:22:16 PM
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tropane wrote:
I'm gonna add something here.. I'm not sure how to take it.

My buddy tells me that he's had alot of flashbacks...
Not really visual though.. It's hard to explain.
More like an extreme spiritual feeling and earning to be where
he thought past DMT trips could have taken him and he'd forgotten...
...Maybe more like "flash forwards."

This intense, not so pleasant but, not so bad experience with the jester left him
feeling extreme deja-vu (his flashbacks.)

He felt as he said it while tripping "this is WHERE I've been searching for all along."

Now, the mystery type feeling that come with his mostly psychological type flashbacks is gone...

I just find this weird.

This is just the nature of working with psychedelics. You will often have experiences that seem to point you in the right direction, to heighten the sense of purpose in life and to give you more reliable access to previously hidden aspects of self and cognition. But unlike other spiritual practices, psychedelics do not require you to structure your entire life around generating these experiences (you are, in effect, getting ahead of yourself), so they are very hard to seize and integrate. You are really pulling your brain out of a comfortable equilibrium to create a foreign and challenging experience, and when that experience is over, your brain does its best to go back to the equilibrium that you shocked it out of.
#10 Posted : 5/1/2009 2:33:28 AM

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SWIM doesn't know what to say... He's in amazment right now..
He feels like he's finally about to hit the nail on the head so to say.

All of these posts I've wrote for him.
The 100 times more information I haven't...
He's got this idea that he's about to touch on something on a massive level.
Still, there's this question nagging his mind ... "What if I'm just tripping"

The thing is, humanity itself is a puzzle...
To question what he's seen, where he's been and, what he's "realized" is only
because that's what the society has taught him..

He wishes he'd been born on an island by himself with only DMT lol... No confusion.

69ron was right too.. With this little nudge into debating what the Jester actually was...
SWIM realizes it was a godsend.. He's never felt so free.. So in love with nothing.
Something amazing has hit him.

If he had a trillion dollars, he'd split it among the world's people just to see them smile.
This is the kind of state he is now in. I don't know how else to put it.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#11 Posted : 5/1/2009 5:20:22 AM

Sun Dragon

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^ Sweet!
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#12 Posted : 5/1/2009 2:14:51 PM


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This is just the nature of working with psychedelics. You will often have experiences that seem to point you in the right direction, to heighten the sense of purpose in life and to give you more reliable access to previously hidden aspects of self and cognition. But unlike other spiritual practices, psychedelics do not require you to structure your entire life around generating these experiences (you are, in effect, getting ahead of yourself), so they are very hard to seize and integrate. You are really pulling your brain out of a comfortable equilibrium to create a foreign and challenging experience, and when that experience is over, your brain does its best to go back to the equilibrium that you shocked it out of.

Thank you for that nutshell explanation. I will never forget it. Perfect! PERFECT!
What he said.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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