ayahuasca.. Options
#1 Posted : 4/28/2009 10:10:59 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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Ok so I have been wanting to write this report for about 3 weeks now since it happened..

I awoke about 5am in the morning and quickly drank down a brew I had already prepared was a light brew, about 12 grams cappi and 2-3 grams chaliponga. I put on some light interchill trance music and lay back down in my bed..

I first felt the relaxing effects of the cappi putting me back to sleep..I lay there very still and sedated for about 10 minutes when, behind my closed eyelides, I could see the body of a giant snake..way bigger than me, its mid section took up my entire field of vision. It was against a completely black background, and i could make out differnt geometric patterns on the skin of this snake..then somehow it entered me, and I could feel it filling me up my entire being, it moved through me and asessed te state of my physical body like it was a computer program checking for random viruses or erors in the system etc..

This state only lasted probabily about 2 or 3 minutes and then there was just black again. The whole time I was aware of my physical body, but only in a periferal sense..felt sort of like a VERY involving, vivid and colourful daydream. I dont know how long this next period of blackness lasted, but after a short while I became aware of this tree far off in the distance that was slowly getting closer and closer, or I was flying towars it, i couldnt tell..

Anyway, I see this tree and as i get closer and closer I start to make out more details..this tree is big and old, big long limbs and bright green leaves all in vivid techno colour..and I notice this guy in the tree, grabbing onto the limb with one arm and frantically trying to hold all of this other stuff he has with him in this bag he has and he's grabbing at ropes he has various things tied down to and such..he's barely keeping himself from getting sucked off into this abyss beacause he is focussing his attention on all of these "things". I stare at the scene perplexed for a few moments, and than it's as if some extra dimension of understanding opens up within the experience suddenly..

I see it. All of a sudden I see it..IT"S ME!! The vision was me, it was looking into the metaphorical mirror and seeing WHY so much in my life is the way it is. Instantly I became aware of another presense directly to my left, it was a woman, a teacher..and I knew she had givin me this vision, this gift. All these things I was holding onto, all the things I was trying to force myself to do NOW instead of letting things happen. She told me telapathically that the vision she showed me wasnt really me at all, but a reflection of things I hold onto, things that in reality weigh me down..things that I do more because its what others expect of me, what they think is "normal" for me, more than because they really have meaning to me. She told me I was beautiful and to always LOVE MYSELF...

I let go and watched the tree and the man who was NOT me fall away into the abyss, and felt one of the most amzing moments of bliss ever in my life. I was crying when I opened my eyes..I felt so full and happy and wantd to go out and tell everyone to love themselves and not worry and be happy!

This was my most memorable ayahuasca session so far..I was surprised that I could go this deep with such a light brew, but maybe I just have good cappi, i dunno.. but it worksVery happy
Long live the unwoke.

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