Effects of different times of day. Options
#1 Posted : 4/23/2009 7:53:25 AM

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I was wondering where would be the best place to post this and I decided here would be good. It's not a trip report, yet... but reports relevant to this are welcome.

This is mainly aimed at aya/pharmahuasca, as this is my best understood substance to relate to in the context of this post.

I was just wondering how does dosing at different times of the day effect the experience for all of you?

For myself, vaporized DMT is effected very little by this because it is so involving that the setting slips right out of the equation and all the experience becomes is the experience.

Usually I am much more relaxed later into the night. I think this explains my insomnia in a way as my mind works better at night so I'm a bit of a sleep deprivation junkie. However, when taking pharmahuasca, my night time rituals always seem much darker and confronting, even at lower than average doses the early onset visuals can be quite threatening. I put this down to the effects of my tired body pushing back onto the minds eye which causes this strange anxiety.

During the day my experiences are very blissful. I very seldom get nausea and the all over vibe is very friendly and safe. I also feel that the spirits listen to me a lot more, whereas in the night if I even begin to think the manifested visuals get very impatient. Signs such as arms flapping in my face until I clear my mind of all thought, only to experience what "they" show me with no distractions. To combat this I keep my mind clear but REALLY convulse my body to keep it attached to my mind, through fear of "breaking through" indefinitely. It's a strange feeling.

The most blissful experience I ever had was when I dosed as soon as waking up, then just laied in bed for a couple of hours "dreaming awake". I think this is because I'm still in that dream state in my head from when I was sleeping, which makes the experience integrate perfectly.

I suppose I should leave this open to all substances, but try to leave out boring ones like alcohol and MDMA, though why someone would want MDMA first thing in the morning would baffle me.

So how was it for you?

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#2 Posted : 4/23/2009 11:44:00 AM

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For vaporized DMT, SWIM prefers the dead of night in complete silence so he can be immersed in its world. So kinda a sensory deprivation thing.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

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#3 Posted : 4/23/2009 12:19:18 PM

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I prefer either mid day with all the windows in my house open and a nice warm breeze, or in the dead of night when I can continually toke for long periods of time. While I like tripping out side, it can get too bright, and over powering. I know what you mean when you say night time trips are different than daytime trips.
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#4 Posted : 4/23/2009 3:06:00 PM


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I believe that no matter what the substance is, the time of dosage is important. For me night time trips and day time trips are two completely separate things. If I would like to dive into myself I would rather take them during the night. It is dark and easier to keep your eyes closed. Put on some light music and ambient lighting and you're set.

Daytime trips are more for exploring and getting to know our lovely mother earth. She is beautiful and when you are tripping she is even more beautiful.

So I chose the time to dose to correlate with what type of experience I would like to achieve. Lately it's been all night time doses. But spring is here with summer just around the corner so I am sure that my next dose will be during the day out in nature.
#5 Posted : 4/23/2009 7:51:15 PM

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it is not uncommon for me to come home from training clients/myself around mid-day and to be exhausted. i normally take a little power-nap around this time....but one of my FAVORITE things to do is to take a nice spice journey while i'm in bed and to just go from hyperspace into sleep....

i absolutely love to do it this way.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#6 Posted : 4/23/2009 8:34:14 PM

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SWIM loves long lasting tryptamine during a full moon. You can go adventure around the forest and see like it's daytime, but it won't overwhelm your eyes. Also, the darkness allows the halucinations play tricks on you.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#7 Posted : 4/25/2009 8:39:19 PM

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hi swim is with you.

frist thing to understand about swim is he had a trip this one time in the mountians that peeked @ 11:47pm that time of day now scares the shit out of him it stayed 11:47pm for a long long! time. the hole "time" being confronted by two spirits one good/pure and one evil/bad they asked each other "why it's always so close to the end that they finaly get it!" they convayed a sense of ergancy/rushed to get there message across befor "the end of the day" this sense of ergancy overwhelmed swim and a verry bad trip followed.

so for swim the night is a verry scarry time to trip---to each there own!

but when swim "uses" in the early affternoon his trips are peacefull and blissfull witch leaves swim thinking about set and setting swim now beleves it's the "fear" of confrounting spirits/bad trip he has in his mind befor blasting off that has made night trips so scarry "swim will never trip between 11:00pm-12:00am ever agen" and if he ever has the same style of trip during the day swim may never trip agen. but for now swim still feals safe 23/24 hours a day with one hour reserved for the spirits to rest.
anything i say is only for fun its all made up i have never done drugs cuz drugs are bad! so forget what i said unless your the kinda person that belives in other worlds/reallitys in wich case you are trippin and maby crazy i mean (hyperspace)come on man thats crazy talk..................................right?
#8 Posted : 4/28/2009 9:50:23 AM

The Root

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time of day effects swim a lot - agreed with kung pow - "Daytime trips are more for exploring and getting to know our lovely mother earth. She is beautiful and when you are tripping she is even more beautiful."
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


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