Jorkest's D-Limonene Bufotenine Extraction TEK Options
#141 Posted : 4/23/2009 9:37:56 AM
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SpasticSpaz wrote:
Does SWIY have access to a RIMA? Perhaps that could help...

Is passion flower (passiflora) technically a RIMA? Would it work to potentiate this tek?

..SWIM would like to get the best from the bufo from this tek, but he doesn't have a test tube or means of vaporization, and plans to smoke the bufo in a rolling paper.

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#142 Posted : 4/23/2009 2:03:31 PM

Riggly Maynard Charlston Bentsworth |||

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Jorkest wrote:
how has SWIY been extracting? and purifying?

i described swims process on page 7 of this thread, its the long post of mine.

its really not that pure even after swim put the gunk through some mek/naptha. got very small amber crystals that just love to stick to things (but arent sticky feeling), and swim only got a small ammount of the stuff from about 25 grams of seeds
#143 Posted : 4/23/2009 3:31:29 PM
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Passion flower's a rather weak MAOI; it's alkaloid content is rather low. I suppose if one were to consume enough of it, but I'm not sure what "enough" would be.
#144 Posted : 4/24/2009 10:49:04 PM
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Okay, SWIM currently got to the end of step 3 of this tek. Solids fell to the bottom of dish after adding FASA to his acetone mix.
He had to use a coffee filter to collect them, but once collected and scraped from the filter, the result had to be only about a 1mg sized crumb...basically nothing. Looks like another failed extraction for SWIM Rolling eyes

Also, he began with only 10g of seeds instead of the 50g called for, so he tried dividing everything down by 5. The initial acetone that went in THP didn't seem like hardly enough so he ended up using a total of about 220ml, and compensated with a FASA of about 1g fumaric acid with 120ml acetone.. anyway it was a lot of acetone, but just about no solids.

SWIM hasn't yet thrown out the THP seed or acetone mix, if there's anything else he possibly do with it...

#145 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:43:10 AM

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SWIM has noticed that his biggest problems come when he re-basifies after getting the Bufo Fumerate. He will get a nice yield of Fumerate but as soon as it gets exposed to the base it turns into a small brown goo that is very hard to deal with. SWIM has found that a lot of caution has to be used to use very little water when basifying the Fumerate so that the goo stays manageable. Then trying to get a nice product after it is dissolved into a solvent is hard. SWIM has found that after evaporating acetone with Bufotenin freebase in it that the resultant product is gooey. Also after dissolving in IPA the resultant product is gooey. Grain alcohol yielded the driest product.
SWIM found that by putting a small amount of FASA into the initial washes he was able to get a lot of the dark unwanted (toxins) out of the product by filtering with a Buchner filter. After filtering with a Buchner filter he added a full amount of FASA to the wash and got a lot of Fumerate crystals. He made two 10 repetition washes and added a small amount of FASA to the washes and filtered. The two filter papers are from the first and then the second 10 repetition washes. The Fumerate that was collected from the cleaner remaining acetone is also in the photos.

The last photo is of the Freebase Bufotenin after being dissolved into grain alcohol and evaped.
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#146 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:09:35 PM

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Look likes awesome freebase !
So you do not use limonene, just a small FASA to 'clean', a full FASA, rebasify and alcohol wash ?

What was the initial amount of seeds ?
#147 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:25:59 PM
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memo, what does swim use to basify?
#148 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:49:49 PM

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Yes Garulfo that was about it. Used Sodium Carbonate to basify but stopped before the d-limonene boil. Used 50gr of seeds. There was very slight nausea almost like pre-nausea during the experience. Am wondering if it would have less of this if Calcium hydroxide had been used.

Read this on Erowid:
"When I was in Brazil I became quite familiar with Anadenanthera colubrina and have used it orally, sublingually, and by vaporizing it. After initially playing around with the powdered beans, I realized I needed to find a way to make an extract from these if I was going to experience their full effects. While in Brazil, I started to do many experimental extractions.

I tried many A/B extractions based on DMT, using naphtha, as the non-polar solvent, and it failed completely. I tried it with xylene, then heptane, and still no results! It turns out that bufotenine, the active chemical in the beans, is too polar for a typical A/B extraction to be of much use. Eventually I tried a more polar A/B extraction based on Jonathan Ott’s A/B extraction technique. It was the first one of several I tried that actually worked.

Here’s what worked. I soaked the powdered beans in isopropyl alcohol (made pH 3 with hydrochloric acid) for 1 day in a flask with a mixing bar constantly mixing the beans. I then filtered out the beans and evaporated most of the alcohol. Then I added 2 parts water. I used dichloromethane as a safer alternative to chloroform to de-fat the seeds. It took 10 de-fats! It was horribly inefficient and would form emulsions easily if shaken too much. Then I adjusted the pH to 8.5 using ammonia creating free base bufotenine.

Then I extracted free base bufotenine, and quite a bit of other stuff, into dichloromethane (instead of chloroform). It took 10 extractions to get all the free base bufotenine. Again, very inefficient. After evaporating the dichloromethane, I had an amber waxy oily substance that I could easily vaporize. It smelled like peanut oil. To my disappointment, I found the extract not that strong. It took 25 mg to equal a 10 mg dose of free base bufotenine. I did skip the re-crystallization steps done by Ott, so my extract was not pure free base bufotenine. I hate doing re-crystallization, it is so time consuming.

Not being at all satisfied with Jonathan Ott’s technique I played around with the free base bufotenine extract to find out which solvents it was soluble in, in hopes of finding a better extraction technique. I found free base bufotenine was soluble in water, acetone, isopropyl alcohol, dichloromethane, methyl ethyl ketone, and not soluble in xylene, naphtha and heptane. At pH 8-9 it was less soluble in water and more soluble in dichloromethane, however at a higher or lower pH, it was much more soluble in water! This made a typical A/B extraction inefficient because even at pH 8.5, free base bufotenine was still somewhat soluble in water!

So I played around quite a bit and finally invented my own very extraction technique. Here’s how it’s done. Boil the powdered beans in water made pH 3 with hydrochloric acid for about an hour, and then filter out the beans, and repeat 2 more times with new water, also made pH 3 with hydrochloric acid. Concentrate the combined water extracts down and evaporate to leave some solid brownish gunk. Weigh this gunk and measure out an equal portion of calcium hydroxide (the same pickling lime used to make Yopo and Vilca snuff!).

Dissolve the gunk in a small amount of isopropyl alcohol, just enough to make it a thick syrupy liquid, then add an equal portion of water, then mix in the calcium hydroxide. Mix it very well. You don’t want any clumps. It should be the consistency of thick pea soup. Let it sit for about 6 hours for the calcium hydroxide to react with the bufotenine, creating the basic salt calcium bufotenate. Now evaporate it (you can use an oven at 300 F for this step). Once it’s evaporated completely add a generous portion of acetone. Mix it well. The acetone won’t dissolve any of the calcium hydroxide, or much else, but will easily dissolve the calcium bufotenate. Let it sit an hour or more for the non-soluble particles to sink to the bottom, once the acetone takes on a clear dark amber color, poor your mix through a filter to obtain the acetone.

You can repeat the acetone extraction with new acetone a few more times until its clear. Evaporate the combined acetone to get an extremely potent extract that is nearly 90% pure calcium bufotenine, which is one of the most potent forms of bufotenine. It’s the form found in properly make Yopo and Vilca snuff that has been used for thousands of years in South America. It’s more psychoactive than free-base bufotenine and much more psychoactive than the acidic salt form found in the unprocessed beans.

When I first tested the extract in Brazil I didn’t know it was nearly 90% pure bufotenine. I assumed it was maybe 30% bufotenine. Sitting at my desk, I measured 15 mg of the extract weighed using an accurate digital scale. I placed it in the bottom of a glass test tube. I put a 2-hole rubber stopper into the top of the test tube. I attached a rubber hose to one hole, and then I attached a long glass tube to the other whole. The glass tube extended down into the bottom of test tube to allow fresh air into the test tube near the extract. The rubber tube was placed in my mouth. I lit a candle. I placed the bottom of the test tube directly over the candle flame, but not touching it. This way the candle flame was directly under the glass in the test tube were the extract was sitting.

Within 20 seconds the extract started to boil and began vaporizing. With the rubber tube in my mouth I began to slowly inhale the vapor. The vapor was hot but easy on the lungs. I inhaled all of the vapor with one long slow inhalation. I held the vapor in my lungs for 30 seconds. Before exhaling, the effect began. After exhaling, I put the test tube back on its rack and I blew out the candle. Initially there was a bit of a hot tingling felt in the back of my head, then an uneasy feeling in the stomach was felt. Within 30 seconds intense visual effects were noticed. The visuals were getting stronger by the second. After about 1 minute the uneasy feeling in the stomach was completely gone. The tingling in the back of the head moved to the front part of my head and became much more pleasant.

After about 2 minutes into it I started sweating. I felt a little bit nervous but mentally focused. The visual effects were extremely intense. Everything around me appeared to be swirling. The opened eyed visuals were seen in 3-dimensions, something I’ve never experienced, even from high doses of DMT. They were morphing and twisting all around me. I felt quite sweaty, so I looked at my arm to see if there was much sweat. I could not see any actual sweat. My skin looked normal, but there were swirling patterns all over my arm. The hairs on my arm were bending and twisting like little snakes. Everything in the room was swirling.

After about 5 minutes the sweating stopped, and I felt much more relaxed. The visuals were still extremely intense. I could also hear faint voices and sounds from all around that weren’t actually there. I decided to close my eyes, I suddenly started seeing all sorts of fantastic complex morphing shapes pulsating and changing all at a really intense speed. They were more intense and faster moving that previous experiences with DMT. I could hear unusual hypnotic rhythmic sounds playing in my mind. My body disappeared and I was floating engulfed in the most amazing visual experience I had ever had. Colorful neon lights were zooming past me. Fantastic 3-dimensional shape shifting objects were dancing all around me. I felt like I was traveling through a sea of visual data. Everything was pulsating and moving at an incredible speed. This continued for a good ten minutes.

At this point I became aware of my body again. I could feel the tingling sensation all over my body. It was a little alarming. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. My pulse was fine, my breathing was fine, I felt completely relaxed and mentally very clear, so I decided to ignore the tingling sensation. It was actually quite pleasurable. I got up out of my chair and walked around a bit. It was a little tricky to walk. I felt a little twitchy. My movements were a little bit jerky. Everything looked as if it was made of liquid. I saw patterns all over the walls and furniture. If I gazed at anything for a few moments, 3-dimenional images of faces would appear superimposed on the objects around me. This lasted for about 1 hour and slowly faded until after about 2 hours when the effects were completely gone.

After playing around with the acetone extract, I found vaporizing 10 mg to be a very good visual experience. Vaporizing 2 mg was enough to experience the first level of visuals, which were mostly a shimmering effect. Vaporizing 5 mg was enough to have true visuals seeing 2-dimensional patterns. Vaporizing 10 mg was enough to produce 3-dimensional visuals as well as closed eyed visuals. Vaporizing 15 mg is a little too intense and causes a short-lived speedy feeling that makes me feel a little sweaty for the first few minuets. To date I’ve not intentionally gone past 15 mg. For me 15 mg is enough to have intense out of body experiences more intense than anything I’ve experienced from DMT, LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, or LSA.

I’ve read other reports of people getting nausea and vomiting from Anadenanthera colubrina beans. This is most likely do to the acid salt forms of bufotenine. The bufotenine in the beans needs to either be converted to free base bufotenine or calcium bufotenate or the effects are not as enjoyable. I experimented with different forms of bufotenine. I found the most unpleasant forms were acid salt forms and the most pleasant form was the calcium based basic salt form of it. For example, bufotenine hydrochloride can be made my dissolving calcium bufotenate (a basic salt form) in dilute hydrochloric acid.

In one test I took 10 mg of calcium bufotenate, a very strong visual dose for this form, and I converted it to bufotenine hydrochloride inside a test tube. After the liquid evaporated, I vaporized it. The effects are dramatically different. 10 mg of this acidic salt form produces very slight visual shimmering, no actual shapes or patterns are seen, I feel pressure in the head and body, and unpleasant nausea is felt for 2 hours straight! However, there is more euphoria felt. The pressure and nausea ruin the experience.

I also tried vaporizing 5 mg of bufotenine hydrochloride along with equal portions of calcium bufotenate. The effects are very synergistic. Producing an LSD like experience, without the unpleasant mental effects of LSD. At this dose of bufotenine hydrochloride there is not much nausea felt, mostly euphoria and a pleasant excited feeling felt in the body with improved sense of touch.

I also played around with free base bufotenine. This is more psychoactive than the acidic salt versions, and almost like calcium bufotenate, but not quite as visual, and produces a little nausea sometimes. I found that calcium bufotenate produces the strongest visuals and the least nausea of them all, if any. However, not as much euphoria is felt.

When calcium bufotenate is vaporized, even at high doses, at most I might feel a little uneasy in the stomach for about 1 minute. That’s it. The remaining 2 hours are purely enjoyable. I’ve never felt actual nausea from vaporizing calcium bufotenate. I’ve also used it sublingually. Sublingually the effect is more like psilocybin or LSD, with a deeper psychedelic experience that is not as visual as when vaporized. Again, I’ve not felt any actual nausea from using it this way.

Bufotenine is rather stable, even samples of snuff several thousand years old still contain quite a bit of bufotenine in them. When I came back to the US, I had left some calcium bufotenate sitting on my desk in the open air back in the humid hot Brazilian summer climate for many months. When I returned to Brazil, the calcium bufotenate had become a sticky goo, but when I tested it I found no noticeable loss of potency.

I’ve had an accidental over dose once from old left over bufotenine melting and then vaporizing along with my newly added bufotenine causing me to experience a trip equivalent to approximately 30 mg of bufotenine. For the first three minutes my stomach felt very uneasy, on the verge of feeling nausea, and I felt very nervous and sweaty, I was pacing back and forth and couldn’t enjoy it much. After about 3 minutes into it these bad effects started to fade, at the peak I had a long out of body experience, after that I had a hard time walking around. I kept forgetting what I was doing, my bodily movements were very clumsy. The effects from such a large dose lasted about least 3 hours. At such a dose, visual effects are longer lasting but not any more intense than a 15 mg dose, however annoying side effects start to really kick in.

All in all, I found calcium bufotinate, extracted from Anandenanthera colubrina, to be one of the best psychedelics. It doesn’t have the unpleasant mental effects of LSD. It doesn’t last as long as LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, or ayahuasca, so it’s easier to integrate into a busy lifestyle. It’s neither a stimulant nor a sedative, so it doesn't make me stay up all night like LSD, mescaline, or psilocybin, and it doesn't make me drowsy or mentally clouded like LSA. If fact I feel completely normal and clear headed. I can easily sleep during the effects if I like. I’ve done this and had amazing dreams from it. Or I can easily do something that takes an alert mind.

The only other psychedelic I know of that has some of the qualities of calcium bufotinate is vaporized DMT. Vaporized DMT is nice, but it doesn’t last long enough. As soon as I start to enjoy it, it’s beginning to fade away. Vaporized calcium bufotinate does have more tingling effects than DMT, the visual effects are a little different, but these are not negatives. The tingling felt in the body is quite pleasant after a few minutes. The onset of the effects is much slower, which allows me more time to get comfortable with the experience. And of course it lasts much longer so I have time to really enjoy it. I find DMT is more dreamy in its visual effects, producing softer smoother looking visual effects, while calcium bufotinate produces sharper more defined patterns that are more rapidly changing. Both produce colorful visions. The visual effects of calcium bufotinate are a little more chaotic. But both DMT and calcium bufotinate can bring me to the same place, with only minor differences. When I combine calcium bufotinate with peganum harmala, the effects are stronger and more DMT-like producing very dreamy, more meaningful visual effects. However, I find this combination a little bit sedating. "
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#149 Posted : 4/25/2009 4:12:09 PM

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Here is a link to a calcium bufotinate discussion:

An interesting line is this:
It would seem the best way to test this would be to isolate a sample of pure bufotenine, and with a portion of that attempt to make the calcium salt (dissolve bufotenine in a minimal amount of water and add calcium hydroxide... calcium bufotenate should be insoluble and precipitate).
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#150 Posted : 4/27/2009 12:54:07 AM

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Before the limonene boil, should SWIM be looking at a slug-like, shiny, oily substance?
#151 Posted : 4/27/2009 2:30:35 AM

Riggly Maynard Charlston Bentsworth |||

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swims got this stuff thats like runny amber goo, it disolves in basified water and is a greyish tan when crystalized (after the water evaporates).

swim is real sick of smoking things that are not bufotenine lol. does this stuff sound about right?
#152 Posted : 4/27/2009 2:38:57 AM

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After evaporating the acetone wash done after converting the Fumerate back into freebase SWIM ended up with sticky, oily goo. His only luck with drying it was after dissolving it in ethanol and then evaporating. It was still kind of sticky and you have to let it dry real well after evaporating before scraping with a razor blade or it will be very sticky.
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#153 Posted : 4/27/2009 2:43:49 AM

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When SWIM smoked his freebase bufotenin it kind of boiled like burning plastic and wanted to catch fire. SWIM thinks this is why people can smoke 15 mg over a 10 minute period.
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#154 Posted : 4/27/2009 4:39:03 AM

Riggly Maynard Charlston Bentsworth |||

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does anyswims bufo extract smell like roasted coffee at any point?
#155 Posted : 4/27/2009 5:57:07 PM

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Fuego wrote:
does anyswims bufo extract smell like roasted coffee at any point?

Yes, if it’s impure it can smell like roasted coffee especially when smoked.
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#156 Posted : 4/27/2009 6:21:28 PM
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SWIM tells me he's noticed that he doesn't get the coffee smell with extractions that he did on seeds he roasted for an hour at 250 F before extracting. He doesn't know if that's significant in any way, it's just something he noticed
#157 Posted : 4/27/2009 8:05:05 PM

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I'm in the process of cleaning up my 2nd Bufo extract & it is a pain in the ass to get it really, really clean!!

I nixed the first extraction I did, as it seemed like it was getting more & more gooey & oily as I went along.
I tried boiling what I had in Zylene & things just seemed to go to hell from there. I think I had way too much left over orange oil in it when I went for the Zylene boil...
So I chalked that one up to a learning experience & started over, better prepared for the next one.

Now this one is going along well, but good grief those toxins are some tricky bastards to try & get out, aren't they!!!

I have had one little accident that seemed to help remove a large amount of the oily toxins & my extract has been much drier since.
Here is what happened:
*I followed Jokerst's D-Limonene tek, doing just one D-Limo boil.
*Like a jerk, I got a bit impatient (I know better than this by now...) with the D-Limo evaporating/Bufo drying so slowly & I put it in the oven, with the oven door cracked open a bit, at what I thought was 150F degrees to help speed things up.
I don't know if I bumped the dial, or just set it wrong in the first place, but when I went back, 45 min. later, to take the dish out, the oven temp was set to 350f degrees!! I took the dish out & although the D-Limo was dry, the Bufo stuck to the glass dish was pitch black!!
I was pissed!!
I figured with the oil in the D-Limo, plus being on glass, must have added enough to the temp to burn everything (I was incorrect, it was only hot enough to burn off a lot of the sticky toxins!!).

*So in hopes to retrieve something from the burn, I scraped up the burnt-black, somewhat hard substance of the the glass dish, dissolved it in acetone & poured it through a cotton filter stuffed in the tip of a funnel, to filter out the burnt shit. I did this 3 more times, until there were no more black solids left floating in the acetone. The last filtering was dripped into a large glass dish to evaporate the acetone.
*When I scraped it up, I had some very fine tan powder!! I was stoked & so happy that I clearly did not burn up any of the Bufo!!
*I could tell there was still some of the burnt stuff in there, so I did another D-Limo boil & what was scraped up after evap was cleaner than anything I had seen so far, but was still not pure crystals.
*I have now done 2 more D-Limo boils & have a nice tan extract, but it seems the more D-Limo boils you do, the more the orange oil builds up.
*So I'm thinking of doing the FASA step one more time, to salt out the Bufo & remove the orange oils. Then re-basify with sodium carbonate & then through the cotton filter again until any solids are gone.

I'm hoping that what dries out from that should be a very clean Bufo crystal.
Key word there being; hoping!!

I will then test it & report back as to whether or not toasting, after the D-Limo boil removed a large amount of other toxins, or not.
I remember reading about the natives toasting the seeds before grinding them into snuff. Then toasting again, after adding lime to basify.
Seems, at least visually, to have burned away a lot of the crap!!
I'll let you know after FASA removing the left over orange oils.

I also have a new batch of seeds coming from Maya, their products are always of the highest quality, so far I've been using FV's seeds and they seem like good quality but I've not tried any other vendors seeds to comparison them to.
I want to try toasting the D-Limo cleaned Bufo extract again, to see if I can get the same result. If it wokrs the same way again I'll write up & post how it was done, in steps.
I plan to re-toast 1/2 of the next extract & compare a final product the has been toasted & re-cleaned, to one that has just been D-limo cleaned.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#158 Posted : 4/27/2009 10:10:36 PM

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nice dude...that sounds very promising..and also a good idea on possibly getting rid of the orange oil..i love those happy accidents..
it's a sound
#159 Posted : 4/27/2009 10:20:03 PM

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do people roast the seeds before in this extraction? maybe this could work roasting earlier on?
#160 Posted : 4/27/2009 10:33:19 PM

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Yeah, I love it when an accident turns into something that works!!

It's funny, I was so pissed off at myself for trying to hurry, I was also out of acetone at the time so I was unable to continue & see if I lost everything.
It was rush hour, on a Fri, but I still ran to the ace-hard-ware a couple of blocks from my house to get some more & another happy-accident happened, I found that they sell 100% lye again!! The only place I found locally was a Lowes on the opposite side of the city (2hr drv both ways...) & I've heard they have stopped carrying it.
So I found a new source 2 blocks away instead, nice!!
I am definitely interested in the non-lye teks, but I still get my best result with an A/B using Lye.Crying or very sad

Anyway I'm gonna do the FASA on my Bufo extract tonight to get the orange oil out etc..., I'll let you know how it goes!!

do people roast the seeds before in this extraction? maybe this could work roasting earlier on?

I do, before grinding them. 200f degrees, for around 45 minutes after they stop popping & jumping.

BTW, the Acetone I bought at ace has water in it, am I correct in remembering that I could stir Epsom salts into it, let it sit for a day or two & filter out the water-soaked salt, to "dry" this acetone?
If so, what ratio?


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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