Faces faces omg all these faces Options
#1 Posted : 4/25/2009 7:33:08 AM

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Heh! SWIM recently had a very odd experience with DMT..

Finally feeling confident after many DMT endeavors, he though it'd be interesting to take his normal crazy, closed eye only, hyperspace dose of DMT and walk around with his eye open.

He loaded up ~40mg of almost pure white DMT into an aluminum foil pip and lit it underneath and inhaled like a mad man.

Instead of leaning back, turning on some hippy tunes, and closing his eyes .. He kept his eyes open, staring at his computer monitor.

The very first thing he noticed was "HOLY SHIT, THIS IS A FUCKING MISTAKE" <-- that's a quote.

He slightly turned his head to the right and noticed that instead of one lighter, one pipe, and a few papers.. There were many of each.. The fucked up thing about it is, he said the 'tracers' if you will didn't move around the room with him... They only stuck to his desk.

Anyway, SWIM got his normal yawning kick, teary eyes, etc...

He also noticed the tower of energy being formed around and above his desk.. This freaked him out a tad bit but, not too bad..

As he walked around the house looking at all of the fairly solid colors (vs his normal pixelized oev) he realized his big mistake.. He was cold before he hit the pipe. After hitting it, he was freezing for some reason (until it wore off).. This sent him into a hellish trip..

The only really bad visuals were these colors circling his feet on the floor... They all turned into swirling, connected, pulsing and, multi-colored faces .. Kind of like the one shpongle like to use so much but not the same..
These faces kept trying to form a vortex around him and each time they started to, he could feel his body being sucked upwards... This normally wouldn't bother him .. As I said, the coldness, "set and setting"...

Well, in the psychological cluster fuck he was in, he had to try very hard to not call his normal DMT buddy... SWIM knew his friend was at work and he'd get him yelled at for being on the phone..

Meanwhile, I think like 1 minute had passed lol..

So, SWIM went back into his room and decided that even though he HATED watching TV on DMT, it may held him ground himself.. He also decided to smoke a cig.. Something he never does and can barely do while on DMT but, he figured since he normally only does it sober, it could help chill him out.

Wow was SWIMS room pulsating and swaying like nuts...
He lit his smoke and was pretty surprised at how slow the sparks came out... Like on one of those high FPS cameras playing in slow motion... The sparks basically sat in the air even after pulling his lighter away..

He sat down and turned on one of his favorite shows.. "Las Vegas" (Corny, maybe, but I don't care Razz )...
Jesus... These people were all speaking some sort of jibberish language and making high pitched squeeling sounds..
Not really but, in DMT land, that's what it sounded like..

The TV wound up disturbing him though .. He wound up balling up in a corner like a loony until it wore off...
He was very very glad he chose the smoked route that day..
He could just imagine if he'd had to spend hours in that frame of mind..
I think he would have actually broke down and cried.

Once it wore off, like normal, he sat on his couch and thought "dude, that was fucking cool"
See, SWIM always appreciates a DMT experience, whether good or bad or for fun or 'knowledge'



Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.

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#2 Posted : 4/25/2009 8:07:14 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Hoora - good for SWIM !
#3 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:24:40 PM

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Location: deep in the heart of humility's funny- i have just plain NOT been able to keep my eyes open for a breakthrough journey. i can open them just as i become self-aware again and i can keep them open during sub-breakthrough journeys....but there's been a handful of times where i thought, "okay, i'm gonna do this....i'm holding it in and here comes the spice train ready to take me into hyperspace and FOR THE LIFE OF ME I JUST CAN'T KEEP MY EYES OPEN!!

...i'm really curious to know if i'm the only one like this....

tropane- you are a trooper my friend. remember- when you struggle, you make ALL of us stronger.... timex ain't got nuthin' on you! Very happy

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#4 Posted : 4/25/2009 3:32:54 PM

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I also can never keep my eyes open.. but I am not sure if I physically cant or if I just didnt really try to with strenght... The closed eye world just sucks me up so much, its more than enough to deal with haha. But anyways I think most times I just forget about all this deal with the eyes (or body), and am totally immersed in this other dimension.
#5 Posted : 4/25/2009 6:44:11 PM

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When you guys attempt these blastoff doses and try to force your eyes to stay open,
does your body seem like it wants to 'go to sleep' for the journey?

SWIM says he thinks that's part of his problem like, his body just cannot accept what's happening
no matter what his mind tries to tell it... Like the visuals in the physical world
are just too overwhelming

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
wake and bacon
#6 Posted : 4/25/2009 6:54:00 PM
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Last time SWIM tried to open his eyes on even just a sub-breakthrough dose (~35mg), about 1 minute in he felt utterly compelled to close his eyes (like he normally gets immediately after ripping) and 'heard' a voice that said... what took you so long...?

For SWIM, closing his eyes isn't really a decision... it's just what happens... and he fucking loves it... really, to keep his eyes open is going against his own will, so far in his experiences. The beauty and wonder of what 'lies' under his eyelids is far too great to not tap into. Once the lids are over his eyes... SWIM forgets he even closed his eyes in the first place! It's just so NATURAL!!!
DeadLizard wrote:
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#7 Posted : 4/25/2009 8:34:06 PM

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yeah....i'm of the mindset that it's just all about surrender with the sacred spice. i don't try to "bring hyperspace into MY world" as i have heard other state...nor do i have ANY agenda or wish-list of things to "get clarity on", etc....

....for me, the spice is the teacher and it always has exactly the appropriate lesson for the day. it asks only that i give up THIS world for a short while in order to attend "hyperspace elementary school". i don't even pretend that i'm in any grade level higher than kindergarden at this point Pleased .. . .

W&B- i'm with just feels natural to completely let go, close your eyes and have you spirit whisked away. no judgement on the open-eye method or anything....just not what i'm wired for i suppose....

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#8 Posted : 4/26/2009 8:12:06 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Yea I suppose closing your eyes is allot easier.. but each to their own.
#9 Posted : 4/27/2009 2:27:59 PM

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Its has been a bit of both ways in SWIMS experience. SWIM has found that deep doses outside, especially in a forest, have often proven to be particularly enjoyable and profound visually... however almost all of SWIMS deep open eye experiences inside have not been so enjoyable.

Maybe is is only SWIM but there have been a handful of journeys that SWIM has entered with the intention of keeping SWIMS eyes open, however during the peak of the experience SWIM has no concept of eyes, or body or SWIM, and it is a surprise to see the room slowly re-phaze into existence and then deal with the astonishment of realizing that SWIMS eyes have been open the whole time...
#10 Posted : 4/27/2009 3:09:36 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Of course, but not every journey is a mind shattering breakthrough..
#11 Posted : 4/27/2009 3:14:22 PM


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wake N bacon, yes... It was a while ago. I have been an oev guy for most of my spice life, with only some of the time Cevs. Once, while staring at the insanely beautiful water stain on my ceiling, which was my favorite thing to do for many trips, I closed my eyes and heard a voice say "FINALLY!". I realized that my Oevs had been trying to tell me to CLOSE MY EYES! Amazing.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#12 Posted : 4/27/2009 7:59:30 PM
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Imo if the spice wants to show you something, you'll see it whether your eyes are open or not. Last time SWIM partook of the spice, he was lying on his bed with eyes open looking at his ceiling, and the ceiling just resolved into DMT space. The space was somehow ceiling-colored and ceiling-textured, but he wasn't looking at the ceiling anymore; he was looking through it. After a couple of minutes of this, SWIM couldn't even get CEVs by closing his eyes. It's like his brain somehow anchored the trip to the ceiling. If he looked at something else, it was like the entire trip restarted, but if he looked back at the ceiling, it resumed from the same point.
#13 Posted : 4/28/2009 7:16:13 AM

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Psychodelirium wrote:
Imo if the spice wants to show you something, you'll see it whether your eyes are open or not. Last time SWIM partook of the spice, he was lying on his bed with eyes open looking at his ceiling, and the ceiling just resolved into DMT space. The space was somehow ceiling-colored and ceiling-textured, but he wasn't looking at the ceiling anymore; he was looking through it. After a couple of minutes of this, SWIM couldn't even get CEVs by closing his eyes. It's like his brain somehow anchored the trip to the ceiling. If he looked at something else, it was like the entire trip restarted, but if he looked back at the ceiling, it resumed from the same point.

If anyone looks at my past posts, you'll know I don't like to argue...
I must question this here though.

The 'question' at hand, most of you that understand the power of DMT won't need explained..

To the others, I'll compare closing the eyes to sitting in a rocket ship..
Opening the eyes AND FORCING DMT visions upon your world, being duct-taped to the outside..

The original purpose of this post was to describe what happened to my buddy
when instead of accepting his visions, he forced them upon his world.

My ultimate view:
If it feels right, it's right.
If it feels wrong and you push, it will more than likely pull you into hell...

Again, I'd have said nothing if I didn't feel these replies were getting off topic.
At the same time, my buddy didn't just come out of a trip so,

_ he might have just explained this to me better... _

Peace out.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#14 Posted : 4/28/2009 9:00:25 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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So are you saying when you close your eyes its fine but to leave them open means your forcing um something on your . world? and by doing so having a bad time? cause the previous poster seems to say having his eyes opened felt very right. or are you just stating how your buddy felt?
wake and bacon
#15 Posted : 4/28/2009 8:08:06 PM
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tropane wrote:
The 'question' at hand, most of you that understand the power of DMT won't need explained..

To the others, I'll compare closing the eyes to sitting in a rocket ship..
Opening the eyes AND FORCING DMT visions upon your world, being duct-taped to the outside..

I believe that that is the power of your mind... not [necessarily] the DMT... if you have this idea that by opening your eyes you are forcing or pushing the experience on yourself, obviously it will lead you into hell! Your underlying thoughts on subjects like this have supreme power of your experience... why? Because it's YOU. DMT is just a mirror!! One fucking crazy mirror, at that.

I think the key thing here is to do what feels right for you. Entheogenic experiences are wildly subjective; what works for one may be hell for another. Finding your own path is where the importance lies. It allows you to learn.

Or is it that it forces you to learn?

DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#16 Posted : 4/29/2009 5:15:37 PM

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I'm talking about, my buddy knew he couldn't handle this dose with open eyes..
It's that "suck you away" type dose.

Going against his logic, he forced his eyes to stay open.

Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
#17 Posted : 6/10/2009 1:00:19 AM

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That's so true. I wouldn't say I've had a bad trip on DMT, but there are times when I've kept my eyes open and ended up waiting for it to be over rather than trying to pull myself deeper. But I have seen some cool things with open eyes. One of my very first experiences was a very sober feeling one where I was sat down looking around at these perfect tribal kind of aztec-like symbols floating around the room. Like right there! very cool.
#18 Posted : 6/10/2009 3:47:15 AM

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reduxredux wrote:
Trying to move around or look at things while under the influence can lead to disorientation, which leads to fear, which can trigger bad trips.

And that is the key word, "trying."
I think that spice leads the way and that ( generally speaking) trying equals fighting it.
It just makes sense to me. Something as powerful as DMT leads the way. When one has eyes open it is because one is trying to look at things ( and therefore make sense of the visual input.) Trying to make sense of (or analyse) a dmt trip is not logical says Mr. Spock who would agree with redux that it would likely lead to a bad trip!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#19 Posted : 6/10/2009 8:29:34 AM
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yeah my first trip was a few mornings ago, which i detailed in an earlier post, and i kept my eyes open the whole time. it made the entire world turn into the set of teletubbies. granted i was on top of a hill looking over the beautiful ozark mountains right after sun up, but i think if you can find a great place like that you will have a profound experience. its fun to see things in your physical world change in ways that are impossible in our normal reality. right after i blew the smoke out it was like a paintbrush had swiped over my entire field of vision before i knew anything was going on. the sun grew 10 times its size and moved to the center of the sky during the early morning hours, something that is mind blowing. i dont think i took enough to "breakthrough" but i experienced a lot just the same and it has peaked my interest so that its all ive been thinking about since, its consumed my thoughts.

couple questions:

does everyone voluntarily close their eyes or do you enter such a trance that it happens automatically?

what settings, indoor and outdoor, would you recommend for having the best, safest feeling trips?

when i did it i had been rolling all night and drinking, among other things. did this effect my trip? should i be sober in the future?

#20 Posted : 6/10/2009 2:56:16 PM


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...Not everyone 'voluntarily' closes their eyes on a journey. It is possible for some to keep their eyes open and for some it is not. If you are experiencing a true breakthrough then it does not matter if they are open or closed, the world as you know it will cease to be and will be replaced by another of the spices' choosing.

sub-breakthrough doses are great. They are more beautiful than other psychedelics, more personal. But a breakthrough dose is different, it is 'trans'-psychedelic. Nothing like it in the realm of the matrix.

As for set and setting. If you are indoors, my suggestion is a dimly lit, quiet and SOFT place. Pillows or lounge chair. Something that if you fall back you wont sustain bodily injury. If you have music, then I suggest heavy-metal or death metal...just kidding. Quiet ambient or instrumental music. Something to get you into a peaceful mindset.

If you are outdoors then I would suggest something as far away from other humans(except your sitter). Something like what you already experienced.

Meditation. Calm your mind of any negativity. The only baggage you will be bringing on this trip will be emotional...

And yes. For Universes' sake, be sober. DMT does not care for alcohol. Many have experienced negative rides due to it. Not everyone, but many.

Not that DMT does not mix well with other materials. Harmalas, for instance, seem 'made' to go with spice. Also, many smoke changa which is a mix of the spice plus another herb or herb combination. Search google or the nexus for specifics.

Most of all, RESPECT the spice. It is powerful. It can take you across the universe in a few seconds. Until you are more familiar with it, use it sparingly. Allow time to integrate you experiences into you everyday life.



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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