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Posts: 52 Joined: 30-Sep-2013 Last visit: 12-May-2018 Location: Auckland NZ
Thanks for the tip on the Google - search string - it has made finding things out much easier - can't wait till i'm promoted and can join in some of the neat discussions i see happening all around the place! Great resource, great folks, great advice - many thanks folks Those who walk in truth and love grow in honor and strength. Bright blessings
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 09-Oct-2013 Last visit: 09-Oct-2013 Location: UK
A new searcher here. Engrossed by the discussions and arguments on this site. A most valuable resource. Da iawn!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 21-Oct-2013 Last visit: 09-Dec-2013
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 23-Oct-2013 Last visit: 23-Oct-2013 Location: Cebu, Philippines
Sure thing . Thanks , Still lots of stuff to learn . It's great being here . 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 02-Nov-2013 Last visit: 28-Jan-2014 Location: U.S.A
The Forum here is excellent, i have found myself doing lots of research before i take my first journey with the spice!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 04-Nov-2013 Last visit: 04-Nov-2013
Hello Nexus fellowship.
May i start with, have been an avid reader of very many forums and peeps ideas and questions. Also have been researching and studying dmt now for a little over 3 years with much success. I have been lucky enough to work in a FIFO job for many years now that has covered most of this great country of ours and have made some fantastic discoveries that have taken me a long while to achieve with so much reading and home schooled botany, thanks too the likes of CSIRO and many many papers obtainable at little too no cost, just a matter of not being lazy and doing your homework instead of expecting certain questions to be so easily answered. I have had the pleasure of working in some of the most remote regions. I have been blessed with the handing down of a age old secret that lays with our indigenous folks of Australia in communities that would make us average guys cry to live in, and have truly witnessed the resourcefulness of these people without the aids that we have at our disposal. I would also like to comment on the dedication and smarts i read about on here that even leaves me having to read it more than once to understand the terminology and in depth calculations those truly dedicated have worked upon. I have been shown something that opened my eyes too what is yet to still be discovered by the majority. It is discussed on here in length with some but would come across as complicated to many and goes hand in hand with the full and lasting effects that dmt can offer. Things can be so simple at times that they are often readily overlooked. Love your work Nexus creators kuto's.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 05-Nov-2013 Last visit: 06-Nov-2013
I've been coming here for a while now in search of useful information and love it! I decided it was time to make an account. Thanks for sharing this information! ~The world is my canvas, my thoughts the paintbrush ~
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 15 Joined: 18-Nov-2013 Last visit: 16-Sep-2015
yes this site is truly amazing! i am very glad i found such a place where ideas and discussions flow so freely!! i just have a question that i do not know where to ask so... here i guess how long does it take to become a full member and able to post private messages to fellow members and mods? i tried to find the answer somewhere on the nexus and kept on coming up empty... thank you ahead of time fellow nexians! also feeling a little overwhelmed as i want to absorb all the experiences and knowledge of my fellow travelers there's so many threads on this forum! it's crazy! (but crazy good!  ) M12463=MIRAGE which is all i am...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Quote:how long does it take to become a full member and able to post private messages to fellow members and mods? i tried to find the answer somewhere on the nexus and kept on coming up empty... Read This... You'll get voted up in no time. Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 15 Joined: 18-Nov-2013 Last visit: 16-Sep-2015
thank you so much cyb! that is very informative!! i feel that this is the only forum i have ever visited (and stayed on!) where people were so knowledgeable; and so far i have not seen a single "negative" post like most sites where people hide behind the anonymity of the internet and just bash people. thanks again cyb and thank you to everyone who helps out new members (which as far as i can tell on this forum is... EVERYONE  ) as we do not know everything yet... peace and safety M12463=MIRAGE which is all i am...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 01-Dec-2013 Last visit: 26-Mar-2014 Location: Barcelona
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 5 Joined: 04-Dec-2013 Last visit: 21-Mar-2014 Location: Tennessee
I wish I would have found this place sooner, but better late than never!!  I joined a month or so ago, but I have been reading and researching here for almost a year. I use the "search" option quite a bit and I have literally spent several hundred hours looking into topics such as extracting, DMT effects, side-effects, doses, plant ID, and on & on. I tend to research everything more than probably needed, but at the same time it's nice to be able to ask questions I may think I know the answers to just to be reassured, especially when a simple screw-up can cause harm to others or myself. I am about to do my first extract, but I really wish I had a teacher  . I think trial and error is part of the learning process though and is important on the subject of DMT, MDMA, etc. Thanks again for having me, I really appreciate and respect the wishes of this community. Open1Mind Scout/Sniper Private Security
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 41 Joined: 30-Jan-2014 Last visit: 14-Sep-2014
Thank you, helped a lot  A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 11 Joined: 02-Mar-2014 Last visit: 23-Apr-2014 Location: North Queensland
as a suggestion, is a "Like" button akin to facebook possible on the nexus? Life?, What else have you got?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12 Joined: 07-Jun-2014 Last visit: 09-Jun-2014
Thanks for the warm welcome [The] Traveler! I actually really like the idea of keeping standards high and keeping the tone civil. There is certainly something to be said for minimizing the amount of noise and chaos caused by no-holds-barred posting, as the excessive noise caused by super informal conversational styles is a good way to drown out valuable information. In my opinion, Free-speech is more about ideas than word choice, and anyone that feels their freedom of expression is being hampered by a "no cursing" policy would I think benefit from expanding their vocabulary. Any given idea can be expressed in many different ways, and I feel like the more clearly and articulately ideas are expressed, the greater their potential audience and the greater their potential for helping the greatest number of people. Also, wisdom is undeniably hierarchical and mouthing off to senior forum members or mods is like spitting in an elder's face. Treating people online the same way you would if they were in the room with you is a direction humanity needs to trend towards in my opinion, and considering the knowledge to be gained from actually treating people with respect here, I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't. Excuse the overtly advocative nature of this post, but I figured the subject was broached so I'd give my honest two cents, (which coincidentally is also a way for me to demonstrate that I understand the code of conduct while also stating that I would likely have been posting within the guidelines even if they didn't exist).  Hopefully my shamelessly trying to prove myself worthy of upgrade sooner rather than later won't be held against me! If so, I apologize! Anyway, Thanks again for the welcome; I've been a long time passive reader and admirer of the high quality information contained here, and am looking forward to actually at long last taking part in what I feel is an unparalleled resource for teks and valuable discussion! - OTCJ
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1129 Joined: 12-Jul-2014 Last visit: 18-May-2024 Location: on the world in time
The attitude page is the main thing I love about the nexus. Knowing there's a mature place to share information and experiences where no one flames each other makes me very happy indeed.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 42 Joined: 21-Jun-2014 Last visit: 01-Sep-2018
Yes, I am impressed by the comradery that appears to show through at a site as such. It shows that the entheogenic practices people are engaging in are effective at making us better people. Entheogens are egoless teachers. I am thankful to have found this e-community. I look forward to sharing and expanding. ॐ Shamanic Yogi ❤
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 9 Joined: 27-Jul-2014 Last visit: 14-Aug-2014 Location: Tx
 New to the Nexus myself. Long time follower and fan decided to jump on board. Glad to be here!