3rdi: Yes I feel you there. The same thing has happened to me a few times. I've given things away or sold things or even thrown things away that later on I regretted. Although some of those times, upon purchasing a replacement realized I was back in the same boat again... LOL
Another thing is, I would like to get myself down to only a few major things/hobbies to make room for more time to focus on those things. I find myself wanting to create new hobbies to replace old ones. Like a camera. I have one on my phone, and I take a ton of pictures with it, but the lack of image quality leaves me feeling like I need a better camera. I am just not quite sure if I will utilize it enough to justify the money, and the space and time. So again I am going to put off anything new at all and focus on ridding myself of as much stuff as possible first.
CYB: Yes I agree, and this has been a method I have used before. One thing though that has been bothering me is the fact that everything I own, even if it is out of sight it isnt out of mind. I have realized that the more things I own the more space in my head it takes up as well as physical space. I know about it, have memory reserved for knowing where it is and what its function is ect. The clutter is mostly mental, I feel mentally disorganized just by owning these things. But that approach is definitely useful in deciding the easiest things to get rid of. So thank you for that suggestion. I will be doing this when I wake up.
hug46: That is actually a pretty good idea too. I have a couple ideas to implement that sort of thing thanks.
I already have a few things that I am going to be selling that I have not used for awhile. Some things I have had to decide that I am going to give up on cause they dont have importance over others or/and I have lost the main drive to pursue. I have a few seasonal hobbies that I am going to stick with, and as time goes on theres one that I might be ditching since I havent done it in awhile.
It's hard because I have created emotional attachments, memories of good times, and the feeling that I will need it at some point to most of these things. I think I will be donating some things to a couple friends that would be interested. That way if I really needed to use it I would be able to at least borrow it. Thanks for all the suggestions, and keep em coming this is giving me a lot of motivation to continue on and improve myself in this area. And now I'm off to bed.
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