Enhanced Caapi Leaf & Changa Primer Options
#1 Posted : 8/16/2010 9:53:15 AM

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Mindful Caapi Changa Tek

Here’s a simple step-by-guide on how to make both 11x Enhanced Caapi Leaf & Authentic Changa. While every Ethno-Alchemyst is an artist in his or her own right one thing that holds true for all is Intention & Environment, analogous to Set & Setting for the Experiencer. You wouldn’t want to create something sacred thinking about getting even with your ex-girlfriend whilst humming a Johnny Cash or Slip Knot tune. Play music that you enjoy and you feel is harmonious and honours the Plant Spirit. She’s a powerful ally, mentor, & teacher so it’s always best to show respect on all levels. Follows are a few more tips that will make a marked difference in your Journeys, remember everything is magnified 1000x or more in Hyperspace. Be mindful.

1) Having a General Intention during the creation phase such as ‘I want to expand my universal awareness’ is a good place to start or, if you are more ambitious, ‘I want to commune with God’ Pleased Seek and ye shall find! You can make a specific intention from journey to journey.

2) Be conscious of your environment; such obvious things like screaming kids or domestic quarrels are to be avoided and absolutely, positively NO TELEVISION.

3) Preparation timed with the Moon Cycles provides a more cosmically synchronised journey and makes ‘breaking through’ that much more smooth and accessible. (These are the 2 week periods between Full & New Moon. You can start or end with either and let your Changa or Caapi soak in a place where it can absorb these high-frequency energies for at least a few hours)

4) Remember you are an Artist creating something sacred that you will take into your body and commune with. A creation that will raise your vibration to new heights to explore places few humans ever have the opportunity to go. So you can afford to be patient and conscientious. Time is on your side and where you’re going it is irrelevant Pleased

I wish you an enlightening Journey and Process. So Be It!

Weigh out 11g of powdered Caapi leaf

Put this in a glass dish or jar that seals

Pour in 30-50ml of ethyl alcohol (90% EtOH works great), into the jar and cover it tightly.

Put the jar in a cool dark place like a cupboard for 2 weeks. (You may choose to go for a full moon cycle of 28 days, the longer the better as more of the caapi alkaloids transfer into the menstruum)

Don’t forget to gently shake it every 2 or 3 days and say something nice to it Pleased

If you leave it outside under the Star & Moonlight cover the top with plastic wrap.
When you feel your caapi has soaked enough decant slowly through a coffee filter and place it in a glass or ceramic bowl.

Weight out 1 gram of dry Caapi leaf (or mullein) and sprinkle this onto the alkaloid rich Caapi menstruum. Watch it absorb and sink. Now is a good time to play your favourite music.

Put the bowl in a place it where it will be undisturbed and with good airflow. Outside is great but no direct sunlight or high winds.

After a few hours most of the alcohol will have evaporated off. The Caapi will be water damp and the alkaloids will have infused themselves nicely.
A food dehydrator works well at this point but is definitely not essential.

Depending on the temperature and humidity it should be completely dry in 2 to 3 days.

Now you have 11x Caapi Enhanced Leaf the Power that goes into Changa! Just add spice!

CHANGA: Infusing Your Caapi with Spirit!

It is highly recommenced that you use Re-crystallised Spice for this.

Even a simple naphtha wash & freeze precipitation is OK as you’ll want as pure a spice as possible

Making Changa in batches of 2 is very convenient especially if you want to adjust ratios or add other herbs on different journeys

A ratio of 1:1 designates the amount of Spice to Herb. Sometimes you’ll see ratios in terms of percentages like Spice 50% : Caapi 30% : Blue Lily 20%.

In the beginning keep it simple 50% Spice : 50% Enhanced Caapi. This will make it much easier to calculate dose as well.

Place the spice in a small ceramic or glass bowl and drop or pour on 3ml of acetone. (most any clean-drying solvent will work)

(Note: Anhydrous acetone is preferable as it evaps very quickly and most of what you get at the chemist or hardware store is watered down 10-20%. You can make it by pouring 50ml of acetone through 20grams of Magnesium sulphate (baked Epsom salts))

Swirl it around with a teaspoon and watch the spice dissolve

Sprinkle the enhanced caapi leaf onto the acetone/spice and watch it soak up the spice

Now is a good time to speak your intention for this particular batch as it will be your next journey Pleased

Let it evaporate in a well ventilated place where it will not be disturbed or subjected to negative environmentals.

It should be thoroughly dry in 12-24 hours. You can transfer it to a tea strainer after the visible liquid has evaporated for better air flow.

Make sure there is no solvent smell whatsoever just that nice familiar spice scent.

And there you have it 11x Caapi Changa!

Take a look at your Alchemical creation and thank the Plant Spirit and yourself for making something amazing. You did a great job; the fact that this is your Alchemical creation brings you closer to the Plant Spirit and one step farther down the path.

May your Journeys all be in the Light!
Prof8 Very happy

Special Thanks to Gammagore, Plux & Dorge
For further info checkout The Nexus & The Changa Blog
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#2 Posted : 8/16/2010 10:31:42 AM

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An excellent pictorial prof8Smile

Thank you!!
#3 Posted : 8/16/2010 7:37:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Great pictorial/tek man!! Nicely put and very easy to read through. Pictures always help too Smile
#4 Posted : 8/31/2013 7:57:23 AM

Homo discens

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professor8 wrote:
Now you have 11x Caapi Enhanced Leaf the Power that goes into Changa! Just add spice!

Wouldn't this be 12x Caapi Enhanced Leaf? Since you'd be using the extract from 11g plus the one gram you're putting it on, the alkaloid content in 1g of this leaf would be equivalent to 12g plain leaf... This is an excellent recipe, I just thought I should point that out.
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Parshvik Chintan
#5 Posted : 8/31/2013 8:53:15 PM

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you DO realize this thread is three years old, right?
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#6 Posted : 8/31/2013 11:20:16 PM

Homo discens

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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
you DO realize this thread is three years old, right?

Yes, but I have used it recently and I just thought I'd point that out for anyone else who decides to use this recipe.
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#7 Posted : 10/16/2013 2:02:47 AM

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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
you DO realize this thread is three years old, right?


I'm glad this got bumped up anyway. It's very easy to understand. It's just what I was looking for!
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#8 Posted : 10/16/2013 11:18:58 PM

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Do you notice a marked diference in your changa trip?
I mean does the trip last longer because of the stronger cappi enhanced leaf?
#9 Posted : 10/25/2013 1:53:06 AM

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So, if I were to do this and not infuse any leaf matter but just let the solvent evaporate I would be left with harmaline/harmine?
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#10 Posted : 10/27/2013 3:22:08 AM

Homo discens

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Aviator wrote:
So, if I were to do this and not infuse any leaf matter but just let the solvent evaporate I would be left with harmaline/harmine?

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. This would leave you with harmine/ harmaline, chlorophyll, tiny plant tissue fragments, and all kinds of other leaf constituents. If you want a purified product containing mostly harmine/ harmaline, and not much else, you're going to have to look into a more thorough extraction. There are many good teks on The Nexus. I recently completed my first syrian rue extraction using this tek, and had great results. I can't say from experience, but this one looks like a pretty efficient and simple tek for B. caapi.
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#11 Posted : 10/29/2013 12:35:00 AM

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Oh alright, I've just got a bag of leaves. No vine at all. I'll take a look to see what there is though. Thanks Entheogenerator.
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