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#1801 Posted : 10/23/2013 8:42:08 PM

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Lye fumes esp when heated are toxic yes I suggest splitting into seperate jars instead of heating reduction..safer.

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#1802 Posted : 10/23/2013 10:45:38 PM


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Ok. Thanks
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#1803 Posted : 10/25/2013 12:10:49 PM

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@long Is it a basic solution? If that's the case just either pour into jars and continue on. Or just pull the naptha right there, that's what id do.. Do not heat it. It will destroy your goods, causes toxic gases to be released, and ruin your batch.

Sorry to hear about your glassware. I've had a jar or two shatter in my day. I lost 10g while attempting to re-x it. Jars shatter in the sink, it all went down the drain. This always a learning process.

@oneeyed what is that?! Lol. I don't see any crystals or know what that even resembles. Lol. Tell us what yo did and we can help.
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#1804 Posted : 10/25/2013 12:36:44 PM

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OneEyeAscension wrote:
Hi peeps,
I used the Q21Q21 extraction path and salted this goo out of the vegetable oil.
It doesn't look very nice, any thoughts on what it might be? Smells kind of like licorice...mmm... Smile

Looks like a gum of some sort, quite odd but interesting. Smile Have you freebased it now?
#1805 Posted : 10/25/2013 1:52:26 PM

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Hi everyone,

A dutch tek describes the extraction without any acid cooking.

Basically its:

- mix 1.5 liter water with 100grams NAoH.
- let cool back to room temp and add 100 grams mimosa powder.
- let it rest for a day and stir sometimes.
- add 100ml nafta or white spirit, as nafta is hard to get in holland.
- turn jar upside down every now and then for another half a day (no shaking, allthough i dont know why).
- extract white spirit and put in freezer. (here i put baking paper in the small jars with extracted white spirit, for easier removal once frozen).
- after two extractions there are no more crystals left to be etracted.

once finished i would extract little more then a gram of yellowish crystals, and after recrystalizing, there´s about 0.6 grams left.

My question is: Is it important to do the acid cooking part ? It seems i´m getting pretty good yields this way.

I've included the before and after recrystalization pics.
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#1806 Posted : 10/25/2013 3:33:37 PM

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Holy cow man. Good job. You're doing absolutely great without the acid step. Don't even worry about it. Its just a different method to achieve the same thing.

There is one problem with your method though. Do more than 2-100ml pulls. Id say do 4. First two after a day or so of sitting. The third one after a few days and the fourth after a week or so. Youl get closer to 1.7g before cleaning.

Also, your cleaning seems rather inefficient as you lost 40% of your product. How do you clean it? Just reabsorb it into clean soolvent and then freeze it again? If that's what you did then I would suggest after you absorb it into clean solvent, evaporate half of it and then freeze it. You'll lose a lot less.

Ps. What is white spirit?
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#1807 Posted : 10/25/2013 4:48:51 PM

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Thanks !

White spirit is also known as terpentine. Its apparantly about 99% nafta although it doesnt say so on the bottle. It does evaporate cleanly.

I also use coleman fuel. They both work equaly well.

Agreed i do lose a lot on recystralizing. I put the crystals in a glass cup, add terpentine and set the glass in a hot water bath and then just wait, without stirring at all.

Then pour of the liquid with the crystals and then freeze again. I do leave some liquid behind as i dont want any of the goo coming with it. The goo i then leave to dry and this probably sitll holds some crystals, so i could recystralize that again endlessly. Which i do Pleased

Ive ordered another kilo of mimosa so i will definately leave it to stand a little longer after the initial pulls.

Thanks !

Here some photos of recrystalization. (last photo should be third)
Chaquah attached the following image(s):
image (2).jpg (27kb) downloaded 215 time(s).
image (3).jpg (37kb) downloaded 214 time(s).
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imag.jpg (32kb) downloaded 210 time(s).
#1808 Posted : 10/25/2013 8:56:29 PM

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I LOVE your drying dish. What's it traditionally used for?

I hear good things from turpentine, but I stick the naptha.

You're absolutely right about your goo left over. It still has a lot of spice in it. So if you don't care about loss and just want pure product then you're doing the right thing. But you should embrace the goo! Lol. Id leave it slightly yellow if it means yeilding 40% more. Lol. It does not have to be completely white. Yellow is good too. Lol. As long as it isn't just a dripping mess.
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#1809 Posted : 10/25/2013 11:58:35 PM

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Thanks. I have no idea what its used for, i also have a larger sized one. I love them too, they're really handy for pouring off fluids and leaving goo behind.

I was thinking i had to try and get it as white as possible. But i also read that some people actually prefer it a little yellow. Perhaps i should try and see where it takes me. Is there nothing hazardous left in the goo that should not be inhaled ? When i extract the terpentine from the mimosa and NaOh, I am very carefull to make sure no black stuff comes along then. So my initial extraction is allready clean. Im pretty sure there is no NAoH in it.

Can't wait for the next batch to arrive. I'm making much more then I could possibly consume, but I find the extraction proces is a very relaxing and rewarding activity. As is making 'the machine'. I've made about 8 now.

I also grow mimosa in the growtent that I once used for weeds. But that's a different story.
#1810 Posted : 10/26/2013 4:55:13 AM

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The process is very relaxing and rewarding. B-)

As for NaOH being in you're final product I have a few things to say. First, naoh being in your final product means that your final product would have some brown/black discoloration. Given your solid white/yellow color, you are at no risk of naoh contamination. Second, even IF it had NaOH in it still, it will not vaporize under a lighter flame at all. It cannot be smoked. Kinda like trying to smoke a pebble. It just ain't happenin. Third, if you did have a small amount of base soup slip through, what I do is transfer all my np solvent to a different vessel to let it sit over night. What this does is allow all the residual microparticles of base soup that are in your naptha settle to the bottom. I then transfer to my evap pan. Or I repeat the previous step another time. Works GREAT to eliminate naoh contam.

As for yellow. That yellow is plant oils. Plant oils do not harm your body to smoke in any significant amount(high cholestorol? Lol). What it does is slightly protect the dmt as a buffer to reduce the heat so it doesn't burn the dmt as much. Not to mention that some say that there are other plant alkaloids/oils that potentiate or help remove unwanted effects, but that's conjecture.
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#1811 Posted : 10/26/2013 9:36:09 AM

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Du57mi73 wrote:
The water does need preheated. Actually, when you add the lye it will heat itself up due to an exothermic reaction with naoh and water. So if for whatever reason you wanted it hot, it does so automatically. I think using hot water might make it too hot and stress the glass if the water has too much turbulence because of the lye.

you say the water does need heating but the lye also heats itself then you say hot water is not good, which i can understand (an old boss in a restaurant once chucked a tub of caustic soda down a drain, in the kitchen, the resultant water spout hit the ceiling with full force and burnt his arm, cos the drain water was hot we imagined). so just warm the water you add the lye to? but if it heats itselfis that needed? i won't add mhrb till fully dissolved. do you think outdoors for the lye plus water plus mhrb will be ok and i take it you don't screw the top on tight? i have one 2.5 litre re-agent bottle that i'll use for the chacruna (see below) and one glass bottle for 50 g mhrb. i have a plastic cap for the bottle but if it doesn't need to be tight i can rest glass on it.

As for how long they are left to sit before doing pulls.. I let my jars sit for over a week. This ensures that a vast majority of your alkaloids have been based. Then I add 200ml naptha(lighter fluid) per expected gram of spice. I always expect 2% yeild(I'm generous Smile ). So with 50g bark use 4-50ml naptha pulls, peferably preheated in a hot water bath or another SAFE method of heating the naptha, NO OPEN FLAMES. After the four pulls have been added together just evaporate as you would.

thanks leave a week then do 4 pulls one after the other 5-10 mins a piece over an hour or so? or 4 pulls over the week? (every 2 days). or leave a week do one pull then daily every two days after that?


I would highly suggest you evaporate 50%-66% of that and just freeze precipitation it in a sealed mason jar. This will minize smell and allow for A LOT cleaner crystals than evaporating completelu. If you freeze precip using this method then you need to freeze it until it grows extremely cloudy and then back to clear This will take several hours(8+). Once your ready to collect your crystals remove it from the freeze and QUICKLY pour off the naptha into a seperate container. You can reuse that naptha.

ok evap 50-60% using the fan method, not on low heat? i have a crockpot i could put outdoors on low? no need for sodium bicarb wash and water wash? solvent wash after i have collected all crystal? i guess the crystals just form on the bottom like underwater mountains?

also have 100g of old brown chacruna that i'm not gonna boil up. might as well see if there's anything worth extracting so will use same method except different containers.

many thanks Du57mi73 Smile if you or anyone can answer q's i would be gratefull, peace and have a good un! Thumbs up

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#1812 Posted : 10/26/2013 3:33:46 PM

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I do not know anything about chacruna. Sorry.

I appologize. I ment to say that the water does NOT need to be heated.

As for your 4th pull, id say just use 50ml solvent.

Not not heat your solvent if it has dmt in it. It will destroy it.

I was suggesting you reduce your naptha with dmt in it by _pan evap with a fan for freeze precip. If you're not freeze precipitating then just evap it all. Ttheres no need for a water/soda carb wash if you do what I said about seperating the solvent and letting it settle over night. Some people say it removes some yellow. I have never noticed a difference.

Leaving the lid off/loose is good. If you want it to be more white then you can do a re-x. I really wouldn't worry about it. Yellow spice is good.
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#1813 Posted : 10/26/2013 6:47:35 PM

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Du57mi73 wrote:
I do not know anything about chacruna. Sorry.

I appologize. I ment to say that the water does NOT need to be heated.

As for your 4th pull, id say just use 50ml solvent.

Not not heat your solvent if it has dmt in it. It will destroy it.

I was suggesting you reduce your naptha with dmt in it by _pan evap with a fan for freeze precip. If you're not freeze precipitating then just evap it all. Theres no need for a water/soda carb wash if you do what I said about seperating the solvent and letting it settle over night. Some people say it removes some yellow. I have never noticed a difference.

Leaving the lid off/loose is good. If you want it to be more white then you can do a re-x. I really wouldn't worry about it. Yellow spice is good.

thats great man. just missing one point, soz, i'm still unclear on time between pulls? 1 week then 4 pulls right after each other? i'll do a freeze precip after a fan, be quicker afterall.

i could be wrong but you never said anything about the bold above, to me at least, ive checked all posts on this page too. you're saying after i pour the naptha off, let it stand overnight and then pour off again? sorry for more questions, reckon i could figure something out from here. so you just pour off the naptha, after a freeze, and good to go? that should be it, promishCool
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#1814 Posted : 10/27/2013 12:28:49 AM

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if you did have a small amount of base soup slip through, what I do is transfer all my np solvent to a different vessel to let it sit over night. What this does is allow all the residual microparticles of base soup that are in your naptha settle to the bottom. I then transfer to my evap pan. Or I repeat the previous step another time.

That's what I was refering to in the bold.

And for pulls. Do one 2 after 24 hours. One after a week. And another one after a few weeks if you are capable.
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#1815 Posted : 10/27/2013 6:13:47 PM

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cheers man!
questions answered

is it important to remove all naptha from lye/water/mhrb following washes? edit:no worries excuse fliddy panic Shocked

i'll post a pic of the drying chamber i knocked up, right chuffed with it
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#1816 Posted : 10/28/2013 10:17:42 PM
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I'm having a first crack at the EASY Harmaloid Freebase Tek

I'm hoping someone can tell me if I've followed the steps correctly. Step 8/9 states "To the filtered aqueous harmaloid soln, add a small amt of ammonia. You will be able to see the alkaloids fall out of the soln, which goes from dark and yucky looking to bright yellow as the 'loids become visible....... It should take several hours for the alkaloids to fall to the bottom, leaving a dark liquid on top"

Pics of jars in attached images . Does that look about right? Next part of step 9 it says to "suck off the black liquid from the top and discard it, then filter the last little bit of liquid out of the alkaloids." Am I good to go?
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#1817 Posted : 10/29/2013 2:36:53 AM
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I have recently ran out of MHRB and don't know where to get it so I'm wondering if it's possible to use Noman's Tek with ACRB?
#1818 Posted : 10/29/2013 9:29:38 AM
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macguyver wrote:
Am I good to go?

Yes Smile

#1819 Posted : 10/31/2013 5:05:07 AM

mas alla del mar

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okay i have a question

i plan to perform an extraction of powdered mimosa hostilis using Q21Q21's tek, replacing limonene with sunflower oil. but i was wondering, would starting off by freezing the mimosa over night change the outcome of the tek? or does it not really matter? i ask because i know next to nothing with regards to chemistry. thanks!
#1820 Posted : 10/31/2013 1:09:28 PM

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Du57mi73 wrote:

There is one problem with your method though. Do more than 2-100ml pulls. Id say do 4. First two after a day or so of sitting. The third one after a few days and the fourth after a week or so. Youl get closer to 1.7g before cleaning.

I think i dis sth else wrong. I never warm up the mixture of mhrb and lye after puting the naphta in. Actually, after the first pull, i re-use the naphta by pouring the freezing naphta and dmt through a coffee filter (soaked with naphta first) into the basesoup for the 2nd extraction without warming up the whole mixture afterwards.

That wasn´t good thinking.
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