Pharmahuasca is so Powerful Options
#21 Posted : 4/22/2009 4:09:14 AM


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Yeah I have really taken everything that has been said in this thread to heart. I appreciate the great advice LLB as it has already helped me with the experience that I had the other night. I have done a lot of reading these past few days and have decided on steps to take. I've decided that I need to live a healthier lifestyle and take a look at the real reason I take psychedelics. I feel that I won't be able to trip with the people that I usually trip with as they are not in it for the same reason I am. They are more of a distraction than help.

I still sit here in awe thinking of the ass beating that the dmt/rue combo gave me, but I am already feeling I need to proceed with my experiments. Just as LLB said my experience does not only benefit myself but all of humanity.

~Peace Out

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#22 Posted : 4/22/2009 4:20:55 AM

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dmt/rue is freaking hard... but where else can we learn these lessons? awe, such a blessing... if only llb could be with me... =p
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#23 Posted : 4/22/2009 11:08:04 AM

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I found on large LSD doses that you can develop a technique to avoid terrifying visions by learning to see patterns and colors as just patterns and colors and not indulging in letting them congeal into movies or visions. It's good to practice to not hold onto thoughts and even though trying to force a trip one way or the other will end up in disaster you can gently guide the trip into an overall good one even though you have to weather some nasty spots. It really is like learning to drive a Ferrari V12 without control of the throttle without getting any driving lessons first. The good thing about tripping is that if your trip goes off the road at 200 mph you will experience every single millisecond of your death but you will really be no worse for wear and tear once you come down unless you indulge in the terror too much. I think that anything that you are truly afraid of or don't want to deal with is exactly what you are going to experience at some point but if you don't try and fight it and don't obsess on your fear it will pass soon enough.
I think that one of the major lessons of psychedelics is learning to transcend fear and that is why they will make you face anything you don't want to face.
BTW, SWIM uses combinations of Harmine, Harmaline and Tetrahydroharmaline with his pharmahuasca. You can buy these on the internet. SWIM finds that 120mg of Harmine and 80mgs of THH works well for him. He's thinking that he can squeeze 200mg of Harmalas and about 60 - 70 mg dmt Fumerate into one "0" size capsule. Before he has just mixed them with lemon juice and drank them down. SWIM hasn't done a massive pharmahuasca dose and doesn't know that he cares to anymore, although he did do enough psilocybe Azurescens not too long ago to where he lost motor function and couldn't even stand up for a while Smile
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El Ka Bong
#24 Posted : 4/26/2009 10:25:40 PM

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After all the wisdom offered so far, and the sympathy I still thouught I'd relate something again -or echo the sentiment - Just die already !

I'll add that the Rue could be a thing to reduce as well. ... I know first hand how the 'indulgence of terror' comes-on fast, after using 150 mg dmt-freebase and 3.5 g rue-extract ! From a few tries at 3.5g Rue-seed, I feel that high amounts of the extract can exacerbate the terror-loop possibilities, so I was planning to try 2.0g seeds extracted (in lemon juice) next time. I wondered how to get out of the loop and forgive myself - but successful or not, I found that 'it ended' as what I sensed to be the MAOI effects started to fade (2.5 hours out of 6 from baseline to sleep...).

The 'worthiness' is to discover how the 'other side' .. the after-life, the ancestor's home is actually as worthy of something ineffable too ... so piss-your-pants worthy of discovery that when you come back LIfe is SO worth while ... you'll start to shed all of the crap we pile on that denies or covers up the MIRACLE of Life ... It will all be about Health and Happiness, or simply not worth your while !

Mrs. Gerry
#25 Posted : 4/28/2009 6:55:56 AM

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SWIM has about 700mg of furmate and some harmala seeds.
is it possible to put the furmate in a capsule?
can the harmala be steeped into a tea?
can SWIM drink the harmala tea wait 45 minutes and take the furmate capsule to experience something???
SWIM has taken hamaline followed by ayhuwaska with wonderful results.
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#26 Posted : 4/28/2009 11:55:16 PM


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My experience was with 400mg of freebase. I don't really know the difference between dmt freebase and dmt furmate, but you should be able to put it in a capsule. Harmala seeds can be steeped into a tea, but I think it tastes completely disgusting. Before I had even heard of DMT I was using it to potentiate the effects of my cubensis. After drinking it a couple of times I can't do it anymore. Just the smell in the house from brewing the tea makes me want to vomit hardcore. I had heard that just powdering them and capping them works just fine. So I tried that and it worked perfectly. There is no reason for people having to drink that nasty tea when you can just cap it.
#27 Posted : 4/29/2009 12:29:03 AM

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Mrs. Gerry wrote:
SWIM has about 700mg of furmate and some harmala seeds.
is it possible to put the furmate in a capsule?
can the harmala be steeped into a tea?
can SWIM drink the harmala tea wait 45 minutes and take the furmate capsule to experience something???
SWIM has taken hamaline followed by ayhuwaska with wonderful results.

Don't use capsules, they're unreliable according to many sources on the forums. SWIY should try drinking half of the tea first, then drinking the other half with the fumarate after SWIY starts to feel the effects of the tea. Make sure the fumarate is free of solvents by crushing into powder before use. If there is a possibility of xylene of toulene contamination, crush and wash with acetone, bake, and crush again. SWIY should only need about 75-150mg of the fumarate. Try chasing with a bread roll or something, as well.

Also, avoid straight use of the seeds, SWIM always has bad side effects when he does that (the seeds do contain some nasty toxins, as most seeds do). If the tea was made in a double layer of filter or musilin and cold water, it should be relatively free of the toxins and shouldn't taste too terrible.

Harmaline followed by ayahuasca? Ayahuasca is the harmaloid containing vine. Syrian rue is different but related. I assume you're referring to taking the harmaloids of the rue tea and then taking the DMT separately?
#28 Posted : 4/29/2009 2:03:24 AM


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I was wondering how you say the capsules are unreliable? I use capsules quite a bit and usually never have any problems unless I am taking powdered mushrooms in them. I find that if you put mushrooms in caps it takes way too long for any effect and the effect seems to not be anywhere as intense. Both times I have done pharmahuasca i haven't had any problems.

I have noticed some nausea sometimes from syrian rue seeds. Before when I would make tea I would boil them in water for a while. I have never tried a cold water extract, but if you say that it doesn't taste horrible I would gladly try. How long would you let them soak? I have looked into extracting the harmaline from the seeds, but have never gotten around to it.
#29 Posted : 4/29/2009 4:07:37 AM

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All of SWIM's bunk pharmahuasca experiences generally occur with caps, and I understand others on this forum have had similar experiences. It's possible that the body could somehow reject them to the point of screwing up the dosage timing between the harmaloids and DMT. Taking them as solutions should ensure consistent timing and absorption.

SWIM always just let his cold water rue brews sit overnight or for a couple days. The filters and lack of boiling tends to keep the nasty oils contained while letting the actives out. SWIM's bad experiences with straight rue have been more than just nausea, it feels like being poisoned and makes for a very uncomfortable experience. He feels extremely hot but clammy to others and physically feels like he's dying to the point of losing all sense of survival (banging his head on the floor, or collapsing in the middle of walks). This only happens with straight rue. It could just be SWIM that this happens to.
#30 Posted : 4/29/2009 7:39:15 AM

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Solutions work much better. That's for sure.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#31 Posted : 4/29/2009 9:46:21 AM
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LLB wrote:
theres no use fighting the vine of DEATH... thats what ayahuasca means... the aya or soul/death and huasca meaning vine or rope...

Ayawaska means 'vine of the souls/dead/ancestors'. They mean it in the sense of spirits- the 'entities' as we call them here- not death itself!

O.P.- I'm glad you made it through. Personally I would never dream of doing so much. And if your dose had been double your top estimation, it's even plausible you could've died- the one person who has ever died from it had consumed a gram of DMT (according to the Ayahuasca Forums thread on the death). Buy a 0.00 scale, they're really cheap off Ebay, then you can dose with confidence Smile
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#32 Posted : 4/30/2009 1:09:28 PM

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aww kungpow, I feel you man. But it is experiences like this that make us appreciate like nothing other the enormous power this THING has - further pushing our lust for its wisdom.
Mrs. Gerry
#33 Posted : 5/2/2009 1:42:00 PM

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amor_fati wrote:
Mrs. Gerry wrote:
SWIM has about 700mg of furmate and some harmala seeds.
is it possible to put the furmate in a capsule?
can the harmala be steeped into a tea?
can SWIM drink the harmala tea wait 45 minutes and take the furmate capsule to experience something???
SWIM has taken hamaline followed by ayhuwaska with wonderful results.

Don't use capsules, they're unreliable according to many sources on the forums. SWIY should try drinking half of the tea first, then drinking the other half with the fumarate after SWIY starts to feel the effects of the tea. Make sure the fumarate is free of solvents by crushing into powder before use. If there is a possibility of xylene of toulene contamination, crush and wash with acetone, bake, and crush again. SWIY should only need about 75-150mg of the fumarate. Try chasing with a bread roll or something, as well.

Also, avoid straight use of the seeds, SWIM always has bad side effects when he does that (the seeds do contain some nasty toxins, as most seeds do). If the tea was made in a double layer of filter or musilin and cold water, it should be relatively free of the toxins and shouldn't taste too terrible.

Harmaline followed by ayahuasca? Ayahuasca is the harmaloid containing vine. Syrian rue is different but related. I assume you're referring to taking the harmaloids of the rue tea and then taking the DMT separately?

good, good. SWIM was under the impression peganum harmala seeds contained MAOI's. One would be able to use a tea bag full of the harmala seeds, submerged in cold water to extract the MAOI's for consumption. SWIY did this, no? or is SWIM thinking of syrian rue...

SWIM should just look around Nexus more.
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#34 Posted : 5/2/2009 3:55:15 PM

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I've said this before but I find it so interesting that people can take doses up to as high as 400mg of dmt in pharmahuasca experiments. 40mg floors SWIM, SWIM would not go higher then that.

I think we've talked about why this is but does it have to do with peoples MAO system variation? Anyone got any links or info on that?
#35 Posted : 5/2/2009 5:45:30 PM

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Yeah 40 mg is very close to way too much for SWIM. For SWIM 400 mg would be an overdose and I think SWIM would die of a heart attack from that dose. It’s incredible that some people require that high of a dose.

With 200 mg of THH and 20 mg of DMT orally, SWIM gets a full psychedelic experience with strong visions possible. He rarely ever uses more than 20 mg. Sometimes 30 mg. He did 40 mg before and won’t do it again probably for many years. He will never use anything higher than 40 mg for ayahuasca. At that dose he can easily now have a breakthrough experience, but finds it difficult to navigate.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#36 Posted : 5/3/2009 10:47:46 PM

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Mrs. Gerry wrote:
good, good. SWIM was under the impression peganum harmala seeds contained MAOI's. One would be able to use a tea bag full of the harmala seeds, submerged in cold water to extract the MAOI's for consumption. SWIY did this, no? or is SWIM thinking of syrian rue...

SWIM should just look around Nexus more.

Peganum harmala is the scientific name for Syrian rue, which contain harmaloids (mostly harmaline and harmine, almost no THH if any, traces of harmalol) which are RIMA's--similar to MAOI's, but less dangerous, requiring almost no dietary restricitions. Look it up on wikipedia. SWIM has used cold water extraction many times with the rue and with great success (he believes this method to have been inspired by LSA extraction of morning glories and found it a long time ago on the nexus).

To clean up any residual particles that make it throught the filters, gelatin could be used by mixing, boiling and scraping it off the top, though SWIM has only done this with egg whites. Boiling may convert most of the harmaline to harmine--if SWIM is not mistaken--which is said to improve the taste and provide a less sedated experience.
#37 Posted : 5/3/2009 11:15:34 PM

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^ What does your friend use to do his cold water extractions? My friend is looking for a simple home unit with maximum efficiency.
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#38 Posted : 5/4/2009 12:15:13 AM

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Double-wrap the seed powder in some sort of filtering material, tie it off tight, submerge in a sealed jar of water and leave in the fridge for a day or two. Adding a tiny bit of vinegar wouldn't hurt, and gently bobbing the bag up and down doesn't seem to hurt either. Boil and reduce the water with the seed bag removed if reduction or conversion of harmaline to harmine is desired.
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