Pharmahuasca is so Powerful Options
#1 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:18:18 AM


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Well last night was rather peculiar for me. I had an unknown quantity of DMT that had been sitting in my freezer for the past year. My guess was that it was anywhere between 300-450mg of pure white DMT crystals. I have been saving the crystals for the right time. I've been waiting for another pharmahuasca journey since my last one almost a year ago. My first dose was with 200mg and 3.5 grams of syrian rue. It was pretty intense, but I believed that I could handle more. Another reason I made my dose so high is because the dmt was over a year old, and I believe that it wouldn't have been as active after such a long period of time. I have not tripped for about 6 months and after the beautiful weather yesterday I decided that it would be a good night to trip.

I have had the DMT packed in a 00 capsule for a couple of weeks waiting for the right time. I also had 7 00 capsules with ground up syrian rue in them. I have tried syrian rue tea before with dmt and mushrooms and I cannot take the taste anymore. I have heard of just capping the ground up seeds, so I tried that. It seemed to work perfectly.

So it was around 11 o'clock and I decided to take my syrian rue. We were all outside sitting next to a fire smoking hookah. Soon after it got a little chili and the wind picked up so we decided to head inside. Return of the Jedi was on tv so I thought I would watch the rest of that. About 11:50 I took the DMT capsule.

I was just sitting there watching Return of the Jedi. I wasn't expecting a very powerful trip and was just sitting back relaxing. About 12:20 I start getting this strange feeling and notice that it was kicking in. I got to where I didn't really like Star Wars very much, because I was tripping too hard. I thought some tunes would be nice so I go back to the family room and turn on some tunes. My brothers thought it would be a good idea to smoke a J, but I told them that I am tripping to hard. They weren't tripping so they went and smoked the J.

While I was sitting in the room listening to Ott I was getting the most intense OEVs. With my eyes closed it seems as if I was transported to another place that seemed very familiar. It seem as if there was something living there, but all I could see are the silhouettes of what looked like people. Soon I decide the music was too much for me to handle and I go in the living room.

I turned on the TV and The Matrix was on. I watched this for about 15 minutes and things started to go very wrong. I ended up turning it off and laying in the dark in complete fear for the next 3 hours. It is hard for me to remember what happened during this time, but it was the most fearful experience in my life. It seemed as if I was dying right there on my floor. I tried not to panic and tell myself I was on a drug, but the feeling was overwhelming. I also had moments where seems as if I had done something very bad such as murdering someone and not remembering it. I thought that the cops were coming to get.

My auditory hallucinations were too much. Everything was too much. I needed it to stop and I couldn't get it. I knew that I needed to just let go and ride the wave, but my ego was holding on tight.

This terror experience last for for what seemed like lifetimes. I thought I was stuck in some kind of time loop. I experienced age regression very intensely , and looked at memories from when I was a child. Things that I had totally forgotten about, and they showed me who I have been. It was as if my life was flashing before my eyes.

I finally felt myself coming down and could finally remember what day it was around 4 am. By 5 am I was in my bed with my sleeping fiance asleep.

This was the single most difficult experience I have ever had. I have had bad trips before, but this was something more. Most of what happened I cannot even attempt to explain in words. It was very amazing yet terrifying at the same time to know the power of this drug.

I would like to know if there are tips on how to let go once I get to this point. How do I go with the flow and relax. I believe that if I could have just let go my experience would have been the exact opposite.

I do believe that the experience was very informative. I learned a lot about myself and that there are some major changes that I need to make in my life. I always to try to take as much good from my experiences as I can. But I just could not believe what happened to me last night. The only thing that I could think about today was what happened during my trip.

I was very thankful that I was a live when I came down. Hopefully as time passes I can try to work out what really happened last night. Thanks for listening I know it was long.

~Peace Out

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#2 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:29:49 AM


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ooooohhh man i feel for you Sad
im glad you got through alright i cant imagine what kind of space you got in
i commonly take ~50-120 mgs furmate which a bit weaker then freebase i could never dream of taking 200 let alone 450 omg i feel bad for you but your still here and your fine thank god... welcome to the forum man
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#3 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:32:08 AM

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That is just alot of DMT to take.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

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#4 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:37:37 AM


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VisualDistortion wrote:
That is just alot of DMT to take.

you got that right..
i think if i felt like having a bad time and maybe going crazy i would take that much other then that no thanks
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#5 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:45:42 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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hey bro...
sad to say it but heh... thats rue for yah... its a harsh teacher... desert medicine...

one time swim took too much MHRB cold water extract about 30gms instead of 12-15gms with rue resin from basement shaman... jesus h fucking christ... swim got a royal ass beating... it was harsh for sure... as soon as swim started feeling it the voice of the medicine said tonight your going to deal with your fear of pain and death... NOOOOOOOOoooo......
as much as I argued with the medicine about that... it happened any way... at one point swim was facing death itself... that swim coudl deal with... but then it got personal... swim became a fisherman who had commited suicide by hanging himself... then swim kinda started to freak out and went to the bathroom to induce vomiting... swim puked up red rue resin which looked like blood then the whole bathroom took on another quality... there was some one in the bath tub who had slit their wrists and bled out all of a suddened and swim coudl identify with that person...
swim tried to ignore these experiences and go back to his room to chill out wiht his buddy also on medicine... then swim came face to face with the scariest thing ever... the reality of having to pay back student loans and being a college drop out... swim had just realized that he spent his rent and was screwed... swim lost it had a panic attack which led to a mild psychotic episode and then whammo he spent the rest o the night writhing in self pity fear and confusion, feeling really embarrassed and sorry for his friend...
eventually swims freind asked him to just be quite for a few hours and swim writhed quietly freaking out... then it was over... swim went out to smoke tobacco and suddenly a part of swim that he was never aware before became appherent... that part that makes the unconscious choice for the benefit of all that is... swim was TOLD there was no such thing as a victim and swim LEARNED A LOT... listening to that part of him which is also a part of you and all that is... and swim was at peace with what happened...
this was a long time ago...

in those situations you just have to die my freind... theres no use fighting the vine of DEATH... thats what ayahuasca means... the aya or soul/death and huasca meaning vine or rope...
now rue is not ayahuasca... its rue... its tougher harder more wrathful then the mama vine... its a big bad daddy with a mission and you just got your ass whooped in the shed boy by somthign a hell of a lot wiser and smarted and stronger then you... you have to surrender...
which all that means is you have to deal with it... its going to be scary its going to be hard and its going to be rough some times... and sometimes its going to just straight up kill you... and thats a rough thing to deal with no matter how many times it fucking happens...
but if your a warrior about it and you know that others depend on you then your willing to die...
repeat after me "today is a good day to die...hoka hay!"

you will come out of it a better man and thats the point... do it for the people, do it for the earth, do it for your mother... do it for your brothers and the family... do it for those that suffer do it for the benifit of the whole which includes you...
and do it with some grace and dignity... knowing that you will benifit others from the pain you endure...
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#6 Posted : 4/20/2009 2:53:33 AM


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that was a marvelous post LLB sounds like a trying experience for sure ...
im glad so far iv avoided this kind of horrible overdose... iv brushed too close once or twice but im glad i didnt go that far
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#7 Posted : 4/20/2009 3:00:12 AM


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Yeah I know that I was on the edge and all that I needed to do was let go. I was trying my hardest. I have had many experiences over the past three years, but whatever happened to me last night was the most intense experience of my life. It is not something that I would recommend to everyone, but it is something that I will try again. I have been trying to get past that part and I came close.

I believe part of my problem is the way my life is currently. I seen a lot of things that I need to work on and maybe that will make me worthy. The only way to know is to try again. I am sure that I will not have the balls to try a dose like that anytime in the near future. I have some mushrooms in the works and I will be approaching them cautiously. I believe that before my next pharmahuasca experience I should have some more experience with smoked DMT. I have never broken through while smoking and I believe it is because of my smoking technique. I will be doing another extraction soon.

Do you believe that using caapi as my MAOI would make the experience a little easier to take. I do know that my worst experience with mushrooms was when I had taken them with rue. I will not take rue with mushrooms anymore, but I had to take it to get the dmt experience. Thanks for the input guys and thanks for welcoming me to the forum.
#8 Posted : 4/20/2009 3:22:57 AM

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kungpow wrote:
Do you believe that using caapi as my MAOI would make the experience a little easier to take. I do know that my worst experience with mushrooms when I had taken them with rue.

I had a similar experience to yours with rue (200mg ground rue). Tough teacher.

My most recent experience was with caapi (200mg caapi copi), much easier to ride with.

Thing is, I learn more from the tough teachers than I do from the easy ones.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#9 Posted : 4/20/2009 3:31:29 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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kungpow wrote:
Yeah I know that I was on the edge and all that I needed to do was let go. I was trying my hardest. I have had many experiences over the past three years, but whatever happened to me last night was the most intense experience of my life. It is not something that I would recommend to everyone, but it is something that I will try again. I have been trying to get past that part and I came close.

I believe part of my problem is the way my life is currently. I seen a lot of things that I need to work on and maybe that will make me worthy. The only way to know is to try again. I am sure that I will not have the balls to try a dose like that anytime in the near future. I have some mushrooms in the works and I will be approaching them cautiously. I believe that before my next pharmahuasca experience I should have some more experience with smoked DMT. I have never broken through while smoking and I believe it is because of my smoking technique. I will be doing another extraction soon.

Do you believe that using caapi as my MAOI would make the experience a little easier to take. I do know that my worst experience with mushrooms when I had taken them with rue. I will not take rue with mushrooms anymore, but I had to take it to get the dmt experience. Thanks for the input guys and thanks for welcoming me to the forum.

first off you got to get over the being "worthy'' part SON! thats a hurdle you got to get over... and that hurdle is your self... ie get over yourself...
its good you want to keep going and be more cautious... thats great... just look at your motivations though... very carefully before you do...
another thing is less is more when you put more of your self into the work you do with entheogens... you can learn more and not risk serious harm to your psyche and body by questioning your motivations and being very cautious about what your intentions are in doing this work.
IMHO and EXPERIENCE... large doses are for people who arnt working WITH the medicine and with life itself... its usually about them... so questioning your motivations and doing some hard work on your self between sessions is really important.
keep it up bro!
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#10 Posted : 4/20/2009 3:42:09 AM


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I believe that I have always had good intentions when approaching psychedelics. I do have some things that I need to work on in my life right now and I am going to start taking care of these things. I have been in a relationship that I am not very happy in for the past 4 years and from what I have learned last night I believe that I need to end it.

I am done with large doses for a while. Most of my experiences are high doses as I have been trying to break through for a while. I have always been interested in what happens past that point. I know that getting there will better myself, but every time I come close I fail. I have always thought that I had a lot of experience with these medicines, but I guess I haven't had enough. I believe that I have packed too many experiences in a short time span.

The reason I hadn't had a trip in such a long time prior to this was because my trips seemed to have lost focus. They weren't fun or informative anymore. I would just lightly trip for a short period of time no matter what the dose. I thought a break would help. Since I had taken that break it seemed that my life was off balance without the use of psychedelics. I am glad that I can finally talk to someone about this as my mind has been racing all day thinking about my experience.
#11 Posted : 4/20/2009 4:44:24 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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you know its funny...
allen ginsburg went to see ram das's guru in india back in the 60's because he had started having really bad trips on LSD.. he asked the guru what he shoudl do about that, because he had had such amazing experiences before...
the guru told him that he could start with not judgeing his trips as either good or bad...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#12 Posted : 4/20/2009 5:08:08 AM

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it's all good. it's simply the outside circumstances that are either adverse or favorable....remember....true happiness comes from within. LLB, you have doled out some righteous wisdom in this thread. thank you.

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wisdom today."
#13 Posted : 4/20/2009 5:19:37 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Thanks antrocles... this bastards been through the wringer enough times to learn a thing or two even though hes still just a sufferable fool Pleased
and your right... true happiness comes from within and though out side circumstances can be favorable or adverse its you that chooses to see them as one or the other...

Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#14 Posted : 4/20/2009 1:44:49 PM


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Now thems some serious marching orders, LLB! Thanks you. And thanks for the triptale and welcome to the forum, kungpow.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#15 Posted : 4/20/2009 3:44:44 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#16 Posted : 4/21/2009 3:32:58 AM

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What up Doe, from a fellow michigander. I have never had the balls to try pharmahausca. The main reason I love smoked DMT so much is because no matter how crazy it gets i can just tell my self it will be over in 15 minutes and relax . I can't imagine having a breakthrough dose last for hours. Must have been crazy.
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#17 Posted : 4/21/2009 8:10:11 PM
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No way... Other psychonauts exist in Michigan?! Where are you guys located? My turf tends to tread through the Southeast area.

I, too, am yet to experience Aya/Pharmahuasca. I am, however, holding onto 500g of Caapi and 250g of Viridis whenever I find the time and spirit to take that journey.
#18 Posted : 4/21/2009 8:11:25 PM


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I am about an hour north of saginaw on I-75. I strongly suggest trying the journey out. It will change you.

As soon as I get the funds I am going to get some more mimosa and caapi. I am going to extract some of the mimosa for smoking and then use the rest for brewing aya. I think trying caapi instead of rue will do me a lot of good. I also think that the purge would be an important part of the experience and with pharmahuasca you don't get that. There were times i felt like I needed to puke a little bit but it quickly subsided.
#19 Posted : 4/22/2009 3:06:45 AM

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LLB wrote:
first off you got to get over the being "worthy'' part SON! thats a hurdle you got to get over... and that hurdle is your self... ie get over yourself...

Once again, I'd have to agree with llb on this... While fairly new to this, it seems the realization that you're 'worthy' is at the core of this experience. The fact that you're breathing, reading this post, and researching this substance makes you 'worthy'... my first realization on pharma was that this is all so incredibly amusing... amusing in that we (we) create these false illusions of pain and suffering when in fact this is all an incredible blessing masked by our own ego. Something that still brings a smile to my face.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#20 Posted : 4/22/2009 3:13:04 AM

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Fatcat wrote:
The main reason I love smoked DMT so much is because no matter how crazy it gets i can just tell my self it will be over in 15 minutes and relax . I can't imagine having a breakthrough dose last for hours. Must have been crazy.

I've taken the other route and tried pharma before smoked. One seems to learn much more from pharma than smoked, but def begging the spirits to quite down after the third hour of opening the torrent. It's like trying to stuff your 160gb ipod on a 128mg thumb drive... it can only handle so much.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
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