Ayahuasca in the united states, in w/e context will not be ayahuasca in the amazon. Peyote in a teepee in Alberta will not be peyote in it's desert homelands.
I believe that there is a dreamtime..everywhere that is connected to the land. I believe that indigenous peoples have always been the custodians of that dreamtime. We all have ancestral heritage in this practice, somewhere..even Europeans.
I don't call my home "north America"..Because I don't believe that I live in North America. I live on turtle island, because that is what it is called. It is following the traditions of my ancestors to do so.. I am not first nations..however, it was always very taboo among the European tribes to come to a new land and not address the local land spirits..the nosre would remove the dragon heads from the ships bow as they came upon new lands so as to not frighten the local spirits, who they would always address and respect and would wish to learn as much as they could about the local spirits. This is how it was. Turtle Island is the name of the land given by the ones who speak with the land. "America"..well do I even need to get into that? To even call this place America to me is offensive to the land.
The first nations peoples of my home have mythologies, songs, languages and acknowledge local spirits of this land. For me to ignore this, which for me is a living reality, would be asinine.
Following this paradigm, it also makes perfect sense to me that what comes through an ayahuasca dream or peyote vision for the collective is going to be that which resonates with that land. The stories, the songs, the ceremonies..the entire cosmology is morphically aligned with the land. This is, IMO how it always was..and still is for some.
Take peyote out of that context..take it to Europe for instance..is that really the same thing? IMO..no. No it is not. Is it still healing? Yes...but it's peyote in a new land..a land with different stories, different songs..different ceremonies..building up a morphic resonation takes time. How would you like to immigrate somewhere and be condemned to only speaking your native traditional tounge?
It makes little sense to me to worry too much about "tradition" with something that is totally removed from the traditional context..how can you have that context without the land which breathed the whole thing into being?
You ever wonder whats going on in the dreamtime? How do local manitous relate to the more recent middle kingdom beings that must have come over with the Europeans? How does a dryad of the oak feel paired next to an ancient redwood?..what about all the other races? How do you deal with local land spirits while trying to accomidate "traditions" from an entirely different land?
I think the real issue is that we forgot how to see. We don't feel the land..we worry about traditions we don't even understand.
I am an import seeking to become feral in this new land. I have to straddle two worlds..the dreamtime of my ancestors, and that of the peoples who have been the custodians of this land for a long long long time. I have to find my own way to navigate this place in a way that is coherent with all of it.
Everything is changing.
That was not an answer to your question BTW..just highlighting some issues that come to mind in the wake of these kinds of issues. It really is more complex than just doing it traditionally.
Long live the unwoke.