First they tell you its because they want to protect the children. Who in his right mind is agains protecting children?
Think about internet surveilance.
First they tell you its because of child pornography. Who in his right mind would want to argue against that?
Then, they use it for copyright stuff.
They never do anything against childpornography/prostitution because they know perfectly well that this is closely entwined with human-trafficking and organ-trade and those who do this are powerful international criminal organisations.
It doesn't stop here. I know from a scandal in Germany where the elite from politics, industry and JUSTICE SYSTEM where on the guestlist of those "etablissments".
And then they used their networks to hide their deeds and block the investigation.
(This is NOT a conspiracy theory its a conspiracy FACT. Unfortunatly i can only find german newspapers and german media about this topic.)
Sorry for getting offtopic, but i think this illustrates very well the mindset of those who make these kind of laws.
I can smell the hypocrisy from here.