Do you take sugar? Options
#41 Posted : 9/10/2013 4:23:59 AM

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bone broth is essential in my home. We make huge pots of stock now from organic bones we get from a farmer and freeze it. Lasts about 2 weeks.

I used to be on L-glutamine and glucosamine supplements but it never worked the way bone broth does. Seriousily I had leaky gut so bad at one point.

I tired the ketogenic diet thing and I just could not do it. I needed the carbs. The grain free thing I did for a long long time, but I still had to have fruits and sweet potatoes to get a certain amount of carbs or I couldn't find energy to do anything.

My back still gets sore though and Im pretty sure its the spondylitis. I never went back for tests since my mother has it and doctor said it's likely I do..but I don't know what allopathic medicine is gunna do for me.

You know what is really great though? I got some organic non medicated ethically raised bacon, without added nitrates..and I have been eating it. Bacon..for the first time in years. After all that fat and cholesterol crap mythology..finally dissolved. Cook some bacon in grass fed butter, pour the remaining oils and butter over some quality freerange eggs with the bacon. Herbal tea and maybe some sweet potatoe. Best breakfast ever.
Long live the unwoke.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
The Neural
#42 Posted : 9/11/2013 12:13:00 PM

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benzyme wrote:

but don't try to tell me that it's "better" for me, you don't know that.

Unless you are hallucinating that you are reading such lines in my post, I don't believe I stated anywhere that a diet is better for you. I said "can" be detrimental, which you can follow the logic (as a scientist) by yourself (before you jump up to state "to each his own" ). I find it peculiar that when it comes to diet, people get very defensive, but they are more than comfortable describing and promoting the "optimal" ways to consume and experience a substance (even what to make of it afterwards). I see no difference whatsoever between the two. We know nothing, but we try to understand the "optimal" approach, for the biggest proportion of the population. Nothing wrong in researching that.

Handel wrote:

Neural, very glad to hear you're doing so well!
Any luck with home-made bone broth btw, to repair the existing bone/muscle damage?

No I did not go forth with bone broth, I am so happy that the inflammation stopped that I cannot be bothered. I will try though when I'll be in the mood Smile

jamie wrote:

I tired the ketogenic diet thing and I just could not do it. I needed the carbs. The grain free thing I did for a long long time, but I still had to have fruits and sweet potatoes to get a certain amount of carbs or I couldn't find energy to do anything.

I find (as whoever goes forth with keto) that the first 15 days are the most difficult. Energy is totally depleted as you're not feeding your body any carbs, and it takes a few days for it to switch to fat consumption as primary energy. During which time you'll feel like a zombie, but after that, energy is back and your body adapts. I still eat sweet potatoes, and 85% cocoa chocolates, just as long as I am staying below 30 grams of carbs daily.

jamie wrote:

You know what is really great though? I got some organic non medicated ethically raised bacon, without added nitrates..and I have been eating it. Bacon..for the first time in years. After all that fat and cholesterol crap mythology..finally dissolved. Cook some bacon in grass fed butter, pour the remaining oils and butter over some quality freerange eggs with the bacon. Herbal tea and maybe some sweet potatoe. Best breakfast ever.

I feel you. My breakfast: 5 streaks of bacon, fried in butter, and 2 eggs dropped and fried in the butter/bacon fat that resulted, and coffee with extra thick double cream. Every. Day.

But hey, I am not telling anyone what to do, just sharing my experience. I think that's the point of this forum, ey? Otherwise, I can tell you "Hey, I know what I like, don't start telling me what to inhale, how and why, okay?".

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

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#43 Posted : 9/11/2013 3:52:58 PM

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The Neural wrote:
benzyme wrote:

but don't try to tell me that it's "better" for me, you don't know that.

Unless you are hallucinating that you are reading such lines in my post, I don't believe I stated anywhere that a diet is better for you. I said "can" be detrimental, which you can follow the logic (as a scientist) by yourself (before you jump up to state "to each his own" ). I find it peculiar that when it comes to diet, people get very defensive, but they are more than comfortable describing and promoting the "optimal" ways to consume and experience a substance (even what to make of it afterwards). I see no difference whatsoever between the two. We know nothing, but we try to understand the "optimal" approach, for the biggest proportion of the population. Nothing wrong in researching that.

it wasn't directed towards you, hence the "(generally speaking)".
people also tend to get preachy with respect to diets; what works for one person may not work for another.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#44 Posted : 9/11/2013 4:37:31 PM

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The Neural wrote:

Here's the mechanism on why carbohydrates can be detrimental (especially in combination with fat) :


Thanks for the link, very useful.

And yes every person is a world, but the knowledge about carb metabolism is large enough. If we do follow in the Nexus a back-your-assertions-up-with-data policy, that applies also to diet... whoever needs or prefers to dose high on something is welcome to do so responsibly, but the general consensus stands.

I still take some sugar, but I've greatly reduced it. My wife had to change some dieting habits for good reasons, and that is slowly making me follow.

Breakfast has become a smoothie with the juice of an orange, a banana, an apple or peach and one or two raw eggs - plus toppings if desired, I've increased protein intake, decreased carbs and cut down dairy. Add some probiotics and good olive oil and the difference is crystal clear for me.
The Neural
#45 Posted : 9/11/2013 5:17:28 PM

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benzyme wrote:

it wasn't directed towards you, hence the "(generally speaking)".
people also tend to get preachy with respect to diets; what works for one person may not work for another.

Totally my bad, somehow the lack of ":" after generally speaking caused me to bind it to the previous sentence (even though there was a blank line).

I agree on the preaching, which is why I took the extra care to speak about my symptoms only, but you gotta admit, sugar and flours in the quantities we are consuming them today, may warrant further research. And I am not talking about cases of obesity, even one typical chocolate bar has around 50 grams of sugar. That's an insane quantity of an extract. It would be more prudent to be perceived as extracts.

Vodsel wrote:

And yes every person is a world, but the knowledge about carb metabolism is large enough. If we do follow in the Nexus a back-your-assertions-up-with-data policy, that applies also to diet... whoever needs or prefers to dose high on something is welcome to do so responsibly, but the general consensus stands.

Exactly. We should always consider every individual as a separate system, with different parameters. If an individual with a gene that impairs lipid metabolism takes up the ketogenic diet, they will most likely die (system cannot process lipids as much, turns to protein, and causes ketoacidosis, coma, death).

The ketogenic diet is slowly gaining pace, there is current research on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, the latter mostly because of the mechanisms it is expressed through (amyloid deposits on neurons), which is avoided by not eating flours. It may be a viable option for a variety of conditions (from high blood pressure, to diabetes and safe weight loss).

Just an option.

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

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#46 Posted : 9/13/2013 1:05:19 AM

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30 grs of carbs is pretty low (I assume this is NET carbs, that don't take the fiber amount on account). I found that my body worked best at around 75 gr of net carbs per day. This is of course way lower than most people's usual 250+ gr of carbs, but considerably more than strict ketogenic. I went ketogenic for a few months last year, and my thyroid started acting up (the Reverse T3 can go crazy IF your thyroid has been damaged over the years). At 75 gr though, my body was really happy. I didn't have any of my symptoms at that amount of carbs, as long as I was feeding it Paleo (lots of veggies, bone broth, kefir, offal, shellfish, wild fish, non-fluoride water etc), went out to the sun for at least a few minutes a day, and slept well.
#47 Posted : 9/13/2013 1:21:25 AM

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I am not sure that I believe that it is healthy to be on a ketogenic diet full time. I understand that for some people it helps to heal from an illness..but then usually people start to add in more carbs slowly. I know that I just don't feel right when I get anywhere near that low carb. I could never find the energy to go to work or even get out of bed with 30g of carbs a day..and it also would likely be very very bad for my adnrenals. For my situation I think it would be pretty dangerous. Everyone differs I guess.
Long live the unwoke.
The Neural
#48 Posted : 9/13/2013 6:15:53 PM

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^ agree with Handel, and also with Jamie.

It may be healthy to do the keto once in a while, maybe a few times in one's life, just as a sort of getting rid of extra fat deposits, and go back to normal. Constant ketosis is definitely not good (also the acidic state of the system damages the bones and can cause osteoporosis).

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

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#49 Posted : 9/13/2013 8:18:38 PM

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I stopped eating sugar about 2months ago, tbf i only used it in tea and coffee but still it was an adiction for me.

I also stopped drinking coffee and now i use yerba with stevia and liqurice extract for my mornings instead.

Since stopping with sugar and starches ive lost 10pounds and feel alot healthier in many ways.
#50 Posted : 9/14/2013 12:18:25 AM

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This thread has put Def leppard in my head.
#51 Posted : 1/22/2014 11:17:22 AM

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I Just use Xylit
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