Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
I tried quidding a single fresh leaf last night and honestly I can't say that it made my dreams any more vivid and I definitely didn't become lucid. Maybe the dose needs to be upped? I may also try smoking a small amount of plain leaf tonight to see if that ROA makes any difference. I did have some dreams about discovering a new species of plant that was like a very fast growing, high alkaloid, cold hardy version of caapi. Wouldn't that be great  Also I have a vague memory of some sort of swirling abstractness that I was a part of, but nothing out of the ordinary in terms of intensity or lucidity. 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
 'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust
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Wax wrote:I tried quidding a single fresh leaf last night and honestly I can't say that it made my dreams any more vivid and I definitely didn't become lucid. Maybe the dose needs to be upped? I may also try smoking a small amount of plain leaf tonight to see if that ROA makes any difference. Brother Dioxippus turned me on to adding Calea Zacatechichi (dream herb or leaf of God) to the plain leaf and I can attest to it's definitive boost and positive effects, which clarified the Salvia Divinorum lucidity gifted from the leaf, transferred to lucid dream states. I'd also recommend some intentional pre-programming before you slip into that mysterious realm of dreamland. Bring to your attention the idea that you WILL be aware that you are dreaming and so, access the splendor you can naturally arrive at through intent and herbal Sacrament, combined. "As you think, so you become"... even when you are not exactly thinking at all, anymore (you know... go with the flow). There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Good to see people are experimenting with Salvia as a dream aid! There's something very synergistic about Salvia leaf and Calea Z. leaf together. Salvia alone may not induce lucid dreams for most people. I noticed it after smoking it daily for quite a while, and I had already been a pretty accomplished lucid dreamer. I never found it to give me frightening dreams, but I don't necessarily look at my dreams in those terms. What some might consider a terrible nightmare I would take as an interesting dream  Rising Spirit is right, the real magic begins when you combine lucid dreaming techniques with these herbs. Others that I've had great success with were Silene capensis and the Ubulawu herbs. Some of those, in combination, were absolutely amazing. What seemed like full psychedelic trips while sleeping. I guess the only really frightening experience I had was with a combination of African dream root, Calea Zacatechichi, and a mixture of those Ubulawu herbs. It felt like I was lost in the dream world for decades, that I would never see my family or friends again. The feeling of panic is actually what woke me up eventually. I didn't play around with those herbs for a while after that experience
Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
I may have to obtain some Calea and test this out as well. I have sort of an awkward relationship with lucid dreaming, I will focus my intentions on remembering that I am dreaming and have practiced one of the techniques (can't remember the name of it) but it is the one where you will allow your body to fall asleep while keeping your mind awake. Maybe it is the technique, but I will often have nights where I am awake and thinking all night long with weird day dream like dreams but not actually getting any sleep or deep dreaming, it is horrible. Other times I will become aware I am dreaming and then try to do something and will only succeed in waking myself up. I don't mind just letting myself dream and watching it play out especially if it is very vivid, which usually I don't have a problem with. However, I do feel it could be beneficial to become lucid in order to explore my subconscious a little more consciously 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
So I may have had some success with quidding a large leaf last night, this only comes after a few days of smoking a bowl of plain leaf every night before bed for four consecutive days (missed one day in the middle though). I had a very vivid and extremely linear dream which seemed like it lasted a day and part of a night since I was aware of the lighting change during the dream. It also had some unique trippyness to it, although more like surrealism than tryptamine visuals, which I suppose is fitting as it was with salvia. The most prominent aspect of the dream though was the cohesiveness of it all, it hardly ever jumped around and followed a very strict story line in which many in depth and coherent conversations were had amongst dream characters. I think tonight I may try a slightly different approach though. Seeing as how dreams are most abundant in the last few hours of sleep, I may hold off on my quid until after waking up to pee around 3-5 am (like clockwork). I figure this will give me the most active salvinorin in my system during the REM phase. It seems like maybe the salvia needs to build up in the system before the effects are achieved. Is this even possible? Does anyone know how long salvinorin stays in the body? 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Correct me if any of this is wrong. But apparently salvinorin A only hangs around for an extremely short period of time. But what about the whole reverse tolerance phenomenon? If it quickly dissipates and doesn't build up in the system, why does it seem to get stronger with repeated use? So much mystery surrounds this plant still. And who doesn't love a good mystery?  If you smoke your nightly bowl of Salvia with some Calea Zacaetchichi in there you'll notice a huge difference. At least I did. Salvia on its own was having an effect on my dream state, when I added Calea Z. it was full blown lucid journeys that seem to last for days.
Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
Exactly why I asked the question, something has to be building up to cause the reverse tolerance...possibly salvinorin b has something to do with it? I would love to try experimenting with Calea but I am quite low on funding right now  Has anyone tried Silene Capensis in this combo? I'm interested in trying both Calea and Silene but it seems Silene is a better option for dreaming in general. I haven't tried either so I can't attest, but from my research it sounds to be the better choice.. I tried quidding a large leaf upon waking up around 3am the other night and didn't seem to have any dreams that I can recall besides a very short clip of trying to play some sort of instrument that was a cross between a flute and accordion that sounded like Tuvan throat singing  . Sometimes, especially when I am taking something to improve my dreaming, I will have less dreams than normal. I feel like what may be happening is that I am having such an intense dream that I black out or something, sort of like taking too much DMT. I don't know if that is possible but I haven't found anything that seems to work for me, got my fingers crossed on Calea or Silene. 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 28 Joined: 27-Sep-2012 Last visit: 21-Mar-2017 Location: Brahma
Anyone wanting superdreams(vivid-lucid-profond-revelation-phophetic) i highly suggest a water glass fill with choline 1\8 teaspoon + melatonin like .5-1mg + pinch of tobacco to eat prior to bed (start low, nicotine boil before you smoke it,eating it may produce nausea if you dose too much, i mean like 1\5 of a cigarette is too much for me, as i dont smoke) Maybe want to add galatamine or a source of pinene(pine essential oil) as those are acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, the more acetylcholine the more vividness. Dream root seem to have a better effect taken the morning prepared as i learn on the nexus. ground some roots, take a teaspoon of ground root, add it to a 600ml cola bottle, fill with 2-4 inch of water close the bottle then shake it like your life depend on it. The goal is to make the saponins foam and then drink half the foam, then put the bottle in the fridge for next use. Of course you may quid the root prior to bed, i find the morning foam more powerful it seem to take time to enter the system and leave it, i use it 2 time a week as it lingers in the body. Good dreaming to All
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1711 Joined: 03-Oct-2011 Last visit: 20-Apr-2021
Kohan wrote:Anyone wanting superdreams(vivid-lucid-profond-revelation-phophetic) i highly suggest a water glass fill with choline 1\8 teaspoon + melatonin like .5-1mg + pinch of tobacco to eat prior to bed (start low, nicotine boil before you smoke it,eating it may produce nausea if you dose too much, i mean like 1\5 of a cigarette is too much for me, as i dont smoke) Maybe want to add galatamine or a source of pinene(pine essential oil) as those are acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, the more acetylcholine the more vividness. I don't want to go deeper into the serotonin-acetylcholine modulation technique since this is a little off-topic in a thread about salvia as dream enhancer, but your suggestion asks for a warning: mixing choline + melatonin + nicotine + galantamine without keeping in mind the normal sleep pattern in humans sounds rushed and somewhat wasteful. Taking this prior to bed is suboptimal and may suppress deep sleep. A combination like the one you mention should be tried after the first 4 hours of sleep or so, as you enter the frequent REM sleep stage. Otherwise you're towing against the current and will damage your sleep quality. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 28 Joined: 27-Sep-2012 Last visit: 21-Mar-2017 Location: Brahma
I understand your warning and is appreciated for general information but I've been doing it for 2 week tonight and myself never had a sleep disruption although i didn't add galantamine to this ''mix'' this week but 3-4 drop of pine essential oil to the glass of water, never woke up during the nights but the vividness of my last dream make me woke up this very morning, was having a conversation with my dead father in the kitchen, about him faking his death, just couldn't believe that he was alive and that could be happening,that was so startling that i woke up in AWE but strong emotion wake me up all the time. Personally i have never felt sleep disruption or Fatigue during this approach to vivid-lucid dreaming, always woke up refresh and way less sleepy than usual, i can't say for others, so your Warning is welcome and i believe needed, for that I thank you. Salvia downregulation of the D2 receptor never worked for me for lucid dreaming just like some of the previous post'er so i was only suggesting some help into that and dream root. Sorry if i didnt make sense, as you can see English is not my first language 
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1711 Joined: 03-Oct-2011 Last visit: 20-Apr-2021
Kohan wrote:Personally i have never felt sleep disruption or Fatigue during this approach to vivid-lucid dreaming, always woke up refresh and way less sleepy than usual, i can't say for others, so your Warning is welcome and i believe needed, for that I thank you. I was just echoing what I've learned, which generally agrees with the literature about the role of serotonin in deep sleep. Dosing with serotonin precursors like 5-HTP before bedtime, and using the choline-AChE inhibitor combo in the middle of the night makes sense - with or without the addition of other compounds like melatonin, or nicotine and other dopaminergic/adrenergic supplements. But hey, every dreamer is a world. I've tried similar combinations and resulted with intense dreams, but lucidity is still slippery for me. Perhaps the fact I'm still addicted to tobacco is a hurdle, my nicotinic receptors are maybe desensitized. That's why I was following this thread actually, and considering to try salvia and calea before sleep time. Kohan wrote:Salvia downregulation of the D2 receptor never worked for me for lucid dreaming just like some of the previous post'er so i was only suggesting some help into that and dream root. Sorry if i didnt make sense, as you can see English is not my first language  Mine neither  You made perfect sense. And the dream root worked nicely for me. The only two episodes of vivid, lucid dream I remember happened after a few days of taking Silene root, perhaps combined with the usual REM rebound after stopping with cannabis for a while. I will try salvia before bed and report back, thanks everyone for the posted information so far. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
I've had success with all the African dream roots/herbs. Silene capensis is a good option, I just found that Calea Zacatechichi does have a synergy with Salvia in particular for some reason. I postulate that it may have something to do with them being native to the same area of the world. It seems like more than just me projecting that thought onto the experience. Calea Zacatechichi (smoked) just works better when mixed with Salvia, and vice versa. It is absolutely terrible to make a tea from so it's either cap some dried herb or smoke it. I suggest you try the Ubulawu herbs Wax. There are several that had profound effect on me. They worked very well when combined. I bought a sort of sampler pack from a vendor that included several different ones and it was incredible. Some great information above too. I love to play around with dream inducing plants. Although I don't necessarily take a very scientific approach to it, I appreciate the discussion. Much thanks
Posts: 1331 Joined: 24-Aug-2010 Last visit: 17-Jan-2024 Location: Thither
Without derailing the thread too much further, I would like to add that I had an amazing dream last night with half a cap of melatonin (1.5mg) that and exactly 2-3 days off of cannabis are the only reliable methods for me. Anyway, in my dream I had the fortune to be able to drink some ayahuasca. In the dream I blacked out after taking the aya and had a false awakening where I was extremely tripped out that everything was normal again, I felt like I had taken quite a journey and a voice told me that it had to destroy my body to cleanse my mind... I have been wanting to get some choline for a while now and will give that method a try once I do, keeping in mind to take it after a few hours of sleep on the advice of Vodsel. Thanks Dioxippus, I will do some more research into those herbs they sound like just what I am looking for  'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
 DMT-Nexus member

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Quote:I chewed up 0.3g dry leaf shortly before going to bed, to see if it would have any positive effects on my dream state. I got threshhold salvia effects, some light visuals even and tried to sleep. I was very hard and uncomfortable because as i drifted into the hypnagogic state, i felt agitated, dizzy with mad thoughts running through my head. After a couple of hours, i finally found sleep and had nightmarish dreams, adressing key psychological issues.
I woke up the next morning feeling super groggy, hungover....but at the same time eager to start the day. I had forgotten about this and tried salvia before sleep via tincture half a dozen times now. Dreams are wild. Sometimes complete nightmares, sometimes very blissfull but there always seems to be some cognitive enhancement effect, as if a "voice of reason" would make me live through things but also explain them to me. I've also come out of it with very weird food recipe ideas. The morning after i'd mostly feel very determined.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 6 Joined: 15-Jul-2012 Last visit: 12-Apr-2019
Wanted to share this podcast ep that correlates to this. The person in the interview uses salvia to induce lucid dreams: https://taileaters.com/2.../salvia-lucid-dreaming/