Homemade Changa Questions Options
#1 Posted : 9/1/2013 8:29:19 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 13
Joined: 02-Jun-2013
Last visit: 26-Mar-2015
I just received 300mg of some very pure DMT. In the past i have found it difficult to get the effects i desire using a freebase pipe, either burning it too much or too little, and never getting enough to breakthrough. I hear changa is alot easier to use than freebase so im considering making some using the warm water bath tek here.

Basically just melting the DMT onto some Cannabis, I don't want to use a solvent and potentially fuck up.. so i have some questions.

1. What is a good ratio of DMT to Herb? i was considering just melting the 300mg onto 700mg of Cannabis to get one gram total of infused leaf, with each 100mg hit being equal to 30mg of pure DMT. this seems completely fine to me and honestly a 1:1 ratio seems a little much, what do you think?

2. Should I just use a solvent to get a uniform mixture? or will that not be a problem using this method?

3. Can I really just burn it like regular herbs? is there still a chance of burning the DMT and wasting a hit? or should i still use some sort of vaporizer to conserve my spice?

4. Are MAOI's really that necessary to get good effects when smoked? im not looking for anything stronger than the DMT itself, just an easier way to smoke it.

5. Is this method worth doing? i just want to be able to properly dose and control my DMT hits without any surprises. Many say that infused leaf is the way to go, but many say that it's a waste and the effects aren't as good. i cant seem to find a consistent answer to the Freebase vs Changa questions and i'd just like some last minute opinions before i melt all my spice.

any opinions would be appreciated. Big grin

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#2 Posted : 9/1/2013 11:18:09 AM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
Joined: 05-Aug-2011
Last visit: 22-Sep-2017

1- 1:1 is a good ratio
2- i do but you might want to use the water bath technique
3- just kiss the herb with a flame to get the cherry going
4- it will adfd to the experience but isnt necessary
5- whether its changa or infused leaf i think that infused plant matter in a 30cm glass bong is the best way to smoke DMT by a country mile.

happy tokingThumbs up

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