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#1721 Posted : 8/4/2013 11:17:27 PM
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Hello everyone!

I just finished my first extraction. However, I think I've done something wrong.

I followed Noman's Tek with 50 gram of pre-powdered MHRB, 1 liter water, 50 gram NaOH, and for each pull 50 gram of naptha (I believe I calculated that this was somewhere between 35 and 40 ml).

I did 4 pulls that evening. After one day in the freezer, I had 4 jars with 4 different results:
- My first pull had some green (I think, I am color-blind) goo stuck to the bottom.
- My second pull seemed to be only Naptha.
- My third pull had some white/yellowish goo stuck to the bottom.
- My fourth pull had some off-white goo stuck to the bottom.

I've vaporized DMT once before, and thinking back of the amount of goo I had back then, I estimated these three pulls together to be somewhere between 5 and 10 of that. Estimated about 100 - 200 miligrams.

I filtered the Naptha through a coffee-filter and then put the jars back upside down. I left them that way for 4 hours, to let the remaining Naptha drip on the lid.

After that, I put the four jars, without the lid, in my fridge (4 degrees Celsius), to let the remaining Naptha evaporate. Very soon after that (I think 15 to 45 minutes), when I checked up on them, The bits of goo were mostly liquified. I thought this could be normal, for with a higher temperature, the freeze-precip gets un-done again.

One day later, the jars had completely dried out and the Naptha smell was gone. I could smell the dmt smell (at least, the way the dmt of my one experience smelled). However, almost everything that used to be in the jars was gone. I can still see that there is something inside there, because the glass looks a bit dirty on the places where the goo used to be.
I think there is still 5% left of the goo I had before drying. Is this normal? Does the goo before drying contain so much of the Naptha?

Also I thought after some research, I have agitated way too soft. I tried to get no waves at all when I rolled the jar around. I think I need to agitate harder (shake it a bit). Also, maybe I should add 2 tablespoons of salt?

I don't think scraping out the jars will be worth trying. Should I just try some other pulls and put these pulls in the unwashed jars again?

I have one remaining pull now in the freezer. There seem to be as much/more chrystals as in the first pull. Some of them are also floating, so I will need to catch them with a coffee-filter. Where should I leave this coffee-filter to dry? In the freezer? In the fridge? At room-temperature?

Thank you so much for your help!

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#1722 Posted : 8/7/2013 3:24:32 PM
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Nevermind my previous questions. I think that, because I didn't agitate enough, I didn't pull much dmt.

I mixed some Naphta in the used jars, and found out that the sticky bits on the bottom of the jars were my lye/bark mix. It seems that I accidentaly got some of that in my Naphta as well.

The one pull I still had in the freezer is now upside down in the freezer, with lots of white stuff. Also there is some white stuff on my coffee filter! Smile
#1723 Posted : 8/7/2013 4:03:21 PM

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tester.dla.mmc wrote:
Hi everyone.
I've recently found out about extraction using FASA method (from here). Since SWIM doesn't have access to Mimosa he can only use Acacia Confusa rootbark.

Has anyone tried this method or has any idea if it's going to work for Acacia ?


Should work fine.
#1724 Posted : 8/13/2013 1:43:42 AM
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first post on here about my friends first pull. kinda been staggering along now with him and his pulls of naptha are more yellowish than "milky". what should he do about this? and also just wondering when lids should and shouldn't be on the jars, which steps? Confused

i think i have read now that my friend could maybe defat his yellow pulls to rid it of plant gunk? is this so
also, one of the less murky pulls has a beige colored sludge along the bottom. could this be re-x into a better product, or can it be smoked off of a nail on my friends small bubbler rig? and how much do you think? my friend bounced between the lex and thick-light methods, and made a few mistakes. these pulls are from only 2 acidic pulls worth of 1,000g of acrb. my friend plans on doing two more pulls from the bark and then starting fresh after that along the tek. sorry for the mess..
#1725 Posted : 8/18/2013 5:43:31 PM
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Hallo group! So I've been studying the q21q21 tek 1 (The jimjam party) for a while now and I pretty much understand it completely, but i have some questions. First question: Is the final product going to be a goo or waxy substance? and I have a question/suggestion once someone helps me answer this. Smile
#1726 Posted : 8/25/2013 3:59:19 PM
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#1727 Posted : 8/25/2013 4:30:51 PM

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Thanks a lot for letting us know Smile

I want to try this out and test it, see if NMT also precipitates equally easy with fumaric acid or if it will be more selective to DMT.

Did you do FASA or FASI? Can you describe a bit more how you did it, if you precipitated from some non-polar solvent or just redissolved your already separated freebase goo/crystals and did FASA/FASI on it?
#1728 Posted : 8/25/2013 5:30:40 PM
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I want to try this out and test it, see if NMT also precipitates equally easy with fumaric acid or if it will be more selective to DMT.

It sure would be nice to find a relatively simple way to separate NMT from DMT.
#1729 Posted : 8/27/2013 4:47:53 PM
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#1730 Posted : 8/27/2013 6:09:55 PM

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Why are you assuming dmt/nmt citrate is soluble in acetone? Where did you get the idea for this method?
#1731 Posted : 8/27/2013 7:45:26 PM
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As I've said
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#1732 Posted : 8/27/2013 8:24:12 PM

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Thanks, I had missed that part ! Smile

If I were you I'd wait to see if the NaOH water precipitates at all.. If not, I'd put it all in a pyrex dish, and evaporate it in by placing it on top of the pot with hot water, like a double boiler/warm bath kind of set up. Then with whatever you have once it evaps, scrape it, put in a glass, and pull with acetone, and evap the acetone to retrieve any DMT/NMT freebase that might be there..

Good luck, let us know how it goes!
#1733 Posted : 8/28/2013 8:37:47 AM
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I've seen a few teks on this forum that say to freeze and thaw the root bark a few times after chopping into small pieces (i.e. before an acid boil). Does this mean to place dry root bark pieces into a container and place it in the freezer or should water be added?

The link below is a good example:
#1734 Posted : 8/28/2013 8:55:08 AM

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or should water be added?

Cover it in water...throw it in the freezer.
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#1735 Posted : 8/29/2013 12:17:10 AM
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#1736 Posted : 8/29/2013 2:08:54 AM
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cyb wrote:
Agon wrote:
I've seen a few teks on this forum that say to freeze and thaw the root bark a few times after chopping into small pieces (i.e. before an acid boil). Does this mean to place dry root bark pieces into a container and place it in the freezer or should water be added?

The link below is a good example:

Cover it in water...throw it in the freezer.

Should the bark be frozen with vinegar as well, or just water?
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#1737 Posted : 8/29/2013 2:50:32 AM

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Agon wrote:
Should the bark be frozen with vinegar as well, or just water?

either one would work.

i am sure vinegar would help
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#1738 Posted : 8/29/2013 6:45:51 AM
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Hello forum and notably Cyb or thick-light if you read this.

SWIM might have 200g Acacia root bark and would like to attempt a/b extraction using either of these teks or a combination of them because SWIM only wants to use 50g at a time in case it doesn't work out the first time. SWIM figures he has 4 chances to get it right.

SWIMS problem probably is that the first two use 500g, or 1000g of the ACRB. SWIM understands that you can scale down, just not the time of the acid boils. However, SWIM would like to know how much h20, vinegar, lye and naphta would be used and reduced down using only 50g of the ACRB (SWIM thought using the proportions in Cyb's tek could work). I can imagine that too little or too much water would affect the PH, and also boiling it for almost 2 hours would leave no water left if too little is used. SO IN SHORT could someone please scale the two ACRB teks down for SWIM using only 50g of ACRB, including amount of h20, vinegar, lye, and naphta.

Could Cyb's tek be used with the ACRB? Or since Cyb's tek uses 50g amount would his proportions be good to use with the first two ACRB teks above.

Are acid boils needed on small 50g batches?

Any help would be great this would be SWIMS first time.

#1739 Posted : 8/29/2013 4:51:32 PM
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#1740 Posted : 8/29/2013 5:31:26 PM

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Honestly, I dont think it's FASA the problem, I think you used a way too complicated process with all this citric acid story and so on, there are a lot of possible steps where it could have not worked. I'm pretty sure FASA works just fine if you do it the simple way (base, pull with non-polar, FASA on non-polar, convert to freebase.
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