Dmt and Mushrooms Options
#1 Posted : 4/13/2009 8:03:39 AM
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Well, let me first start out by saying, this is my first time here, i'm happy to see a forum devoted to DMT, and look forword to contributing.

A few nights ago was my first time smoking DMT. I'm a fairly experienced tripper and was excited with the prospect of finally being able to try it out. I also had some mushrooms around so i was like, what the hell lets give it a shot. I decided to smoke the dmt on a peak of an 1/8 of mushrooms. What happened to me when i smoked it was..... the most euphoric experience i've ever had on any kind of drug. I didn't experience any contact with entities, i wasn't able to exist in other realms like i've read other people doing. What i did experience was literally catapulting through hundreds of scenes shooting across the landscape of my mind. I couldn't zero in on anything every second was a new vision. It was pure chaos and insanity, and i loved every minute of it. My ego eventually shattered or felt like it did because there was a war going going in my head and i was trying to let go so hard, after I literally felt like i was 15 different people at the same time and we were all talkin to eachother. I felt like i was connected with every living being on this planet. I am having trouble describing with words how i felt but i'm sure you guys understand. When i peeked off the dmt i just remember floating in this black void in pure nothingness it felt so serene, so sensual. When i eventually returned to my body i just moaned with pleasure in my bed for the next 2 hours while i slowly pieced together who i was. I could still feel the DMT 2 hours after i first took the hit. If anyone has the chance to try this combination give it a shot. I don't see why people have so much anxiety about doing DMT, if you can handle ego loss/death easily then dmt shouldn't be a problem.

Now i know a lot of people will think i'm insane for doing dmt on the peak of a mushroom trip especially considering i haven't done dmt before but i've done massive doses of mushrooms and thought i could handle it. Also, i asked myself, what would Hunter S Thompson do? i had all the reason to do it then heh.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/13/2009 8:47:29 PM

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i, for one, do not think you are insane for taking the spice during the peak of a mushroom journey. i myself have done this more than once. it is blissful. a truly synergistic blend. SWIM also suggests trying a spice journey at the peak of a "waka grade" kava journey....just when you thought you couldn't be any more blissed out.... Smile

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#3 Posted : 4/13/2009 9:24:22 PM

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yes as I mentioned in probably too many threads, mushrooms+spice combination is incredible! SWIM hasnt tried with harmalas yet but he definitely preffers smoking during a mushroom trip than when straight.
Infinite I
#4 Posted : 4/13/2009 9:54:40 PM


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Swims and his compadre's have been thinking about this as mushrooms are on the horizon, as is a fresh batch of spice, in the past swims always smoked straight spice, part from odd occasion with cappi and mdma, which were both amazing, but in the past when he had spice sitting there and peaking on mushrooms, the idea of smoking spice seemed absurd, as if it would be far too much, but now hes warming to the idea. Makes him think maybe your already half open to the experience so would maybe make it easier going in, everyone here says its the best thing ever, mushrooms and spice are great by themselves, together makes sense.

Whats it like? Is it dmt land for an hour or something?
#5 Posted : 4/13/2009 10:26:32 PM

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Nice report. SWIM is getting ready to eat an 8th of shrooms with 200mg of THH orally. Once the shrooms kick in he's going to take a pull of spice from the vaporgenie Smile
#6 Posted : 4/13/2009 11:06:36 PM

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Infinite I wrote:

Whats it like? Is it dmt land for an hour or something?

For SWIM the duration is more or less the same as smoking dmt while straight, but with mushrooms it doesnt go back to baseline, but rather one continues the mushroom trip with an extra happiness Smile Plus its much easier to remember the trip and incorporate the visions better. At least thats how it is for SWIM
#7 Posted : 4/14/2009 1:55:23 AM
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Infinite I wrote:
Swims and his compadre's have been thinking about this as mushrooms are on the horizon, as is a fresh batch of spice, in the past swims always smoked straight spice, part from odd occasion with cappi and mdma, which were both amazing, but in the past when he had spice sitting there and peaking on mushrooms, the idea of smoking spice seemed absurd, as if it would be far too much, but now hes warming to the idea. Makes him think maybe your already half open to the experience so would maybe make it easier going in, everyone here says its the best thing ever, mushrooms and spice are great by themselves, together makes sense.

Whats it like? Is it dmt land for an hour or something?

I'd say that you stay in dmt land for longer then you would if you didn't take the mushroom. I'd have to try this combination a few more times to truly answer your question. My mind was simply overwhelmed from the experience and i wasn't able to take in as much as i would have liked. Next time i'll be more ready for it. It wasn't very hard on my mind, i wasn't scared or anxious. If you can handle ego loss/death with reletive ease then it shouldn't be a problem. I could still feel lingering effects of the dmt untill i was done tripping but i think that has something to do with me meditating on my third eye and attempted to induce an oob throughout the trip.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
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