3rdI wrote:I'd not seen that video before, what a tool.
Me neither. But seeing that short video it becomes immediately clear:
he seems to be suffering from both Psychosis & Narcissism. Severely.
This guy is high on himself. If you're insane and might do harm to yourself, that's bad enough, but still within your personal freedom
(Your Free choice) IMHO.
But his mind is so saturated with insanity that it's now threatening to spill
outside of him so that others are at risk of being harmed by it.
(Not their Free Choice!) I'm glad they're locking this man up.
And indeed, as has been said here before, what an abismal representation of the Psychedelic Community. As if the Psychedelic had such a great reputation to begin with.
What we need now, if we(the Psychedelic community) want a shred of credibility again,
is for this guy and his actions to be harshly condemned by other, sane representatives of the Psychedelic community. We must make it VERY clear to the public that our community does NOT condone his actions and that, allthough it doesn't happen too often, for once we are 100% in agreement with the Law Enforcement's decision to arrest him.
We may not like being in the spotligfhts, like Adam Kokesh clearly does, but if we don't circulate some media about our condemnation of Kokesh's actions, the mainstream media is going to use this incident to demonise our community into oblivion.
Terrence McKenna is a perfect example of a good, sane representation of the Psychedelic community. He may be weird & deluded in the eyes of many, but he is by no means violent or threatening. On the contrary: McKenna "fights" the Dominator culture(his words) by closely examining and scruitenising their ideologies. Also, he doesn't just criticise this Dominator culture. He goes on with his theories & ideologies as to how we could live in a more harmonised, peacefull and intelligent way.
McKenna's style of defying the dominator culture is a clear example of:
"The Pen is might mightier than the Sword"
That is how you represent the Psychedelic community with credibility & dignity.
The Psychedelic community(and any ideological group, really) desperately needs
less Adam Kokeshes & more Terrence McKenna's, if you know what I mean...