Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines Options
#241 Posted : 8/17/2013 3:08:54 AM

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Would you mind labeling what you posted? That would be much appreciated Smile
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#242 Posted : 8/17/2013 1:22:15 PM

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Yes sir sorry it took so long to label them. I became distracted by my wife. The butterfly shaped seeds are black ayahuasca or Alicia anisopetala. The club like ones are white ayahuasca of a species not specified. Not a true caapi so to speak either I don't believe but I have seen these exact seeds before online labeled as white aya but don't remember where I found that. The winged seeds like a maple seed are B. muricata or red aya.
#243 Posted : 8/17/2013 5:49:21 PM

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Would you mind telling us how was the identification done? Was it the vendor? Is it frmo kiwi?
#244 Posted : 8/17/2013 9:30:47 PM

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Yes from the vendors word. I know from much research that the seeds are legitimate aya vines but not sure they are of correct identification. Yes from the vendor you mentioned above. I know some question their company but I cannot complain as I got what I ordered in a timely manner and was informed of everything well. However I have talked with people who don't like them for things and stuff.
#245 Posted : 8/17/2013 9:35:55 PM

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Good thing is the herbarium specimens and descriptions seem to match these seeds and plants so I think it's quite probable the ID is right (though I'm no expert)
#246 Posted : 8/17/2013 10:11:17 PM

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Would you kindly tell me the species of the white aya. I'm fairly sure due to seed shape that it isn't a caapi like the black aya. I have searched around but I only find info on caapi species that is called white. I'm believe there is several true caapi species that all have like shaped seeds. I ran into pics of the seeds of my white along time ago and it was called white aya but I cannot locate it again.
#247 Posted : 8/17/2013 11:49:38 PM

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Sorry I dont know about the white aya one.
#248 Posted : 8/18/2013 12:32:54 AM

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True man thanks anyway. I was excited to see them look like that when I opened the package. I expected both other than the black aya to look the same. I think it is cool to grow this unknown species. Somebody probably knows but I couldn't find the name. The vendor wasn't sure the white was viable but that is OK because its an honor to try. I have thus far two black aya seedlings which are only a few days old now. No red or white so far but they have only been planted for around a month total.
#249 Posted : 8/18/2013 1:57:04 PM

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A pic of a small emerging black ayahuasca seedling. Its very exciting to have the chance to grow such a sacred plant. I really want a white to sprout though.
#250 Posted : 9/10/2013 9:50:49 PM

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BecometheOther wrote:

Another plant is found in water. Ordinarrly a cappi vine would drown if it lived in water all the time, but this plant is reffered to as oco-yage, or water ayahuasca. The identity of this plant is also disputed, but it is definetly one that is sold as chaliponga. A tentative identification of the plant is alecia anisopetala, it resembles the ayahuasca vine exept is much more RED and SMOOTH expecially on the inside. It also doesnt smell like cappi. The leaf can be broad with a point like aya leafs, or more mature leaves are bigger and less rounded more long thin and pointed. I also have this plant. It is pure jungle magic, its preparation on chemical constituents are thought to be similiar to b. muricata. The vine and leaf are used,, with no other admixture. It hasent been anylized but it is thought to contain harmalas in the vine and dmt in the leaf. it is highly probable that OCO YAGE and ALECIA ANISOPETALA (not spell checked) are one in the same.

I found this on a vendor website, I have never ordered from them, but a friend who's been to Brazil a couple of times met some of the people behind the site, and he speaks very highly of them...
Diplopterys Cabrerana is a liana from the tropical parts of South America. This liana looks like the Banisteriopsis caapi and was formerly known as Banisteriopsis Rusbyana. Diplopterys is favored by shamans in Amazonian Ecuador and western Colombia, whereas in Brazil and Peru Psychotria Virdis is the preferred admixture plant. The leaves of Diplopterys are known as Chagropanga and Chaliponga and commonly used as an additive to Ayahuasca brews. The brew with Diplopterys is generally known as Oco-yage, (water-yage). The Sionas, for example, use this species to “enhance the visions” to “bring them into focus and bring about longer duration”...

Could this then be the "real" chaliponga you mentioned?
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#251 Posted : 10/2/2013 1:37:53 AM

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There are so many interesting species mentioned in this thread. These species need to be collected live and brought to somewhere they can be propagated massively and spread world wide amongst the community. Its the only means of insuring that all these species survive with the rainforests being cut down and governments cracking down on stuff. Its not too late but that time may approach quickly.
#252 Posted : 4/29/2017 11:15:12 AM

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Is this topic alive Confused? Want to add my five cents. Let me know if I can do it or not. Thank you Cool
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#253 Posted : 4/29/2017 3:05:28 PM

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TN wrote:
Is this topic alive Confused? Want to add my five cents. Let me know if I can do it or not. Thank you Cool

Go ahead man, All perspectives are welcome.
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Cognitive Heart
#254 Posted : 4/29/2017 10:57:45 PM

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The entire forum is alive, friend. Wink Digging up old threads can be engaging.
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#255 Posted : 4/30/2017 7:33:06 PM

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Cognitive Heart wrote:
The entire forum is alive, friend. Wink Digging up old threads can be engaging.

I Loved this thread so much guys. It was found when I was ready to add important information that you, we all are searching for. Let's start/proceed from two pages I took from James A. Duke' Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), pp. 90-91 on B. caapi and its synonyms. Plan to post pictures from my garden where different aya vines are growing in.

[img]James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 90.jpg[img]
[img]James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 91.jpg[img]
TN attached the following image(s):
James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 90.jpg (1,862kb) downloaded 136 time(s).
James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 91.jpg (1,390kb) downloaded 137 time(s).
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#256 Posted : 5/1/2017 4:43:35 AM

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Nope, not seeing any pictures...
I already asked Alice.

#257 Posted : 5/1/2017 7:35:15 PM

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pinkoyd wrote:
Nope, not seeing any pictures...

Anyone help me to solve the problem. I've uploaded them both attaching them, then try to paste them into my post and nothing's going on. What's the problem?
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#258 Posted : 5/1/2017 7:37:39 PM

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TN attached the following image(s):

Nothing changed. What's the problem guys?

Cognitive Heart wrote:
The entire forum is alive, friend. Wink Digging up old threads can be engaging.

I Loved this thread so much guys. It was found when I was ready to add important information that you, we all are searching for. Let's start/proceed from two pages I took from James A. Duke' Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), pp. 90-91 on B. caapi and its synonyms. Plan to post pictures from my garden where different aya vines are growing in.
TN attached the following image(s):
James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 90.jpg (1,862kb) downloaded 110 time(s).
James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 91.jpg (1,390kb) downloaded 108 time(s).
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Cognitive Heart
#259 Posted : 5/1/2017 8:10:31 PM

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In what format are you attaching and uploading the images?

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#260 Posted : 5/1/2017 8:57:44 PM

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As you can see above they are jpgs.
[img]James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 90.jpg[img]
[img]James A. Duke. Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America (2009), page 91.jpg[img]

Who is moderator here? Need to get help from him.
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