What is this place? And what happens after? Options
#1 Posted : 6/27/2013 6:20:20 AM
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Lately I've been trying to put some thoughts together on what we're doing here, and what happens next.

Do you ever wonder if we are in a special place separated from another zone of reality? Perhaps we have to be "let out", or find a way out.

What's going to happen after this? We're not going to be here forever.

I had a two dreams 2 years ago that I still remember very well.

Dream 1-
I was basically shown that the reality I was living in was a restricted zone from the "real" reality. Everyone I knew from my life was here in this dream with me. they were all watching me and knew everything about me. I asked them about "real" reality, and they just said its very nice. It seemed my goal would be to finish my time here so I could move onto the next place.

The first dream was much more involved. A lot of people from my life in there. Seemed like days in there. I won't go into it. If you want a more distinct description PM me. I am overwhelmingly diagnosed with narcolepsy.

Dream 2-
I was semi lucid in a dream in the front yard of my house. My neighbors come outside and were playing a projector onto the side of their house. They are playing clips of what I assumed was my life. They were asking me how I thought they got that footage and so on. Basically they told me my life was recorded. They were also hinting at the fact that my time here would be up very shortly here. I asked them if it was alright if something like this is happening to me at this young age. They just looked at me and told me that everything is completely ok, but I could have negotiated for more time. They were very loving. I told them I did not want more time. I woke up.

I just feel at this point we really are separated from another reality. This place is temporary and hopefully there's something great in the future.

If you have any speculation about where we are, what we're doing here, or what happens next, feel free to post something. I really appreciate it.

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#2 Posted : 6/27/2013 9:23:52 AM


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just yesterday i did'nt smoke any cannabis and had these prophetic dreams , the dreams were in colour , highly advanced and more real than my current reality

i guess after death we move on to a permanent dream reality

i guess i am quitting cannabis aswell after the dreams yesterday , it feels like a total waste to miss out on these dreams , as the dreams were highly involving more advanced than an sci-fi movie i've ever seen and to tell you the truth kinda extremely trippy
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#3 Posted : 6/28/2013 6:50:31 AM

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Don't let the notion of a possible tomorrow distract you from an absolute today. I don't know, nor does anyone else, exactly what happens after we die, but I do know for certain that the time we have here on earth can be amazing and is not to be wasted. Dream, surely, but live as well.
#4 Posted : 6/28/2013 7:03:35 AM

analytical chemist

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I've had those dreams, but I don't particularly mind them, nor dwell on them.
I know there is another realm, in which these 'entities' exist, just beyond our "normal" perception. Some people get a glimpse, and others blow them off as being "crazy".
but actually, it's just not that simple...

...we don't know everything.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#5 Posted : 7/8/2013 3:05:49 AM
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Something is going on here. We are somewhere, and there is, according to all my experiences, a next place we go to.
Parshvik Chintan
#6 Posted : 7/8/2013 4:56:58 AM

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you might enjoy the work of thomas warren campbell
My wind instrument is the bong
#7 Posted : 7/8/2013 7:03:35 AM


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This is a pretty synchronistic topic for me. I too just quit smoking cannabis and have regained my dreams and have been having pretty intense prophetic feeling dreams.

Nils wrote:
Don't let the notion of a possible tomorrow distract you from an absolute today. I don't know, nor does anyone else, exactly what happens after we die, but I do know for certain that the time we have here on earth can be amazing and is not to be wasted. Dream, surely, but live as well.

One of the dreams I had recently was that I met a disembodied entity and he basically told me that when I die I will become a ghost and that I should live my life the way I want to live it now, because when I die I will still reside in this world but will be unable to interact with it.

The rest of my dreams have been indicative of some sort of societal collapse and government corruption....Cool
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#8 Posted : 7/8/2013 7:04:56 AM

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There are a lot of ways of looking at this, but for me it comes down to two basic perspectives:

1) this illusory state is here for the purpose of gaining experience, with personal growth being the ultimate goal (even if that person is the all powerful mind of the universe)

2) this illusory state is set up as a lab of sorts, where our higher selves come to do real and significant work that extends beyond the personal growth objective.

I like to imagine it being a little of both. There are many other takes on this: another interpretation is that this is here as entertainment, recreation and escapism for higher dimensional beings. Or the karmic cycle thing: entities start out inhabiting the bodies of primitive organisms and are given the opportunity to work their way up through higher lifeforms until finally transcending the whole cycle of life and residing in eternity, flush with a hard-earned universal wisdom.

Then there's the materialist view: this whole thing is one big almighty random occurrence and this "next place" is a creation of our primate minds.

I can't pretend to know, really. I just try to live life with a sense of purpose.
#9 Posted : 7/8/2013 9:39:09 AM

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I share similar perspectives to those Guyomech.

It definitely feels like a learning ground of some sort which ever way you look at it. With everyone's findings converging ,clashing and coming in to harmony until we're able to establish a greater connection to a kind of Group-Mind or shared state of being, both physically and beyond.

Every now and then I get the feeling it's all an elaborate 'virtual' test too. Maybe conducted by our higher selves on level, maybe by beings who require we go through some basic 'training' and etiquette before we can return to these higher states.

To me it feels as if, where ever we are heading, we have already been and most likely started there to begin with.

#10 Posted : 7/8/2013 9:47:59 AM
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I feel as though there are things I am not being told about this place.
Use any name
#11 Posted : 7/12/2013 1:31:27 AM
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The special place, separate from another zone of reality that I find myself in, is the certain perspective that I currently have. Opposed to the one you have, or someone else might have, or another might have and so on. I will be in this zone until my dance is over. This dance will be over when I completely unwind and join back into the bigger dance. The I referred to can be seen as a small dance in a big dance, but really they are one and the same dance. I feel that the rejoining of the bigger dance will feel ecstatic as the chronic tension that is the experience of separateness dissolves. With this disillusion I am unsure if any part of my ego will remain, or maybe the degree to which I can let go, determines where I land. I being the tension that identifies my self. Maybe this tension can become extremely subtle, and flow around until it catches on to something, becoming entwined and again more tense until re-manifestation. Who knows if this tension in its more subtle form, retains something of the character of this life. Just speculating.

As for your dreams, dream one, I think that all experience can be seen as restriction. So a "real" reality which is not a restriction I would interpret as a way to get to another state of restriction. The pathway of action, the overall mechanism, or whatever you want. Not an experience by its self but all self by the experience of it. And sure you'll finish here and go on and on, probably.

I don't feel right commenting on your second dream, you can keep that one.
#12 Posted : 7/12/2013 3:44:35 AM
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I hear what you're saying Use any name. Thank you for your input. And thank you for your respect to the second dream.

That first dream was a lot more involved, and seemed to last days. I wont get into it though.

That second dream really affected me. It was much different from other dreams. Felt real. But of course then we'd have to define real.

Thanks to all that have commented so far.
Parshvik Chintan
#13 Posted : 7/12/2013 4:29:21 AM

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My wind instrument is the bong
#14 Posted : 7/13/2013 12:01:15 AM
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It doesn't matter what it is. It's a temporary place we are in.
No Knowing
#15 Posted : 7/18/2013 6:55:46 PM

fool adept

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I often think we could be at the beginning of a an endless chain of temporary realities.

We will move to higher more permanent realities but even these will end and give way to other realities.

Once we enter a sort of eternity we may become bored and choose to re-enter more temporary realities for escape and learning. It may be that nothing lasts forever, even eternity.

Just thoughts not dogma.

Great topic thanks for sharing the dreams mjc.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
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#16 Posted : 8/14/2013 11:44:56 PM
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At this point I can only draw it down to two conclusions:

1. Either everyone is an actor and this place is just a large stage.

2. Or, everyone is walking around in a state of sleep, unknowingly playing characters.

"When you figure out the truth, be funny about it, or they will kill you." - famous quote

I won't say which is more probable at this point.

This life was just a story.
#17 Posted : 8/14/2013 11:53:12 PM

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I see it as this. We all woke up in our bodies. None of us have any memory of any "before" time nor do we know what happens "after". So then logically we are here to live in the "now". If that makes any sense.

So what you do with this "now" time is up to you. Some people are locked in to the current "created" reality we all know as societal conditioning. But IMO this condition helps to keep some people sane. Some people would not be able to handle the truth, whatever that even means, or if there really is a truth to know. Who knows.

We are here right now, thats all that really matters.]
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