Alright, so I'm finished with my extraction of 28gm of Vilca seeds & everything went well,
although I thought I had fouled up the FASA step for a short while.
I have not weighed my yield yet, waiting for it to dry a bit more...
But I have a nice size pile of yellow-ish/brown-ish, somewhat sticky crystals.
Both the 1st & 2nd D-Limonene boils cleaned a little ball of impurities out of the extract, about half the size of a pencil eraser head.
Seems they are a bit
stickier after the second D-Limonene boil (
but they not might be completely dry yet).
How long can you leave the Bufo extract out in the open to dry, before it starts to oxidize?
After pouring off the extra D-Limonene, I let the dish sit out for about 7-to-8 hours, I then scraped it up with a razor & have let it sit for another 1.5 hours so far.
I poured the extra D-Limonene into another glass baking dish to let it evap completely, it has since evaped to leave a somewhat greasy film. When I scraped up a little, it had the same
yellow-ish/brown-ish color as the main dish of extract, so I figure it definitely has Bufo in it, just not as much, or as pure...
How long does it usually take for D-Limonene to evaporate off totally?
Would dissolving the Bufo crystals in a small amount of acetone, then evaporating the acetone in a glass baking dish help to dry them out more thoroughly?
Seemed like when I had to evap acetone during the process, not only did it evap quickly, it seemed to leave the remaining Bufo very dry & solid.
Looking forward to trying it out!! Just waiting for a 2-hole stopper & a few pieces of glass tubing to make a "test tube vaporizer", to come in the mail...
Attached a few pics of the result.
Wish I had a better camera, these pics don't show the crystalline structure very well at all.
Thanks again to Jokerst & 69ron for all the experimentation they did to figure out an extraction tek that was not only easy, but removes the toxins in the process!!!
Thanks Guys!!!WS
WSaged attached the following image(s):

Finished close.jpg
(170kb) downloaded 156 time(s).
Finished far.jpg
(201kb) downloaded 157 time(s).All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!