FASA/D-Limonene Extraction ???'s & Results... Options
#1 Posted : 4/7/2009 4:21:28 AM

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I've been working my way through my first Bufotenine Extraction following "Jorkest's D-Limonene Bufotenine Extraction TEK", I just added the FASA to the extraction Acetone and I saw the clouds form, as per the tek. Then the solution turned an orange-ish color, then a milky yellow. I can't see through the solution to see if any solids are in there or not, but it doesn't look like it at all.
It's been sitting for over 20 minutes now.
Is this correct?

*I powdered 28gm of Vilca seeds. Combined with 25g of Sodium Carbonate & a little water, made a paste & dried it out.
*Ran 100ml of acetone through the seed powder using THP, three times. Ended up with 300ml of transparent, dark, yellow acetone.
*Made FASA by combining 150ml of acetone with .58gm of fumaric acid & stirring until totally clear.

This is where I added the FASA to the extraction acetone with a glass turkey baster.
But maybe not slowly enough?
I only used 70-to-80ml of the FASA solution.

It went form cloudy white, to orange, to this thick yellow color very fast.

So did I add too much FASA, too fast?
If I wait it out will it just drop?

Is there a way to recover the Bufo somewhat easily, or should I just start over?

Thanks for your help guys!!


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#2 Posted : 4/7/2009 4:34:05 AM

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OK, now I can see some salts forming on the bottom, nice!!

How long does it usually take for the Bufo to fall out completely?

How do I tell if there is no more salts forming. if I cant see through the mixture?
Will it clear up after so much of it falls out?
Seems like a lot of stuff down there!?!?
Should I have added the FASA in much smaller amounts, like with am eye dropper?
Should I cover the container with something if I'm going to be waiting a while for the milkiness to drop?

I'd still like to hear any opinions on my questions from before if you'd like to add them.


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#3 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:13:38 AM

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Couldn't tell you about bufotenine but when SWIM adds FASA to DMT xylene pulls if he does this quickly the solutions clears instantly, crystals precipitate very slowly and xtals look much more well developed. If swim does it slowly the solution remains cloudy for longer and he gets more crumb-like crystals.

He waits about 12 hours and then seperates precipitate from the solution (which is now clear), but keeps the solution for a couple of days because sometimes more precipitate can be observed.

SWIM would say to cover the solution because as it evaporates you may see a water mark at the top where the crystals are trapped in some impurities.

Just to repeat, SWIM has no experience with bufotenine.
#4 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:20:19 AM

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I was just getting nervous...I have filtered out the main precipitate, I attached a pic.
I have to guess that a large amount of what I have in that pic is extra fumaric acid, as there is a lot of crystaly powder!!

That was a cool process!!

BTW thanks for the tip, I'll not get rid of the extra acetone yet, I'll let it sit a while longer.

WSaged attached the following image(s):
Buf Close.jpg (165kb) downloaded 205 time(s).
Buf Far.jpg (226kb) downloaded 205 time(s).
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#5 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:29:29 AM

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As fumaric acid is soluble in acetone and the other substances crash out it should leave plenty of room for the fumaric acid to stay solute so I'd take a guess there's only trace fumaric acid in there.

I would advise to not wash in a filter but to stir it into actone in a container, allow it to settle and carefully decant the acetone off.

I have filter-phobia mind. Smile
#6 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:50:59 AM
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How many grams is that? If it's more than a gram, I'd say something funny happened.

What I would do were I SWIY (and were it legal), is take 1.3 times the size of SWIY's usual bufotenine dose of that, freebase it (Just mix in some base with a few drops of water and then let it dry), and try it out. If the effects are good, then great. If not, well fumaric acid is not soluble in d-limonene, so the limo boil should take care of things.
#7 Posted : 4/8/2009 1:21:33 AM

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I now have a small glass baking dish with the clean Bufo from the first D-Limonene boil drying in it, it looks nice & clean compared to what it looked like before the D-Limonene Boil & there was a little black ball of crud leftover in the flask after I poured out the D-Limonene.
It has a peanutty scent to it. Weird scent...

So I think everything went OK, I had just not used the FASA tek yet, I had invisioned the results to act a bit differentlyEmbarrased .

I would advise to not wash in a filter but to stir it into actone in a container, allow it to settle and carefully decant the acetone off.
I have filter-phobia mind.

I use my Buchner filter with no worries, it gets (got) everything outta there just fine!
A priceless kitchen-chemist tool IMO!

One more D-Limonene Boil & It should be ready to tryVery happy!!
I love this point, when the anticipation of trying a new substance for the first time is setting in!!
I'll post some pics of the finished product once I'm done here, looking good so far!

Thanks for the tek Jokerst!!

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#8 Posted : 4/9/2009 8:17:38 PM

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Alright, so I'm finished with my extraction of 28gm of Vilca seeds & everything went well, although I thought I had fouled up the FASA step for a short while.Embarrased

I have not weighed my yield yet, waiting for it to dry a bit more...
But I have a nice size pile of yellow-ish/brown-ish, somewhat sticky crystals.
Both the 1st & 2nd D-Limonene boils cleaned a little ball of impurities out of the extract, about half the size of a pencil eraser head.
Seems they are a bit stickier after the second D-Limonene boil (but they not might be completely dry yet).

How long can you leave the Bufo extract out in the open to dry, before it starts to oxidize?
After pouring off the extra D-Limonene, I let the dish sit out for about 7-to-8 hours, I then scraped it up with a razor & have let it sit for another 1.5 hours so far.

I poured the extra D-Limonene into another glass baking dish to let it evap completely, it has since evaped to leave a somewhat greasy film. When I scraped up a little, it had the same yellow-ish/brown-ish color as the main dish of extract, so I figure it definitely has Bufo in it, just not as much, or as pure...
How long does it usually take for D-Limonene to evaporate off totally?

Would dissolving the Bufo crystals in a small amount of acetone, then evaporating the acetone in a glass baking dish help to dry them out more thoroughly?
Seemed like when I had to evap acetone during the process, not only did it evap quickly, it seemed to leave the remaining Bufo very dry & solid.

Looking forward to trying it out!! Just waiting for a 2-hole stopper & a few pieces of glass tubing to make a "test tube vaporizer", to come in the mail...

Attached a few pics of the result.
Wish I had a better camera, these pics don't show the crystalline structure very well at all.

Thanks again to Jokerst & 69ron for all the experimentation they did to figure out an extraction tek that was not only easy, but removes the toxins in the process!!!
Thanks Guys!!!


WSaged attached the following image(s):
Finished close.jpg (170kb) downloaded 156 time(s).
Finished far.jpg (201kb) downloaded 157 time(s).
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#9 Posted : 4/9/2009 10:01:09 PM

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yea it takes awhile to get the d-limonene to fully dry..but it does..strange though..because the bufo that SWIM got from the d-limo tek..when dries was completely dry..and not sticky...
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#10 Posted : 4/9/2009 10:42:08 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
yea it takes awhile to get the d-limonene to fully dry..but it does..strange though..because the bufo that SWIM got from the d-limo tek..when dries was completely dry..and not sticky...

Well I should clarify, it is sticky to itself, not necessarily to the razor or anything.

I've scraped the extra D-Limonene in the other dish, into a small, wet, goo pile & put it in the oven @ 150F degrees, and it seems the D-Limonene is leaving slowly.
Once all of it is dry, I'll weigh it to be sure, but so far, I'm surprised at how much I got out of 28g of seeds!

How long can the freebase crystals be left out in the air, before the will start to oxidize?

Also, starting with a dose of 8-to-10mg, vaporized, is reasonable, right?

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#11 Posted : 4/10/2009 1:07:46 AM

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vaporized is about the only real good needs to be very very hot to vaporize..around 650F..SWIM has yet to construct his test-tube
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#12 Posted : 4/10/2009 8:20:50 AM

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Hmmm, that's what swim's crystals looked like (before he washed them). If only he could smoke them....hurts his lungs/throat terribly.

Nice results warrensaged....hope they give swiy some beautiful visuals.

#13 Posted : 4/10/2009 4:57:38 PM

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Hmmm, that's what SWIM's crystals looked like (before he washed them). If only he could smoke them....hurts his lungs/throat terribly.
Nice results warrensaged....hope they give swiy some beautiful visuals.

My phone camera is shit, the pics make it look more brown than it really is. The crystals actually have a deep yellow color, almost orange. You can see the color better in the close up.

EC, What did you use to wash your crystals in?

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#14 Posted : 4/11/2009 7:35:49 PM

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Well I tried to smoke a 10mg dose of the above Bufo extract last night, and it was very harsh & tasted quite horrible!!
I don't think I was able to smoke the whole 10mg, but I definitely felt the body tingling & saw what seemed to be CEV starting to form behind my eyelids.

Although I did not have what I would call visuals, I did feel that psychedelic vibe running through my body.
It was a bit underwhelming to say the least...

I'm going to start a new thread asking about Bufo cleaning & smoking techniques, I'll provide more details & ask a few questions there.

BTW, I ended up with .290mg of dark yellow-to-orangeish crystals extracted from 28g of Vilca seeds.
I'm planning to wash them a few more times, to try & purify them further, so I imagine it will weigh considerably less after a few more washings.


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#15 Posted : 4/11/2009 7:58:18 PM

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SWIM finds it better to smoke the bufo as slowly as possible...seriously take little tiny baby hits..because it is harsher than dmt is..and SWIM can really only get about 3mg per lung full..its best to smoke it in about 5-6 hits over the course of say 3-5 minutes
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