Some changa questions Options
#1 Posted : 8/6/2013 9:50:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello everyone! !!! ! !!! !! ! So I have a few questions that hadn't been brought up anywhere that I could find. First off I am having a problem finding 99% IPA so I got to looking online and found you can make 91% IPA close to 99% by freezing it and straining off the frozen water. Has anyone attempted this, or is 91% okay to use since it only contains water in the other 9%?

Secondly I have two batches of changa which are kinda weak, I was thinking maybe of soaking them in warm IPA and drawing out the molecule and then re-infusing it with less leaf then previously used. Would this work or would I loose alot of DMT in this process.

Thanks everyone

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#2 Posted : 8/6/2013 10:59:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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floatei wrote:
Hello everyone! !!! ! !!! !! ! So I have a few questions that hadn't been brought up anywhere that I could find. First off I am having a problem finding 99% IPA so I got to looking online and found you can make 91% IPA close to 99% by freezing it and straining off the frozen water. Has anyone attempted this, or is 91% okay to use since it only contains water in the other 9%?

Secondly I have two batches of changa which are kinda weak, I was thinking maybe of soaking them in warm IPA and drawing out the molecule and then re-infusing it with less leaf then previously used. Would this work or would I loose alot of DMT in this process.

Thanks everyone

91% is completely fine, as you'll just have to evaporate a little bit of water. Wink

On your two batches of changa that you said were weak, what is the ratio of DMT:leaf? Try making a 1:1 blend. That will ensure a strong blend.

And how many harmalas are you adding to your changa and from what plant source?

much love,
#3 Posted : 8/7/2013 12:37:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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As Tat said the 91% is fine, as its just more water to evaporate out.

Instead of trying to pull your goodies out of the Changa, why not just add more DMT to the mix? Warm some IPA, mix in the DMT, then mix that with the weak Changa and wait to dry.
Depending on the ratio DMT/Harmalas/Herb, you could add DMT to make as strong as you like.

I once had a batch of Changa I wished was a little stronger, I would just measure my desired amount of crystal and sandwich it between the weak Changa as a boost. Works like a charm.
Ha ha Wink
Save ya the trouble of redoing the Changa mix. Next time you know to make it stronger.
I agree that the 1:1:1 Ratio, Herb/DMT/Harmalas is then way to go.Love

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#4 Posted : 8/7/2013 7:41:22 PM

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Well it seems my problems lie in the fact that I didn't add any harmalas to my changa. I must not have read the guide correctly because I was under the impression that it was an option to add it and since I was doing my first ever extraction on acacia I figured I would try making harmala later on. But now I see its a vital part in making a worthwhile changa mix.

Thank you for the clarification on the IPA, I just wanted to hear it from someone else before I dove into it.

Much love
#5 Posted : 8/8/2013 9:06:29 AM

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You can just use vodka as well. You can get it everywhere. Melt your spice on a plate over a steam bath on the stove, with a bit of vodka on it and then combine and mix your herbs.
Hiyo Quicksilver
#6 Posted : 8/11/2013 10:15:36 PM

just some guy

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If you don't want to use solvent at all, you can just sprinkle your desired amount of DMT over caapi leaves and hold it about 2 inches below a hot lightbulb or (carefully) under a broiler or toaster oven on the lowest setting until the DMT melts into the leaves and no more than that (usually within 5-10 seconds). Let it cool until all is firm again, and you're good to go! This method can give an inconsistent infusion though, so I like to add the DMT in two or three increments, and stir in between.

If you're adding freebase harmalas though, this method sucks. Best to stick with warm alcohol or acetone in that case... Wouldn't want to waste the time, effort, spice and herbs!
#7 Posted : 8/11/2013 11:18:28 PM

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Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:
If you don't want to use solvent at all, you can just sprinkle your desired amount of DMT over caapi leaves and hold it about 2 inches below a hot lightbulb or (carefully) under a broiler or toaster oven on the lowest setting until the DMT melts into the leaves and no more than that (usually within 5-10 seconds). Let it cool until all is firm again, and you're good to go! This method can give an inconsistent infusion though, so I like to add the DMT in two or three increments, and stir in between.

If you're adding freebase harmalas though, this method sucks. Best to stick with warm alcohol or acetone in that case... Wouldn't want to waste the time, effort, spice and herbs!

Or you could just follow the solvent less changa Tek. Found here. Would better than your toaster Tek I imagine. Thumbs up

You don't "have" to add harmalas.
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Hiyo Quicksilver
#8 Posted : 8/12/2013 7:45:35 AM

just some guy

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Haha, "toaster tek"! Big grin

I never said it was classy, but it's really pretty effective, and takes less than a minute from grabbing your stash to launch... just remember that hot things burn and to remove it from heat as soon as the goods melt, and all is good.
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