A long overdue experience report Options
#1 Posted : 8/7/2013 7:29:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Greetings fellows Nexians! This might be a little lengthy, but this is an experience that I’ve been meaning to share for a while but haven’t had the time to do so until now. This took place roughly a year and a half ago now and was one of my early psychedelic experiences. I consider it to be a milestone event in my psychedelic ‘career’ and an extremely important event of my life. Some of the details are a bit foggy, but I’ll do my best to recall what I can.

This was probably my 4th or 5th time tripping; though I’m somewhat uncertain about that. My first psychedelic experience had been in late 2011 and this took place in the spring of 2012, in April if my memory serves me correctly. My first experience had been with mushrooms and it ripped apart my former personality and threw me into a world which was foreign and new to me, but utterly fascinating. After that initial experience I experimented with LSD on a few occasions and broadened my understanding of what this was all about. I was still exploring in shallow territory however, and since the first experience with mushrooms I had yet to fully surrender myself to the mystery and truly investigate. I was held back by a mix between uncertainty and fear, and social/environmental circumstances. The following report sums up my first groundbreaking session with LSD, which I think saved my life so to speak. I was in a confused and irresponsible part of my life, and psychedelics came along at just the right time--but up until this experience I lacked the push and affirmation I needed to really dedicate myself to a psychedelic lifestyle.

Like I mentioned before, it was sometime in April and it was gorgeous day. My friend (who we’ll call J) and I had been meaning to dose together for about a week or so, and this was the first good opportunity that presented itself. J had just recently been introduced to psychedelics, having 2 LSD sessions under his belt. His first was solo and the second was earlier that month (possibly even that week, in retrospect) with me and 3 other friends with a wide range of experience. J and I shared an enthusiasm for the philosophical and spiritual potential of psychedelics in addition to the significant personality changes they can bring about on a user with proper intention. We had yet to trip one on one with each other, so we took this opportunity to do so.

I’m not certain what the dosage was. We each ate 2 tabs of blotter, but the blotter wasn’t perforated and was cut freehand with scissors by our friend. These were the biggest damn tabs I’ve ever seen, and our friend who was cutting them mentioned there would be some extra. But when I say these were big tabs, I mean they were massive--putting both in my mouth covered about half of my tongue; and I have never had as deep or intense of an experience with LSD since this session on upwards of 300 mics.

We quickly popped the doses and made our way to my place where we sat and listened to some music, anticipating the come-up. Only after about 15 minutes we both said we could feel something, whether this was placebo or not I don’t know--but another 15 minutes after that (and a few bowls) and we were both definitely experiencing the onset of effects. I was restless and having hot flashes, and was beginning to get that mild sense of anxiety (I usually don’t have too much anxiety with acid). We both decided it would be best to get out of my tiny room for a bit and enjoy the come-up outside. We made our way down to the lakeside waterfront and found a nice bank to sit on and stare at the water. I’m not sure how long we were there for, my guess would be between 15 minutes and half an hour. I was beginning to get mild visuals and at this point I knew that this was going to be more intense than any of my other trips on acid. We agreed to make our way back to my place.

My house was a 10 minute walk or so from where we were sitting, and the walk involved going on a public bike path which went past a dog park, into another public park for people, and then up a small hill where my place was located. We were making our way on the bike path and passing the dog park, where 2 dogs were wrestling with one another playfully. The playing quickly turned vicious and one of the dogs started to snarl and growl at the other. I have never heard anything so demonic in my life. They started lunging at one another and the owners were running in trying to separate them. I could feel the primal anger lingering in the air, and there was a silent tension between me and my friend as we passed. I looked over at him and grinned, trying to lighten the situation.

“I don’t like this man” I’d never seen J scared like this before, and his anxiety was creeping into my psyche like a parasite.

“You’re gonna be okay, they’re just playing, we’ll be past them in just a minute.”

Eventually we did pass the dog park, but each step seemed to take forever. Not until we passed did I realize we were power-walking and hauling ass, and my anxiety subsided immediately. J was clearly feeling better as well, as we both began to laugh. We made our way further down the path and the park (for people) was in sight. I became aware that I was beginning to experience time dilation and my depth perception was beginning to do all sorts of funky things. It had been a little over an hour since dropping.

“We’re almost there...perfect timing!”

Between us and the park there were clearings on either side of the path we were on, and in the clearings was some kind of family gathering. There were a number of parents with young kids, who were running about wildly across the path and around the clearings. We slowed down our pace and proceeded to walk as casually as possible through the throng of children and families. About 3 kids cut in front of our path, and as they do so time nearly comes to standstill. Each child starts to become elongated, stretched out across my entire field of vision as if moving in slow motion. As they move, vibrant tracers follow the children and wisp off into fractal/geometric shapes. My depth perception is completely off and I find it difficult to walk--I begin to wonder if we’re walking at all, and what the parents must be thinking. Somewhere I can hear a parent call for their kid.

“Jimmy!...Jiiiiiiimmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy……” the voice slowed down and deepened, stretched out as if you were messing with the audio settings on a video. 

I glance over at J, and to my comfort I see that he’s desperately trying to contain his laughter.

“Just keep walking...”

We continue pass the kids without any problems, to my relief, and get home without any further dilemmas.

Once home, we each seat ourselves comfortably and put on some music. At this point we roll up a joint or pack a bowl to really get things going, and we’re off…

The music enveloped me. Each song completely consumed my being and became a mythological tale, an allegory of my life thus far, of the history of the cosmos and the struggle of the human soul. When I had my eyes open I could look into the woodgrain of my floor or desk and see faces--they were almost entirely eastern themed; faces of the Buddha, statues of prophets and Gods and Goddesses. The longer I stared, the further into the patterns I went, until I could literally feel myself being lifted from my body and brought forth into the undulating patterns which were forming rich and beautiful scenes before my eyes, all at the direction and pace of the music. I flew over entire landscapes of mountains and rivers, and all the while this was happening my mind was racing--I was being flooded with information. I suddenly became aware of the fact (or I was entirely deluded) that I was looking at/experiencing the entire universe through my woodgrain. Because everything is connected and is essentially the same one thing, you can see/experience anything/everything else through any object of concentration. I could go in and out of this state at will. One moment I could just watch geometric patterns and shapes flow with the music, and as I focused they would take form and open up into wild dimensions to which I could throw myself into and explore. I have never before experienced such wonder, and never had I felt in so much control. I could go anywhere, see anything--I saw, through countless metaphors, visuals, archetypes, and allegories, that the mind is like a radio, a receiver and transmitter of consciousness; if you can train your mind (or take a drug which accelerates the process) you can follow this stream of consciousness through the pervading cosmos--and if you can follow it far enough and hold your attention long enough, you can experience it all at once. I found that at will I could “plug” myself into the entire cosmos, I could experience Godhead on and off as I pleased. The following hour or 2 consisted of J and I choosing a song to journey to, tripping out for a few minutes, coming back down and talking about what we each just experienced, smoking a joint, and tripping out again.

I feel I need not describe the Godhead experience as many of you are familiar with it--but this was the aspect of the trip that really stuck with me. This is our birthright, and any brain is capable triggering this experience; it’s all just about being in the right state of mind. The All is reflected in virtually everything, and anyone is capable of seeing it they just look hard enough. This is what every prophet of every faith and religion has said since the beginning, but they have been limited in relaying this message because of the limits of language and the confines of whatever socio-political factors they happened to be in at any given point in history. I found that I could think about something, anything, and look at it/perceive it/think about it any way I chose...everything was infinite. I could take any object of vision, any sound, any thought and “trace” it back to the source, I could connect it to anything/everything else and then suddenly “I” would disappear and “I” became everything. I learned that I am God and I always was, and so is everyone else. I could hardly believe it, but no matter how many times I tested it and tried to disprove it, the more clear it became. Nothing has ever made so much sense or been so obviously clear to me--it felt like it was something I had always known, but slowly forgot..perhaps intentionally because our society doesn’t warrant this kind of thinking. But in truth we are all beautiful people, we are all God--deep down there is no judgement; but we cover up our true nature with concepts and lies, and we delude ourselves into inevitable suffering. All we could ever want or need is right here and until we realize this we will continue to bury ourselves in our misgivings and perceived inadequacies. 

I became aware of the infinite nature of everything, of the fractal nature of the universe. I found that I could look at anything in the room that I wanted to from any vantage point that I pleased. I became aware of the group mind, in this situation it was just J and I--but we were able to communicate without speaking. For example, I would have an epiphany but not be able to express it in words at all; and then without hesitation J would say something like, “I know what you’re thinking and holy shit dude I just got it too!” and then he would go on to explain EXACTLY what just popped into my head, and vice-versa.

After a while, we decided to listen to some cliche psychedelic tunes like Stairway to Heaven and whatnot. We’re both big Hendrix fans so we listened to a few of his tracks, but the one that stuck with me was his rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock. We put that song on, and I closed my eyes. Jimi guided me through an intense emotional roller-coaster, all the while showing me through music everything I had just learned, but within the context of the American dream. The utter beauty and importance of what happened in the 60’s suddenly reverberated with me to the point where I nearly burst into tears. We had something, we were so close. With my eyes closed I could see, in red white and blue, tanks rolling over war torn fields, protestors at Washington, rockets and bombs bursting in the air, and Jimi was right there with me and J--he was playing just for us, to us--it was like direct communication that we both felt and experienced beyond any shadow of a doubt. It was THE Jimi Hendrix Experience.

After this my thoughts rolled on in a tangent about art and music, what they mean, and how they act as transmitters of information which language cannot communicate. Those few minutes of the National Anthem did something profound to me, almost as profound as my first experiences of ‘God’, and I’m still trying to put my tongue on what it was---but man I was THERE, we all were. What happened in that period of time was the rediscovery of God, and that God is not an Evangelical Christian or a white Protestant male, but the driving force behind the entire cosmos; or as Mckenna puts it, a lost continent of the human mind. The 60's generation discovered that ultimate freedom is possible within all of our lifetimes and that everyone has the ability and the right to experience it directly; that everybody has the right to live in a world where they need not fear discrimination, hunger, war, or ultimate annihilation.

We all have the world to lose and everything to gain, and life is a long strange trip that’s all the same thing and we’re all smack-dab in the middle of whatever it might be. This fact is so simple yet so profound once you truly understand it. It’s a sentiment that cannot be fully communicated, and when you try to in words you can hardly be taken seriously. “Life’s a long strange trip we’re all a part of”….well what a pretty sentiment, right? Well no….it can’t be any more literal, earth shattering, or important. LIFE, it IS something HUGE, beyond our comprehension but worshiped and respected by every culture and generation but ours. We’re all the same thing, one intelligence, in a river making it’s turbulent way back to the sea. The going might get rough and there’s lots of tributaries but we’re all eventually headed to the same place, and it’s beautiful and everything really is alright. I promise you, everything is going to be alright. Just look around you, then realize that you are indeed looking around you...that’s the proof right there. Everything we see and do and think and feel is a miracle.

Everything is a story, including life itself--it’s all the same story being told an infinite amount of ways. This is what mythology is, and music, literature, cinema...countless interpretations and retellings of the same story. Life is a beautiful story in which we are the actors and the world is the stage; most people are just so caught up in their role as an actor that they’ve forgotten about the production itself. No matter what you examine, you will find that it is just another manifestation of eternity, a reflection of everything else and all that is; another rendition of the great cosmic tale.

Well that last ditty by Hendrix pretty much shattered both of our brains, so we made our way back down to the waterfront. Sitting outside was a completely different experience, and without going into too much detail (as this is long enough already) I recognized the order of nature. Everything works together to form a coherent system, and everything is made up of smaller components which work as a system to form a unit, which acts as a small piece of a larger system, which in turn is a unit an increasingly larger system and so on. As humans we have a biological and spiritual role to play in the overall stability and health of our system, Earth. If we ignore this we are essentially parasites, but if we embrace it and act as stewards of the Earth, we can literally have a heaven on Earth. It’s not a pipe-dream--we have come a long way and undergone a lot of bullshit. But put old grudges aside and recognize that we have amazing potential as a species--just look at what we’ve got! There is absolutely no reason that we cannot heal the planet and make it a safe and plentiful space for everyone and everything. It's not even a matter of morality, it is a matter of logic and common sense.

While we were sitting and contemplating, listening to the water patter up against the shore, the sun began to set. The horizon was filled with dancing red and orange clouds which seemed to be melting upwards and out of the now shimmering orange lake. I could hardly tell what was really there and what was just enhanced by the acid. There was one massive cloud in the center of my field of vision that resembled a giant mushroom cloud, as if a nuke had gone off in the middle of the lake. It plumed upward, dancing and wisping about; at the very top it continued, but it took the shape of a man sitting cross- legged on top of the cloud. He had what appeared to be feathers sticking out of his head, and in his hand he held a long sherlock pipe. Wisps of clouds undulated out of what would be his mouth. I was blatantly seeing a figure sitting atop the cloud smoking a peace-pipe, bathed in the golden aura of the setting sun, his contours highlighted by a deep red glow. I stared in wonder, but said nothing. Suddenly I hear J on my right.

“Hey man…you seeing this?”

“Yeah it’s beautiful.”

“Yeah...but I mean the Indian guy on the cloud smoking a pipe”

We both saw exactly the same vision. We took a picture of the sunset to check out when we were sobered up. The sight was beautiful whether you were tripping or not, but there was obviously nothing even close to resembling a cross-legged Native American.

I don’t know how long we were there for. At one point we could hear people on a nearby peninsula, and they were shouting to us.

“Beautiful isn’t it?”

“Oh yeah!”

They wanted us to join them swimming, we politely refused and soon afterward made our way up to a separate park which overlooked the lake from the top of a hill. On the way we passed a group of friends and exchanged quick hello’s before continuing.

This has exceeded the length I originally planned so I’ll stop here and just mention that after the sunset we hung out in the park for most of the night talking about life and the universe and whatnot during our comedown. We had a run in with a cop later that night when we were down by the train tracks (we wanted to watch the train pass by). He accused us of throwing a crutch into the middle of the tracks, which was ridiculous of course. We also had a moment in the park where we suddenly became aware that there were several other people there, which was strange considering it was after dark, and J and I were the only ones speaking English. Either that or the acid was still affecting our ability to comprehend language.

Anyways, like I said I have no idea what the dosage was on these tabs, but I’ve never been able to consistently remain in OOB or Godhead states with LSD since then. Visuals are never quite as pronounced or intense and my ‘revelations’, so to speak, have since always been more of an interpersonal nature as opposed to metaphysical. Before this experience I understood that tripping, whatever it may be, was something of great importance. I never really understood why and didn’t know what to do with it. This experience showed me the path, though I’m not sure I feel comfortable putting it that way. This trip showed me the preciousness of life and of the psychedelic experience, and that simple acknowledgement is not enough--this was the experience that launched me into a world of seeking knowledge, spiritual practice, and social action; the experience that enforced my belief that our civilization is backwards. Talking about it isn’t enough, radical lifestyle changes are needed if we wish to preserve what we have. We are entrenched in something self-destructive and massive, but it is individuals that make up the collective and therefore it is individuals who hold the most power. Think of the power of a single cell in your body. All it takes it one mutated cell to cause cancer. Think of all the micro-organisms that work tirelessly in your gut to break down the food you consume. What if they just stopped doing that? You would die. We cannot overlook the role of anyone or anything, everything plays an essential part and that includes us. We are part of something much larger and more complex than ourselves. We need to lead our lives and conduct ourselves accordingly if we wish to survive as a species and preserve the life of our precious home.

Well I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it, and if it provoked any kind of thought or emotion in you I’d love to hear your reaction!

Best wishes to all!!!

"Consciousness grows in spirals." --George L. Jackson

If you can just get your mind together, then come across to me. We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea...
But first, are you experienced?

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