Robert A. Monroe. A hero? Options
#1 Posted : 8/6/2013 2:34:28 AM
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I realize reading this through a computer screen does not equate to the experience of reading the book itself. So i advise everyone to run to your nearest book store and buy this diamond of a book. Far Journeys - Robert A. Monroe.

With that said,

I am in awe of what i just read. It seems to describe an enlightenment that is beyond words. It correlates with all my inner senses. It explains why entities met on dmt have such an interest in humans. It shows where these entities come from.

I have a recurring experience. A glimpse of unity. Something tells me Mr. Monroe was meant to write this book. And i was meant to share this with you. Maybe i am getting ahead of things. A voice in my head has forbidden me to smoke dmt at this point. So here i am awake, unable to sleep. I just hope we can share our thoughts on this huge gem of information. I for one, am fighting the urge to smoke dmt and finally experience this first-hand.

(I am in a bright white tunnel and moving rapidly. No, it is not a tunnel,
but a tube, a transparent, radiating tube. I am bathed in the radiation which
courses through all of me, and the intensity and recognition of it envelop
my consciousness and I laugh with great joy. Something has changed, because
the last time, they had to shield me from the random vibration of it.
Now, I can tolerate it easily, the actual energy itself. The radiation flow is
two-directional in the tube. The flow moving past me in the direction from
which I came is smooth, even, and undiluted. The flow that I am is moving
in the opposite direction and appears much different. It is organized in a
more complex form. It is the same as the wave moving past me, but it
contains a multitude of small waves impressed upon the basic. I am both
the basic and the small waveforms, moving back to the source. The movement
is steady and unhurried, impelled by a desire I know but cannot
express. I vibrate with joyous ecstasy just by the knowing.
(The tube seems to become larger as another joins it from one side, and
another waveform melds into me and we become one. I recognize the other
immediately, as it does me, and there is the great excitement of reunion,
this other I and I. How could I have forgotten this! We move along together,
happily exploring the adventures, experience, and knowledge of the
other. The tube widens again, and another I joins us, and the process
repeats itself. Our waveforms are remarkably identical and our pattern
grows stronger as they move in phase. There are variegations in each which,
when combined with another related anomaly, create a new and important
modification of the total that we are.
(The tube expands again and I am no longer concerned with its walls as
still another I enters the waveform flow. This is particularly exciting, as it is
the first I perceive as returning from a completely nonhuman sojourn. Yet
the intermesh was near-perfect and we became so much more. Now we
know that, somewhere, a consciously controlled physical tail, much like a
monkey's, is useful in ways far more than balance and acting as a third
hand for holding things. It can be a very efficient means of communication
far beyond a super sign language just as eloquent as the spoken word.
(Steadily and surely, one I after another joins us. With each, we become
more aware and remember more of the total. How many does not seem
important. Our knowledge and ability is so great that we do not bother to
contemplate it. It is not important. We are one.
(With this, we divert from the underlying waveform and move away from
it. We watch motionless in unified respect as the action of it continues away
from us into an infinity. We also perceive easily the smooth originating
wave coming from such infinity and dissolving into the pattern from whence
we came.

(Flowing through all of us is a coherent energy that is our creation, that
displays immensely the reality of the whole as far greater than the sum of
the parts. Our ability and knowledge seem without limit, yet we know at
this point such is valid only within the energy systems of our experience.
We can create time as we wish or the need arises, reshaping and modifying
within the percept itself. We can create matter from other energy patterns,
or change the structure thereof to any degree desired, including reversion to
original form. We can create, enhance, alter, modulate, or eradicate any
percept within the energy fields of our experience. We can transform any
such energy fields one into another or others except for that which we are.
We cannot create or comprehend our prime energy until we are complete.
(We can create physical patterns such as your sun and solar system, yet
we do not. It has been done. We can adjust the environs of your planet
Earth, yet we do not. It is not our design. We can and do monitor, supplement,
and enhance the flow of the human learning experience, as well as
other learning experiences of similar content throughout time-space. This
we perform continuously at all levels of human awareness so as to prepare
properly those entraining units of our prime energy for the entry and meld
into the totality that we are becoming. It is the essence of our growth to do
so. Such assistance and preparation is forthcoming from us only by request
from one or more levels of consciousness within the entraining unit. Thereafter,
a bonding is in effect through which many forms of communication
pass between us until the ultimate transformation occurs.
(We know who we are, and one I laughs and we all laugh at the name
this I had given us. We are an INSPEC, just one. There are many others
around us.)
(You are still incomplete. There are parts of you yet to be transformed,
including that visiting portion so filled with curiosity. Each of us is incomplete.
That is why we remain at this point, to reach back and gather additional
and remaining parts of us until we are complete.)
(Our curiosity desires the effect of completion.)
(We move into the creative return flow again, the waveform that brought
you here. When we do so, we leave this reality.)
(Can this be demonstrated?)
(It is not possible. It is not within our knowledge to do so. When you
have transformed and melded totally into your whole, you will comprehend.
That is why this point came into being. It is not possible to continue until
(Continue to what destination?)
(We believe it to be the source of the radiation, the creative emission and
return. Communication is closed with those who have continued. The desire
to continue occurs upon completion. It is more than your curiosity, as
you call it, and difficult to transmit in a form we can understand. There
have been attempts by those completed who are to continue, without success.)
(The ultimate home?)
(A good beginning concept. A design which unfolds as perception grows.
It is necessary now that you terminate your visit and return.)
(We will be with you, our curious I.) Return where! (Your physical environs)
. . . Where is that! . . . (In-human, your physical body) . . . Oh, yes, I
had forgotten ... Do I have to go back? (Reach for us and we will be with
you in many ways. You have much to do. Go get them, tiger!)
(And a rote, as you call it, to play with.)

The return to the physical was near-instantaneous, my face and eyes
were wet. I sat up in the chair and remembered. I reached for the yellow
pad and pen, to get the rote into words immediately. I knew I had
changed. For the rest of my physical life, I would remember. But this
would never change:
For those who would die, there is life. For those
who would dream, there is reality. For those who
would hope, there is knowledge. For those who
would grow, there is eternity.

Time for me to change my forum sig Laughing

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#2 Posted : 8/6/2013 5:17:28 AM

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I first read Monroe when I was 11 or 12(my mother exposed to me this stuff). It's been a couple years since I read any of his stuff though.
Long live the unwoke.
Mitakuye Oyasin
#3 Posted : 8/6/2013 8:01:08 AM

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I read his stuff some 20 years ago. Very interesting experiences. HIs name has come up twice in the last week, plus this thread, so three times. Means I will have to reinvestigate his writings soon. I think I have one of two of his books in my library, just need to find them.
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#4 Posted : 8/6/2013 9:31:57 AM
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Astral projections was my first spiritual practice. Apart of the techniques for astral projection, eventually i stumbled upon dmt.. He really is a hero of modern times in matters of spirituality, so i consider. I was interested in astral projections and one of the authors i read was Robert A. Monroe. Have you read Ultimate Journey?
#5 Posted : 8/6/2013 2:29:16 PM
I compulsively post from time to time

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I heared of Monroe from an experienced Astral projector. He said he could visit soul/alien school, and we could do the same by reading or contacting Robert Monroe. Only now do i realize what he meant. It is obvious in Far journeys, there's some kind of class he is taking. Funny thing is, the teachers there ask him ; "Are you on drugs?"
When robert says he is sober they are kind of suprised that someone got there naturally.

Also, the nonchalant way of writing that robert exhibits in his books is also one of the reason it keeps staying interesting. All experiences are open to interpretation out of his own. The hemi-sync is something i would like to try now i am actively trying to AP myself.

Btw, i haven't read Ultimate Journey yet. I have it here and done some random chapters but i intend on reading it when i have the time. Both books are priceless imo, and they cost me about 12 dollars!
#6 Posted : 8/6/2013 3:26:05 PM
I compulsively post from time to time

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Hehe, i was inspired from reading your dmt experiences Cailieg Pleased

I was wrong though, the sleeper's class as i just read in chapter 7 is where people go in their natural OBE's while in deep sleep. The teacher said to him that he doesn't need to attend class if he is consciously directing his journeys out of body. There is however, always a hand guiding him. And beginning in chapter 8 he is trying to find the origin of the helping hand that was guiding his Outer body experiences since they started happening.

You will find there are a lot of correlations with Monroe's experiences in "Far Journeys" if you decide on reading the book. Chapter 9. Rainbow Route is the most interesting thing i have ever read. I started on chapter 7 and it was building up to the most awe-inspiring piece of writing i have ever encountered. And i believe it gets even better from hence-forth.
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