.. i think it is a mistake to think of enlightenment as some ultimate end goal - to me its more simply an experience of spiritual insight ... I mean I certainly don't smoke dmt to get to some permanent state of nirvana - there's always gonna be hickups in life.. thats part of the package and its part of our spiritual growth too. I smoke dmt to grow, to learn and receive new information ...and to
connect with spirit.
...I am not saying the OP is the following by any means but I think its fairly closeminded and sort of self righteous of people to proclaim that one method of spiritual practice is the only pure method to reach a desired state.. and its not all that differen't from somebody saying jesus is the only way to god...meditation is a great tool and psychedelics are great tools. I don't understand why it has to be one or the other? I don't see how consuming nature to connect with other states of consciousness is any less pure either- in fact it seems very natural and coherent to me as we use plants for pretty much every other aspect of our lives. there's nothing wrong with taking shortcuts in my opinion... I'd rather just get from a to b and get on with things than spend my whole life obsessing over how I'd like to get to b ..
I don't personally believe that psychedelics and meditation take you to the same place anyway so for that reason alone I think they are both important tools in any spiritual seekers toolkit. they both do differen't things which are useful in differen't circumstances. even within the world of psychedelics anybody who is well versed will notice each psychedelic takes you its own unique realm...