How has your life changed since you began using DMT? Options
#1 Posted : 8/4/2013 6:01:28 AM

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Fellow explorers of inner space,

I am curious.

I had my first DMT experience 3 months ago. Since then I have done 3 or 4 oral pharmahuasca voyages, and a dozen or so GVG assisted episodes.

In almost every case my intention has been to explore "inner space", deepen my connection to my soul, and release old traumatic baggage.

For me the DMT experience, while not one of unbroken pleasure, has been a profound enhancement to my life. But not just during the voyages.

Since starting DMT my physical health is much better. My lungs are clearer and I breathe more deeply. My body is more agile (I am over 60) and my workaday concentration and stamina feel like they did 10 or 15 years ago.

In short I am blown away by the improvements and blessings occurring in my life. Of course DMT is not the only healing modality I am pursuing, and I am sure that the others (body work, nutrition, vibrational medicine) are playing a role. But DMT is the only variable that has changed in the last 3 months.

Only adverse effect: a couple of terrifying voyages, one in which I was absolutely convinced I was about to die. But I would not call these "bad" trips, their lessons were at least as valuable as the transcendant ones.

I'd be curious to know if you have similar reports, or not so much?

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#2 Posted : 8/4/2013 6:23:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been a traveler of hyperspace for almost a year now. I haven't noticed any physical improvements in health like you have (I am young, mid 20s), but it definitely has had a psychological effect that's changed my way of approaching the world and other people.

The biggest thing I've noticed is that it has helped me connect with my emotional side. I've historically been emotionally reserved and not been able to express my feeling adequately to others or not been able to understand them. I've not really been able to tell a girlfriend that I loved her and meant it because I didn't know that side of myself. DMT has made me feel emotions in ways that I haven't before and that has really opened up my eyes.

My most transformative moment was during a high-dose vaporized session where at the edge of existence I experienced unconditional love from all Gaia of all planets with life on them in the universe, it was truly beautiful and afterwards I decided that everyone should have access to that kind of love, either directly through the DMT experience or indirectly through me and my actions. This caused me to resolve to be a more positive person, to radiate good intentions, and to foster positive relationships with the people I know.

And yes, I'll agree that some of the most positive transformations can be derived from the most terrifying trips. That sensation of dying, once you're back in reality, gives you a passion for living life that you didn't have before.
#3 Posted : 8/4/2013 10:11:16 PM

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Interesting thread.

I have had 6 dmt experiences all in the last 6 months. All have been via oral mimosa/rue tea. They were profound during and lead to some pretty deep introspection after. I have not had any physical changes that I am aware of. I have been trying to find a path to application of the insights to my daily life. I have had limited success with that however I am still working on it and will continue to do so.
Baby Bonnie Hood
#4 Posted : 8/4/2013 10:23:02 PM

Grey jedi

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It hasn't changed at all - but then I've never had a breakthrough and I'm still scared of... well, a lot of things: losing my mental sanity, death-like experiences, doing things that might alert neighbors or even the authorities. I'm also scared of whatever darkness is inside of me (trust me, there's a lot). List goes on. Never had the guts to take that 3rd, 4th and 5th toke from my GVG though Sad
My threads: Intro - DMT first time - My mushrooms

I'm not all that I can be....
Walter D. Roy
#5 Posted : 8/4/2013 10:24:48 PM

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Its changed everything and nothing! Nothing is lost... But nothing lasts...

I think it has helped me to be a more happy person, it is amazing to see that it can help you so well physically.

Twisted Evil
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#6 Posted : 8/5/2013 1:17:04 AM

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Thanks for the replies. I am happy to discover no one reporting any serious adverse outcomes. Of course that doesn't prove there aren't any but its a hint in the right direction.

My interest is in energy work and holistic healing. I have the impression that DMT experiences are synergistic with other psychospiritual healing modalities like meditation, bodywork, reiki, acupuncture, and therapy. What impresses me so much is that I have tried them all but I feel like using DMT I am really blossoming as a soul. as a healer I would very much like to be able to impart that level of grace to my clients. Obviously I am not going to start offering hits from the GVG to the paying public, but privately I envision a day when DMT would be the final sacrament for a holistic healing path.
#7 Posted : 8/5/2013 2:00:06 AM

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Good to see another elder joining into the realms. I'm also over 60 although I discovered this great gift perhaps about 5 or 6 years ago. It has become a really important part of my life. Its allowed me to peel back many negative habits and see life in a new and beautiful way.
I generally smoke on average once or twice a month, sometimes more, sometimes less, and I like to go on the 10 minute freebase deep dive. Like you, I thought I met death several times and came out shaking and crying, but more often its glorious and soul shattering! It helps me sharpen my appreciation for life.
I've done pharma a few times and plan to do it again when the time is right, but rarely do I have that many hours to set aside to the task.

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
Walter D. Roy
#8 Posted : 8/5/2013 5:11:54 PM

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darellmatt wrote:
I have the impression that DMT experiences are synergistic with other psychospiritual healing modalities like meditation, bodywork, reiki, acupuncture, and therapy.

For me this is when mushrooms come into play Twisted Evil mushrooms often give me the feeling I get after a nice long meditation session.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
the white rabbit
#9 Posted : 8/9/2013 8:30:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Unequivocally yes!! My life has changed since my DMT experience more then I could imagine possible. I feel healthier, I am happier I am changed for the better. I feel like my brain was rewired somehow. I think some reach this place where they are altered, some I notice take away much, much less. We are blessed.
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