The Plant Diaries: A woman explores Changa Options
#1 Posted : 7/29/2013 11:46:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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"These are my experiences as I grow and evolve on my path working with plant medicine."

Especially Changa. Enjoy!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 7/29/2013 3:06:12 PM


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is that luke brown's artwork on the first page ?

illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#3 Posted : 7/29/2013 8:04:18 PM

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Really enjoying this Big grin
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
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#4 Posted : 8/17/2013 1:27:54 PM

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Wow a truly profound and beautiful awakening you have had! Thanks for sharing it you wrote it up so well.
I have had the call from hyperspace quite strongly and it has led me too an acacia reserve where I walk among them all admiring their structures and complexity. They have a great way of quitening the mind to enable you to feel completely at peace, every day I notice the woods in a different formation as they subtly but definitely regenerate and recycle. D
I had recently been thinking my sole purpose should be to rediscover the connection with the stream of conciousness I had glimpsed previously even if that is at the cost of
my education because I felt college was totally irrelevant in comparison to learning the greater truth.
I felt an urgent need to jump into hyperspace to reawaken like jumping into the cold ocean and to hear again that everything was going to be ok.
One evening I went for a walk as usual and was looking for the acacia.pycnantha I had noticed the other day to check for deadwood.
The first thing I noticed was a hawk on a fallen tree resting on the pycnantha roughly 9 ft up. It stood totaly still looking deeply into my eyes with an unmistakeable intelligence seriously yet softly. I was a bit scared the hawk was pure zen.
It was telling me that, this time the pycnatha wasnt the one that would let me become my higher self again, to touch base with the truth again, so I should look elsewhere and feel my way to it. When I returned home I looked up what the hawk stood for, in many cultures it is a guide for keeping you on the right path.
A visionary known for its clarity of sight. It was saying to me that the path of awakening I walk is entwined with my day to day pursuits and they will complement each other rather than clash if I let them.
Since then I have felt a peace during my studies and daily life in general and dont feel the need to rush into hyerspace; it will open at exactly the right time for me.

I do feel that even though the human race is acting like a bacteria I believe it has slowly started to wake up but it will be a long process and I feel priviledged to be one of the first to feel it.

Every year we are more knowledgeable about the ever increasing complexity of plant life, science will eventually show to the masses in no uncertain terms in their language how we should co-exist with nature and wake up to the truth. Nature to me is the embodiment of pure concsiousness.
#5 Posted : 8/18/2013 3:41:32 AM

All the usual disclaimers.

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chocobeastie wrote:
"These are my experiences as I grow and evolve on my path working with plant medicine."

Especially Changa. Enjoy!

Just left a comment about mantises on your website :-) I agree with DreaMTripper, doing this blog of yours is a great idea.

Be great to now and then revist your older entries and comment on them from the perspective you have now come to.
#6 Posted : 11/10/2014 6:54:19 PM

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chocobeastie wrote:
"These are my experiences as I grow and evolve on my path working with plant medicine."

Especially Changa. Enjoy!

I wanted to bump this thread. I really love your blog. I recently started working with Changa after working with freebase for a couple years. I am still getting used to the harmala heaviness but I am finding real value in how it works to make the experience digestible. I also like the female perspective since most of the writings seem to be by men here. Women like you and Teafaerie (erowid) offer a valuable perspective on Shamanism. I often abort work for one reason or other (maybe fear because the teachings can often be difficult and frustrating) but last night I read your blog post here: http://plantspiritdiarie...2013/08/realignment.html and it really helped me get past whatever was holding me back.

I had chosen a sub-breakthrough meditation sized dose. Closed eyes it seemed as if i was being shown unsolvable puzzles that kept saying "open your eyes" and finally I did. All the frustrations of life, raising kids, marriage, work, the things that feel like burdens suddenly are revealed as the blessings they are. Thank you for sharing your work.
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT they all changed the way I see
But love's the only thing that ever saved my life - Sturgill Simpson "Turtles all the Way Down"

Why am I here?
#7 Posted : 11/11/2014 6:14:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This aint my blog, I'm just posting the link.
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