Check out this link, I started a topic in the LSD/LSA/LSH forum very similar to that.
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=45354The question was about LSD and Schizophrenia.
The fact that LSD was used to model psychosis is a fact that I would really like to see drop out of public perception, because, if the drug is used as a model for psychosis, then trippers must, almost by definition be psychotic, and it doesn't matter how nice and nonthreatening they are, people will still say: "they are psychotic."
Neurologically speaking, the fact that entheogens can create a kind of psychosis says really interesting things about religion and what religion really is.
Perhaps belief in God or spirituality is nothing more then a highly evolved form of crazy.
"There are many paths up the same mountain."