Why you should NOT take DMT Options
#201 Posted : 5/15/2013 3:14:50 PM
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I met a Goddess and I asked her what was the point of becoming a god, what were the good sides and all. She then said "watch" and the first thing I know is that I was a molecule of DMT being smoked and absorbed by some young, fresh lungs. I was making my way up to the brain and out by the 3rd eye and observed the goddess displaying visions as a screen to hide what she was really doing.

I could see fluids of energy being exchanged, but she was taking a lot more than she was giving away. When this was done, I asked her why she did this. Her answer: to be admired and to feed. I then remembered about the food chain I saw the time before and freaked out before coming back to my old self.

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#202 Posted : 5/15/2013 8:52:14 PM

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litrium wrote:
I met a Goddess and I asked her what was the point of becoming a god, what were the good sides and all. She then said "watch" and the first thing I know is that I was a molecule of DMT being smoked and absorbed by some young, fresh lungs. I was making my way up to the brain and out by the 3rd eye and observed the goddess displaying visions as a screen to hide what she was really doing.

I could see fluids of energy being exchanged, but she was taking a lot more than she was giving away. When this was done, I asked her why she did this. Her answer: to be admired and to feed. I then remembered about the food chain I saw the time before and freaked out before coming back to my old self.

Thats a super interesting trip! Becoming a DMT molecule then vaped into a persons lungs. First I've heard of that but have often pictured something like this.
You may want to put it in the experience report section so it can be discussed and inquired about.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#203 Posted : 6/8/2013 3:57:31 PM

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Pardon me if this has been said already...

Has anyone seen "The Lathe of Heaven"?
It was a film that was broadcast on TV in 1979

I'm not going to explain the whole story line, but here are some links.

It's worth watching.



This movie accounts for all of my fears. Nothing scares me more than altering dream chemistry.

I've always been afraid of loosing my mind to the randomized nature of the universe.

Especially with the "help" of dreams.
#204 Posted : 6/25/2013 2:19:32 PM
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I wanted to add my 2c's worth to this thread. DMT is an amazing chemical with the ability to take you far away or just give you a 'mind cinema' for a short period of time depending on dose.
As I see it its no different to any other drug in that the amount taken will alter the experience you have e.g. 80mcg of sid or 200mcg. As long as you know this and have read even just a little of what to expect at different doses that is all the preparation you need. I'm afraid I don't have much time for any rituals like meditating, fasting . intention scrutiny etc and see it as no different to other drugs that effect the senses in the Psychedelic format.
THe one thing for me that stands out with DMT is the commonality of the visuals people see and have thought it could be some sort of hard wired memory we all have going back 1000's of years which is shown back to us or it truely takes you to another plane or brane of existence - or maybe both?.
There does seem to be a secret club type feeling with this drug which is a shame as starting off friends on a low dose gives them the choice to continue to explore or not - I have had many low dose trips which i really enjoy and have come close to breakthro only once but i will know when im ready to up the dose to shatter the veil and perhaps experience ego death.
So in a nutshell i believe anybody should have the opportunity to try this amazing chemical unless they are ill (with mental issues ) and it should be available far more freely - BUT with the education that's needed to both enjoy and to beware of the possibilities that lay ahead should you try high doses. (the first time I tried K i was with a friend and neither of us knew much about it so we both did huge lines ......I spent the 1st hour two inches above my beer glass believing I was living in it and was mesmerised by the goes on but I should have bothered to find out doses etc : )
#205 Posted : 6/25/2013 6:53:00 PM

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I believe anyone curious about, or willing to try DMT should definitely be informed about what they are getting into, and try a threshold dose before taking the full plunge. (unless that's what you're into)
The visuals are seriously alien... They are unlike anything else... It's so strange. You gotta be ready to surrender yourself to the molecule. It is the most amazing secret that us humans have, right next to mysticism, quantum mechanics, or even the mystery of life itself. (Not really solely OURS but just as amazing)

I don't think you should do DMT if you are looking to abuse it. This would either be by giving it to the wrong people, selling it, or abusing it in such a way that it impacts your life in a negative way. Always keep a nice distance between hyperspace and reality! If you find yourself losing yourself... Take a break. Pleased it's not goin' anywhere!
#206 Posted : 6/25/2013 7:53:49 PM
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How does it compare to salvia? I have broken through on salvia twice, and had the exact same experience each breakthrough. Got stuck in the 2nd dimension. It was a horrible experience, but I came out of it feeling great and proud knowing that I overcame the obstacle I was faced with. It also taught me a whole lot about reality. Felt like it was all guided by a conscious entity that was like a hardcore teacher that teaches you profound, invaluable lessons, regardless of how insanely difficult they are to learn. I don't feel like ever breaking through on salvia again but maybe that 2D trap thing is just something I have to overcome numerous times until I've cracked it. I don't know. Its all so mind boggling and mysterious.
#207 Posted : 7/9/2013 5:02:14 AM

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goodnessgracious wrote:
I wanted to add my 2c's worth to this thread. DMT is an amazing chemical with the ability to take you far away or just give you a 'mind cinema' for a short period of time depending on dose.

I think dosage can go some way to saying how far it will take you, however there are many whose dosages stray wildly off to the sides, needing small or massive amounts. We vary a lot. Dosage needed can vary. It’s very easy to get caught unawares.

I used to be very much of the opinion that DMT was something everyone should try, but spice has given me too many very deep scares to want to share it much any more. I would share it with someone if I knew they were happy with complete annihilation, I don’t think I trust dropping most people that far down the well though.
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#208 Posted : 7/19/2013 2:05:11 AM

Chaos: The Ultimate Order

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While I agree that some people might welcome the DMT experience more readily, I don't think anyone can prepare themselves for it, and that ultimately we're all standing on the same cliff looking down into a formidable ocean of the unknown.
"They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?" - Fyodor Dostoevsky
#209 Posted : 7/25/2013 8:02:34 AM

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This thread has resonated with me in so many ways. I have been a lurker on this forum for many years when DMT first found me. I have taken it very easy and never "broken through" but always easing myself along and taking breaks for long periods at a time. It's not that it really scared me but I have always felt how powerful it is. I feel that DMT has once again come back into my life to take me by the hand and pull me down the rabbit hole. I definetly do not take it's teachings that I have learned so far for granted but after reading this whole thread I am truely starting to understand just how deep the rabbit hole goes. It's endless.....

Thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread, truely, thank you!
#210 Posted : 7/25/2013 8:35:48 AM

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I'd like to thank the OP for a very interesting read. It is not very often that you see someone that partakes in a substance inform others as to why they may want to not partake in that substance. I am here at the nexus and I have not partaken of DMT. I plan to do so sometime in the future but reading this thread has re certified my respect for the chemical. It has also brought up some really good question and insight that I am going to take to heart in preparation for my experience.

Again thank you.
#211 Posted : 7/26/2013 3:48:55 AM

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Wow! What a lecture all this topic!
It's a must read for all new members so they can see this is not a recreational chemical.
the white rabbit
#212 Posted : 8/7/2013 4:26:37 AM

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"Beautiful shock and terror"

I have to say I am in complete AWE and want to share my first encounter with DMT. On August 1st of this year (a few days ago)


(In a tent in the mountains with a shaman we talk)


Are you ready to step past the dark veil of lies and let go of your ego? Are you ready to accept the fears ahead?

I've been self destructive for so long. I feel so disconnected, I want to be happy and move on, it's so hard!

Trust me, this is what you need, trust me.

(I looked to the Shaman)

What are you offering?

At first I was expecting him to do some kind of Shamanistic dance or prayer with crystals)


I have medicine that will help you more then you can imagine. But I warn you once you take this your life will change.

(At that point I was getting a little nervous, I was thinking "dear God, did I walk into a cult?". I sat in a circle with them on the floor for a minute and thought about what he said, and then he looked down at me..)


Are you happy with your life?.

No! I am miserable, I have been for many years.

Then lay down and get ready to leave this place.

Honestly, I'm a little scared now...

You should be terrified!

It's OK, just relax.

(I laid down on a floor mat and they covered me with a blanket. I stared up at the top of the massive tent where a circular window showed the starry night. Then the Shaman walked up to me and said..)

Inhale this vapor and hold...

(I took one deep breath and exhaled. The following is a raw description of what I remember. I wrote this that same night on August 1st 2013.)

Inhale deep
Can not hold long
A massive and violent vibration shock
Shattering loud I freak out
Hands reaching for something to hold on to
Everything is so bright and illuminated
So scared, so much fear
Sucked into a vortex
Lights flashing pass me a billion miles an hour
I plead for it to slow down but it speeds up
I hear my spirit guide say calming words
I feel the force pull me violently until everything is stretched out
Then a unexplainable shift of all I was or knew
A flash and I was not moving
Everything I saw became like a negative picture
Then is shifted into a colorful haze
Floating into a ridged, suspended state
So much glowing blue and green
So strange
So scared yet so happy
Did I die?
Can I go back?
So much to understand
Something changed
I am me in this place
Where am I
Glowing things spinning all over
I have to be in outer space
I see a something
A green or blue monkey
Why is it laughing and pointing
Posing strange and smiling
Now in my face smiling
Pushed back gently
I drift back slowly
I return to my body
Everything is still bright and vivid
I am back! I am so happy!

(I could not stop laughing tears of crazy joy)

Was I in heaven?
I am so excited I can not contain myself
What was that?
Who was that?
The blue alien?
Was it a monkey man?
Where was I?
How long was I gone?
20 minutes?
I will never be the same

The Neural
#213 Posted : 8/10/2013 6:12:11 PM

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^ So, Rabbit Hole... why should you not take DMT? What can we derive from this comment, which reads like an experience report? I may have missed the point somewhere along the lines; if I did, could you point it out for me?

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

Disclaimer and clarification: This member has been having brief intermittent spells of inattention. It looks as if he is daydreaming in place. During those distracting moments, he automatically generates fictional content, and asks about it in this forum for feedback. He has a lot of questions, and is a pain in the arse.
#214 Posted : 8/27/2013 3:28:41 AM

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I have done a LOT or hard drugs, speed, mdma, acid etc....

I think if I had found DMT before acid and shrooms, without experiencing psychosis from speed, without speaking to elves on fly agaric's ... I think I would of been freaked out by it.

not by its potency, but more by how spiritual / connected a substance it is.

I did not find acid to be spiritual, I always felt drugged on it and never seen or felt anything that gave me thought to other worlds or anything beyond the normal, i was just tripping balls, seeing stuff melt and gigging at the usually un-giggleable.

BUT dmt feels magical, spiritual, the unknown, it has something alive about it!

without having a belief system, i think it would freak me out if i tried that first and had the same effects....

glad i tried it when i did Smile

kind regards, love n light
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !

I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM
#215 Posted : 8/27/2013 3:30:06 AM

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oh and speaking to the elves thing, was more dream like than spiritual... just to clarify Smile
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !

I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM
#216 Posted : 10/4/2013 4:50:40 PM

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tele wrote:

What makes you so sure?
How can something be more real than the other, even if the dimensions are different(Even if hyperspace would be the source of our own world)? What makes something more real than our daily reality?
I think hyperspace is real but what can make it more real than "our space"?

Man I'm sorry that statement didn't make much sense. You said something can't be more real then another but at the end of your statement you said there is something more real then our daily reality.
This is true in both senses it all depends on how you view reality. It should be noted that everyone views life through totally different lenses and therefore an earth shattering blast off for one person could be very very negative, while for another person unbelievably positive.

(on a different note) I don't believe that DMT is for everyone. While after first using the spice I had believed (like with LSD and Psilocin) that it would fix the world or at least elevate our physical reality. This simply isn't true, the human species is far too diverse for any singular compound to work for everyone in the same way.Embarrased

*Smurph is a fictional character.*
#217 Posted : 10/13/2013 7:42:03 PM

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I broke through for the first time recently , by accident.
I am a strong minded person,with a strong will but even i am struggling with what i've seen and heard.
Profound and life changing comes at a price.
A week on and i'm still constantly thinking about it.
I now understand that if you hallucinate going to a very strange place and meeting an alien, then , it is what it is.
However, if you actually go to a very strange place and actually meet with an alien, then it is life changing and profound, and very serious.
I dont think i could recommend DMT to anyone.
#218 Posted : 10/14/2013 4:35:45 AM
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I have spent the last 2 hours reading every single post on this thread....yep every single one. I am a noob here, joined this forum to aide in my desire to know more about DMT before I try it. When I joined this forum, I was convinced I wanted to not only try DMT, but I wanted to break through, I wanted it badly! After reading every post in this particular thread, I am not so sure anymore.

THANK YOU to each of you that participated in this thread and a HUGE THANK YOU to the wonderful member that started this thread. As many have already said, I too think this should be required reading for all newly joining this forum.

I have spent countless hours/days/months researching DMT...only after years of researching enlightenment, awakening, spirituality. After reading this thread I am convinced of one thing....I know nothing!

If I may be so bold as to ask this question to those of you that feel you can answer it....I have been called a control freak (ok I haven't just been called one..I am one and I know it) lol I never enjoyed doing drugs of any kind simply because I didn't like feeling like I was out of control. Is this really just a strong hold of the ego? Should someone that has never done anything stronger than mescaline, and is unsure of how or what "LETTING GO" means even consider doing DMT? Mind you, I am a minimalist, believe that we are all one with nature, very open minded, and want to "see/feel" the source or my higher self.

I do meditate, but have never really mastered it, and am still working on it every day.

This thread has caused me to re-think DMT....and has even scared me a bit...which I guess is a healthy/good thing. I guess the bottom line is, I am afraid that I don't know how to "LET GO" and am concerned that will cause a bad trip so to speak. Thoughts?
#219 Posted : 10/14/2013 5:57:40 AM

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DebbyLovinLife wrote:
I have spent the last 2 hours reading every single post on this thread....yep every single one. I am a noob here, joined this forum to aide in my desire to know more about DMT before I try it. When I joined this forum, I was convinced I wanted to not only try DMT, but I wanted to break through, I wanted it badly! After reading every post in this particular thread, I am not so sure anymore.

THANK YOU to each of you that participated in this thread and a HUGE THANK YOU to the wonderful member that started this thread. As many have already said, I too think this should be required reading for all newly joining this forum.

I have spent countless hours/days/months researching DMT...only after years of researching enlightenment, awakening, spirituality. After reading this thread I am convinced of one thing....I know nothing!

If I may be so bold as to ask this question to those of you that feel you can answer it....I have been called a control freak (ok I haven't just been called one..I am one and I know it) lol I never enjoyed doing drugs of any kind simply because I didn't like feeling like I was out of control. Is this really just a strong hold of the ego? Should someone that has never done anything stronger than mescaline, and is unsure of how or what "LETTING GO" means even consider doing DMT? Mind you, I am a minimalist, believe that we are all one with nature, very open minded, and want to "see/feel" the source or my higher self.

I do meditate, but have never really mastered it, and am still working on it every day.

This thread has caused me to re-think DMT....and has even scared me a bit...which I guess is a healthy/good thing. I guess the bottom line is, I am afraid that I don't know how to "LET GO" and am concerned that will cause a bad trip so to speak. Thoughts?

I'm no expert but i'd say, if you've spent months researching it then its inevitable that you will do DMT. I wouldnt worry about letting go. With DMT you are just a passenger, at least thats what i've found. I'd also say as long as the DMT is washed properly and you take all of that yellow jungle stuff out of it, the more of a relaxing trip it will be . I think its the yellow stuff that gives bad trips.
This thread is more of a warning, so it has alot of negativity about it. However breaking through is kind of an honour and a blessing , although weird and shocking.
Hyperspace Fool
#220 Posted : 10/14/2013 11:49:44 AM

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It is impossible to say if you will be ready for DMT. In many ways, no one ever is... no matter how many times they have taken it. There are certain characteristics that tend to mark people who are destined to be psychonauts, but very often, the people who seem to be prime for Hyperspace are shattered by it... while people who logic would dictate should never come near the molecule, handle it rather well.

It is so unpredictable, that I have given up trying to assess if someone "should" do DMT or not. I personally won't give it to the vast majority of people... simply because I don't want the responsibility... and because it is hard to trust people... and because I have an aversion to crazy. But who am I to say that a DMT trip might not be just what these people need to break their psychosis?

If you do do DMT, it is likely that at some point, it will break through your "control freak" shell. This may scare the living hell out of you... or it may liberate you... or both. The fact that you feel drawn to spice is a good indication that there is something important for you there. The fact that you would read every post in an epic thread like this shows that you are, at the very least, Nexian material grade A.

I think your thoughtfulness and caution will serve you well. DMT is actually easier on a control freak than even LSD, shrooms or cacti because there is no way you can even try to control it. It shatters your illusions of control so fast that you don't have time to defend them. LSD, for example, could sit with you challenging your ego for hours until you can't stand it anymore.

IMHO most people can get through 5 or 10 minutes of stark drooling terror or tears of joy rapture... or even being ripped apart into fractal alternate reality tunnels and shredded into cosmic dust. The experience may seem eternal, but in the end you will return and your reality will continue as it was with no harm done to your body. But, you may need a month to process that 10 minutes.

Good luck.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
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