tango wrote:So much respect for the cycle of life in this thread, yet I don't see anybody interested in joining that cycle as the hunted one. Wouldn't that experience be a lot more exciting, with the added bonus that there are no moral dilemmas? You find a place where hungry lions like to hang out, take your pocket knife, and go for an afternoon stroll.
Hunters face firearms accidents, stray bullets, being mistaken for game, falls from tree stands, getting injured in a remote area, getting lost, dying from exposure (both cold and heat), snakes, badgers, cougars, wolves, bears, moose (highly aggressive and territorial), and a few even die from elk or deer attacks.
The small caliber, bolt action .243 I hunt with will NOT take down a bear or charging moose if I can even get off the 4-5 shots it holds. My chance of hitting a wolf (let alone a pack) on the run in the few seconds I'd see it before it's on me is almost zero.
You also can't tell me that bow hunting bear or moose is not taking your life in your hands and putting yourself squarely in the circle of life. Those brave hunters are certainly throwing their lot down on the table.
Granted all the risks are pretty slim, but I'm a top level predator and there's no reason I shouldn't use all my available skills when participating. Nature can kill you in many, many ways and everyone participating in her experience is certainly at risk.
I've certainly been afraid for my life and had a pretty good chance of dying several times in my hunting/hiking/camping experiences. I had a friend almost die of a rattlesnake bite also. The one time I've seen a moose while actually hunting it could barely see me, but aggressively charged halfway to me, snorted and pawed the dirt a few times before deciding that running up the other side of the bowl wasn't worth it. Given that I didn't have a moose tag, I couldn't have fired on it until it was clearly upon me and trying to kill me. Unless the sound of the shot scared it off I wouldn't have had the firepower to stop it. I've seen video of people killed by moose and it's not pretty. They run back and forth across you pounding you with their massive hooves half a dozen times on each pass.
So yes, my life is certainly at risk when hunting. There's absolutely nothing I could do if I came across a moose that didn't want me there. I'd be lying broken and bleeding, quite likely dead right off the bat, in the middle of the woods unless I could scurry up a tree.
Everyone participates. Everyone dies. The question is if you want to understand the game before your turn is over. The only birth and death some people experience is their own. IMHO that is a shame because you'll have little understanding and no experience when it's your turn to leave the game.