Adam Kokesh Charged With Magic Mushroom Possesion Options
#21 Posted : 7/12/2013 2:42:17 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
I'm just disappointed that he wasn't wearing his muscle shirt in his shotgun loading video.

Maybe he has read your critiques of his attire and decided to up his game. It is encouraging to know that the motto "learn share expand" can stretch beyond entheogens and enter the realms of sartorial elegance.

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#22 Posted : 7/12/2013 4:11:29 PM

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#23 Posted : 7/12/2013 6:03:54 PM

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Ringworm wrote:

From the outside looking in, considering the manner in which the LEO raided the place, I'd wager that the magic mushrooms were planted when nothing else was found. Or at least I HIGHLY doubt they raided the place with helicopters and swat teams etc etc and NOT found anything :-)

Its surprising no one else in this thread has even considered this so far.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#24 Posted : 7/12/2013 6:24:32 PM

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universecannon wrote:
Ringworm wrote:

From the outside looking in, considering the manner in which the LEO raided the place, I'd wager that the magic mushrooms were planted when nothing else was found. Or at least I HIGHLY doubt they raided the place with helicopters and swat teams etc etc and NOT found anything :-)

Its surprising no one else in this thread has even considered this so far.

Because it's ludicrous. I mean, really?

This guy is on record, publicly, in video, receiving illicit psychedelic drugs from a shady online drug marketplace. He even explains in detail how to access this place (albiet from a meathead's perspective). Yet, the evil police are out to get him and plant drugs on his poor innocent soul? ...Com'on.... What evidence do you have for this extraordinary claim? Or are we just shooting from the hip because it sounds good?

This guy was begging to be f****d... without lube!

Insert something about 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence' and 'Don't be so open minded your brain falls out'.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#25 Posted : 7/12/2013 6:33:58 PM

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Don't get me wrong, i dont like Adam just as much as you or others in this thread don't

But seriously dude? Why don't you hit the breaks, re-read my post, and calm down. I NEVER claimed this is what the police did. I said its surprising it hasn't been CONSIDERED by anyone here yet...because, like it or not, regardless of what you want to believe, they have done this many times before and it is a possibility (it has even happened to me personally). And even if only a slight possibility, it should be considered before we conclude 100% that "x" is what happened

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#26 Posted : 7/12/2013 6:52:10 PM

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I could not care less about the character bashing people go on about in cases like this. The guy is not a threat to society and does not belong in jail. I see people on this forum and elsewhere every day who I think are complete idiots..does that mean I don't care if they go to jail for victimless crimes?..or that I hope they just go away? No.

It's a reflection of the country you live in, if nothing can you just want that to go away?

I am a strong supporter of civilian gun rights, so I guess I support his cause anyway.

Being stupid in the face of unjust laws, is not just cause for unjust punishment.
Long live the unwoke.
#27 Posted : 7/12/2013 7:16:04 PM

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jamie wrote:

Being stupid in the face of unjust laws, is not just cause for unjust punishment.

Great point, i agree. Its disturbing how many people probably think he actually deserves to be in jail...As if in disliking/bashing him people forget that the drug laws are utterly insane to begin with

But that said, do you really think everyone in this thread is just "character bashing", jamie? His reckless approach (posting vids of him buying dmt, etc etc etc) is IMO so far doing more harm than good when it comes to our fight to get psychedelics legitimized both in the laws and in the views of society

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#28 Posted : 7/12/2013 7:26:15 PM

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It"s fairly simple if you do the things that he does in the public domain in the current cultural climate, don"t be surprised if you get raided.
I am sorry but i think loading a pump action shotgun in public while wearing a face like a slapped arse is asking for trouble (The right to bear arms is counter productive to human evolution).
#29 Posted : 7/12/2013 7:30:16 PM

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universecannon wrote:
Its disturbing how many people probably think he actually deserves to be in jail...As if in disliking/bashing him people forget that the drug laws are utterly insane to begin with

To clarify, since this seems indirectly focused towards me.

I do not think he should, in the moral sense, be put in jail. You're preaching to the choir about the insane drug laws. For the record, I am a registered independent who votes libertarian. I am also a moderator on the DMT-Nexus and a gun owner. So my views on both drugs and firearms should be somewhat self-evident.

However (a big however), yes, he deserves to be put in jail because this is exactly what he wanted. If you think you can spark a revolution without being incarcerated then you are fooling yourself. If he is truly fighting for the anti-government libertarian agenda then it follows he wants to be put in jail... and got exactly what he wanted... and therefore deserves to get it.

What other end is there to his actions?
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#30 Posted : 7/12/2013 7:37:55 PM

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Alpha, relax, it wasn't focused at you alone

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Bill Cipher
#31 Posted : 7/12/2013 8:26:52 PM

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I guess I just don't see any unjust punishment here. He's spent the last two days in jail, yes? We'll see where it goes from here, but if he does end up doing a lengthy prison stretch, I can't say as I'll lose a minute of sleep over it.

His whole thing is making a show of trying to get arrested. Whether or not that's what he actually wants is something only he can explain, but if he's smoking fake weed outside the White House, what this might suggest is that maybe he's not quite as committed as he wants to appear. Regardless, he is daring the authorities to lock him up on a very regular basis, such as here, when he blew the lid off the fascist no dancing at the Jefferson Memorial law. Talk about hard hitting political activism. He's really tackling the important issues. But I'd say he's officially jumped the shark when he's filming himself brandishing a loaded shotgun blocks away from the White House while making thinly veiled threats of violence against the federal government. That kind of thing can get one in trouble, and in my view that's not inappropriate.

I watched the other embedded video in the thread with the G. Gordon Liddy looking shitbag making breakfast, and although he seems like a wackadoodle as well (calling out Adam Kokesh as a shill for Obama "and his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood", and feeling the need to wear a gun on his hip while making pancakes in his back yard with his fat load of a son filming him), I think his overall assessment of him as a phony is pretty accurate. Put that together with the guy's Silkroad DMT videos and vast collection of muscle shirts, and yes, he's a prime target for character bashing. And guess what? That's perfectly okay. This is what you sign up for when you set out to become a YouTube celebrity and rack up a million hits. If you don't want the bashing, take your morning shits without incessantly tweeting about them.

Could the mushrooms have been planted? I suppose it's always possible. I don't know that it really matters a whole lot. That's the least of his legal problems.
The Day Tripper
#32 Posted : 7/12/2013 8:34:49 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
I guess I just don't see any unjust punishment here. He's spent the last two days in jail, yes? We'll see where it goes from here, but if he does end up doing a lengthy prison stretch, I can't say as I'll lose a minute of sleep over it.

His whole thing is making a show of trying to get arrested. Whether or not that's what he actually wants is something only he can explain, but if he's smoking fake weed outside the White House, what this might suggest is that maybe he's not quite as committed as he wants to appear. Regardless, he is daring the authorities to lock him up on a very regular basis, such as here, when he blew the lid off the fascist no dancing at the Jefferson Memorial law. Talk about hard hitting political activism. He's really tackling the important issues. But I'd say he's officially jumped the shark when he's filming himself brandishing a loaded shotgun blocks away from the White House while making thinly veiled threats of violence against the federal government. That kind of thing can get one in trouble, and in my view that's not inappropriate.

I watched the other embedded video in the thread with the G. Gordon Liddy looking shitbag making breakfast, and although he seems like a wackadoodle as well (calling out Adam Kokesh as a shill for Obama "and his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood", and feeling the need to wear a gun on his hip while making pancakes in his back yard with his fat load of a son filming him), I think his overall assessment of him as a phony is pretty accurate. Put that together with the guy's Silkroad DMT videos and vast collection of muscle shirts, and yes, he's a prime target for character bashing. And guess what? That's perfectly okay. This is what you sign up for when you set out to become a YouTube celebrity and rack up a million hits. If you don't want the bashing, take your morning shits without incessantly tweeting about them.

Could the mushrooms have been planted? I suppose it's always possible. I don't know that it really matters a whole lot. He's got bigger problems, I'd say.

Yeah, the comments about obama and the muslim brotherhood, and how he thinks adam is a psyop covert agent to stir the shit so to say, so obama can declare martial law, is stretching the evidence thats actually whats going on A LITTLE BIT.

Nonetheless, it seems you understand what i thought was relevant and important about his video, that adam is an entertainer first, an activist 2nd (or not at all in the case of fake weed in front of the whitehouse).

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In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
#33 Posted : 7/12/2013 9:00:10 PM

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universecannon wrote:
jamie wrote:

Being stupid in the face of unjust laws, is not just cause for unjust punishment.

Great point, i agree. Its disturbing how many people probably think he actually deserves to be in jail...As if in disliking/bashing him people forget that the drug laws are utterly insane to begin with

But that said, do you really think everyone in this thread is just "character bashing", jamie? His reckless approach (posting vids of him buying dmt, etc etc etc) is IMO so far doing more harm than good when it comes to our fight to get psychedelics legitimized both in the laws and in the views of society

That's a more complicated topic for me to discuss..because to be honest(and many might disagree with me) while I know it is important and that many people suffer because of the public views on these things, I don't personally give a shit what the public thinks of ME in that respect. I think much of the public is completely insane so I don't care to please them with how responsible I can make them think I am etc..however I have lots of empathy and feel sorry for all the people who have to suffer due to the greater stupidity that is taken towards these to save all the victims of that stupidity it just makes sense I guess to try to put on some face for the public. In the end it is just politics really. It sucks that we have to play that game, but we do.

A lot of it is character bashing..because people don't like his character. I never said I like his character either..I think he is trying to do more than is realistic in a short amount of time. It is not going to really achieve much at all..but making DMT look a certain way, or buying DMT, or even trying to lead a march for gun rights etc are not things I feel to be true criminal activity. I support peoples rights to own guns and I support the the rights for any adult to use any drug they want to as long as they don't harm or impose it on others. I don't really have anything else to say about this guy's personality or what he does on his youtube show.

I would appreciate it, if the time ever came where I was arrested for drugs or something if people chose to support my own right to freedom reguardless of how they felt about my character or personality or lifestyle when it does not harm them. If I cant move past this than I cant really expect anyone else to.
Long live the unwoke.
#34 Posted : 7/12/2013 9:17:26 PM

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But it doesn't really matter whether or not we think buying dmt should be considered illegal or whatever (i dont)...Because its about the impact a reckless approach like his will have on people who are already well steeped in the cultural misconceptions surrounding "drugs". Because after all, those are the people who really need to change their minds if they're to become legalized... and finding out through youtube that little johnny can get some bitcoins and buy truckloads of scary dangerous psychedelics on the internet certainly (at least, thats how many would see it) is not going to help, lol

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#35 Posted : 7/12/2013 10:00:22 PM

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sure, but I don't see how any of that makes the man more guilty of committing a crime or anything. Not that I assume that is what you are implying. All I am saying is that is just people getting emotional about details concerning how he conducts himself or whatever and has no relevance to whether or not he belongs in prison.

Saying this guy did it to himself, or that you don't care about him so wont support his own right to freedom is not going to do anything to help our cause either. I am not going to loose sleep over this guy either, and I don't think anyone here is going to..but just because I don't loose sleep does not mean I don't care or that I think something is wrong..and to be honest when I see these kind of threads here and read much of the responces I often feel less and less connected to this place and the people here. Human rights come before how I feel about how someones actions might influence others reactions to drugs etc..because the truth is that it is the people who think this guy DOES belong in prison who are wrong, and who are the problem. Not this guy. So my concern is actually for the protection of his rights(and all victims of the drug war etc) before they are for how some other juvenile minded portion of the public feels about it.

Of course I care about how his actions effect the outlook of the public on the subject of psychedelics, because they perpetuate the problem that needs to be is just that my feelings there do not suddenly cancel out the fact that prosecuting people for these things is completely idiotic in the first place and even one victim is too many.

I get the feeling that some people here just don't care that someone is being prosecuted under unjust drug laws just because they don't like the guys personality, which is just sort of pointless. You either support freedom or you don't. you don't get to pick and choose based on who's personality you like the most.

Then there is videos now posted calling thing guy a "pussy" etc for how he reacts when arrested.. and I highly doubt that in reality this guy is any more of a pussy than anyone else here.
Long live the unwoke.
Bill Cipher
#36 Posted : 7/12/2013 10:26:16 PM

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With all due respect, Jamie... bullshit.

This guy is sitting in jail not because of draconian drug laws, but because he PURPOSELY broke a law against carrying a loaded weapon in a restricted urban center FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF ANTAGONIZING LAW ENFORCEMENT. I just don't see who is stepping on his rights here or know what else he could possibly have expected.

Parshvik Chintan
#37 Posted : 7/12/2013 10:35:18 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
My wind instrument is the bong
#38 Posted : 7/12/2013 10:48:56 PM

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jamie wrote:
..because the truth is that it is the people who think this guy DOES belong in prison who are wrong, and who are the problem. Not this guy. So my concern is actually for the protection of his rights(and all victims of the drug war etc) before they are for how some other juvenile minded portion of the public feels about it.

I gotta call BS as well. I don't see anyone here, other than you, getting emotional about this. For me, and others here I'm sure, it's more rolling our eyes at the profound stupidity of this supposed activist and his modus operandi of activism. He begged to be arrested, gets arrested, and you're defending his actions under the guise of protecting human rights? Com'on...

IMO, the primary juvenile mind here is Kokesh... and those who defend his juvenile actions.
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#39 Posted : 7/12/2013 11:54:55 PM

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Never poke a bear with a stick; but for God's sake if you do then at least have a plan of action for what happens once the bear gets angry.

If this guy is some sort of a political activist and has provoked arrest to prove a point, then lets see what his next move is. If he really sees himself as a revolutionary then jail time shouldn't be much of a problem and I'd think he could use that platform to promote his cause. Wouldn't be the first.

Doesn't sound like he is being charged with possession so much as having a firearm while in possession of drugs, a charge likely intended to be directed at drug dealers and not at some dude with a youtube channel and an axe to grind.

I bet if he keeps his mouth shut he pleas this down to simple possession charges and time served plus a lengthy probation. If he tries to continue make a point with all of this they will probably really jack him around for as long as they can.

I'm guessing he just overplayed his hand and is probably sitting in jail right now, amazed, angry and bummed out that he actually got arrested. We can get away with a lot here in terms of free speech, but calling for the violent overthrow of the government is one of those things they're just not going to let you get away with.
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#40 Posted : 7/13/2013 12:03:00 AM

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...the primary juvenile mind here is Kokesh... and those who defend his juvenile actions

I don´t think that ridiculing other people´s opinions (by using words with degradatory meaning etc.) is the best way towards a true dialogue and an open exchanging of ideas. IMO, personal attacks (or what can be perceived as such) of any sort always ´block´ the flow of a discourse, forcing people to take emotionally charged standpoints, "defend" themselves etc...

I personally would rather read/discuss about interesting topics, much more than a virtual fight between hurt egos.

(I hope nobody takes my post personally, as it was meant as a general observation on how a good thread can get "killed" )

Peace and love to all
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