How to "combat" malevolent entities in hyperspace? Options
#81 Posted : 7/7/2013 1:01:18 AM
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d-T-r wrote:

Ska, thanks for sharing your angelic and feline perspectives.Most likely something karmicly relevant to you.

On the off chance you don't fancy doing battle yourself one time, or if you fancy experimenting in general, i would be interested to see if you felt the 'external' presence of any of the Arch-angels mentioned when called on mid flight. I know you don't need to, but it would be cool to see given the previous posts if you sense any kind of difference between your familiar own inner higher/angelic self you mention and that of say Michael,Gabriel etc.

And thank you, d-T-r, for being a peacemaker & a bridge builder when this discussion was starting to take on a bit of a hostile tone. I really appreciate that.

And I have been thinking about experimenting more with this ArchAngel.
Through this topic I got inspired to make a big painting of this lion-man
archangel. Putting it in my bedroom or livingroom would be a constant reminder &
tribute & would serve to keep this part of myself in the forefront of my awareness.

And about the experiment you suggested... Do you suggest I call on a specific entitiy like
Michael, Gabriel or Metatron for instance? And how would that be done? Think of them, of who they are and what they represent? Call on their name verbally? What would you suggest?

I should add I haven't smoalked dmt in a long time and probably won't be able too in quite
a while due to being rather pennyless. Aquiring spice is quite pricey,

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#82 Posted : 7/7/2013 8:34:40 AM

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SKA wrote:
And thank you, d-T-r, for being a peacemaker & a bridge builder when this discussion was starting to take on a bit of a hostile tone. I really appreciate that.

Haha no worries. We all know there's more to get from a discussion when we're all equally receptive to any view bought up whether it matches our own or not.Sometimes tone of voice can be misinterpreted online causing room for miscommunication.

SKA wrote:
And I have been thinking about experimenting more with this ArchAngel.
Through this topic I got inspired to make a big painting of this lion-man
archangel. Putting it in my bedroom or livingroom would be a constant reminder &
tribute & would serve to keep this part of myself in the forefront of my awareness.

And about the experiment you suggested... Do you suggest I call on a specific entitiy like
Michael, Gabriel or Metatron for instance? And how would that be done? Think of them, of who they are and what they represent? Call on their name verbally? What would you suggest?

I should add I haven't smoalked dmt in a long time and probably won't be able too in quite
a while due to being rather pennyless. Aquiring spice is quite pricey,

Glad the topic inspired you creatively. Be sure to post it in the art thread when the time comes!

And yes, you can call on a specific entity/being. Lierally by just saying there name as if you are calling them. You can say something along the lines of "I Call upon" if you want. Since Mihceal,Gabriel,Raphael and Uriel are the most mentioned ones, it makes sense to choose one of them i think personally.

Whether you will be smoalking soon or not, try it both without and then eventually with.

A heads up for people that I started a thread about Arch-Angels now after this thread lead to it >
#83 Posted : 7/7/2013 11:49:54 AM
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Thanks d-T-R, I will.

I will try to call on metatron next time I am in need, as what I have read about Metatron sofar
really speaks to me. I feel his intentions aline perfectly with mine.

I will try to summon him next time I encounter inner darkness, sober or while undergoing Entheogenesis.
I recently got an amazingly big bag of Psilocybin Mushrooms from a generous friend, so I may get the perfect oppertunity to face dark entities/energies and summon Metatron quite soon.

You know I lean more towards believing these angels & demons are parts of ourselves.
In that case I can call this Archangel whenever I like as it is Me and I am willing & able to
help myself whenever in need.
However, supposing that these Arch Angels ARE seperate from our own consciousness, wouldn't it be
rude/inappropriate to call them when you're not absolutely in need of assistance?
Just in case they ARE autonomous entities, I wouldn't want to trouble or disturb them unless absolutely nececairy.

PS: Whenever I finish painting my Lion-man ArchAngel I'll share it here.
#84 Posted : 7/7/2013 12:29:53 PM

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I don't think it's rude to call on them in times where you don't actually need assistance. From what i can sense, they're not bound by the same time + space limitations that we are currently.hence how they can reply instantly and work with people all over the world without actually being physically present.So because of that i don't think it's rude. I do always thank them whether or not they can help or not and whether or not i have called them for valid or invalid reasons. As long as your sincere with your speech and intention i dont think there's room for any perception of offence or inappropriateness.

I lean towards the idea that their may be a kind of natural order or 'heir-achy' of spiritual beings who all operate on different frequency bands of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Angels,our Galactic friends and us including.The higher you go of course, the less they see any separation between any other beings, but can still operate as their independent identities.Naturally the higher the being is, the more likely they are to be able to assist with beings who are suffering or in need of assistance, guidance in our own evolutionary path to their level.

#85 Posted : 7/7/2013 9:28:58 PM

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d-T-r wrote:
Parallel astral and etheric civilizations that exist simultaneously on this world pocketed around the world beyond the veils of perception.

Just makes me realize how fascinating the teachings of ayahuasca can be....

SKA wrote:
Do you suggest I call on a specific entitiy like
Michael, Gabriel or Metatron for instance? And how would that be done? Think of them, of who they are and what they represent? Call on their name verbally? What would you suggest?

Dont know if you're interested, but there are a lot of classical ways to invocate the Archangels. Common pattern in all these invocations is the create focus and intention through symbols and ritual. Every Archangel has it's own traditional associated colors, symbols, planet, day of the week, seal, incense, etc etc. Rituals to invoke a certain Archangel are created by combining these attributes.

SKA wrote:
I will try to summon him next time I encounter inner darkness, sober or while undergoing Entheogenesis.

I think, regardless of your ontology about these entities, that it would be more effective to establish a connection while you are NOT under the stress of encountering darkness. It's much easier to connect these beings when you are 'at peace' and you will have a much easier access when you get into trouble.

SKA wrote:
Just in case they ARE autonomous entities, I wouldn't want to trouble or disturb them unless absolutely nececairy.

The first time I met Michael I actually had thought like, 'who am I that a being as 'important' as Michael would free some time to speak to?'. But after some time the insight dawned that these beings have a whole different experience of space&time. It is not like, Michael has a secretary that tells him ' Michael, we have an incoming request from Cheiron, I planned in a 20 minutes consult, you can find his background in the file attached' or something like that Smile. Funny to realize that I had some sort of unconscious idea of an Archangel being to busy to plan me into his schedule. I realized an Archangel is more a frequency we can tune into. The Archangel exists beyond space&time, and when you can reach his frequency, you can communicate.
#86 Posted : 7/8/2013 7:19:29 PM

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As much as we are about to suspect/believe that the dark entities are (shadow)parts of ourselves, as much reason is there to believe that the archangels are same wise (light)parts of ourselves too. Could make sense as they seem always to be accessible and near, like a matter of helping your own. If you find the word "self" too narrow, zoom out to universal self, same logic can apply to that.
#87 Posted : 7/8/2013 7:57:00 PM

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Jees wrote:
As much as we are about to suspect/believe that the dark entities are (shadow)parts of ourselves, as much reason is there to believe that the archangels are same wise (light)parts of ourselves too. Could make sense as they seem always to be accessible and near, like a matter of helping your own. If you find the word "self" too narrow, zoom out to universal self, same logic can apply to that.

The ontologic discussion about the status of the entities is indeed an interesting one. For the methods it hardly matters what we believe. Invoking an Archangel as an independent being, or as a part of ourselves (and that self might be a Self if you want), in the end what counts is, does it works for you? If you feel comfortable with the idea that they are a part of yourself, and invoking a lightbeing works in 'combat' , good for you, be my guest...

Even while constructing a Magick ritual to invoke an entity, you can hold the view that it's a part of you subconsciousness. The symbols are a great way to communicate with your own unconsciousness.

Personally, I see them as separate beings, while in the end we all merge into Oneness, but maybe I'm wrong, it's just a working hypothesis, as one thing the ayahuasca has thought me for sure is that to hold a firm belief in an ontology is the best way to find your ontology shocked beyond belief Smile
#88 Posted : 7/9/2013 9:06:35 AM

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cheiron wrote:
... For the methods it hardly matters what we believe...

Yes for the methods this might be indeed true, one just calls and for it.

For what presents itself in a travel it might matter:
If one beliefs in a realm of separation - threat - opposing forces - attack - rescue as actually so, then this might induce complete different scenes then when one believes in no such realms but think of them as role-playing identifications/archetypes of psychological corners manifesting only. The difference is the load one gives to them, and that might influence the scenes and stories that become deployed.

Bad comparison but anyway:
like watching a football game, if one really goes frantic and believe in the battle of the game deeply, or one just sit in a couch quietly taking it all very lightly, this might seriously influence the dreams in the night after, perhaps determining the playbill of the dreams profoundly.
#89 Posted : 7/9/2013 10:00:02 AM

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Jees wrote:
If one beliefs in a realm of separation - threat - opposing forces - attack - rescue as actually so, then this might induce complete different scenes then when one believes in no such realms but think of them as role-playing identifications/archetypes of psychological corners manifesting only.

Interesting to share these thoughts... It helps me getting clearer regarding the whole issue (and hopefully it might help some other travellers aswell....)

I agree that the mindset/worldview/ontological groundrules one chooses do have a great influence on the whole experience. You mention two sets, separation>rescue and role-play, to summarize them. I would say y own position is somewhere in between those two.

I believe that in the end we are all One, on a long trip through and endless spiraling evolving universe, even 'evoluminating' as the evolutionary process has, at least at some points, this focus on evolving towards more Light. So, in some way, all manifestations of entities are manifestations of this One Consciousness, this huge Cosmic Mind, the Self, whatever you call it. In that sense, i would agree on it being a 'role-play', but you might say the same for every other entity/human we encounter.

Furthermore, I think that the encounters we have are not coincidental. The entities we meet, whether they are Light or Dark, mirror some inner process, some karmic bond, some lesson, some underlying synchronistic principle.
Somehow I trust that my good intentions, positive karma, positive mindset, intentions towards evoluminating etc, attract positive support and protect me enough to get through nasty situations. In some way, there is not much difference between the role-play position regarding the lessons I assume are there to learn from encounters with entities and the connections they have with inner patterns. In both situations it is usefull to ask : "what in me attracts this situation, what do I have to learn, which step do I have to make, to overcome this situation".

And at last, there are pretty nasty situations one can get into. Some people get really destructive towards themselves, and their own unconsciousness might be enough of a cause for some...

So, I would trace at least three ontological positions regarding the entities: dualistic (separation-attack-rescue) , internal separatist (with the inner world being separated from other beings but finally whole in itself, all manifestations being part of one's own soul) and monistic (reality as an unified whole) maybe with the addition of terms like 'karmic monistic' which would assume a more neutral balance, or 'evoluminatory monistic' which would assume a positive evolving on the long term.

Just dropping some thoughts here in the hope some else might help to shed some more light on the questions. It might even be better to transport the discussion to the lexicon thread...

Hyperspace Fool
#90 Posted : 7/9/2013 2:40:12 PM

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cheiron wrote:
Personally, I see them as separate beings, while in the end we all merge into Oneness, but maybe I'm wrong, it's just a working hypothesis, as one thing the ayahuasca has thought me for sure is that to hold a firm belief in an ontology is the best way to find your ontology shocked beyond belief

This is the thing with paradoxes... our semantics and rhetorical abilities collapse under the weight of a reality that is far more nuanced and infinite than we can express easily.

Even masters of language can not capture the truth in words. I feel that words are but mirrors that have to be angled properly to reflect light that exists outside of them. And as with mirrors, the angle that works to shine light in one set of eyes is not the same as that for another set of eyes.

I believe we all arise from, exist within, and are on the ultimate level, this same Omniversal Self. However, on our egoic journey and in our various incarnations, we have a persona that is separate from others for most purposes. We intersect and overlap, but we have different skills, different knowledge, different hopes, different dreams and different goals.

Entities are no more part of us than other people are. Which is to say simultaneously completely so, and totally not.

In this light, entities are not part of our subconscious or shadows of ourselves. They have their own egos... their own intentions, and to discard this is dangerous. It is for this reason that my chief guide and most trusted ally (both in dreaming and tripping) tends to be my highest self. This is the version of me from the end of time... the highest iteration of my unique code. The final self before total reunion with SELF. No other being, regardless of how compassionate, has your exact same goals and motivations. No other being understands you as well as your future you.

I have met many high and powerful beings, and many of them are rather compassionate... Avalokiteshvara, Quan Yin, The White Buffalo Woman, Gaia. Many are not compassionate at all. They can still aid you, but they don't care about you or your quest, as they see through the illusion of your small selfhood and find it unworthy of taking seriously.

My Higheest Self (first encountered in Lucid Dreaming)... and other alternate higher selves tend to be more of the second variety in that they don't take my dramas and situations all that seriously. But, they love me. And, they have vested interest in me achieving... them.

So this is better than compassion IMHO.

I have met Lion Headed beings, and had one come and take me out of my body when I was sober and not even partially asleep. Later I met this same guy in a human form... didn't recognize him until he literally transformed in front of my eyes. I mentioned that he looked like Beast from Beauty & The Beast and some other people in the room said they saw that as well. We are still friends, but he is not a compassionate being per se... I think he was fulfilling an obligation to one of my incarnations perhaps.

I have a good connection with many Dragons as well... also not exactly light beings or all that compassionate... but they have been instrumental in helping me close off my blind spots and learn to close the back doors into my energy bodies.

I have read much about Metatron, though I am not sure if we have met... I don't recall being introduced to him as such, but I have encountered a lot of entities who I never got names for. I think it was Drunvalo Melchezidek's descriptions of him that interested me the most. Perhaps I will invite him to join me next time I go traipsing around the cosmos.

At any rate... people can believe what they want. I don't think that trying to imagine that beings that dwarf you, and have minds that make yours look like a toy cup that leaks... are mere "aspects" of you, is a good thing, though.

Even if you imagine that your unconscious is the giant iceberg under the sea compared to the meager top that is your normal waking mind... it is simply not big enough to contain these beings. They will forgive you for your impudence (usually) but many of them will just not hang out with you if you hold on to such beliefs. They are not even contained by the role they play with you, as you only ever see a facet of a being that has innumerable such faces. (for the most part)

If one has only had the experience of meeting rather small entities or their own shadow projections, then it is natural (or at least understandable) to assume that all entities are of this sort. I beg to differ though. There are beings that are so vast and intelligent that your mind is not capable of imagining them. They stand as titans next to humanity, and our trying to pigeon hole them into our lame understandings is akin to a mouse thinking that a human is it's tail... or a shadow tail it has somehow... when the mouse is only vaguely aware of your finger and can't even comprehend the hand and arm it is attached to, let alone the being that wields that arm.

As a veteran of literally thousands of journeys over 35 years or so... I think it funny when people who have a handful of experiences think they can school me about what is going on in Hyperspace. This is not as arrogant as it sounds. Even one real deep journey can be infinite, and there is no comparing one set of experiences to another... it is just the feeling one gets when young people who were not even born when you began meeting entities try and influence your beliefs and question your experiences with them. It is a bit like having a Phd and having some kids from the local elementary school visit your lab and try and tell you how your machines function. Kind of cute, but also kind of annoying.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#91 Posted : 7/9/2013 3:28:44 PM

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If one has only had the experience of meeting rather small entities or their own shadow projections, then it is natural (or at least understandable) to assume that all entities are of this sort. I beg to differ though. There are beings that are so vast and intelligent that your mind is not capable of imagining them. They stand as titans next to humanity, and our trying to pigeon hole them into our lame understandings is akin to a mouse thinking that a human is it's tail...

Much gratitude for that entire post HyperspaceFool.

I was going to bring up the paradox you mentioned about some of these beings being as real and separate as other humans, yet still ultimately , part of the whole. While still agreeing that many occurrences do seem like shadow or self projections, many are 'clearly' not.

What was your experience with Avalokiteshvara like? He's on my "To get in touch with list" .I just have to remember how to pronounce his name right Razz

Last night, I finally felt the presence of Jesus finally from my astral body after remembering to call for him.

For those who care to read, This is the message I sent my freind afterwards in the morning


"Had a very profound beautiful experience this morning.

I was in what seemed like a dream to begin with with this guy playing pool pretty much trying to flirt with me. But then he hinted he had a weird fetish to do with shit/scat which kind of hinted to me that this was someone on the astral with a weird addiction /self degrading attitude that he was there to work on until he could pass on. (akin to Hungry ghosts in Buddhism who have an unquenchable thirst/addiction they cannot satisfy )
(Weirdly enough these were the type of people I first encountered on there, people with strong afflictive emotions and odd personal dramas I would be absorbed in to )
I asked him "since I'm dreaming/travelling if he was a character from my head or someone else" and he said someone else and started getting too close to me.

Called on Arch-Angel Michael to remove myself from that situation and balance it all out and usually I just get the conformational brain buzz I previously mentioned but this time it was like a good 10 seconds of either his, or Source/ God's energy /light just all encompassing me. Felt amazing.

Remembering that recently I've been wanting to test the reality of Jesus after only really having felt the presence of some of the Arch-Angels, maybe a few minutes after that in a lucid astral state, I called On Jesus.

Man! All the confirmation I needed. It was like the first flood of light/love/source/god energy that I experienced with Michael but this time it felt slightly more refined I think, or it just seemed to last at least double the amount of time.

Hard to put the sensation in it to words really as it was quite an indescribable energy - Biggest surge of 'source' energy I have ever felt that's all I know. Like kundalini x a million extending way beyond the usual distance I feel my energy body relate to.As radiant and all encapsulating as sun rays but ,almost 'cool' in temperature and temperament but just intensely blissful.

I could feel this energy lifting me up, or at least lifting me to a different vibration than I was on.

Straight after that while my vibration was increasing, I heard and felt and could see like 10 little laughing,giggling playing babies. All of them maybe 1 - 3 years old i think , they all rushed up to me and was crawling on me and stuff. Was quite cute.

This little boy came over to me and was playing and crawling over me and he wanted to go to sleep laying on my chest.Had some strong eye contact,quite powerful. Then , I felt myself back in my house in our old dining room which is now my brothers room. I went to wrap a blanket around me and this kid to tuck ourselves in cos he didn't wanna move, and then my mum came in helped.

Recognizing that my brothers bed wasn't in this room like it is in the present, I became lucid again and realized I was again in a mix of dreaming /astrally projected scenarios.

I got up and told my mum that I can see why I had the negative astral experiences before ; so I could make the connection to the positive spirits/beings/source helpers eventually afterwards.

She went to lay down in the hall as she realized I was lucid and she had one of those necklace name-tag card things which for some reason had written on it, " 5 Options" I put my hand on her and could kind of sense she needed healing and then after having the Jesus experience I asked him to help with that. After that, I think it pretty much ended.

Very powerful experience. Glad I could connect to Jesus finally after only really 'verifying' Michael and Gabriel energy previously in the direct ways, and Uriel and Raphael in more subtle ways.

The little boy too- I wonder if he was just a 'stranger' or in some way karmic'ly linked to either my past lives or future.Who knows"

#92 Posted : 7/10/2013 7:53:49 AM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
...It is a bit like having a Phd and having some kids from the local elementary school visit your lab and try and tell you how your machines function. Kind of cute, but also kind of annoying.

Hi HF,

maybe they kids came in the lab for more than a machine talk, having that as kind of means to be with you for a sec and to ask you to come out and play with a ball Big grin

About hyperspace, it's my naive wish that typical material/earthly aspects like separation and competition would end right there, or at least in our very own psychological dream ramblings, and that other realms be free-ed of this, oo-soo-finally. So far, my tiny travels have confirmed this. Your reports that hyperspace is not like that at all strokes tangential to this wish. Thank you very much for the multiple and elaborated warnings, but I hope that you and I end up in a different hyperspace somehow. I've had it with power games, really, maybe I'm in for a big surprise, I'll see, but I've got my gunsight traded in advance. When I smudge it's not against something defending wise but to tell it: please come in, every energy is welcome to be together here celebrate being and evolution, sort of.
Hyperspace Fool
#93 Posted : 7/10/2013 11:02:23 AM

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Well Jees, I didn't say there weren't levels that were above the fray. There are indeed heavenly realms that are as you seem to wish them, and have been blessed to experience. These places are a joy, and all of us should shoot for them when we blast off.

However, since the Nexus is literally teaming with people who get to Hyperspace only to find themselves hyperslapped, victimized by demons, afflicted with astral parasites and worse, it makes no sense to play ostrich and act like these things are not happening. As in many major cities, one can very easily wander from a nice neighborhood and then quickly find oneself in a very sketchy part of town.

Knowing how to deal with this... even if it is just retracing your steps and fleeing back to where you had been before... or raising your frequency enough to get back to the heavenly realms as it were... only makes sense.

I hope you never have to deal with anything overly unpleasant... and certainly not anything debilitating or adversely life changing as so many have.

Peace & Blessings
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#94 Posted : 7/10/2013 12:15:26 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
...I hope you never have to deal with anything overly unpleasant... and certainly not anything debilitating or adversely life changing as so many have...

Thank you very much for that,
it is very important to know, just to know, that potential gnarly experiences (of whatever nature) can be dealt with in various ways, or prevented, and if not, just riding it out has not a dangerous reputation. This thread is so far really re-assuring. Love
#95 Posted : 7/10/2013 12:33:14 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:

However, since the Nexus is literally teaming with people who get to Hyperspace only to find themselves hyperslapped, victimized by demons, afflicted with astral parasites and worse, it makes no sense to play ostrich and act like these things are not happening. As in many major cities, one can very easily wander from a nice neighborhood and then quickly find oneself in a very sketchy part of town.

HF are you not sure you react the way you do due to being a product of your environment. You yanks are well known for loving a good ruck with your wars and guns. And it seems to me that it is deeply ingrained from an early age in your culture with things like cowboy films, the cavalry arriving, dirty harry and suchlike. And i think inducing fear in people helps control them.

Sketchy neighbourhoods are usually that way due to economic factors. I have been to quite a few "sketchy" neighbourhoods in my time with nary a problem. But this could be down to not spending much time in America. Maybe it is worse over there and this brings about divisive attitudes. Maybe the evil entities are just economically deprived malcontents (or whatever the hyperspace equivalent is) and they need love and understanding.

No disrespect as i think we English are probably worse for following you lot around like an easily influenced little brother that is too mentally piss weak to do anything about American foreign policy, bully boy antics. ( i love a lot of American culture but i am not sure i would like to live there!)
Hyperspace Fool
#96 Posted : 7/10/2013 12:59:03 PM

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hug46 wrote:
Hyperspace Fool wrote:

However, since the Nexus is literally teaming with people who get to Hyperspace only to find themselves hyperslapped, victimized by demons, afflicted with astral parasites and worse, it makes no sense to play ostrich and act like these things are not happening. As in many major cities, one can very easily wander from a nice neighborhood and then quickly find oneself in a very sketchy part of town.

HF are you not sure you react the way you do due to being a product of your environment. You yanks are well known for loving a good ruck with your wars and guns. And it seems to me that it is deeply ingrained from an early age in your culture with things like cowboy films, the cavalry arriving, dirty harry and suchlike. And i think inducing fear in people helps control them.

Sketchy neighbourhoods are usually that way due to economic factors. I have been to quite a few "sketchy" neighbourhoods in my time with nary a problem. But this could be down to not spending much time in America. Maybe it is worse over there and this brings about divisive attitudes. Maybe the evil entities are just economically deprived malcontents (or whatever the hyperspace equivalent is) and they need love and understanding.

No disrespect as i think we English are probably worse for following you lot around like an easily influenced little brother that is too mentally piss weak to do anything about American foreign policy, bully boy antics. ( i love a lot of American culture but i am not sure i would like to live there!)

No offense taken.

We are all products of our environments... but I think you are missing my point in that quote. I did not write all of those posts on the Nexus about malevolent entities. Nor are all of the posters American. In fact, what a lot of people on this thread seem to not want to hear is... these reports have been coming in in droves for millenia. Ever since people thought something was worth writing down, they have been telling these tales.

The Sumerians were not Americans. Ancient Egyptians knew nothing of cowboys. The Persian Empire had nothing to do with economic problems or malcontents. Shamanism the world over has absolutely nothing to do with US foreign policy... and the authors of the Torah, Koran and New Testament never even imagined a United States.

You UK folk have tons of your own stories about tricky and dangerous faerie folk, and beasts of every sort imaginable.

I find your hypothesis hopelessly flawed.

If you want to get into a discussion about the difference between "us yanks," and you blokes on the other side of the pond, we can make a thread for that.

As for evil entities being economically deprived malcontents, I think that our ridiculous illusion of money as something of worth is not a factor, but they do need love and understanding. However, like the humans deprived of respect, wealth and security one finds in sketchy neighborhoods the world over (I have been to North Manchester, Birmingham and a number of Council Estates and immigrant neighborhoods that were rather scary IMO) I don't think that just approaching them willy nilly and "shining your lovelight" on them is always a good idea. It does work some times. But it is also likely to simply make you a victim.

You seem to think that UK folk are less violent or aggressive than US heads. I found this to be the opposite many times. In England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland I saw bar fights nearly every night I went out. People over there brawl over soccer! Many of my dearest English friends are total nutters, and it is not uncommon for them to come home from a night out drinking with random and unknown scrapes, bruises and cuts.

In LA, you almost never see a bar fight. You can go out 100 nights in a row and never see a single punch thrown. People are rather polite when they think you might be packing heat. Of course, if you do see some shit go down... it is likely that body bags will be involved.

I don't really know which I prefer to be honest.


Perhaps you should consider that your reticence to accept the reality of dangers in Hyperspace says more about you than it does about me?
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#97 Posted : 7/10/2013 1:57:01 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:

I find your hypothesis hopelessly flawed.?

We are all flawed bro. That is one of my favourite things about humanity!

I was using my description of the entities being economocally deprived malcontents as a metaphor in relation to our views of sketchy areas. You don"t have to shine your lovelight on people, just talk to them as if they were human beings. But as you say shit going down in LA will likely involve body bags and people are more polite if they think you are packing heat. You are right i shouldn"t get into a discussion about our different levels of violent behaviour even though i wasn"t referring to Americans being more violent than English. Just a little bit cultuarally different in their upbringing.

The Sumerians weren"t cowboys but they were warriors, weren"t they? And i don"t think malcontents are a recent phenomonen.

I don"t think i am reticent about evil entities. Just because you don"t understand something doesn"t necessarily make it evil. I just think i would have a different way of dealing with them. But i promise you when i meet some right bastards i will try my way, and if it doesn"t work, you will be the first to know. If they still keep hassling me i will call in the cavalry/archangels/navy seals/jedi knights/inner warrior/starskey and hutch/Jim Rockford/spiderman/Kojak/chuck norris, or whatever i can think of at the time.

Maybe your assumption that i am reticent about the dangers of hyperspace says a little about you aswell (we could go round in circles with that one forever!!)
Hyperspace Fool
#98 Posted : 7/10/2013 4:03:49 PM

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hug46 wrote:
If they still keep hassling me i will call in the cavalry/archangels/navy seals/jedi knights/inner warrior/starskey and hutch/Jim Rockford/spiderman/Kojak/chuck norris, or whatever i can think of at the time.

Maybe your assumption that i am reticent about the dangers of hyperspace says a little about you aswell (we could go round in circles with that one forever!!)

How about we don't go round in circles with this... heheheh. Cool

I may be making an assumption, but your own words suggest that it is not too far off the mark. Reticent only means hesitant to fully accept.

Anyway, I like your Starsky & Hutch, Kojak and Chuck Norris rescue squad. Given the 70's heavy vibe, I assume your Spidey would be the cartoon version from the mid to late 70's?

As I recall, it started out on Electric Company...

I am old.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#99 Posted : 7/10/2013 4:21:34 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:

I assume your Spidey would be the cartoon version from the mid to late 70's?

You know it ! But i used to get the uk releases which i am not 100% sure were the same as the US versions.

I guess you are right in that i am reticent to accept that they are an exterior evil source but there is a large part of me that would love to be wrong.

As far as good and evil goes....Say i see a mouse running around in my house and i decide to catch it to give a little stroke and play with it. The mouse is gonna run like hell because it more than likely thinks i will be up to no good with it. Instinct,fear,survival.
Said mouse probably goes back to it"s family and tells them of this great leering, evil, human entity that chased it. Maybe it doesn"t understand the concept of a nice tickle on the tummy like we do. Perhaps we are the frightened mice in the presence of these entities.
Hyperspace Fool
#100 Posted : 7/10/2013 8:28:42 PM

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I feel you hug.

But you must also admit that there are plenty of people who catch mice to kill them... leave poisoned food around, set traps, and even torture them. Some mice wind up in labs with people who have no compassion for them doing experiments on them... giving them shocks... and even dissecting the mice without anesthesia. Most people regard mice as a lesser life form, and can't even open their minds to the fact that mice feel pain and have emotions.

And this says nothing about the local house cat... Even if the mouse comes to accept you as being a good entity, it is still dangerous for mice to leave their holes.

It is probably wise for Mr. Mouse to go home and tell his wife and kids not to associate with humans and to be very careful if they venture into HUMANspace.

Just saying.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
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