How to "combat" malevolent entities in hyperspace? Options
#61 Posted : 7/5/2013 6:18:12 PM
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Hyperspace Fool wrote:

There you go... believe it or not. I could care less. I have never had a psychotic episode. I know many people who have... many that I loved and cared deeply for. But I have seen shit that would make most people crazy. Somehow, I am not wired that way. Lucky, I suppose. This is not even the craziest story I have. Just one of many...

The life of real shaman are not easily understood by those who only know their little commercial worlds. I am not saying this to grandize myself. I don't know why I decided to share this actually. But if someone reads about this and learns something... maybe it is worth it.

Who knows?

So you're saying you're a real Shaman as opposed to me, and other more scientifically inclined Nexians with our little minds confined to a commercial world?

Excuse you?

That seems like a rather Narcicist thing to say. Actually incredibly Narcicistic.
Äctually it's downright offensive. Why would you assume that of our minds?
Just because we choose to have a different view on these phenomena than you?

So just opting the possibility that you may be experiencing delusions is reason for you to assume I have a shallow, little mind and that your mind must therefor be that of a real shaman, which is why I don't understand you? Your mind spins the strangest explanations.

You say in the beginning of your post that you're not mad at me and don't mean to lash out at me, yet throughout your posts that is exactly what you do. You also said, in that last bit of your post which I quoted, that you don't mean to "grandize" yourself, yet in that very paragraph that is exactly what you do. Seriously, go read that quoted paragraph again.
Read it as if you're reading someone else's words. Read it attentively and tell me that that is NOT grandizing yourself...

And all this contempt & resistance because I was merely trying to offer you my perspective, which has helped me conquer exactly these fears, and I was hoping it could help you too.
It works for me and I thought it might work for you too. You could at least give it a try.

To be honost about your abduction. None of it was explained too clearly. Like..
How did you end up in that 18 wheeler in the 1st place? Did you go in there voluntairily
& then got locked in? Did you get dragged in and locked in? Could it have been an accident?
Is there any definitive proof that this was in fact an abduction?

And those demons entering that 18 wheeler...Did they leave any scars on your body?
Did they leave behind any evidence of them being more than just an experience in the mind?

And maybe there was a Santeria ritual. Those happen all the time. Why assume you were going to be sacrificed? Why assume you were in any danger at all at any point of that situation?

For me to be genuinely concerned, I'm going to need some solid evidence.
Because these Demons you mention, I know them and they are masters of Deception.
But they won't deceive me. That's not only why I don't fear them. That is also the
very reason I HAVE nothing to fear from them. Fear is their way into you.
Without you fearing them, they are powerless. It's good advice, but take it or leave it.

I still strongly recommend you to read up on Carl Jung's concept of "The Shadow".
I'm curious as to what you might think of it, Hyperspace Fool.

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#62 Posted : 7/5/2013 6:41:08 PM

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Jees wrote:
Her choice for compassion was not stipulated strategy, it was instantaneously and spontaneously automatic intuitive response.

I like this^^^^..

Edit, lets not get too offended by each other as i think we can all agree that there is something happening beyond our normal scope of understanding, and trying to quantify it is like to trying to herd cats.
#63 Posted : 7/5/2013 8:15:18 PM

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Ska, is it possible the hostility/offensiveness you sense from Hyperspace fool is a product of your own projection?

It doesn't seem to me as if he is lashing out or personally targeting at you at all. But that's just my opinion.

My earlier question remains, do you apply jungian psychology to all parapsychological phenomenal? As great at it is, it's by no means a complete and finished model of the soul and other parapsychological experiences.

Does jungian psychology apply to the helpful benevolent spectrum of encounters and spirits too? Are the helpful positive entities equally part of a person's imagination example being those associated and documented with Ayauascha ? Are these spirits purely mental fabrications or is it possible there is some kind of externality to them beyond the light and shadow of the 'singular' soul perceiving them?

Of course none of this is quantifiable, but that's where shared reports ,art and recurring common themes tie things together to make a kind of informed, if not experienced opinion.

The truth is stranger than all fiction and non fiction combined Big grin
#64 Posted : 7/5/2013 8:23:52 PM

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Interesting account form Jung about something he considered not to be part of his self -- "Jung's Spirit Guide

"Because Jung turned psychoanalysis into a type of religion, he is also considered to be a transpersonal psychologist as well as a psychoanalytical theorist. He delved deeply into the occult, practiced necromancy, and had daily contact with disembodied spirits, which he called archetypes. Much of what he wrote was inspired by such entities. Jung had his own familiar spirit whom he called Philemon. At first he thought Philemon was part of his own psyche, but later on he found that Philemon was more than an expression of his own inner self.

Jung says:

"Philemon and other figures of my fantasies brought home to me the crucial insight that there are things in the psyche which I do not produce, but which produce themselves and have their own life. Philemon represented a force which was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. For I observed clearly that it was he who spoke, not I. . . . Psychologically, Philemon represented superior insight. He was a mysterious figure to me. At times he seemed to me quite real, as if he were a living personality. I went walking up and down the garden with him, and to me he was what the Indians call a guru."

also ;

"When his lecture for the SPR was reprinted in the Collected Works in 1947, Jung added a footnote explaining that he no longer felt as certain as he did in 1919 that apparitions were explicable through psychology, and that he doubted “whether an exclusively psychological approach can do justice to the phenomenon”. In a later postscript, he again admitted that his earlier explanation was insufficient, but that he couldn’t agree on the reality of spirits because he had no experience of them – conveniently forgetting the haunting in Aylesbury. But in a letter of 1946 to Fritz Kunkel, a psychotherapist, Jung admitted: “Metapsychic phenomena could be explained better by the hypothesis of spirits than by the qualities and peculiarities of the unconscious.”

#65 Posted : 7/5/2013 9:46:32 PM
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And I share in Jung's doubts about wether or not these entities are part of our Psyche or not.
But sofar I am inclined to believe they are representations of our own psyche. Or rather of the general human psyche. Perhaps we aren't willing to admit that these vile, disgusting entities are parts of our own psyche out of shame? Because it is in conflict with our self image; Who we aspire and strive to be? Just a thought.

I am not claiming absolute truths. Just asking questions. Inquiring possibilities.
But I am compelled to believe the nasty entities are parts of ourselves we denie, abandon, burry out of shame. You know; the crazy cousin we keep in the basement because he's the shame of the family. That unloved child becomes a monster. Such a monster that we don't even recognise it anymore as family; as ourselves. Or rather, so disgusting a monster, that we're
ashamed to admit that this too is part of you. Pride & Denial; Best of friends.

This is why I am more inclined to believe these monsters are really parts of ourselves that we couldn't accept or express(mostly because of societal standards, norms and tabboos) rather than that they are evil, external entities.

I remain open to the contrary being true; That they indeed ARE independant from our own consciousness & subconsciousness, but I have yet to experience or hear compelling enough evidence to do so.

And even IF there is credible evidence of these beings being independant from our consciousness,

then I still see no rational reason to fear these evil entities; Sofar I have only caught them
using smoke and mirrors to freak me out.

What you told me about your abduction, Hyperspace Fool, doesn't seem
to compell me to believe these entities are a real threat. In reading your story I fail to see how anything or anyone external has done any harm onto you or your friend.

You would have to be more specific about the specific threat these demons pose.
From what you told you saw them in the 18 wheeler, but beyond scaring you did
they really do harm unto you or your friend?
Also explain how you got into that 18 wheeler and what defined this as a kidnapping?
To be honoust you were very vague about that.
Hyperspace Fool
#66 Posted : 7/5/2013 10:00:23 PM

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^^ This. (in reference to DTR's post)


I am very familiar with Jung. Read his books starting back in the 70's. Some close friend of mine have even attended the CG Jung Institute in Küsnacht. I like Jung a lot more than Freud, but that isn't saying a whole lot. I find others in his circle like Wilhelm Reich more interesting, personally. He seemed at his most poignant when he was talking about Eastern Mysticism and things like the I Ching in my mind. But then, there are plenty of better sources for that stuff.

Perhaps you are not familiar with the more occult and mystical side of Herr Jung and his fellows in the White Brotherhood. I think you would be surprised to find that his views were often closer to mine than to those of the Jungian Analysts who borrowed his name.

That said, I don't think there is much point in engaging in this back and forth with you. It is not really a dialogue and I have already shared plenty with you. I never said you should be convinced by anything I have to say... in fact, I said that I would be disappointed in you if you were. I certainly would not be convinced by anything I have said if I had not lived it myself. That is just the nature of the beast. People who think that anything you read anecdotally is convincing have not studied epistemology. Unfortunately this goes for most so-called scientific evidence... as few people ever actually see any of this evidence for themselves. I know I have never seen an atom, let alone a quark or a boson.

I will only conclude this exercise in futility by saying that I made it clear that I am not afraid. I was not afraid at times when rationality says that I probably should have been. I also told you that I was not alone in the kidnapping. There are cases of mass hysteria or shared delusions... but that is not what we felt happened.

We did get into the truck willingly, but it was very odd how the driver came to pick us up and offer us a ride when we weren't even hitchhiking. Beyond controversy is that he took us perhaps 4 hours out of our way and in a direction we clearly were not headed. It was before leaving the main highway and heading up into the mountains that he locked us in.


I told you that I was astral projecting when I battled them. I never said they were flesh and blood.

You seem to think I am attacking you... but I am not. You seem to think I care what you think... I do not. I mentioned that real shaman are difficult to understand and accept... because they are. I have no idea if you consider yourself a shaman, but from your posts I would guess not. I never met a shaman who would debate against the reality of spirits and demons. I on the other hand have spent literally decades doing this stuff and practicing authentic shamanism with actual ayahuasceros, mescaleros and brujos. This isn't a badge of honor any more than someone who went to law school calling himself a lawyer is.

But again. I have no interest in engaging with you further. You obviously have some issue with me. I assure you it is not mutual. Perhaps I should not have shared some of what I did. It is clear that something in my posts is touching a sensitive button with you and I would not want to cause you any distress, especially in light of your admitted former instability.

So, my friend... I bid you a fond farewell. I will not be responding to you anymore.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
Hyperspace Fool
#67 Posted : 7/5/2013 10:09:26 PM

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I did mention that I saw the blue orb of electricity which was at least somewhat physical, and visible to others... though it was more of a high frequency energy being than anything you would consider material.

I have seen other positive and neutral entities take on forms that could be somewhat physical or even fairly physical for that matter... and the demons I mentioned before were not really physical at all. They were clearly still on an astral plane, though some of their presence was at least affecting the physical realm. I think that such entities are not flesh and blood, though they can possess material beings (dogs, people, wolves etc.)
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#68 Posted : 7/5/2013 10:35:56 PM
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I defenitely consider myself to be a Shaman, but by no means traditional.
I explore my own Psyche, expand my consciousness to look deeply into myself.
I work with plants & Fungi to achieve these insights to learn the workings of
the spirit and to diagnose & heal it's ills. But I will not accept a doctrine to
tell me what to do and what to beleive from A to Z. I create my own Shamanic method.
I believe in the existance of "spirits", but my prefered definition of them is just different from yours.

I don't know why you're constantly trying to prove your superior understanding of Shamanism and thus of the human mind and the spirit world. I think many of us here are Shamans,
by intuition and by practice, but do not nececairily choose to strictly follow traditional forms shamanism or even call themselves Shaman. Don't think your understanding of spiritual entities is superior to that of other members here. Just because you've learned so much about this as you said, doesn't mean there isn't anything you can learn from other people with different perspectives on this matter. Don't forget that many Nexians, myself included, have had a great many of Psychedelic experiences with various different Psychedelic plants & compounds, just like you. You're not exactly talking to people who are new to hyperspace and it's many entities, but you seem to forget that.

So my defenition of spirits is different from yours.
I choose to incorporate some western Psychology into that as I find it helpfull.
You seem very fond of Spiritual traditions/Mythology and have a deep contempt of anything reaking of Western Psychology. I used to share that view once too, but it's just not realistic.
I came to realise that each ideology had it's share of bullshit: Jungian psychology, The 1st testament, the 2nd testament, Quran, Buddhist scriptures, etc..etc. But each of these ideologies have their share of wisdom too.
I try to blend ideologies and methods/traditions into something that feels right & true to me.

The Jungian concept of the Shadow indeed is very spiritual(at least for Western Psychology), and that's why it
appeals to me: It builds a perfect, sensible bridge between Psychology & Spirituality/Mythology. It is actually a quite Shamanic approach to understanding the human mind.

And applying this insight and this perspective in DMT voyages while encountering the most awefull entities has worked wonders for me. And as I read back in this Topic, more people acknowledged that this approach has helped them overcome this darkness too.

I'm sorry this doesn't work for you, but don't discredit this view, because there are still plenty of DMT smoalkers for whom this Jungian approach is super effective and helpfull at becomming free from fear and Diagnosing & healing troubled parts of themselves.

#69 Posted : 7/5/2013 11:06:23 PM

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It's somewhat presumptuous for someone to assume they know what 'works' or doesn't work for someone else.

The actuality of all of this is not black and white. However, If someone has a preferred method for obtaining peace of mind when encountering external conflictive entities or aspects of the self, then so be it. Just realize that each encounter and instance will be unique, and without having experienced the other's perspective, you can only at best pass your own personally informed opinion. Which may be the truth, a half truth,or a distortion in and of it's self.

In short;

You can't discredit or negate someone's reality or experience without first having experienced it.

Regardless of the varied subjective and shared perspectives we can take, it's important to remember we all form an objective whole. so to that, any discord is just an experience of a greater dynamic at play, including our world/s view and how we communicate that amongst ourselves.

Maybe the world is always in continual conversation with it's shadow, it's light, the demons and daemons, as we speak .Maybe we're the words spoke and not necessarily always the speaker' speaking them Big grin

#70 Posted : 7/6/2013 6:16:24 AM
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Okay, since this thread is about how to combat malevolent entities. I am sometimes plagued by black/dark wormy slimy parasites. It is mentioned by someone on dreamviews forum that these are something to watch out for when trying to astral travel through wormholes. I think Carlos Castaneda mentioned them. I am convinced these are one of the most well-known negative entities.

They feed off of negative thoughts. Or so i've read. I have seen them eat from my dad his living body in an hallucination. I tried to get them off of him as if it where a dream. I'm not sure if it had any effect at all. I did not really interact much with the vision (ofcourse, i did not have a body in this "dream" ). i did shine light however, which was my method of combat at the time. And my father seems to be a happier person since that time. i did also do things in real life to trigger that happiness and make him proud.

I am most certainly inclinced to believe it is a mix of jungian psychology and astral entities. What is stunning is the level of synchronisity in entities experiences by different people. What i hear from hyperspace fool and others in this forum perfectly matches what i have heared from some people on dreamviews when they describe astral entities. I am saddened by the fact that my life is not so adventurous and haven't met or fought any entities.

I remember one scary episode on mushrooms. I was having a hard time focussing and didn't realize why. My thoughts where okay just one minute ago. It is only when i entered a room where i was alone that i had trouble maintaining stability. Then i noticed these tiny black wormlike creatures sucking on me like leeches, it felt physical so it caused a real threat. I don't remember how it stopped i just remember seeing one big fat worm and then it was gone. Then i was being operated on by alien beings, "fixing me". Shortly after that i regained energy and found myself communicating with a clear voice inside my head asking me questions about my deoderant. I closed my eyes and saw grand scale battles in space. I wanted to meet up with my friends in the other room but i hallucinated a black cat blocking the door. I took it as an omen that leaving the room early is bad luck. And waited for the cat to disappear and marched towards my friends. I met them exactly in the middle of the hallway as they just came out of the room looking for me. Needless to say i was impressed by the synchronisity of our actions.

So and so, judging from my own experience it is very hard to convey to others how it makes me feel and how convinced i am of the reality of my situation. There's just so many details that 'proof' the reality of the situation but trying conveying it to others just makes it sound like a fairy tail. While that is EXACTLY the reason why it is so obvious these things aren't merely delusions.


I mentioned these tiny worms here. I think if we really want to discuss the objectivity of what method is best to combat these worms we should do experiments and then decide which method is most effective. I think on the go we will find out what triggers these experiences and if they pose real threats. In either case i am eager to learn how to defend myself against such attacks on my psyche.
#71 Posted : 7/6/2013 11:45:07 AM
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Rather these beings ARE real, but their only power is deception.
With this deception they can trap people in delusions.

Time after time people seem to think I denie the existance of spirits, but it's just because people don't read my posts properly. They do exist, but as far as I've seen and heard of them
, they don't do harm the way a physical being would; They don't physically harm people. They do however mentally/spiritually harm people, but only if these people are gullable and instable to begin with; Like a Lion that seeks out the weakest antilope as it's prey.

If you are easily scared or seduced, you are more likely to be assaulted by these negative entities. If you are suggestable enough, they can manipulate you into death & destruction.
They can not harm your body, but if you're gullable enough they can manipulate your mind.
When they have proper control of your mind they will use YOU to hurt your own body and/or that of others.

It's all bluff to me. All just perceptions with which they try to convince you of the genuine threat they pose. The threat that turns out to be hollow when I stopped running away from it and started facing it.

So once again, before you go bashing me again with incorrect assumptions:
I DO believe in the genuine existance of these spirits.
I just do NOT believe in their threats being genuine & anything beyond an amazingly persistant & extravagant parade of Bluff.

I mean I've travelled hyperspace with smoalked DMT countless times, encountered the most repulsive entities ever so often and yet....
Here I am in 1 piece, alive and well, being able to say I came out better out of each DMT voyage than I went in.

So what about those threats these gnarly entities made? Hollow, Bluff. Because if they really meant harm, they could've long destroyed me by now, given how many times I ventured into their home territory. They didn't . Because they can't Pleased

This realisation, that these entities are powerless beyond what beliefs I accept from them,
has come to function as a shield to weather and to ward off these nasty entities.
#72 Posted : 7/6/2013 12:42:47 PM

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It's not a case of being gullible = ability to receive mental or spiritual 'harm'

There's a lot more to our physicality and psycho-physicality than meets the eye anyway. Having energy or life-force drained or stolen from you is somewhere in the middle of mental and physical although this drainage doesn't always happen but can when encountering the parasite types.

This is why certain curanderos and shamans can 'sing' someone back into symmetry or retrieve aspects of a person's soul that may be elsewhere, or obscured.

You may not be in physical harm, but if you're open to the possibility of the luminous and energy body that is around and inside of us,the electromagnetic feild etc, you can see why there might be cause for concern when interacting with the malevolent entities, and spiritual attacks people report from sorcerers ,black witches etc. Sometimes simply thinking it away on the spot doesn't remove the presence of an outside force that is visibly feeding on 'energy' and not always just through thoughts/responses.

If you have been subject to some of the malevolent mind-tricks, you'll know that it can feel like an eternity in and of it's self. Simply knowing they have no power over you when in a state where you're conceptual mind has virtually been unbound by all concepts doesn't provide refuge or stop the experience in it's tracks.

This thread was about what to do in those situations. Knowing they cannot physically harm you doesn't always change or stop the direction of the experience--.Sometimes you need more than just physical reassurance that to ensure your mental well-being and energetic levels remains intact.

Hence why i Mentioned calling on Arch-angel Micheal as did Hyperspace Fool.

It's much more beneficial for people to learn how to combat these experiences alone, but knowing that A.a Michael is a thought's distance away can provide a lot of comfort in knowing you're safe, and that any energetic residue or etheric,astral or hyperspacial ties can be torn on request.

And On that note,

Happy,Safe and Blissfully-Fulfilling travels to everyone. May our experiences and insights collectively embody Divine-Will and contribute to our shared concious evolution Smile

#73 Posted : 7/6/2013 2:41:58 PM

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Not to get into the 'real/unreal' debate, but for those talking about calling upon a certain light being to help, how do you do it exactly? Do you just wish/imagine it, or do you literaly call this being out, or?
#74 Posted : 7/6/2013 3:42:12 PM

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Yeah you just think of their name,and mentally ask for them. The Archangels are literally a thoughts distance away and don't seem to be bound by the same laws as time and space as we are.

I've also tried it For Arch-angel Gabriel and received the same conformational buzz.This wasn't in the case of an entity encounter though, i Feel that's Michael's speciality. I think it worked for Raphael too but i can't remember if i tried it or not. When i'm in 'regular-space' , i usually get a slight tap on foot or somewhere else on the body when i call on them. Before the conformational buzzing started, i personally didn't really think of their existence much or at all, but it was a personal paradigm shifter to personally know that they're real. (Gabriel,Michael,Uriel and Raphael, the rest vary between faiths). As with all Religions and faiths, there are portions of truth as well as slightly more misinformed or miscommunicated things.

I plan to experiment in the future to see if it's possible to connect with Avalokiteshvara or some other historical Bodhisattvas out there with the ability to bless/neutralize a situation.

If these higher compassionate beings exist, it makes sense that communication would be easier when in this hyper-connected space.

#75 Posted : 7/6/2013 4:32:40 PM

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d-T-r wrote:
Simply knowing they have no power over you when in a state where you're conceptual mind has virtually been unbound by all concepts doesn't provide refuge or stop the experience in it's tracks.

How do you manage to get it together to ask for help if you have lost the idea of concepts? Let alone being able to work out the difference between the concepts of good and evil. I have to say that going in with the idea of knowing they have no real power over you can be a good starting point for me. It can be very mentally beneficial to know that you have come out the other side in one piece due to your own volition.
I think we all have our own ways of dealing with these things, as in life itself. If i come across anything particularly nasty on my travels i will try to ask for help. If my mind is up to the job of conceptualising the question.
#76 Posted : 7/6/2013 5:04:20 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
I have seen other positive and neutral entities take on forms that could be somewhat physical or even fairly physical for that matter... and the demons I mentioned before were not really physical at all. They were clearly still on an astral plane, though some of their presence was at least affecting the physical realm. I think that such entities are not flesh and blood, though they can possess material beings (dogs, people, wolves etc.)

The idea came to me after listening to the Psychedelic Salon podcast from Hamilton Souther. He talks about physical manifestations, like entities running over water and making the water splash, entities bomb-dropping on the roof, entities moving water and boats, visual manifestations that more people could see, stuff like that.

Yet your blue orb, and maybe stuff like cropcircles might be examples of positive beings doing the same. Somehow, it sounds like something entities normally don't do, manifesting so deep in our physical reality that things start to move etc. Maybe there are cosmic laws against that, who knows Big grin

Infectedstyle wrote:
I think if we really want to discuss the objectivity of what method is best to combat these worms we should do experiments and then decide which method is most effective.

Infectedstyle, I very much agree. The value of this thread to me is not in determining an "objective truth" but in sharing what works in your own experiences. That's of real value of me, because you might have tried and encountered things I haven't. Share~learn~expand, is it not Smile ? Interesting what you say about shining light as a combat method. That just seems to work for a lot of people. It might also explain why calling for help from lightbeings seems to work as well, because they are obviously better (or more experienced) at shining light than we are.

endlessness wrote:
Not to get into the 'real/unreal' debate, but for those talking about calling upon a certain light being to help, how do you do it exactly? Do you just wish/imagine it, or do you literaly call this being out, or?

Some valuable things have been said already, but to add my perspective: I develloped over the years a bond with a few guides. To me it has helped to ask there names (when i have the clarity to think about that) because it makes it easier to call them when it is needed. I had one guide, called Emmanuel, a more or less human-looking entity. He explained a lot to me and has always been a trustworthy guide. At some point he just introduced me to another guide, an angelic being, more made of something i can only describe as 'galaxy'. I was introduced to hem because Emmanuel had reached to borders of what he could teach me and this new being had some advanced lessons i was ready to be taught. He calls himself Metatron. I always wonder if these names pop up because I heard such an angelic name somewhere before, but anyway, that's what he told me Smile Then there are some groups of lightbeings, they don't really have a name, or maybe I never asked it. But they are just 'many'. And then there is this experience of the 'Central Light', a source of Light that is so mindblowing that I can hardly breath, think or even exist in its presence. I think 'God' might be a good label for that...And last but not least, Archangel Michael. I did with the Santo Daime some 'cura Sao Miguel' rituals, healing rituals in which Michael is called upon. That were my first encounters with him, and he is very powerfull indeed in exorcising darkness...

Now, if I get in trouble in hyperspace, I know I have some powerfull friends with which I build some sort of relationship with over the years. Some I know I can trust, that don't fool me. When I really need them, I often feel safe just because they are present. I think I have got the biggest problems when I dont recognize an entity as being malevolent. You know, you encounter this entity, it starts teaching and talking, and at some point, i start wondering: would this be real? is this to be trusted, or are this the tricks of an entity with a hidden agenda? So , for me, a good starting point is to have the intention to encounter entities that are light, or at least have them in the neighbourhood, in stead of just seeing what will come to you. Next to that, checking there degree of transparency (1.dark, 2.transparent to light and 3. radiant themself) and there 'temperature' (cold=malevolent, warm=benign, at least to some degree this goes in my experience) before you engage seems like a good strategy.

d-T-r wrote:
I plan to experiment in the future to see if it's possible to connect with Avalokiteshvara or some other historical Bodhisattvas out there with the ability to bless/neutralize a situation.

Sounds like an interesting experiment. You do things like meditating on those beings when not on entheogens as well??
#77 Posted : 7/6/2013 5:49:11 PM

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Hug, If i can conceptualize asking for help if needed i will, but admittedly there has been times when that hasn't been possible and i have had to ride it out. i guess it depends on what kind of level of an experience you're on.

cheiron, Sounds like you're possibly friends with the Angel Metatron, nice! Would be cool to hear more about these guides and your interactions with them.

As for the last question, i never used to very frequently or at all, but have been doing so lately.

In my last rue and shroom journey i was in the presence of some very Royal ancient Asian/Tibetan looking people.Male and female. For some reason that's where i'm being pulled at the moment.

Very recently on the astral i was told by a voice i should practice the Tibetan budhist practice of 'Chöd' which is very apt to this thread as it's about severing all connection with the ego through ritual offering of yourself to spirits and demons. There's the literal aspect of it and the symbolic and there is the aspect where you learn how to correctly deal with such spirits. Bringing healing and balance to any wandering lost spirits you encounter basically. It's a blend of Shamanism, Yoga and Buddhism.Essentially, going to the depths of the places within that scare you to help realize the true nature of emptiness and the identifications we have not being a part of our unbounded identity.

I probably wouldn't have looked in to it in more depth if i hadn't been recommend by a positive presence on the astral.I had heard of the word before, but not looked in to it's meaning) I'm a beginner with t all anyway but i feel that the paths of Buddhism that put emphasis on cultivating Bodhichitta and unconditional compassion to all sentient beings (the malevolent beings too) is a high and healthy stance to take where ever you are in the universe and world. The more we evolve, the more we become of service to others where ever they are.

Last october i was also told a 'psyhic mantra' while awake but in the presence of astral spirits that were harassing me. This was before i knew or believed that Micheal could help. Annoyingly i don't know to spell the mantra to try and work out how to translate it but i'm sure i'll find out one day.

That time, and the recent Chod recommendation is the second time i've heard an Asian/Tibetan sounding man so i can only assume he is a guide of mine. Would love to see his face and sustain a conversation one day.

#78 Posted : 7/6/2013 6:58:20 PM
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d-T-r wrote:
Yeah you just think of their name,and mentally ask for them. The Archangels are literally a thoughts distance away and don't seem to be bound by the same laws as time and space as we are.

I've also tried it For Arch-angel Gabriel and received the same conformational buzz.This wasn't in the case of an entity encounter though, i Feel that's Michael's speciality. I think it worked for Raphael too but i can't remember if i tried it or not. When i'm in 'regular-space' , i usually get a slight tap on foot or somewhere else on the body when i call on them. Before the conformational buzzing started, i personally didn't really think of their existence much or at all, but it was a personal paradigm shifter to personally know that they're real. (Gabriel,Michael,Uriel and Raphael, the rest vary between faiths). As with all Religions and faiths, there are portions of truth as well as slightly more misinformed or miscommunicated things.

I plan to experiment in the future to see if it's possible to connect with Avalokiteshvara or some other historical Bodhisattvas out there with the ability to bless/neutralize a situation.

If these higher compassionate beings exist, it makes sense that communication would be easier when in this hyper-connected space.

I suppose I too have my Archangel. Allthough it has no name and takes various shapes,
I often give it the shape of a Big feline human hybrid-being. But unlike Hyperspace Fool,
I do not perceive this Archangel(same as the demons) to be a separate entitiy of myself.

I see this Archangel as being an aspect of my own self. And thus it is allways with me,
as it is part of me. Calling it can be as simple of thinking of this Archangel, but it will never be further than my subconsciousness. It may not allways be on the forefront of my mind, but as soon as I encounter ill-intentioned entities I automatically think of this ArchAngel and there it is.

In my case I often think of myself transforming into a Feline-man. Human Body, lion's head and a long lion's tail. And a magic glare in my eyes. It is powerfull, fearless & throbbing with happy, curious, humorous energy. It fears no evil.
This archangel doesn't even need to be summoned as I know I am it. In times of need it will come to my aid, even when I don't summon it; it knows when it's needed.

When being attacked by Demons it's me having war with (disjointed, ill parts of) myself.
Or, in case I am healed & educated by angelic entities,
It's me being educated & healed by my the various Angelic Archetypes that comprise my self.

We all have this inner conflict, allthough very few will realise or admit it.
#79 Posted : 7/6/2013 7:00:21 PM

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d-T-r wrote:
Sounds like you're possibly friends with the Angel Metatron

i guess you could say so Smile

d-T-R wrote:
Would be cool to hear more about these guides and your interactions with them.

I'll tell you the experience of my first encounter with Metatron. I week before the ritual I had the encounter, I had a dream. It was about a shaman that was building a house for me. He had a group of pupils and he accepted me as one of them. He showed me things in the house like a crystal/waterfall construction they were building on his instructions. Then we went to a stairway that went down, with step that were very short (like 15 cm) and then went down like 60 cm deep. He asked me to give my glasses to him, so i did. Then the shaman hit me hard on my back, so i fell one step down. It was a shock, but he jumped very smoothly next to me on the step. Then he hit me again, so I fell another step downwards. At the moment I fell I had the sensation of being hanged. I told the shaman about this sensation, and i started to cry. The shaman told me: you have to change the perspective to the outside. So I looked at my hanging from the outside, I saw myself being hanged from a distance. This was much easier to handle. Then the dream ended.

A week later I entered a Santo Daime ritual. I dont recall if it was a 'cura' or a 'concentration', but anyway, we meditated during the ritual. I met Emmanuel, with which I was quite familiar, and he told me ' you have come to another level of what you need to learn, and i cannot show you that. Then he introduced me to another being. At first I was quite suspicious: 'and who are you, i dont know you, should i trust you'. This new being (that turned out to be Metatron) sensed my suspicion and showed me his chest. He had some sort of tatoos on his heart, which I couldnt read but I could understand their meaning. They stated that he had dedicated his existence to serving the intentions of Love in the Universe. I thought, alright, if you put that on your chest, I trust you Smile
Then he said, come along with me. So he did something I had never done before: we traveled back in time. We arrived at somewhere in the middle ages, like 1550 or 1620, somewhere like that. It was in Southern Europe, Portugal, maybe Spain or France. We entered a scene were I was being hanged. Fuck, that's me. on a gallows. Choking. I looked at Metatron (which name I didnt yet know back then) like, whats this, tell me what this is about? He explained: this is a moment in your past, and you never really went through this moment of death properly, so we have to help you. What we are going to do is bringing more light to the situation. Ok, that's cool, i'm in , I thought. So we went closer, and my 'former me' saw us approaching. I was kind of happy, and I introduced myself: hi, its me! And i told my current 21st century name. My 'former me' didnt understand who the fuck I was. I understood: hmmm, ok, it's not the time now to explain that I'am him, that I'm a future incarnation of him/me, too complicated. Forget about introducing. So what i did was just what Metatron told me to do: add light. Lots of light. Suddenly it happened. The 'former me' was sort of obsessed with this idea "damn all is lost, i should have shut my mouth, all is lost". They convicted me, because I was some sort of esoteric that started to communicate with entities and in my enthousiasm I told to many people about that and someone thought that was heresy enough to hang me. But than it happened: the 'former me' realised that all the knowledge he gathered would pass on to this new incarnation. The mood of regret and remorse gave way to happiness. At that moment I could access this whole area, like thousands of lost memories suddenly flooding my consciousness. I saw the wife and kids I had back then, I saw the table with the books I studied, I saw kabbalistic diagrams, esoteric symbols, I saw the streets I used to walk through. Amazing experience. I expanded my identity to span the middle ages. I lived in the middle ages and take this knowledge with me in this life. That also put another perspective of my starting to study tarot, kabbalah, astrology etc. when I was 16. I just recognized the knowledge and picked up my old study...

So, long story, but you asked for it Pleased And it is an amazing story, even to myself...

Interesting you get these teachings about asian/tibetan practices. Sounds like a good path for you...

d-T-r wrote:
unconditional compassion to all sentient beings (the malevolent beings too) is a high and healthy stance to take where ever you are in the universe and world

That does resonate with me Smile

Also, interesting what you say about this Tibetan guide you hear. Seems like you have a connection indeed. I had some encounters with a Chinese Daoist master lately in hyperspace. Also pretty interesting, I thought. But the Tibetans have this amazing knowledge and maps of hyperspace, they are true masters in these areas.

Funny you mention this desire to see his face. I once had a conversation with the Archangel Michael, and when I realized it was him speaking to me, I literally begged him to show himself. I could only hear his voice and see his eyes. But he said, no no, looking would distract from the content of my teaching. But I kept on begging, oh please, just a moment. So he showed himself for a small moment, I was swept away in amazement, beautiful, these wing-like energies from his back, impressive, this sword-like tool made of Pure Truth, just.... Ok, enough, he said. It distracts. And I had to agree on that, so then he just started this verbal teaching during my meditation.
#80 Posted : 7/6/2013 8:04:21 PM

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Big grin Thanks for sharing all of that cheiron! sounds like an intense but rewarding experience.Karmic cleasining. I have a freind who did something similiar in ceremony, returning to visit himself as a child to put up a protective wall of light around him to heal that point in his past.

Interesting you get these teachings about asian/tibetan practices. Sounds like a good path for you...

Yeah going to go with it for now. I think the hidden realms of that area (shambala) and understanding the realms related to aya will be a key area of study. Parallel astral and etheric civilizations that exist simultaneously on this world pocketed around the world beyond the veils of perception.


Ska, thanks for sharing your angelic and feline perspectives.Most likely something karmicly relevant to you.

On the off chance you don't fancy doing battle yourself one time, or if you fancy experimenting in general, i would be interested to see if you felt the 'external' presence of any of the Arch-angels mentioned when called on mid flight. I know you don't need to, but it would be cool to see given the previous posts if you sense any kind of difference between your familiar own inner higher/angelic self you mention and that of say Michael,Gabriel etc.

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