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#1 Posted : 7/3/2013 8:15:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 30-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Jun-2024
Location: The Twilight Zone
Hey all!

I was recently reflecting on many of the shenanigans I've gotten myself into during some of my psychedelic escapades and I thought it'd make for a good thread. If something like this already exists I apologize and feel free to remove this, obviously.

So I was thinking about how in my experience with psychedelics it seems that the funniest, most bizarre, unlikely, inconvenient, and downright weird things only seem to happen to me when I'm tripping. Maybe it's all coincidental, maybe not--but they make for good stories and if these kind of things happen to anyone else I'd love to read about them. I think we could get a funny little thread going here.

Ok to start it off, I was tripping on acid about a year and a half, maybe 2 years ago. This was one of my earlier experiences with LSD (or any kind of entheogen for that matter) and I was with 2 other buddies who were both on the same dose. At the time I couldn't have told you what the exact dosage was (2 tabs of blotter), but now I might put each tab between 80-100 mics. It's hard to say though because I had relatively little experience with psychedelics so my tolerance was very different from what it is now. Ok so anyways, we're a few hours in and feeling great and decide to head outside despite the slushy rain/snow coming down. We headed down to the waterfront and stood on the docks watching the chunks of melted ice on the surface of the water get thrown around in the waves. It was extremely liberating to be the only ones out in the awful weather, completely at peace and comfortable with it--we were all entranced by the quantum dance that seemed to be taking place between the water and melting ice. As this is happening, a stray seagull flies down next to us at head level, abruptly turns around and starts trying to fly against the wind. It can't fly against the wind so it's staying perfectly in place, hovering right next to us. Then to top it off, it lets out one of it's birdcries, and an entire flock(?) of gulls swoops down directly next to us and starts flying against the wind. So here we are, 3 guys with our heads full of acid, surrounded by about 15 hovering gulls. We could have literally reached out and plucked them down out of the air; and no I'm not exaggerating. They hovered there for a half a minute to maybe a full minute before turning around and swooping off with the wind current.

Numba twooo! This took place about a month or 2 ago. I was on 200 mics or so of blotter LSD, tripping alone. I dropped later in the day so the experience was mostly at night. I spent the majority of the trip down at the beach stargazing. It was a great experience and I'm acutally contemplating writing a full report. So after a while down at the beach I decide I'm gonna get up and go home to enjoy the rest of my trip there. This was only about and hour or 2 into the experience, and I was starting to come up pretty hard. In retrospect I should have just stayed on the beach since I knew I was coming up on my peak, but at the time I thought it'd be smarter to try and get home before it really took me. By the time I get off the path to get down to the beach and into the center of town, I'm definitely peaking. I start heading off towards the direction of my house when I hear someone shout across the street. I can't understand what they're saying, but I figure it has nothing to do with me so I ignore it and keep going. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and see someone across the street gesturing in my direction; and I was the only person in the general area at that moment. They shout again, clearly gesturing for me to cross the street; there's a gas station there and there was a group of people just sitting outside the station trying to get my attention. My first assumption is that they must be people I know, but I could hardly see straight and was experiencing intense tunnel-vision. I cross the street and wave to them, and approach them figuring they must be people I know. Just try to have a normal conversation; don't let them know you have no idea who they are. Try not to talk long...tell them you're in a hurry. When I reach them, they all give me a high-five and everything; assuring me that they must be friends of some sort. It was very dark out and it was near impossible to focus on people's faces, and I felt self conscious about staring for too long at these people trying to figure out who they were.
"Hey man, so we were looking for mushrooms could you help us out?"
"Uhhh..." Here a red flag went up for me; I do NOT sell psychedelic drugs, and I do not necessarily condone the sale of them. All of my friends know that I refuse to sell psychedelics, but I am known to freely share them with close friends. It suddenly dawned on me that I had absolutely no idea who any of these people were at all, but for some reason they saw me and assumed I must sell mushrooms. (I'd like to think I dress modestly and wouldn't give off the impression that I'm associated with psychedelics)
I was flustered. "Uhmm...excuse me?" I could hardly think straight and was beginning to lose my grip on reality. What in the hell..? What are the chances of strangers I've never met picking me out on the street while I'm tripping, and then asking me for mushrooms?
"Yeah sorry guys--I don't think I can help you out...I thought I knew who you were."
"Oh...well you know where we could get some?"
I gotta get out of here.......
"Err...I dunno man just ask around town or something."
"Where around town?"
At this point I knew that if I stayed any longer I was either going to have some kind of break or I'd end up stuck in the parking lot for the next few hours, so I just started walking in the opposite direction. I yelled back across the street to them.
"I have no idea....that way!" I pointed to the direction of the center of town. "Be careful!" I should have told them not to ask for drugs from strangers, but I wasn't thinking too clearly at the time.
Well anyways I hadn't thought my getaway out too well and I was walking back in the direction I had just come from, back down towards the beach. I was completely baffled and trying to wrap my head around it, so I didn't mind ending back at the beach. I spent the next half hour or so in a bit of a paranoid anxious state because of the whole thing, but I was able to get through it and the rest of the experience was fantastic and healing. Smile

Last one for now, and this one will be short. This was sometime last year, and once again I was tripping solo on 2-300 mics of LSD. (I think this might have been liquid...but that's not really relevant). Me and 2 of my buddies were hanging out on the front porch of my apartment. At the time I lived across the street from 2 very cute girls, I had always wanted to gather the courage to walk over and talk to them at some point, but never had. They were also out on their front porch talking with one another, and they had an unopened bottle of wine. So we're sitting there for a while, I'm watching one of my friends skateboard around while I ponder movement through time/space. Suddenly, one of them yells across the street to us.
"Hey, which one of you guys lives there?"
My friends point at me.
"I do."
"Can we borrow your bottle opener?"
"Uhhm, I don't think we have a bottle opener."
"Yeah you do I've borrowed it from one of your room-mates before"
Now at the time I was living in small house with 4 other guys. It was the nastiest living situation I've ever been in in my entire life. I'm not going to derail here, but shit that house was absolutely disgusting. Anyways I spent most of my time to myself up in my clean room and didn't store/do anything downstairs. I had no idea where anything was, because nothing was where it was supposed to be.
My friends both quietly laugh at me as I pull myself up and turn to head inside to look for a bottle opener. I yell back, "This might be a while"
The acid is still going pretty strong at this point so I was pretty convinced there was no way I would ever find this bottle opener. Ironically, it was right in the very first drawer I opened. I grab it and head back out.
"Here you go!"
Brief silence.
"You wanna bring it across the street to us?"
I walk across the street, reach them, and hand them the bottle opener.
"So we've lived across the street from each-other a while now, I've met one of your roommates and I recognize you but we've never talked."
Why does this have to happen now?
"Yeah I don't think we have."
She opens the bottle, but doesn't immediately hand back the opener.
Another silence--I decide to break it.
"So...what's your name?"
She tells me her name, I don't register it at all. At this point her features are turning into fractal infinities and their voices are completely distorted and almost beyond comprehension. I could feel myself being sucked into an infinite focal point everywhere I looked. I manage to tell her my name.
"How long have you been living here?" She asks me. "Here you should sit and chat for a bit. Finish this bottle with us! I feel bad stealing your bottle opener all the time, we should be neighborly and get to know eachother"
"I have to go"
"Keep the bottle opener, I have to go"
"No we're good, you should take it back!"
By this point I was already across the street. "Just keep it!"
I sit back down on the porch and both my friends are having a good laugh at my expense. The girls only sat out there for a minute before capping their wine and going back inside, clearly confused.
Frankly I felt like an idiot and I never got the opportunity to talk to either of those girls again. Part of me wanted to just tell them I was on acid, and then I would have had no problem sitting with them; but the more logical side of me figured that'd be a bad idea and I should just weird them out anyways without explaining myself. Rolling eyes
Live and learn I guess! Laughing

Anyways there's 3 to start, I've got lot's more but I think this is fine for now. I'm sure some of you have absolutely wild stories in comparison and I'd love to read about them.
"Consciousness grows in spirals." --George L. Jackson

If you can just get your mind together, then come across to me. We'll hold hands and then we'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea...
But first, are you experienced?

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