adam wrote:IMO people who try psychedelics and don't like them seem scared of themselves. Has anyone else witnessed this?
It seems like of the people I know who have had bad trips on psychedelics and who discount them, lie to themselves.
To what degree do you think people are just simply scared of psychedelics?
I feel absolutely the same way. Bob Marley said this about Cannabis once:
"The Herb reveals you to yourself." This could be said about all Psychedelics.
The content of a DMT or LSD trip is not in the DMT or LSD itself: it is content
of the user's mind. Content that has been burried beneath psychological barriers.
All Psychedelics do is dissolve barriers, allowing repressed psychological material
(Trauma as well as Joy/Creativity) to resurface & be relived.
So indeed if someone is affraid of the content of a psychedelic experience, they
are essentially terrified of themselves on a deep psychological level. No matter
how bad many people want to denie that those traumatised, disfunctional & repressed
memories & desires are parts of their self, they ARE part of our Psyche.
It's just that those in denial of the less charming parts of their soul can no longer
keep up this denial under the influence of a Psychedelic; Barriers dissolve and the
parts of themselves they find unacceptable resurface; A bad trip is born.
Simply because I will not denie any part of myself I do not fear bad trips anymore.
I still subconsciously repress experiences, like any other, but unlike most people
around me I dig to uncover the truth of issues, so I might 1 day understand and solve them.
I'm eager to confront the repressed parts of my Psyche, because I know that burrying them
deeply inside of me where I can't see it will just mean breeding a monster inside of me, giving it power untill it can overtake my personality. I will not allow monsters to grow
inside of me and I do not fear their theatrical attempts to dissuade me when I confront them.