Smoking 50mg in one hit.. possible? Options
#1 Posted : 6/30/2013 5:48:30 AM
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How the heck?!
I put about 20-40mg of spice in my gvg
I'm sure i've heared people say they can take 50mg in one hit
I am in utter awe!
I do 30mg in 3 hits.. barely.. My longues won't quite allow it
I don't cough since i stopped burning the spice
but DaaYyum! 50mg in one hit. That sounds fantastic.
Please teach me how to do this Very happy

It is quite a hassle to keep taking more hits while the DMT is surging through my brain. Hehe, every single hit it becomes harder and harder to use my lighter. And i end up putting the pipe down in a funny anxious way. Feeling like.. Oh shit, i sure hope this is going to be okay.

But my "journeys" are always too short and disappointing.

I know i should make changa or harmalas, but meh.. I first want to master the GVG Very happy

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#2 Posted : 6/30/2013 6:03:44 AM


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I'm sure people have done it but 50mg in one hit will be one hell of a ride be careful you may get more than your planning if you achieve this. I'd tread cautiously with anything over 30mgs in one hit.
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#3 Posted : 6/30/2013 6:17:54 AM

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If your response to DMT is normal (eg not on any meds which might attenuate its effects) then any dose over 35mg in one breath via the GVG can be very very heavy indeed; I would not recommend such doses/rate of delivery, certainly in those who take multiple inhalations to clear 30ish mgs.

I would suggest working your way up the dosage scale whilst concentrating on getting it in in one inhalation.Start at 20mg and take it from there; I would be surprised if you wanted to attempt 50mgs once you've seen what 30-35mg can achieve.

The effects of DMT via the GVG in one hit are a so much more demanding when one gets above 35mgs;the number of times Ive experienced 45-50mg in this way I can count on one hand, and it really is excessive IME. Shocked Shocked
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#4 Posted : 6/30/2013 6:44:24 AM
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Thanks guys. Corpus , good advice. I think i will try scaling 20mg and upping from there. I guess there really is a world of difference when you take it all in one single hit.

The gvg is simply clumsy when it comes to smoking larger amounts in one hit.

You can pretty much discard my question at this point tho. I think a proper torch lighter and less cigarette smoking will fix pretty much all the problems i have with the gvg.
#5 Posted : 6/30/2013 7:06:29 AM

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Eventually I imagine you'd just reach ego-annihilating white-out, similar to a massive dose of LSD.
Would 50 mg get you there? I don't know, but I'm not sure I'd want to find out.

Normal doses are fine, and so are white-out doses, as there is no you to suffer, but if you overshoot the normal dose and undershoot white-out, you might be in real trouble.

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#6 Posted : 6/30/2013 7:36:05 AM
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Sometimes i feel like my body gets thorn apart a little. Or that my mouth is starting to fold in on itself. This feels kind of uncomfortable. 15g psilocybe fresh is my dosage.

I guess i am just plain disappointed with some of my DMT experiences. I keep getting stuck pre-breakthrough. It is my belief this is a mental blockage. Even my spirit guide is starting to get cynical with me. >_<

I didn't actually plan on taking 50MG in one hit tho. I dont even load my pipe that full. I just can't get my head around how to fit so much smoke in my longues. xD

Imagining what happens when you just underdose a "white out experience" is a total mind-messing. I don't think i want to find out either. Atleast not today! Very happy

*-* Much love *-*
#7 Posted : 6/30/2013 9:08:55 AM

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Morning Infectedstyle,

Have you tried an alternative ROA?

GVG are very cool and they are very effective but mine is now gathering dust.

I would infuse some herb and smoke it in a bong.

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#8 Posted : 6/30/2013 11:30:06 AM

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I may be making a false assumption but if I've interpreted your last post correctly - 15 g fresh psilocybes as meaning 15 g wet mushrooms then that is really a mild dose of mushrooms.

That sort of dose won't prepare you to blast off with 40 or even 30 mg of spice.

Just go with changa and slowly push your limits that way. Changa will get you where you want to go.
#9 Posted : 6/30/2013 12:33:39 PM

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Nathanial.Dread wrote:
Eventually I imagine you'd just reach ego-annihilating white-out, similar to a massive dose of LSD.
Would 50 mg get you there? I don't know, but I'm not sure I'd want to find out.

Normal doses are fine, and so are white-out doses, as there is no you to suffer, but if you overshoot the normal dose and undershoot white-out, you might be in real trouble.


I've gotten there with 25mg.
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#10 Posted : 6/30/2013 1:50:30 PM

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Infectedstyle wrote:
Thanks guys. Corpus , good advice. I think i will try scaling 20mg and upping from there. I guess there really is a world of difference when you take it all in one single hit.

The gvg is simply clumsy when it comes to smoking larger amounts in one hit.

You can pretty much discard my question at this point tho. I think a proper torch lighter and less cigarette smoking will fix pretty much all the problems i have with the gvg.

What is your technique?

As other have said, the GVG can be very effective, and from my personal experience, taking 25mg in one hit is easy – there’s still room in my lungs for more (not that there is ever a need for more than 25-30mg in a single hit.)

The main reason I wanted a device capable of delivering a full dose in a single hit is similar to what you describe: It becomes increasingly difficult to take additional hits after the first one, so I’d often end up too physically/visually impaired to take a 2nd hit, yet the 1st hit wouldn’t be enough for a breakthrough. Frustrating!

Anyhow, give some details of your GVG use, and I’m sure we can help you figure out how to get a full dose in one hit.
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#11 Posted : 6/30/2013 2:04:00 PM

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I get there on around 25mg in one hit, but i once inhaled 50mg in the first inhale on accident (turned out the friend who hit it before me got nothing and only succeeded in melting it into the herbs). I don't recommend jumping into that willy nilly and without working your way up after getting the smoking technique down. Its more intense and life shattering than can be explained here.

btw if you use a bic lighter forget about it and grab a torch or grill lighter

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#12 Posted : 6/30/2013 5:32:25 PM
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When i smoalk, i hold the pipe semi-sideways.

I hold the lighter near the edge of the top and inhale slowly to make the flame go into the top.

I keep doing this until i feel the DMT is getting to my longues. I exhale a little vapor and exhale some more.

Then i try to take a deep long slow inhale. Then when my long capacity is full i hold it in for aprox 20-30 sec.

Add more flame, same long slow inhale. Hold it in

Then for the final third toke i forget about the lighter. my intuition tells me all the DMT has vapored, and then i take in the last smoke that is left in the GVG and usually close my eyes. Holding in for as long as needed.

A lot of DMT melts through my bed of steel. I think i'm eventually dosing on the 15-25mg range because of this, even tho i fill with 30-40mg

What do you guys think, changa? Or a better lighter?
#13 Posted : 6/30/2013 5:36:35 PM

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Well if its melting through then theres a big problem right there. make a copper mesh screen and put it on top of several other screens (we used in upwards of 7). Theres threads on making a copper choreboy screen elsewhere

There really is no need to take slow hits either. Once you get it heated up, just rip it as hard and as long you can

I prefer changa in a bong over the GVG any day to be honest. But the GVG is nice and great for travelling or while outside in nature. And once you get it down, for freebase especially its probably superior

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 6/30/2013 5:50:26 PM
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I'd love to experience freebase harmalas + freebase DMT . That sounds like heaven to me for exploring DMT and all it's effects. I'm disliking freebase DMT more each time i smoke it. It's just too delicate to work around. And the experience is too short to really get much out of it without breaking-through first go i think.

Nice to know i can rip it as hard as i can. I read somewhere that smoking too hard is bad news. Perhaps i am inhaling mostly oxygen and that's what is saturating my longues at the moment. i just have to be careful not to damage the ceramic layer.

About the copper mesh screen. I'm working on it. For some reason it is a difficult task to get that thing right, but i fell in love using it. I love the taste and smell of DMT and only DMT Very happy
#15 Posted : 6/30/2013 5:55:41 PM
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I'm not planning on smoking anywhere soon in time. I'm savoring for my ayahuasca journey. So i have no worries. Plenty of time to figure out the core of the problems im having with DMT. (which includes cynical voices talking me down from time to time -,-)

Loads of good advice in this thread however. It's the small things i didn't know yet that do the trick i guess. Pleased
#16 Posted : 6/30/2013 7:57:20 PM
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If you want to try to take it all in one hit, I would recommend using a decently sized water pipe. I use to make changa at a 1:1 ratio, and load up my 2 foot graffix with whatever dose I wanted. Just dont let the flame touch the changa a lot, just enough to initially ignite/vape the material.

Slowly fill up the bong, keep it full for about 5 seconds in case you already inhaled some, breath out your nose to empty your lungs, and take the rest in! I have never been shot off into hyperspace so quickly before. This is the only way for me to achieve a 20-30mg dose in one hit.

Edit: I have done as much as 60-70mg in one hit this way...boy oh boy was that an experience of a life time Shocked
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#17 Posted : 7/7/2013 2:05:27 PM

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Infectedstyle wrote:
I'd love to experience freebase harmalas + freebase DMT . That sounds like heaven to me for exploring DMT and all it's effects. I'm disliking freebase DMT more each time i smoke it. It's just too delicate to work around. And the experience is too short to really get much out of it without breaking-through first go i think.

Nice to know i can rip it as hard as i can. I read somewhere that smoking too hard is bad news. Perhaps i am inhaling mostly oxygen and that's what is saturating my longues at the moment. i just have to be careful not to damage the ceramic layer.

About the copper mesh screen. I'm working on it. For some reason it is a difficult task to get that thing right, but i fell in love using it. I love the taste and smell of DMT and only DMT Very happy

Harmalas are the way forwards IMO. I rarely if ever smoke DMT without having first ingested some. Also, a jet lighter is a must and don't worry about damaging the ceramic layer! Get that flame touching the ceramic, sometimes its glowing red while I'm inhaling! Ideally you don't want it that hot though, as it will make the vapors quite hot, but I can easily get a whole 25mg dose in about 5 seconds this way, which is ample. Honestly, anything over 30mg in one go is going to be bordering on overload. If you are losing some of your dose through the mesh, then maybe a thicker wad will stop it from dripping through also.

You'll get there, I believe in you Thumbs up
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#18 Posted : 7/7/2013 7:28:45 PM

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I did 50mg in one go once. Last time ill ever do that for sure. I get the ceramic filter red hot and adjust my inhalation according to how thick the vapor is. Keep it thick and you know your good. Don't suck too slow or too fast. Butane torch is a must IMO. Got mine at Home Depot.
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#19 Posted : 7/7/2013 7:52:41 PM

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I regularly clear 20-30mg in one hit with ash sandwich in my handheld bong, any less just feels uncomfortable any more and ill black out.

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