jamie wrote: "I won't take any vine tonight because i woke up in the middle of the night, feeling really bad and dizzy"
That happened me to often when I was microdosing harmalas every night..though I didnt just feel bad or dizzy I would wake up tripping unable to get to sleep..which left me tired and irritable the next day. I did not always wake up dizzy or anything though sometimes just tripping feeling okay but just too awake to sleep..though other times I would wake up with nauseating tracers and stuff.
Dose like that for a year reality can get very very weird man. It's like being psychic or something at times with a serious lack of sleep lol.
It's a very strong wakefulness promoter and it should be treated in a similar fashion to caffeine. Its mode of action seems to be different. Maybe it inhibits melatonin in some way due to excess serotonin running around; either way it is very good for combatting sleep deprivation. But it can also *induce* sleep deprivation, which is why it's not a good idea to dose it late at night particularly through ROAs other than vaping alone.
Combined with L-tryptophan or even just melatonin, the wakefulness promotion is inhibited it appears. However I don't think it would be wise to dose tryptophan too regularly while under MAO inhibition.
Unlike caffeine it doesn't force you awake at your own expense but it does require you to treat sleep very differently. Sleep becomes something more of a choice than a necessity, which can lead to sleep deprivation if you fall out of your natural cycle due to being unaware of your dosage pattern. It behaves most similarly to Modafinil in my experience. On Modafinil you can get to sleep just fine unlike caffeine but there is a good chance you won't want to! As a result the cumulative effects of sleep deprivation can take you out.
Quote: I have noticed an increase in "ideas" or "messages" if you will and some of them are similiar to the messages i get on full brews.
I notice this to be a distinct effect of harmalas when in the system for a long enough period of time (i.e. dosed orally). You will find insights/new angles of perception continuously flooding your mind every few minutes or hours. Very good for mindfulness and exceedingly psychedelic. They go as fast as they come but they just don't stop coming.
Thanks for the links Toloache
Interestingly: In further studies to seed of P. nigellastrum Bunge, activity-guided fractionation led to the isolation of
two new alkaloids nigellastrine I (9) and nigellastrine II (10), and along with eight known alkaloids, vasicinone (1), vasicine (2), harmine (3), deoxyvasicinone (4), deoxyvasicine (5), harmaline (6), harmol (7), harman (

, in which harmol and harman were first isolated from species P. nigellastrum Bunge. As active constituents, all compounds showed good inhibitory activities against AChE.
http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/19784581Wonder if this could lend any clue to the makeup of Harmala Red? How would we isolate these two alkaloids?